def estimateBackground(fine, infile, flex=None, outname=None):

    if outname is None:
        print "Need an output name"

    dX = 0
    dY = 0

    infile[0].data = infile[0].data.astype(np.float64)
    data = infile[0].data.copy()

    for ff in fine:
        if not ff.ok: continue
        if ff.xrange is None: continue
        if ff.poly is None: continue
        xs = np.arange(*ff.xrange)
        ys = np.round(np.poly1d(ff.poly)(xs)).astype(

        for dY in xrange(-5,6):
            ty = ys.copy() - dY
            try: data[ty,xs] = np.nan
            except: pass

    from astropy.convolution import convolve, convolve_fft, Box2DKernel

    print "Traditional convolve (pass 1)"
    k = Box2DKernel(17)
    flt = data.copy()
    NaNs = ~np.isfinite(data)
    OKs = np.isfinite(data)
    for i in xrange(5):
        flt = convolve(flt, k)
        flt[OKs] = data[OKs]
        #IO.writefits(pf.PrimaryHDU(flt), "test_%i.fits.gz" % i, clobber=True)

    data[NaNs] = flt[NaNs]
    fname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(outname), 
        "lf_" + os.path.basename(outname))
    #IO.writefits(data, fname, clobber=True)

    print "FFT convolve (pass 2)"
    #k = Box2DKernel(70)
    #flt = convolve_fft(data, k)
    flt = gaussian_filter(data, 100)

    fname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(outname), 
        "bgd_" + os.path.basename(outname))
    HDU = pf.PrimaryHDU(flt)
    IO.writefits(HDU, fname, clobber=True)

    fname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(outname), 
        "bs_" + os.path.basename(outname))
    infile[0].header["BGDSUB"] = "Background subtracted with %s" % fname
    infile[0].data -= flt

    IO.writefits(infile, fname, clobber=True)

    return flt
Exemple #2
        description="""Divides a science frame by the flat frame, handles flexure

        """, formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter)

    parser.add_argument('flatfits', type=str, help='Flat field fits file')
    parser.add_argument('toflattenfits', type=str, help='To flatten fits file')
    parser.add_argument('--flexnpy', type=str, help='Flexure .npy file', default=None)

    parser.add_argument('--outfile', type=str, help='Output filename', default=None)

    args = parser.parse_args()

    flat =[0].data
    toflat =
    if args.flexnpy is not None:
        flex = np.load(args.flexnpy)[0]
        nmToPix = flex['skyline']/240
        dX =['dXnm'] * nmToPix))
        dY =['dYpix']))
        print("Rolling by %i/%i" % (dX, dY))
        flat = np.roll(flat, dY, 0)
        flat = np.roll(flat, dX, 1)
        toflat[0].header["FLATROLL"] = ("%s/%s" % (dX, dY), 
                                        "Flat field flexure correction")

    toflat[0].data /= flat
    toflat[0].header["FLATBY"] = (args.toflattenfits, "Flat field applied")
    toflat[0].data = toflat[0].data.astype(np.float32)
    IO.writefits( toflat, args.outfile, clobber=True, no_lossy_compress=True)

Exemple #3
def estimateBackground(fine, infile, flex=None, outname=None):

    if outname is None:
        print "Need an output name"

    dX = 0
    dY = 0

    infile[0].data = infile[0].data.astype(np.float64)
    data = infile[0].data.copy()

    for ff in fine:
        if not ff.ok: continue
        if ff.xrange is None: continue
        if ff.poly is None: continue

        xs = np.arange(*ff.xrange)
        ys = np.round(np.poly1d(ff.poly)(xs)).astype(

        for dY in xrange(-5, 6):
            ty = ys.copy() - dY
                data[ty, xs] = np.nan

    from astropy.convolution import convolve, convolve_fft, Box2DKernel

    print "Traditional convolve (pass 1)"
    k = Box2DKernel(17)
    flt = data.copy()
    NaNs = ~np.isfinite(data)
    OKs = np.isfinite(data)
    for i in xrange(5):
        flt = convolve(flt, k)
        flt[OKs] = data[OKs]
        #IO.writefits(pf.PrimaryHDU(flt), "test_%i.fits.gz" % i, clobber=True)

    data[NaNs] = flt[NaNs]
    fname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(outname),
                         "lf_" + os.path.basename(outname))
    #IO.writefits(data, fname, clobber=True)

    print "FFT convolve (pass 2)"
    #k = Box2DKernel(70)
    #flt = convolve_fft(data, k)
    flt = gaussian_filter(data, 100)

    fname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(outname),
                         "bgd_" + os.path.basename(outname))
    HDU = pf.PrimaryHDU(flt)
    IO.writefits(HDU, fname, clobber=True)

    fname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(outname),
                         "bs_" + os.path.basename(outname))
    infile[0].header["BGDSUB"] = "Background subtracted with %s" % fname
    infile[0].data -= flt

    IO.writefits(infile, fname, clobber=True)

    return flt
Exemple #4
def estimateBackground(fine, infile, gausswidth=100, outname=None):

    if outname is None:
        print "Need an output name"

    infile[0].data = infile[0].data.astype(np.float64)
    data = infile[0].data.copy()

    for ff in fine:
        if not ff.ok:
        if ff.xrange is None:
        if ff.poly is None:
        xs = np.arange(*ff.xrange)
        ys = np.round(np.poly1d(ff.poly)(xs)).astype(

        for dY in xrange(-5, 6):
            ty = ys.copy() - dY
                data[ty, xs] = np.nan

    from astropy.convolution import convolve, convolve_fft, Box2DKernel

    print "Traditional convolve (pass 1)"
    k = Box2DKernel(17)
    flt = data.copy()
    nans = ~np.isfinite(data)
    oks = np.isfinite(data)
    for i in xrange(5):
        flt = convolve(flt, k)
        flt[oks] = data[oks]
        print "\tIteration %d of 5" % (i+1)
        # IO.writefits(pf.PrimaryHDU(flt), "test_%i.fits.gz" % i, clobber=True)

    data[nans] = flt[nans]
    # fname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(outname),
    #     "lf_" + os.path.basename(outname))
    # IO.writefits(data, fname, clobber=True)

    # print "FFT convolve (pass 2)"
    print "Gaussian filter with width = %d (pass 2)" % gausswidth
    # k = Box2DKernel(70)
    # flt = convolve_fft(data, k)
    flt = gaussian_filter(data, gausswidth)

    ofname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(outname),
                          "bgd_" + os.path.basename(outname))
    HDU = pf.PrimaryHDU(flt)
    HDU.header["GAUFWID"] = (gausswidth, 'Gaussian filter width in pixels')
    IO.writefits(HDU, ofname, clobber=True)
    print "Background image in %s" % ofname + ".gz"

    infile[0].header["BGDSUB"] = "Background subtracted using %s" % ofname
    infile[0].header["GAUFWID"] = (gausswidth, 
                                   'Gaussian filter width in pixels')
    ofname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(outname),
                          "bs_" + os.path.basename(outname))
    infile[0].data -= flt

    IO.writefits(infile, ofname, clobber=True)
    print "Subtracted image in %s" % ofname + ".gz"

    return flt
Exemple #5
def estimateBackground(fine, infile, gausswidth=100, outname=None):

    if outname is None:
        print "Need an output name"

    infile[0].data = infile[0].data.astype(np.float64)
    data = infile[0].data.copy()

    for ff in fine:
        if not ff.ok:
        if ff.xrange is None:
        if ff.poly is None:

        xs = np.arange(*ff.xrange)
        ys = np.round(np.poly1d(ff.poly)(xs)).astype(

        for dY in xrange(-5, 6):
            ty = ys.copy() - dY
                data[ty, xs] = np.nan

    from astropy.convolution import convolve, convolve_fft, Box2DKernel

    print "Traditional convolve (pass 1)"
    k = Box2DKernel(17)
    flt = data.copy()
    nans = ~np.isfinite(data)
    oks = np.isfinite(data)
    for i in xrange(5):
        flt = convolve(flt, k)
        flt[oks] = data[oks]
        print "\tIteration %d of 5" % (i + 1)
        # IO.writefits(pf.PrimaryHDU(flt), "test_%i.fits.gz" % i, clobber=True)

    data[nans] = flt[nans]
    # fname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(outname),
    #     "lf_" + os.path.basename(outname))
    # IO.writefits(data, fname, clobber=True)

    # print "FFT convolve (pass 2)"
    print "Gaussian filter with width = %d (pass 2)" % gausswidth
    # k = Box2DKernel(70)
    # flt = convolve_fft(data, k)
    flt = gaussian_filter(data, gausswidth)

    ofname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(outname),
                          "bgd_" + os.path.basename(outname))
    HDU = pf.PrimaryHDU(flt)
    HDU.header["GAUFWID"] = (gausswidth, 'Gaussian filter width in pixels')
    IO.writefits(HDU, ofname, clobber=True)
    print "Background image in %s" % ofname + ".gz"

    infile[0].header["BGDSUB"] = "Background subtracted using %s" % ofname
    infile[0].header["GAUFWID"] = (gausswidth,
                                   'Gaussian filter width in pixels')
    ofname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(outname),
                          "bs_" + os.path.basename(outname))
    infile[0].data -= flt

    IO.writefits(infile, ofname, clobber=True)
    print "Subtracted image in %s" % ofname + ".gz"

    return flt
Exemple #6
        ''', formatter_class=argparse.RawTextHelpFormatter)

    parser.add_argument('flatfits', type=str, help='Flat field fits file')
    parser.add_argument('toflattenfits', type=str, help='To flatten fits file')
    parser.add_argument('--flexnpy', type=str, help='Flexure .npy file', default=None)

    parser.add_argument('--outfile', type=str, help='Output filename', default=None)

    args = parser.parse_args()

    flat =[0].data
    toflat =
    if args.flexnpy is not None:
        flex = np.load(args.flexnpy)[0]
        nmToPix = flex['skyline']/240
        dX =['dXnm'] * nmToPix))
        dY =['dYpix']))
        print "Rolling by %i/%i" % (dX, dY)
        flat = np.roll(flat, dY, 0)
        flat = np.roll(flat, dX, 1)
        toflat[0].header["FLATROLL"] = ("%s/%s" % (dX, dY), 
                                "Flat field flexure correction")

    toflat[0].data /= flat
    toflat[0].header["FLATBY"] = (args.toflattenfits, "Flat field applied")
    toflat[0].data = toflat[0].data.astype(np.float64)
    IO.writefits( toflat, args.outfile, clobber=True, no_lossy_compress=True)

Exemple #7
def estimate_background(fine,

    if outname is None:
        print("Need an output name")

    infile[0].data = infile[0].data.astype(np.float32)
    data = infile[0].data.copy()

    # loop over each trace
    for ff in fine:
        if not ff.ok and not ff.bkg_ok:
        if ff.xrange is None:
        if ff.poly is None:

        # get trace spatial ranges (xs, ys)
        xs = np.arange(*ff.xrange)
        ys = np.round(np.poly1d(ff.poly)(xs)).astype(

        # mask above and below each trace with nan's
        for dY in range(-4, 5):
            ty = ys.copy() - dY
                data[ty, xs] = np.nan

    from astropy.convolution import convolve, convolve_fft, Box2DKernel

    print("Traditional convolve (pass 1)")
    # get convolution kernel
    k = Box2DKernel(17)
    # start with original masked image for background
    bkg = data.copy()
    # write out starting image if requested
    if outint:
        IO.writefits(pf.PrimaryHDU(bkg), "test_0.fits", clobber=True)
        print("Wrote test_0.fits.gz")
    # keep track of nans
    nans = ~np.isfinite(data)
    # good data
    oks = np.isfinite(data)
    # iterate five times to remove object light from bkg
    for i in range(5):
        # convolve entire image
        bkg = convolve(bkg, k)
        # replace background light
        bkg[oks] = data[oks]
        print("\tIteration %d of 5" % (i + 1))
        # write out each iteration if requested
        if outint:
                         "test_%i.fits" % (i + 1),
            print("Wrote test_%i.fits.gz" % i)

    # insert iterative smoothed object pixels
    data[nans] = bkg[nans]

    # any remaining nans?
    nans = ~np.isfinite(data)
    # fill them in with median value
    if np.count_nonzero(nans) > 0:
        data[nans] = np.nanmedian(data[oks])
    # write out intermediate result if requested
    if outint:
        fname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(outname),
                             "lf_" + os.path.basename(outname))
        IO.writefits(data, fname, clobber=True)
        print("Wrote %s" % fname + ".gz")

    # use FFT filter if requested
    if fft_filt:
        print("FFT convolve (pass 2)")
        k = Box2DKernel(70)
        bkg = convolve_fft(data, k)
    # else, use gaussian filter of requested width in pixels
        print("Gaussian filter with width = %d (pass 2)" % gausswidth)
        bkg = gaussian_filter(data, gausswidth)

    # write resulting background to a gzipped fits file
    ofname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(outname),
                          "bgd_" + os.path.basename(outname))
    HDU = pf.PrimaryHDU(bkg)
    HDU.header["GAUFWID"] = (gausswidth, 'Gaussian filter width in pixels')
    IO.writefits(HDU, ofname, clobber=True)
    print("Background image in %s" % ofname + ".gz")

    # record which file in output header
    infile[0].header["BGDSUB"] = "Background subtracted using %s" % ofname
    infile[0].header["GAUFWID"] = (gausswidth,
                                   'Gaussian filter width in pixels')
    ofname = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(outname),
                          "bs_" + os.path.basename(outname))
    # subtract background
    infile[0].data -= bkg
    # write out the resulting fits file
    IO.writefits(infile, ofname, clobber=True)
    print("Subtracted image in %s" % ofname + ".gz")

    return bkg