Exemple #1
def test_polyfit():

    obs = '1061313128_99bl_1pol_half_time'
    testfile = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, '%s.uvfits' % obs)
    file_type = 'uvfits'

    ss = SS()
    ss.read(testfile, diff=True)

    ins = INS(ss, order=1)

    # Mock some data for which the polyfit is exact
    x = np.arange(1, 11)
    ins.metric_array = np.ma.masked_array([[3 * x + 5 for i in range(3)]])
    ins.metric_array.mask = np.zeros(ins.metric_array.shape, dtype=bool)
    ins.metric_array = np.swapaxes(ins.metric_array, 0, 2)
    ins.weights_array = np.ones(ins.metric_array.shape)
    ins.metric_ms, coeffs = ins.mean_subtract(return_coeffs=True)
    test_coeffs = np.zeros((ins.order + 1, ) + ins.metric_ms.shape[1:])
    test_coeffs[0, :] = 3
    test_coeffs[1, :] = 5

    assert np.all(ins.metric_ms == np.zeros(ins.metric_ms.shape)), "The polyfit was not exact"
    assert np.all(np.allclose(coeffs, test_coeffs)), "The polyfit got the wrong coefficients"

    ins.metric_array[:] = np.ma.masked
    ins.metric_ms = ins.mean_subtract()
    assert np.all(ins.metric_ms.mask), "The metric_ms array was not all masked"
Exemple #2
def test_match_test():

    obs = '1061313128_99bl_1pol_half_time'
    insfile = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, '%s_SSINS.h5' % obs)

    ins = INS(insfile)

    # Mock a simple metric_array and freq_array
    ins.metric_array = np.ma.ones([10, 20, 1])
    ins.weights_array = np.copy(ins.metric_array)
    ins.freq_array = np.zeros([1, 20])
    ins.freq_array = np.arange(20)

    # Make a shape dictionary for a shape that will be injected later
    shape = [7.9, 12.1]
    shape_dict = {'shape': shape}
    sig_thresh = {'shape': 5, 'narrow': 5, 'streak': 5}
    mf = MF(ins.freq_array, sig_thresh, shape_dict=shape_dict)

    # Inject a shape, narrow, and streak event
    ins.metric_array[3, 5] = 10
    ins.metric_array[5] = 10
    ins.metric_array[7, 7:13] = 10
    ins.metric_ms = ins.mean_subtract()

    t_max, f_max, R_max, shape_max = mf.match_test(ins)

    assert t_max == 5, "Wrong time"
    assert f_max == slice(0, 20), "Wrong freq"
    assert shape_max == 'streak', "Wrong shape"
Exemple #3
def test_apply_match_test():

    obs = '1061313128_99bl_1pol_half_time'
    insfile = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, '%s_SSINS.h5' % obs)

    ins = INS(insfile)

    # Mock a simple metric_array and freq_array
    ins.metric_array = np.ma.ones([10, 20, 1])
    ins.weights_array = np.copy(ins.metric_array)
    ins.freq_array = np.zeros([1, 20])
    ins.freq_array = np.arange(20)

    # Make a shape dictionary for a shape that will be injected later
    shape = [7.9, 12.1]
    shape_dict = {'shape': shape}
    sig_thresh = {'shape': 5, 'narrow': 5, 'streak': 5}
    mf = MF(ins.freq_array, sig_thresh, shape_dict=shape_dict)

    # Inject a shape, narrow, and streak event
    ins.metric_array[3, 5] = 10
    ins.metric_array[5] = 10
    ins.metric_array[7, 7:13] = 10
    ins.metric_ms = ins.mean_subtract()
    ins.sig_array = np.ma.copy(ins.metric_ms)

    mf.apply_match_test(ins, event_record=True)

    # Check that the right events are flagged
    test_mask = np.zeros(ins.metric_array.shape, dtype=bool)
    test_mask[3, 5] = 1
    test_mask[5] = 1
    test_mask[7, 7:13] = 1

    assert np.all(test_mask == ins.metric_array.mask), "Flags are incorrect"

    test_match_events_slc = [(5, slice(0, 20), 'streak'),
                             (7, slice(7, 13), 'shape'),
                             (3, slice(5, 6), 'narrow')]

    for i, event in enumerate(test_match_events_slc):
        assert ins.match_events[i][:-1] == test_match_events_slc[
            i], "%ith event is wrong" % i

    assert not np.any([ins.match_events[i][-1] < 5 for i in range(3)
                       ]), "Some significances were less than 5"

    # Test a funny if block that is required when the last time in a shape is flagged
    ins.metric_array[1:, 7:13] = np.ma.masked
    ins.metric_ms[0, 7:13] = 10

    mf.apply_match_test(ins, event_record=True)

    assert np.all(ins.metric_ms.mask[:, 7:13]
                  ), "All the times were not flagged for the shape"
def test_polyfit():

    obs = '1061313128_99bl_1pol_half_time'
    testfile = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, '%s.uvfits' % obs)
    file_type = 'uvfits'

    ss = SS()

    ins = INS(ss, order=1)

    # Mock some data for which the polyfit is exact
    x = np.arange(1, 11)
    ins.metric_array = np.ma.masked_array([[3 * x + 5 for i in range(3)]])
    ins.metric_array.mask = np.zeros(ins.metric_array.shape, dtype=bool)
    ins.metric_array = np.swapaxes(ins.metric_array, 0, 2)
    ins.weights_array = np.ones(ins.metric_array.shape)
    ins.metric_ms = ins.mean_subtract()

    assert np.all(ins.metric_ms == np.zeros(
        ins.metric_ms.shape)), "The polyfit was not exact"
Exemple #5
def test_samp_thresh():

    obs = '1061313128_99bl_1pol_half_time'
    insfile = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, '%s_SSINS.h5' % obs)
    out_prefix = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, '%s_test' % obs)
    match_outfile = '%s_SSINS_match_events.yml' % out_prefix

    ins = INS(insfile)

    # Mock a simple metric_array and freq_array
    ins.metric_array = np.ma.ones([10, 20, 1])
    ins.weights_array = np.copy(ins.metric_array)
    ins.metric_ms = ins.mean_subtract()
    ins.sig_array = np.ma.copy(ins.metric_ms)
    ins.freq_array = np.zeros([1, 20])
    ins.freq_array = np.arange(20)

    # Arbitrarily flag enough data in channel 10
    sig_thresh = {'narrow': 5}
    mf = MF(ins.freq_array, sig_thresh, streak=False, N_samp_thresh=5)
    ins.metric_array[3:, 10] = np.ma.masked
    ins.metric_array[3:, 9] = np.ma.masked
    # Put in an outlier so it gets to samp_thresh_test
    ins.metric_array[0, 11] = 10
    ins.metric_ms = ins.mean_subtract()
    bool_ind = np.zeros(ins.metric_array.shape, dtype=bool)
    bool_ind[:, 10] = 1
    bool_ind[:, 9] = 1
    bool_ind[0, 11] = 1

    mf.apply_match_test(ins, event_record=True, apply_samp_thresh=True)
    test_match_events = [(0, slice(11, 12), 'narrow')]
    test_match_events += [(ind, slice(9, 10), 'samp_thresh')
                          for ind in range(3)]
    test_match_events += [(ind, slice(10, 11), 'samp_thresh')
                          for ind in range(3)]
    # Test stuff
    assert np.all(
        ins.metric_array.mask == bool_ind), "The right flags were not applied"
    for i, event in enumerate(test_match_events):
        assert ins.match_events[
            i][:-1] == event, "The events weren't appended correctly"

    # Test that writing with samp_thresh flags is OK
    ins.write(out_prefix, output_type='match_events')
    test_match_events_read = ins.match_events_read(match_outfile)
    assert ins.match_events == test_match_events_read

    # Test that exception is raised when N_samp_thresh is too high
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        mf = MF(ins.freq_array, {'narrow': 5, 'streak': 5}, N_samp_thresh=100)
Exemple #6
def test_write_mwaf():
    from astropy.io import fits

    obs = '1061313128_99bl_1pol_half_time_SSINS'
    testfile = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, '%s.h5' % obs)
    prefix = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, '%s_test' % obs)
    ins = INS(testfile)
    mwaf_files = [os.path.join(DATA_PATH, '1061313128_12.mwaf')]
    bad_mwaf_files = [os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'bad_file_path')]

    # Compatible shape with mwaf file
    ins.metric_array = np.ma.ones([55, 384, 1])
    ins.metric_array[50, 16 * 11: 16 * (11 + 1)] = np.ma.masked

    # metadata from the input file, hardcoded for testing purposes
    time_div = 4
    freq_div = 2
    NCHANS = 32
    boxint = 11
    Nbls = 8256
    NSCANS = 224
    flags = ins.mask_to_flags()
    # Repeat in time
    time_rep_flags = np.repeat(flags, time_div, axis=0)
    # Repeat in freq
    freq_time_rep_flags = np.repeat(time_rep_flags, freq_div, axis=1)
    # Repeat in bls
    freq_time_bls_rep_flags = np.repeat(freq_time_rep_flags[:, np.newaxis, NCHANS * boxint: NCHANS * (boxint + 1)], Nbls, axis=1)
    # This shape is on MWA wiki. Reshape to this shape.
    new_flags = freq_time_bls_rep_flags.reshape((NSCANS * Nbls, NCHANS))

    # Test some defensive errors
    with pytest.raises(IOError):
        ins.write(prefix, output_type='mwaf', mwaf_files=bad_mwaf_files)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        ins.write(prefix, output_type='mwaf', mwaf_files=mwaf_files,
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        ins.write(prefix, output_type='mwaf', mwaf_files=None)

    ins.write('%s_add' % prefix, output_type='mwaf', mwaf_files=mwaf_files)
    ins.write('%s_replace' % prefix, output_type='mwaf', mwaf_files=mwaf_files,

    with fits.open(mwaf_files[0]) as old_mwaf_hdu:
        with fits.open('%s_add_12.mwaf' % prefix) as add_mwaf_hdu:
            assert np.all(add_mwaf_hdu[1].data['FLAGS'] == old_mwaf_hdu[1].data['FLAGS'] + new_flags)
    with fits.open('%s_replace_12.mwaf' % prefix) as replace_mwaf_hdu:
        assert np.all(replace_mwaf_hdu[1].data['FLAGS'] == new_flags)

    for path in ['%s_add_12.mwaf' % prefix, '%s_replace_12.mwaf' % prefix]:
Exemple #7
def test_write_mwaf():
    from astropy.io import fits

    obs = '1061313128_99bl_1pol_half_time_SSINS'
    testfile = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, '%s.h5' % obs)
    prefix = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, '%s_test' % obs)
    ins = INS(testfile)
    mwaf_files = [os.path.join(DATA_PATH, '1061313128_12.mwaf')]
    bad_mwaf_files = [os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'bad_file_path')]
    metafits_file = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, '1061313128.metafits')

    # Compatible shape with mwaf file
    ins.metric_array = np.ma.ones([55, 384, 1])
    ins.metric_array[50, 16 * 12: int(16 * (12 + 0.5))] = np.ma.masked

    # metadata from the input file
    NCHANS = 32
    Nbls = 8256
    NSCANS = 224

    # hard code the answer
    new_flags = np.zeros((NSCANS * Nbls, NCHANS), dtype=bool)
    new_flags[Nbls * 200:Nbls * 208, :16] = 1

    # Test some defensive errors
    with pytest.raises(IOError):
        ins.write(prefix, output_type='mwaf', mwaf_files=bad_mwaf_files,
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        ins.write(prefix, output_type='mwaf', mwaf_files=mwaf_files,
                  mwaf_method='bad_method', metafits_file=metafits_file)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        ins.write(prefix, output_type='mwaf', mwaf_files=None,
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        ins.write(prefix, output_type='mwaf', mwaf_files=mwaf_files)

    ins.write('%s_add' % prefix, output_type='mwaf', mwaf_files=mwaf_files,
    ins.write('%s_replace' % prefix, output_type='mwaf', mwaf_files=mwaf_files,
              mwaf_method='replace', metafits_file=metafits_file)

    with fits.open(mwaf_files[0]) as old_mwaf_hdu:
        with fits.open('%s_add_12.mwaf' % prefix) as add_mwaf_hdu:
            assert np.all(add_mwaf_hdu[1].data['FLAGS'] == old_mwaf_hdu[1].data['FLAGS'] + new_flags)
    with fits.open('%s_replace_12.mwaf' % prefix) as replace_mwaf_hdu:
        assert np.all(replace_mwaf_hdu[1].data['FLAGS'] == new_flags)

    for path in ['%s_add_12.mwaf' % prefix, '%s_replace_12.mwaf' % prefix]:
def test_write_mwaf():
    from astropy.io import fits

    obs = '1061313128_99bl_1pol_half_time_SSINS'
    testfile = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, '%s.h5' % obs)
    prefix = os.path.join(DATA_PATH, '%s_test' % obs)
    ins = INS(testfile)
    mwaf_files = [os.path.join(DATA_PATH, '1061313128_12.mwaf')]
    bad_mwaf_files = [os.path.join(DATA_PATH, 'bad_file_path')]

    # shape of that mwaf file
    ins.metric_array = np.ma.ones([223, 768, 1])
    ins.metric_array[100, 32 * 11:32 * (11 + 1)] = np.ma.masked

    flags = ins.mask_to_flags()
    new_flags = np.repeat(flags[:, np.newaxis, 32 * 11:32 * (11 + 1)],
                          axis=1).reshape((224 * 8256, 32))

    # Test some defensive errors
    with pytest.raises(IOError):
        ins.write(prefix, output_type='mwaf', mwaf_files=bad_mwaf_files)
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
    with pytest.raises(ValueError):
        ins.write(prefix, output_type='mwaf', mwaf_files=None)

    ins.write('%s_add' % prefix, output_type='mwaf', mwaf_files=mwaf_files)
    ins.write('%s_replace' % prefix,

    with fits.open(mwaf_files[0]) as old_mwaf_hdu:
        with fits.open('%s_add_12.mwaf' % prefix) as add_mwaf_hdu:
            assert np.all(add_mwaf_hdu[1].data['FLAGS'] ==
                          old_mwaf_hdu[1].data['FLAGS'] + new_flags)
    with fits.open('%s_replace_12.mwaf' % prefix) as replace_mwaf_hdu:
        assert np.all(replace_mwaf_hdu[1].data['FLAGS'] == new_flags)

    for path in ['%s_add_12.mwaf' % prefix, '%s_replace_12.mwaf' % prefix]: