Exemple #1
    def test_SpecialAttrWrapper(self):
        """Test the SpecialAttrWrapper() function."""
        input_list = [ '$FOO', SpecialAttrWrapper('$BAR', 'BLEH') ]
        gvars = { 'FOO' : 'BAZ', 'BAR' : 'BLAT' }

        def escape_func(cmd):
            return '**' + cmd + '**'

        cmd_list = scons_subst_list(input_list, None, gvars=gvars)
        cmd_list = escape_list(cmd_list[0], escape_func)
        assert cmd_list == ['BAZ', '**$BAR**'], cmd_list

        cmd_list = scons_subst_list(input_list, None, mode=SUBST_SIG, gvars=gvars)
        cmd_list = escape_list(cmd_list[0], escape_func)
        assert cmd_list == ['BAZ', '**BLEH**'], cmd_list
Exemple #2
    def execute(self, target, source, env):
        """Execute a command action.

        This will handle lists of commands as well as individual commands,
        because construction variable substitution may turn a single
        "command" into a list.  This means that this class can actually
        handle lists of commands, even though that's not how we use it
        from SCons.Subst import escape_list
        from SCons.Util import is_String, is_List, flatten

            shell = env['SHELL']
        except KeyError:
            raise SCons.Errors.UserError('Missing SHELL construction variable.')

            spawn = env['SPAWN']
        except KeyError:
            raise SCons.Errors.UserError('Missing SPAWN construction variable.')

        escape = env.get('ESCAPE', lambda x: x)

            ENV = env['ENV']
        except KeyError:
            global default_ENV
            if not default_ENV:
                import SCons.Environment
                default_ENV = SCons.Environment.Environment()['ENV']
            ENV = default_ENV

        # Ensure that the ENV values are all strings:
        for key, value in ENV.items():
            if not is_String(value):
                if is_List(value):
                    # If the value is a list, then we assume it is a
                    # path list, because that's a pretty common list-like
                    # value to stick in an environment variable:
                    value = flatten(value)
                    ENV[key] = string.join(map(str, value), os.pathsep)
                    # If it isn't a string or a list, then we just coerce
                    # it to a string, which is the proper way to handle
                    # Dir and File instances and will produce something
                    # reasonable for just about everything else:
                    ENV[key] = str(value)

        cmd_list, ignore, silent = self.process(target, map(rfile, source), env)

        # Use len() to filter out any "command" that's zero-length.
        for cmd_line in filter(len, cmd_list):
            # Escape the command line for the interpreter we are using.
            cmd_line = escape_list(cmd_line, escape)
            result = spawn(shell, escape, cmd_line[0], cmd_line, ENV)
            if not ignore and result:
                return result
        return 0
Exemple #3
    def test_Literal(self):
        """Test the Literal() function."""
        input_list = [ '$FOO', Literal('$BAR') ]
        gvars = { 'FOO' : 'BAZ', 'BAR' : 'BLAT' }

        def escape_func(cmd):
            return '**' + cmd + '**'

        cmd_list = scons_subst_list(input_list, None, gvars=gvars)
        cmd_list = escape_list(cmd_list[0], escape_func)
        assert cmd_list == ['BAZ', '**$BAR**'], cmd_list
Exemple #4
    def execute(self, target, source, env):
        """Execute a command action.

        This will handle lists of commands as well as individual commands,
        because construction variable substitution may turn a single
        "command" into a list.  This means that this class can actually
        handle lists of commands, even though that's not how we use it
        from SCons.Subst import escape_list
        import SCons.Util
        flatten = SCons.Util.flatten
        is_String = SCons.Util.is_String
        is_List = SCons.Util.is_List

            shell = env['SHELL']
        except KeyError:
            raise SCons.Errors.UserError(
                'Missing SHELL construction variable.')

            spawn = env['SPAWN']
        except KeyError:
            raise SCons.Errors.UserError(
                'Missing SPAWN construction variable.')
            if is_String(spawn):
                spawn = env.subst(spawn, raw=1, conv=lambda x: x)

        escape = env.get('ESCAPE', lambda x: x)

            ENV = env['ENV']
        except KeyError:
            global default_ENV
            if not default_ENV:
                import SCons.Environment
                default_ENV = SCons.Environment.Environment()['ENV']
            ENV = default_ENV

        # Ensure that the ENV values are all strings:
        for key, value in ENV.items():
            if not is_String(value):
                if is_List(value):
                    # If the value is a list, then we assume it is a
                    # path list, because that's a pretty common list-like
                    # value to stick in an environment variable:
                    value = flatten(value)
                    ENV[key] = string.join(map(str, value), os.pathsep)
                    # If it isn't a string or a list, then we just coerce
                    # it to a string, which is the proper way to handle
                    # Dir and File instances and will produce something
                    # reasonable for just about everything else:
                    ENV[key] = str(value)

        cmd_list, ignore, silent = self.process(target, map(rfile, source),

        # Use len() to filter out any "command" that's zero-length.
        for cmd_line in filter(len, cmd_list):
            # Escape the command line for the interpreter we are using.
            cmd_line = escape_list(cmd_line, escape)
            result = spawn(shell, escape, cmd_line[0], cmd_line, ENV)
            if not ignore and result:
                return result
        return 0
Exemple #5
    def execute(self, target, source, env):
        """Execute a command action.

        This will handle lists of commands as well as individual commands,
        because construction variable substitution may turn a single
        "command" into a list.  This means that this class can actually
        handle lists of commands, even though that's not how we use it
        from SCons.Subst import escape_list
        import SCons.Util
        flatten = SCons.Util.flatten
        is_String = SCons.Util.is_String
        is_List = SCons.Util.is_List

            shell = env['SHELL']
        except KeyError:
            raise SCons.Errors.UserError('Missing SHELL construction variable.')

            spawn = env['SPAWN']
        except KeyError:
            raise SCons.Errors.UserError('Missing SPAWN construction variable.')
            if is_String(spawn):
                spawn = env.subst(spawn, raw=1, conv=lambda x: x)

        escape = env.get('ESCAPE', lambda x: x)

            ENV = env['ENV']
        except KeyError:
            global default_ENV
            if not default_ENV:
                import SCons.Environment
                default_ENV = SCons.Environment.Environment()['ENV']
            ENV = default_ENV

        # Ensure that the ENV values are all strings:
        for key, value in ENV.items():
            if not is_String(value):
                if is_List(value):
                    # If the value is a list, then we assume it is a
                    # path list, because that's a pretty common list-like
                    # value to stick in an environment variable:
                    value = flatten(value)
                    ENV[key] = string.join(map(str, value), os.pathsep)
                    # If it isn't a string or a list, then we just coerce
                    # it to a string, which is the proper way to handle
                    # Dir and File instances and will produce something
                    # reasonable for just about everything else:
                    ENV[key] = str(value)

        cmd_list, ignore, silent = self.process(target, map(rfile, source), env)

        # Use len() to filter out any "command" that's zero-length.
        for cmd_line in filter(len, cmd_list):
            # Escape the command line for the interpreter we are using.
            cmd_line = escape_list(cmd_line, escape)

            # DLADD: JRH 20151022 SF37871/SF37872: DLE now contains to many .java and .cs files
            #                                      to compile with the standard windows cmd.exe
            # on windows, use powershell when available/necessary (to avoid command line length limit failures)
            if (sys.platform == 'win32'): 
                    maxline = int(env.subst('$MAXLINELENGTH'))
                except ValueError:
                    maxline = 2048

                psc_key = None
                psc_value = None
                    import _winreg as wreg
                    psc_key = wreg.OpenKey(wreg.HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, 'Microsoft.PowerShellConsole.1')
                    psc_value = wreg.QueryValueEx(psc_key, 'FriendlyTypeName')
                    pass # don't do anything (and don't alter the 'pre-patch' behavior)
                    if psc_key != None:

                if psc_value != None:
                    # the parse logic (below) might be a bit sketchy since it implies a schema
                    # for the registry key. if that schema should change, this logic will fail
                    # to tease the path out of the registry key's raw value. at present, the
                    # raw value is a tuple that contains a compound, "tuple-like" string. at the
                    # time of this patch application the registry key was (the tuple):
                    # @"%systemroot%\system32\windowspowershell\v1.0\powershell.exe",-107
                    raw_path = psc_value[0].split('"')[1]

                    if '%systemroot%' in raw_path:
                        # we must manually perform replacement (e.g., %systemroot% -> 'c:\')
                        # since the current python/scons context will not do so.
                        powershell_path = string.replace(raw_path, '%systemroot%', os.getenv('systemroot'))

                    if os.path.isfile(powershell_path):
                        maxline -= (len(cmd_line) - 1) # account for command line whitespace
                        for item in cmd_line:
                            maxline -= len(item)
                            if maxline < 0:
                                # we're facing a 'command line to long error'
                                # so, use powershell instead...
                                shell = powershell_path

            result = spawn(shell, escape, cmd_line[0], cmd_line, ENV)
            if not ignore and result:
                return result
        return 0