Exemple #1
    def __init__(self,consensus,score,bin_pair_group,took_reverse_compliment,constants_dict):
        Goal: Initialization function of junction
            consensus                -- str
            score                    -- float
            bin_pair_group           -- list[bin_pair]
            took_reverse_coompliment -- bool
            constants_dict           -- dict[str->multiple types]

        #Read in arguments
        self.consensus = consensus
        self.score = score
        self.bin_pair_group = bin_pair_group
        self.took_reverse_compliment = took_reverse_compliment
        self.constants_dict = constants_dict

        #Find chromosome, bin_pair and strand info from the first mapped read
        rep_bin_pair = self.bin_pair_group[0]
        self.bin_pair = rep_bin_pair.bin_pair
        self.upstream_sam = SAMEntry()
        self.downstream_sam = SAMEntry()
Exemple #2
class Junction(object):
    __slots__ = ["consensus","score","bin_pair","bin_pair_group","took_reverse_compliment","constants_dict",

    def __init__(self,consensus,score,bin_pair_group,took_reverse_compliment,constants_dict):
        Goal: Initialization function of junction
            consensus                -- str
            score                    -- float
            bin_pair_group           -- list[bin_pair]
            took_reverse_coompliment -- bool
            constants_dict           -- dict[str->multiple types]

        #Read in arguments
        self.consensus = consensus
        self.score = score
        self.bin_pair_group = bin_pair_group
        self.took_reverse_compliment = took_reverse_compliment
        self.constants_dict = constants_dict

        #Find chromosome, bin_pair and strand info from the first mapped read
        rep_bin_pair = self.bin_pair_group[0]
        self.bin_pair = rep_bin_pair.bin_pair
        self.upstream_sam = SAMEntry()
        self.downstream_sam = SAMEntry()

    #Use the sam's again to find the splice index in reference to the concensus
    def splice_ind(self):
        Goal: Get the splice site in consensus coordinates [0,len(consensus)-1]

            the 3' edge of the upstream sequence if both sams are defined
            otherwise returns the middle index of the consensus as a guess
        if self.upstream_sam.exists and self.downstream_sam.exists:
            return len(self.upstream_sam.seq)
            return len(self.consensus)/2

    #Use the sam's again to find the size of the gap between the two pieces
    def splice_gap(self):
        Goal: Find the distance between the upstream and downstream splice sites
              in consensus coordinates [0,len(consensus)-1]

            the distance between the 3' end of the upstream and 5' end of the downstream
            if one or both of the sam's are undefined return -1
        if self.upstream_sam.exists and self.downstream_sam.exists:
            upstream_pos = -1
            downstream_pos = -1
            comp = {"A":"T","T":"A","C":"G","G":"C","N":"N"}

            #Check if mapping needs to have rev comp for upstream
            if self.upstream_sam.seq in self.consensus:
                upstream_pos = self.consensus.index(self.upstream_sam.seq)+len(self.upstream_sam.seq)
                rev_upstream_seq = "".join([comp[x] for x in self.upstream_sam.seq])[::-1]
                upstream_pos = self.consensus.index(rev_upstream_seq)+len(self.upstream_sam.seq)

            #Check if mapping needs to have rev comp for downstream
            if self.downstream_sam.seq in self.consensus:
                downstream_pos = self.consensus.index(self.downstream_sam.seq)
                rev_downstream_seq = "".join([comp[x] for x in self.downstream_sam.seq])[::-1]
                downstream_pos = self.consensus.index(rev_downstream_seq)
            #Return the difference (should always be positive)
            return upstream_pos-downstream_pos

        #If at least one of the two is undefined then just return -1
            return -1

    #Use the sam's again to find the size of the gap between the two pieces
    def span(self):
        Goal: find the genomic span between the sams

            if both exist subtract the stop of the downstream
            from the upstream start position (can be negative)
            if one or both don't exist just return -1
        if self.upstream_sam.exists and self.downstream_sam.exists:
            return self.upstream_sam.start-self.downstream_sam.stop
            return -1

    #Give a name to the splice type for this junction
    def splice_type(self):
        Goal: get the type of splice this junction represents

            "Full" if both sams exist and have zero gaps in the split
            "Gapped" if both sams exist but there is space in the middle
            "Five_Only" if only the upstream sam exists
            "Three_Only" if only the downstream sam exists
            "None" if niether sam exists
        if self.upstream_sam.exists and self.downstream_sam.exists:
            if self.splice_gap() == 0:
                return "Full"
                return "Gapped"
        elif self.upstream_sam.exists:
            return "Five_Only"
        elif self.downstream_sam.exists:
            return "Three_Only"
            return "None"

    #Check to see if this jct represents a fusion
    def check_fusion(self,span_cutoff=1e6):
        Goal: check if this junction represents a fusion

            bool of whether or not the upstream and downstream have different genes
            if one or more don't exists then return False
        if self.at_boundary("upstream") and self.at_boundary("downstream"):
            if self.upstream_sam.chromosome != self.downstream_sam.chromosome:
                return True
            elif self.upstream_sam.strand != self.downstream_sam.strand:
                return True
            elif abs(self.span()) > span_cutoff:
                return True

        #If none of the previous ifs are hit, return false
        return False

    #Get distance to closest splice boundary
    def boundary_dist(self,stream):
        Goal: get the distance of the specified stream from the closest exon
            stream which is a string and can be either "upstream" or "downstream"

            the min distance to any exon of the specified stream
            if the specified stream is not specified, then returns -1
        sam = self.upstream_sam if stream == "upstream" else self.downstream_sam
        if sam.gtf:
            boundary_start = sam.gtf.start
            boundary_stop = sam.gtf.stop
            sam_pos = sam.stop if stream == "upstream" else sam.start
            start_dist = abs(sam_pos-boundary_start)
            stop_dist = abs(sam_pos-boundary_stop)
            return min(start_dist,stop_dist)
            return -1

    #Return whether or not an upstream and downstream is at a boundary
    def at_boundary(self,stream,radius=3):
        Goal: check to see if the specified sam is at an exon boundary
            stream of type string. should be "upstream" or "downstream"
            to specify which sam to check

            radius is optional and signifies the maximum distance from
            an exon boundary to consider a sam. Default is 3

            a boolean of whether or not the specified sam is within
            'radius' distance of any exon boundary
        dist = self.boundary_dist(stream)
        if 0 <= dist <= radius:
            return True
            return False

    #Returns whether or not this junction is linear
    def linear(self):
        Goal: check to see if this junction in linear

            a boolean of whether the junction is linear or not
        five_prime_bin,three_prime_bin,strand_info = self.bin_pair.split("_")
        five_prime_chr = five_prime_bin.split(":")[0]
        five_prime_bin = five_prime_bin.split(":")[1]
        three_prime_chr = three_prime_bin.split(":")[0]
        three_prime_bin = three_prime_bin.split(":")[1]
        linear = True if int(five_prime_bin) <= int(three_prime_bin) else False
        linear = not linear if self.took_reverse_compliment else linear
        return linear

    #Format the junction for MACHETE in fasta form
    #NOTE only call this function on 'fusion' identified junctions
    def fasta_MACHETE(self):
        Goal: produce a fasta_string for MACHETE
            a fasta formatted string (with a newline between header and sequence)
        #Make the necessary variables
        chrom1 = self.upstream_sam.chromosome
        chrom2 = self.downstream_sam.chromosome
        genes1 = self.upstream_sam.str_gene()
        genes2 = self.downstream_sam.str_gene()
        start1 = self.upstream_sam.start
        start2 = self.downstream_sam.start
        strand1 = self.upstream_sam.strand
        strand2 = self.downstream_sam.strand

        #Start building the fasta string
        fasta_str = ""
        fasta_str += ">"
        fasta_str += str(chrom1)+":"+str(genes1)+":"+str(start1)+":"+str(strand1)+"|"
        fasta_str += str(chrom2)+":"+str(genes2)+":"+str(start2)+":"+str(strand2)+"|"
        fasta_str += "fusion\n" if self.check_fusion() else "no_fusion\n"

        # Add N padding to the consensus to get a uniform len
        full_consensus = None
        if self.splice_ind() != -1:
            splice_flank_len = int(self.constants_dict["splice_flank_len"])
            left_padding = "N"*(splice_flank_len-self.splice_ind())
            right_padding = "N"*(splice_flank_len-(len(self.consensus)-self.splice_ind()))
            five_consensus = self.consensus[:self.splice_ind()]
            three_consensus = self.consensus[self.splice_ind():]
            full_consensus = left_padding+five_consensus+three_consensus+right_padding

        #Add the actual padded consensus to the output string
        fasta_str += str(full_consensus)+"\n"

        return fasta_str

    #Format the junction to print in fasta form
    def fasta_string(self,jct_ind=False):
        Goal: produce a fasta_string
            optionally include a junction index.
            if it is included, it will be printed out

            a fasta formatted string (with a newline between header and sequence)
        fasta_str = ""
        fasta_str += ">|"+str(self.upstream_sam.chromosome)+"|"
        fasta_str += str(self.upstream_sam.str_gene())+"|"
        fasta_str += str(self.upstream_sam.start)+"-"
        fasta_str += str(self.upstream_sam.stop)+"|"
        fasta_str += "strand1:"+str(self.upstream_sam.strand)+"|"
        fasta_str += "boundary_dist1:"+str(self.boundary_dist("upstream"))+"|"
        fasta_str += "at_boundary1:"+str(self.at_boundary("upstream"))+"|_"

        fasta_str += "|"+str(self.downstream_sam.chromosome)+"|"
        fasta_str += str(self.downstream_sam.str_gene())+"|"
        fasta_str += str(self.downstream_sam.start)+"-"
        fasta_str += str(self.downstream_sam.stop)+"|"
        fasta_str += "strand2:"+str(self.downstream_sam.strand)+"|"
        fasta_str += "boundary_dist2:"+str(self.boundary_dist("downstream"))+"|"
        fasta_str += "at_boundary2:"+str(self.at_boundary("downstream"))+"|_"

        fasta_str += "|splice:"+str(self.splice_ind())+"|"
        fasta_str += "score:"+str(self.score)+"|"
        #fasta_str += "fusion:"+str(self.check_fusion())+"|" #seems like unnecessary info at this point
        fasta_str += "num:"+str(len(self.bin_pair_group))+"|"
        fasta_str += "splice:"+str(self.splice_type())+"|"
        fasta_str += "jct_ind:"+str(jct_ind)+"|\n" if jct_ind else "\n"

        # Add N padding to the consensus to get a uniform len
        full_consensus = None
        if self.splice_ind() != -1:
            splice_flank_len = int(self.constants_dict["splice_flank_len"])
            left_padding = "N"*(splice_flank_len-self.splice_ind())
            right_padding = "N"*(splice_flank_len-(len(self.consensus)-self.splice_ind()))
            five_consensus = self.consensus[:self.splice_ind()]
            three_consensus = self.consensus[self.splice_ind():]
            full_consensus = left_padding+five_consensus+three_consensus+right_padding

        fasta_str += str(full_consensus)+"\n"

        #Also printing out gtf information
        #fasta_str += "Upstream_gtf:"+str(self.upstream_sam.gtf)+"\n"
        #fasta_str += "Downstream_gtf:"+str(self.downstream_sam.gtf)+"\n"
        return fasta_str

    #Format the junction to print in fasta form
    def verbose_fasta_string(self):
        Goal: produce a fasta formatted string of this junction with lots of header info

            a fasta string (with a newline between the header and sequence)
        fasta_str = ""
        fasta_str += ">|chromosome1:"+str(self.upstream_sam.chromosome)+"|"
        fasta_str += "genes1:"+str(self.upstream_sam.str_gene())+"|"
        fasta_str += "start1:"+str(self.upstream_sam.start)+"|"
        fasta_str += "stop1:"+str(self.upstream_sam.stop)+"|"
        fasta_str += "strand1:"+str(self.upstream_sam.strand)+"|_"

        fasta_str += "|chromosome2:"+str(self.downstream_sam.chromosome)+"|"
        fasta_str += "genes2:"+str(self.downstream_sam.str_gene())+"|"
        fasta_str += "start2:"+str(self.downstream_sam.start)+"|"
        fasta_str += "stop2:"+str(self.downstream_sam.stop)+"|"
        fasta_str += "strand2:"+str(self.downstream_sam.strand)+"|"

        fasta_str += "splice:"+str(self.splice_ind())+"|"
        fasta_str += "span:"+str(self.span())+"|"
        fasta_str += "score:"+str(self.score)+"|"
        fasta_str += "fusion:"+str(self.check_fusion())+"|"
        fasta_str += "num:"+str(len(self.bin_pair_group))+"|"
        fasta_str += "splice-gap:"+str(self.splice_gap())+"|"
        fasta_str += "splice-type:"+str(self.splice_type())+"|"
        fasta_str += "took-rev-comp:"+str(self.took_reverse_compliment)+"|\n"

        # Add N padding to the consensus to get a uniform len
        full_consensus = None
        if self.splice_ind() != -1:
            splice_flank_len = int(self.constants_dict["splice_flank_len"])
            left_padding = "N"*(splice_flank_len-self.splice_ind())
            right_padding = "N"*(splice_flank_len-(len(self.consensus)-self.splice_ind()))
            five_consensus = self.consensus[:self.splice_ind()]
            three_consensus = self.consensus[self.splice_ind():]
            full_consensus = left_padding+five_consensus+three_consensus+right_padding

        fasta_str += str(full_consensus)+"\n"
        return fasta_str

    #More human readable format
    def __str__(self):
        Goal: output the junction in an expanded human readable form

            the string to be printed out
        out_str = ""
        out_str += "Junction with bin pair ["+self.bin_pair+"] with ["+str(len(self.bin_pair_group))+"] reads mapped\n"
        out_str += "Linear " if self.linear() else "Non-Linear "
        out_str += "Upstream on the "+str(self.upstream_sam.strand)+" strand and downstream on the "+str(self.downstream_sam.strand)+"\n"
        out_str += "5' map position ["+str(self.upstream_sam.start)+"-"+str(self.upstream_sam.stop)+"]\n"
        out_str += "3' map position ["+str(self.downstream_sam.start)+"-"+str(self.downstream_sam.stop)+"]\n"
        out_str += "Consensus with score ["+str(self.score)+"] and upstream splice site ["+str(self.upstream_sam.stop)+"]:\n"
        out_str += str(self.consensus)+"\n"
        out_str += str(self.upstream_sam.seq)+"\n"
        out_str += " "*len(str(self.upstream_sam.seq))+str(self.downstream_sam.seq)+"\n"
        out_str += "Upstream genes ["+str(self.upstream_sam.str_gene())+"]\n"
        out_str += "Downstream genes ["+str(self.downstream_sam.str_gene())+"]\n"
        return out_str

    #Rank junctions in order of bin_pairs when sorted
    def __lt__(self,other):
        Goal: give a comparison operator for the Junction class
            other junction to compare to

            a boolean of whether or not this bin_pair
            is smaller than the other bin_pair
        return self.bin_pair < other.bin_pair
Exemple #3
fasta_for_bowtie_index_name = out_dir + stem + "_SPORK_preprocess_Junctions.fa"
gtfs = generate_gtfs(gtf)
if use_prior and os.path.isfile(fasta_for_bowtie_index_name):
    write_time("Using prior jcts: " + fasta_for_bowtie_index_name, time.time(),
    # Store all five prime mappings by base_read_id (read_id w/out 5_prime or 3_prime)
    # There should not be two identical base_read_id's
    id_to_sam_dict = {}
    with open(five_prime_mapped_name, "r") as five_prime_mapped:
        sam_line = five_prime_mapped.readline()
        while sam_line and "@" == sam_line[0]:  #Read past the header lines
            sam_line = five_prime_mapped.readline()

        while sam_line:
            sam_entry = SAMEntry(sam_line)
            base_read_id = sam_entry.read_id.split("/")[0]
            if base_read_id in id_to_sam_dict:
                    "ERROR: Found duplicate base_read_id in 5_prime mappings\n"
            # Filter out the strange chromosomes: (e.g. chrUn_gl000220)
            if "_" not in sam_entry.chromosome:
                id_to_sam_dict[base_read_id] = sam_entry
            sam_line = five_prime_mapped.readline()

    # Now walk through the three prime mappings creating bin pairs from all shared ids
    bin_pairs = []
    with open(three_prime_mapped_name, "r") as three_prime_mapped:
        sam_line = three_prime_mapped.readline()