Exemple #1
def get_filings(companyCode, date='20200101', cik=None, count=100):
    if cik is None:
        with open('company_list.txt', 'r') as f:
            for line in f:
                if companyCode in line:
                    line_arr = line.rstrip().split(' ')
                    cik = line_arr[-1]

    if cik is None:
        print("cik not provided and not found in list. please try again.")

    # create object
    seccrawler = SecCrawler()
    seccrawler.filing_10K(str(companyCode), str(cik), str(date), str(count))

    dest_dir = companyCode + "/"
    src_dir = dest_dir + cik + "/10-K/"
    years_downloaded = []

    for old_filename in os.listdir(src_dir):
        parts = old_filename.split('-')
        old_year = parts[1]
        if int(old_year) > 50:
            new_year = '19' + old_year
            new_year = '20' + old_year

        os.rename(src_dir + old_filename, dest_dir + companyCode + '_10K_' + new_year + '.txt')

    shutil.rmtree(dest_dir + cik + '/')

    # create object
    seccrawler = SecCrawler()
    seccrawler.filing_10Q(str(companyCode), str(cik), str(date), str(count))

    dest_dir = companyCode + "/"
    src_dir = dest_dir + cik + "/10-Q/"
    years_downloaded = []

    for old_filename in os.listdir(src_dir):
        parts = old_filename.split('-')
        old_year = parts[1]
        if int(old_year) > 20:
            new_year = '19' + old_year
            new_year = '20' + old_year

        os.rename(src_dir + old_filename, dest_dir + companyCode + '_10Q_' + new_year + '.txt')

    shutil.rmtree(dest_dir + cik + '/')
    return years_downloaded
Exemple #2
def get_filings(cik, ticker):
    t1 = time.time()

    # create object
    seccrawler = SecCrawler()

    companyCode = ticker  # company code for apple
    cik = cik  # cik code for apple
    date = '20170101'  # date from which filings should be downloaded
    count = '10'  # no of filings

    seccrawler.filing_10K(str(companyCode), str(cik), str(date), str(count))

    t2 = time.time()
    print("Total Time taken: "),
    print(t2 - t1)
Exemple #3
def get_filings(cik, ticker):
    t1 = time.time()

    # create object
    seccrawler = SecCrawler()

    companyCode = ticker
    cik = cik
    date = '20170101'
    count = '10'

    seccrawler.filing_10K(str(companyCode), str(cik), str(date), str(count))

    t2 = time.time()
    print("Total Time taken: "),
    print(t2 - t1)
Exemple #4
def getfilings():
    t1 = time.time()

    # create object
    seccrawler = SecCrawler()

    companyCode = 'AAPL'  # compnay ticker symbol for Apple
    cik = '0000320193'  # cik code for Apple
    date = '20010101'  # date from which filings should be downloaded (01/01/2001 in this case)
    count = '10'  # the number of filings

    seccrawler.filing_10Q(str(companyCode), str(cik), str(date), str(count))
    seccrawler.filing_10K(str(companyCode), str(cik), str(date), str(count))
    seccrawler.filing_8K(str(companyCode), str(cik), str(date), str(count))
    seccrawler.filing_13F(str(companyCode), str(cik), str(date), str(count))

    t2 = time.time()
    print("Total time taken: ")
    print(t2 - t1)
Exemple #5
    def scrape_edgar(self):
        """This is the function that will scrape the SEC Edgar website and download all 10-Ks.
        We are using a third-party package called SECEdgar which does the job, but this would
        be improved if we wrote our own web crawler that could pre-filter any amended 10-Ks and
        10-Ks that fall outside of our date range before downloading them."""
        # Remove any duplicates where CUSIP, PERMNO, and CIK match
        ciks = self.data.drop_duplicates(subset=['CUSIP', 'PERMNO', 'cik'])

        # Only keep the cik and ticker column
        ciks = ciks[['cik', 'tic']]

        # Iterate over each CIK and pull the relevant 10k filings
        crawler = SecCrawler()
        end_date = str(self.end) + '1231'
        count = str(math.ceil((self.end - self.start) / 10) * 10)
        p = Pool()
        rows = ciks.to_dict(orient='records')
        results = p.starmap(crawl, zip(rows, repeat(end_date), repeat(count), repeat(crawler)))
Exemple #6
def get_filings():
    t1 = time.time()

    DEFAULT_DATA_PATH = os.path.join(os.path.abspath(os.getcwd()), 'output')

    # create object
    seccrawler = SecCrawler()

    companyCode = 'AAPL'  # company code for apple
    cik = '0000320193'  # cik code for apple
    date = '20010101'  # date from which filings should be downloaded
    count = '10'  # no of filings

    seccrawler.filing_10Q(str(companyCode), str(cik), str(date), str(count))
    seccrawler.filing_10K(str(companyCode), str(cik), str(date), str(count))
    seccrawler.filing_8K(str(companyCode), str(cik), str(date), str(count))
    seccrawler.filing_13F(str(companyCode), str(cik), str(date), str(count))

    t2 = time.time()
    print("Total Time taken: "),
    print(t2 - t1)
Exemple #7
def test():
    t1 = time.time()
    # file containing company name and corresponding cik codes
    seccrawler = SecCrawler()

    company_code_list = list()  # company code list
    cik_list = list()  # cik code list
    date_list = list()  # pror date list
    count_list = list()

        crs = open("data.txt", "r")
        print("No input file Found")

    # get the company  quotes and cik number from the file.
    for columns in (raw.strip().split() for raw in crs):

    # call different API from the crawler
    #for i in range(1, len(cik_list)):
    # seccrawler.filing_SD(str(company_code_list[i]), str(cik_list[i]),
    #                     str(date_list[i]), str(count_list[i]))
    # seccrawler.filing_10K(str(company_code_list[i]), str(cik_list[i]),
    #                      str(date_list[i]), str(count_list[i]))
    # seccrawler.filing_8K(str(company_code_list[i]), str(cik_list[i]),
    #                     str(date_list[i]), str(count_list[i]))
    seccrawler.filing_10Q('AAPL', '0000320193', '20170101', '1')

    t2 = time.time()
    print("Total Time taken: "),
    print(t2 - t1)
Exemple #8
def crawler():
    obj = SecCrawler()
    return obj
Exemple #9
from SECEdgar.crawler import SecCrawler

crawler = SecCrawler()

def get(symbol):
    crawler.filing_10Q(symbol, '0000320193', '20010101', '10')

# http://rankandfiled.com/#/data/tickers
Exemple #10
def crawler():
    _crawler = SecCrawler()
    yield _crawler
Exemple #11
def crawler():
    _crawler = SecCrawler()
    yield _crawler
from SECEdgar.crawler import SecCrawler

filings = SecCrawler()
filings.filing_10Q("MSFT", "0000789019", "20190101", 100)