def aide(EMAIL): # File/Folder Integrity Monitoring With AID f_aide = '/etc/default/aide' if not main.answer('Do you want Monitoring File/Folder Integrity With AIDE?'): return main.run_cmd('apt install aide -y') main.output_message('Configuration File/Folder Monitoring tools..') main.change_lines( f_aide, _1=[ 'MAILTO=root', f'MAILTO={EMAIL}\n' ], _2=[ '#CRON_DAILY_RUN=yes', 'CRON_DAILY_RUN=yes\n' ] ) main.output_message( "Aide, for work, needs to create a new database and install it" "\nThis process requires time..." ) main.run_cmd_interactive("aideinit -y -f") main.run_cmd("cp /var/lib/aide/ /var/lib/aide/aide.db") main.run_cmd("update-aide.conf") main.run_cmd("cp /var/lib/aide/aide.conf.autogenerated /etc/aide/aide.conf")
def wpVirtualHost(EMAIL): #################################################### # SETUP APACHE VIRTUALHOST ( FOR MULTIPLE WEBSITES ) #################################################### General.output_message("-- Creation of apache2 Virtual Host --") DOMAIN_FULL = General.input_message("Insert a domain[ domain.(com/.it/.org/etc..) ] ") DOMAIN = '.'.join(DOMAIN_FULL.split(".")[:-1]) if len(DOMAIN_FULL.split(".")) > 2 else DOMAIN_FULL.split(".")[0] General.run_cmd(f"mkdir /var/www/{DOMAIN}") # create a directory for the virtual host General.run_cmd(f"chown -R $USER:$USER /var/www/{DOMAIN}") # assign the directory to $USER General.run_cmd(f"chmod -R 755 /var/www/{DOMAIN}") # be sure that permissions are correct f_apache_domain_conf = f'/etc/apache2/sites-available/{DOMAIN}.conf' with open(f_apache_domain_conf, 'w') as file: file.write( """ <VirtualHost *:80> ServerAdmin """ + EMAIL + """ ServerName """ + DOMAIN_FULL + """ ServerAlias www.""" + DOMAIN_FULL + """ DocumentRoot /var/www/""" + DOMAIN + """ ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined </VirtualHost> <Directory /var/www/""" + DOMAIN + """/> AllowOverride All </Directory> """) General.run_cmd(f"sudo a2ensite {DOMAIN}.conf") # Enable the new configuration ( you can enable as many different configs as you want ) General.run_cmd(f"sudo a2dissite 000-default.conf") # Disable the default configuration General.run_cmd("sudo a2enmod rewrite") General.run_cmd("sudo systemctl restart apache2") # restart apache # Test apache configs # sudo apachectl -t -D DUMP_VHOSTS # sudo apachectl configtest # Add SSL to apache virtualhost General.run_cmd("apt install certbot python3-certbot-apache -y") General.run_cmd("mkdir /var/lib/letsencrypt") General.run_cmd("chmod -R o+rx /var/lib/letsencrypt") General.output_message(""" -- Certbot configuration -- If questions are promp type the following answers: > Terms of service: A > Share mail address: N > redirect HTTP traffic to HTTPS: 2 > If the validation of the domain go wrong just exit the script and investigate on the problem. You can restart the script on the same domain and it will work correctly""") General.run_cmd_interactive(f"sudo certbot --apache -d {DOMAIN_FULL} -d www.{DOMAIN_FULL}") # runs interactive certbot configuration General.output_message('If certbot failed chek the apache2 logs ( Ubuntu: /var/log/apache2/error.log ) ') # wordpress virtualhost setup General.output_message("-- Configuring wordpress Db --") DB_NAME = General.input_message("Database Name ") DB_USER = General.input_message("Database User Name ") DB_USER_PASS = General.sensitive_input_message("Database User Password ") General.run_cmd( f""" mysql -e " CREATE DATABASE {DB_NAME} DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_unicode_ci; " """, f""" mysql -e " CREATE USER '{DB_USER}'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY '{DB_USER_PASS}'; " """, f""" mysql -e " GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON {DB_NAME}.* TO '{DB_USER}'@'localhost'; " """, """ mysql -e " FLUSH PRIVILEGES; " """ ) if(not os.path.exists('/tmp/wordpress')): General.output_message("\n-- WORDPRESS DOWNLOAD --") General.run_cmd("wget -P /tmp '' ") General.run_cmd("tar -C /tmp -zxvf /tmp/latest.tar.gz") General.run_cmd("touch /tmp/wordpress/.htaccess") General.run_cmd("cp /tmp/wordpress/wp-config-sample.php /tmp/wordpress/wp-config.php") General.run_cmd("mkdir /tmp/wordpress/wp-content/upgrade") General.run_cmd(f"cp -a /tmp/wordpress/. /var/www/{DOMAIN}") General.run_cmd(f"chown -R www-data:www-data /var/www/{DOMAIN}") General.run_cmd("find /var/www/" + DOMAIN + "/ -type d -exec chmod 750 {} \;") General.run_cmd("find /var/www/" + DOMAIN + "/ -type f -exec chmod 640 {} \;") f_wp_domain_config = f"/var/www/{DOMAIN}/wp-config.php" General.run_cmd("apt install curl -y") OUTPUT_KEYS = General.output_run_cmd("curl -s").decode( "utf-8").split("');") for key in OUTPUT_KEYS: if key.strip() == '': OUTPUT_KEYS.remove(key) OUTPUT_KEYS_DICT = dict() for index, key in enumerate(OUTPUT_KEYS): index += 1 OUTPUT_KEYS_DICT["_" + str(index)] = [ '( '.join(key.split(",")[0].split('(')).strip() + ',', key.strip() + "');\n" ] General.change_lines( f_wp_domain_config, **OUTPUT_KEYS_DICT ) General.change_lines( f_wp_domain_config, _1=["define( 'DB_NAME',", f"define( 'DB_NAME', '{DB_NAME}');"], _2=["define( 'DB_USER',", f"define( 'DB_USER', '{DB_USER}');"], _3=["define( 'DB_PASSWORD',", f"define( 'DB_PASSWORD', '{DB_USER_PASS}');"], ) General.insert_lines( f_wp_domain_config, "define( 'FS_METHOD', 'direct');", index_surplus=1, anchor_line=f"define( 'DB_PASSWORD', 'DB_USER_PASS');" ) General.output_message('-- INFO --') General.output_message(f" > Finish the WP GUI installation going to https://{DOMAIN}") General.output_message(" > We did a setup for SSL certificate with Let’s Encrypt CERTBOT, THis Certificate expire") General.output_message(" after 90 days, A Bot that automatic does the renewal is also installed, Check that ") General.output_message(" it is working by typing 'sudo systemctl status certbot.timer' ") General.output_message(" > For check that PHP was installed sucesfully and it is working correctly do this steps: ") General.output_message(f" - sudo nano /var/www/{DOMAIN}/info.php") General.output_message(" - Add the following line to the file '<?php phpinfo(); ?>' ") General.output_message(f" - Visit this link 'http://{DOMAIN_FULL}/info.php'") General.output_message(f" If a table with php information was displayed and nothing went wrong remove the file\n" f" previously created 'sudo rm /var/www/{DOMAIN}/info.php'") time.sleep(5)