Exemple #1
 def __init__(self, auth=None):
     if auth is None:
         auth = {
             Parameter(str, "Authentication method to use", optional=False)
     Parameter.__init__(self, auth, "API authentication structure")
class methodSignature(Method):
    Returns an array of known signatures (an array of arrays) for the
    method name passed. If no signatures are known, returns a
    none-array (test for type != array to detect missing signature).

    roles = []
    accepts = [Parameter(str, "Method name")]
    returns = [Parameter([str], "Method signature")]

    def __init__(self, api):
        Method.__init__(self, api)
        self.name = "system.methodSignature"

    def possible_signatures(self, signature, arg):
        Return a list of the possible new signatures given a current
        signature and the next argument.

        if isinstance(arg, Mixed):
            arg_types = [xmlrpc_type(mixed_arg) for mixed_arg in arg]
            arg_types = [xmlrpc_type(arg)]

        return [signature + [arg_type] for arg_type in arg_types]

    def signatures(self, returns, args):
        Returns a list of possible signatures given a return value and
        a set of arguments.

        signatures = [[xmlrpc_type(returns)]]

        for arg in args:
            # Create lists of possible new signatures for each current
            # signature. Reduce the list of lists back down to a
            # single list.
            signatures = reduce(lambda a, b: a + b,
                                [self.possible_signatures(signature, arg) \
                                 for signature in signatures])

        return signatures

    def call(self, method):
        function = self.api.callable(method)
        (min_args, max_args, defaults) = function.args()

        signatures = []

        assert len(max_args) >= len(min_args)
        for num_args in range(len(min_args), len(max_args) + 1):
            signatures += self.signatures(function.returns,

        return signatures
Exemple #3
class Content(Row):
   table_name = 'contents'
   primary_key = 'content_id'
   join_tables = ['user_content']
   fields = {
      'content_id':             Parameter(int, "Content server identifier"),
      'host_url':               Parameter(str, "Base URL of the content server"),
      'owner':                  Parameter(long, "User ID of the user that is responsible for this content server")
Exemple #4
   def __init__(self, fields = {}, filter = {}, doc = "Attribute filter"):
      # Store the filter in our dict instance
      dict.__init__(self, filter)

      # Declare ourselves as a type of parameter that can take
      # either a value or a list of values for each of the specified
      # fields.
      self.fields = dict ( [ ( field, Mixed (expected, [expected]))
                              for (field,expected) in fields.iteritems() ] )

      # Null filter means no filter
      Parameter.__init__(self, self.fields, doc = doc, nullok = True)
Exemple #5
    def __init__(self, fields={}, filter={}, doc="Attribute filter"):
        # Store the filter in our dict instance
        dict.__init__(self, filter)

        # Declare ourselves as a type of parameter that can take
        # either a value or a list of values for each of the specified
        # fields.
        self.fields = dict([(field, Mixed(expected, [expected]))
                            for (field, expected) in fields.iteritems()])

        # Null filter means no filter
        Parameter.__init__(self, self.fields, doc=doc, nullok=True)
Exemple #6
 def __init__(self):
         self, {
                       "Authentication method to use, always 'anonymous'",
Exemple #7
 def __init__(self):
         self, {
                 "Authentication method to use, always 'password' or 'capability'",
                       "PlanetLab username, typically an e-mail address",
                       "Authentication string, typically a password",
class methodHelp(Method):
    Returns help text if defined for the method passed, otherwise
    returns an empty string.

    roles = []
    accepts = [Parameter(str, 'Method name')]
    returns = Parameter(str, 'Method help')

    def __init__(self, api):
        Method.__init__(self, api)
        self.name = "system.methodHelp"

    def call(self, method):
        function = self.api.callable(method)
        return function.help()
class multicall(Method):
    Process an array of calls, and return an array of results. Calls
    should be structs of the form

    {'methodName': string, 'params': array}

    Each result will either be a single-item array containg the result
    value, or a struct of the form

    {'faultCode': int, 'faultString': string}

    This is useful when you need to make lots of small calls without
    lots of round trips.

    roles = []
    accepts = [[{'methodName': Parameter(str, "Method name"),
                 'params': Parameter(list, "Method arguments")}]]
    returns = Mixed([Mixed()],
                    {'faultCode': Parameter(int, "XML-RPC fault code"),
                     'faultString': Parameter(int, "XML-RPC fault detail")})

    def __init__(self, api):
        Method.__init__(self, api)
        self.name = "system.multicall"

    def call(self, calls):
        # Some error codes, borrowed from xmlrpc-c.

        results = []
        for call in calls:
                name = call['methodName']
                params = call['params']
                if name == 'system.multicall':
                    errmsg = "Recursive system.multicall forbidden"
                    raise xmlrpclib.Fault(REQUEST_REFUSED_ERROR, errmsg)
                result = [self.api.call(self.source, name, *params)]
            except xmlrpclib.Fault, fault:
                result = {'faultCode': fault.faultCode,
                          'faultString': fault.faultString}
Exemple #10
class listMethods(Method):
    This method lists all the methods that the XML-RPC server knows
    how to dispatch.

    roles = []
    accepts = []
    returns = Parameter(list, 'List of methods')

    def __init__(self, api):
        Method.__init__(self, api)
        self.name = "system.listMethods"

    def call(self):
        return self.api.all_methods
Exemple #11
class MDServer(Row):

    table_name = 'mdservers'
    primary_key = 'server_id'
    join_tables = ['user_mdserver', 'mdserver_user']

    fields = {
        Parameter(long, "Server ID"),
            "Owner-given name of this metadata server (will be URL-encoded)"),
        Parameter(str, "Name of the host that hosts this metadata server"),
                  "Port on which this metadata server listens",
        Parameter(str, "Desired status of this metadata server"),
                  "Must a user authenticate with the server to read from it?"),
                  "Must a user authenticate with the server to write to it?"),
            "User ID of the user who created and controls this metadata server"
                  "User IDs of users subscribed to this metadata server")

    related_fields = {'user_ids': [Parameter(int, "Subscribed user ID")]}

    def __init__(self, api, fields={}):
        super(MDServer, self).__init__(api, fields)
        import SMDS.user
        self._add_user = Row.add_object(SMDS.user.User, 'mdserver_user')
        self._remove_user = Row.remove_object(SMDS.user.User, 'mdserver_user')

    def add_user(self, obj, commit=True):
        self._add_user(self, obj, commit=commit)

    def remove_user(self, obj, commit=True):
        self._remove_user(self, obj, commit=commit)

    def refresh(api, m):
        md = MDServers(api, [m['server_id']])[0]

    def remove_users(self, user_ids):
        import SMDS.user

        users = SMDS.user.Users(self.api, user_ids)
        if users:
            for user in users:
                self.remove_user(user, commit=False)


    def create_server(self):
        # signal the controller on this metadata server's host to create this server
        self['status'] = 'stopped'
        server = self.api.connect_mdctl(self['host'])

        import SMDS.user

        # get our users
        if self.get('user_ids') == None:
            self['user_ids'] = []

        user_ids = self['user_ids']
        users = []
        if user_ids:
            users = SMDS.user.Users(self.api, user_ids)

        logger.info("Creating metadata server '%s' with users '%s'" %
                    (self['name'], [user['username'] for user in users]))

        rc = 0
            as_dict = {}

            user_dicts = []
            for user in users:
                user_dict = {}

            rc = server.create_server(as_dict, user_dicts)
        except Exception, e:
            logger.exception(e, "Could not restart metadata server")
            rc = -500

        if rc == 1:
            logger.error("Could not create metadata server, rc = %s" % rc)

        return rc
Exemple #12
 def Parameter(doc):
     return Mixed(
         Parameter(int, doc + " (unix timestamp)"),
         Parameter(str, doc + " (formatted as %s)" % Timestamp.sql_format),
Exemple #13
 def __init__(self, auth = None):
     if auth is None:
         auth = {'AuthMethod': Parameter(str, "Authentication method to use", optional = False)}
     Parameter.__init__(self, auth, "API authentication structure")
Exemple #14
class User(Row):
   table_name = 'users'
   primary_key = 'user_id'
   fields = {
      'user_id':           Parameter(long, "User ID"),
      'username':          Parameter(str, "Username", max=128),
      'password':          Parameter(str, "Password hash", max=254),
      'email':             Parameter(str, "User's email address", max=254),
      'enabled':           Parameter(bool, "Has the user been enabled?"),
      'roles':             Parameter([str], "List of roles this user fulfulls"),
      'max_mdservers':     Parameter(int, "Maximum number of metadata servers this user can own"),
      'max_contents':      Parameter(int, "Maximum number of content servers this user can register"),
      'my_mdserver_ids':   Parameter([int], "Server IDs of servers owned by this user"),
      'sub_mdserver_ids':  Parameter([int], "Server IDs of servers this user is subscribed to"),
      'content_ids':       Parameter([int], "Content IDs of content servers owned by this user")
   related_fields = {
      'my_mdserver_ids': [Parameter(int, "Server ID")],
      'sub_mdserver_ids': [Parameter(int, "Server ID")],
      'content_ids': [Parameter(int, "Content ID")]
   user_content_view = 'user_contents'
   user_mdserver_view = 'user_mdservers'
   join_tables = ['user_mdserver', 'user_content', 'mdserver_user']
   add_mdserver    = Row.add_object(SMDS.mdserver.MDServer, 'user_mdserver')
   remove_mdserver = Row.remove_object(SMDS.mdserver.MDServer, 'user_mdserver')
   add_content     = Row.add_object(Content, 'user_content')
   remove_content  = Row.remove_object(Content, 'user_content')
   public_fieldnames = filter( lambda f: f not in ['password'], fields.keys())
   register_fieldnames = ['username','password','email']
   def public(self):
      ret = {}
      for f in self.public_fieldnames:
         ret[f] = self.get(f)
      return ret
   def refresh( api, u):
      user = Users( api, [u['user_id']] )[0]
      u.update( user )