def evaluate_field_length(vehicle):
    # ---------------------------
    # Check field performance
    # ---------------------------
    # define takeoff and landing configuration
    #print ' Defining takeoff and landing configurations'
    takeoff_config,landing_config = define_field_configs(vehicle)

    # define airport to be evaluated
    airport = SUAVE.Attributes.Airports.Airport()
    airport.altitude   =  0.0  * Units.ft
    airport.delta_isa  =  0.0
    airport.atmosphere =  SUAVE.Attributes.Atmospheres.Earth.US_Standard_1976()

    # evaluate takeoff / landing
    #print ' Estimating takeoff performance'
    TOFL = estimate_take_off_field_length(vehicle,takeoff_config,airport)
    #print ' Estimating landing performance'
    LFL = estimate_landing_field_length(vehicle,landing_config,airport)
    fldlength      = Data()
    fldlength.TOFL = TOFL
    fldlength.LFL  = LFL
    return fldlength
def evaluate_field_length(interface):
    # unpack
    airport = mission.airport
    takeoff_config = configs.takeoff
    landing_config = configs.landing
    # evaluate
    TOFL = estimate_take_off_field_length(takeoff_config,analyses,airport)
    LFL = estimate_landing_field_length(landing_config, analyses,airport)
    # pack
    field_length = SUAVE.Core.Data()
    field_length.takeoff = TOFL[0][0]
    field_length.landing = LFL[0][0]

    results.field_length = field_length
    return results
def evaluate_field_length(vehicle):
    # ---------------------------
    # Check field performance
    # ---------------------------
    # define takeoff and landing configuration
    #print ' Defining takeoff and landing configurations'
    takeoff_config,landing_config = define_field_configs(vehicle)

    # define airport to be evaluated
    airport = SUAVE.Attributes.Airports.Airport()
    airport.altitude   =  0.0  * Units.ft
    airport.delta_isa  =  0.0
    airport.atmosphere =  SUAVE.Attributes.Atmospheres.Earth.US_Standard_1976()

    # evaluate takeoff / landing
    #print ' Estimating takeoff performance'
    TOFL = estimate_take_off_field_length(vehicle,takeoff_config,airport)
    #print ' Estimating landing performance'
    LFL = estimate_landing_field_length(vehicle,landing_config,airport)
    fldlength      = Data()
    fldlength.TOFL = TOFL
    fldlength.LFL  = LFL
    return fldlength
def evaluate_field_length(configs, analyses, mission, results):
    # unpack
    airport = mission.airport

    takeoff_config = configs.takeoff
    landing_config = configs.landing

    # evaluate

    airport.atmosphere = analyses.base.atmosphere

    TOFL = estimate_take_off_field_length(takeoff_config, analyses, airport)
    LFL = estimate_landing_field_length(landing_config, analyses, airport) #FIXME

    # pack
    field_length = SUAVE.Core.Data()
    field_length.takeoff = TOFL[0]
    field_length.landing = LFL[0]

    results.field_length = field_length
    return results
Exemple #5
def evaluate_field_length(configs,analyses,mission,results):
    # unpack
    airport = mission.airport
    takeoff_config = configs.takeoff
    landing_config = configs.landing
    # evaluate
    TOFL = estimate_take_off_field_length(takeoff_config,analyses.configs,airport)
    LFL = estimate_landing_field_length (landing_config, analyses.configs,airport)
    # pack
    field_length = SUAVE.Core.Data()
    field_length.takeoff = TOFL[0]
    field_length.landing = LFL[0]
    results.field_length = field_length
    return results
def main():

    # build the vehicle
    vehicle = define_vehicle()

    # define the mission
    mission = define_mission(vehicle)

    # evaluate the mission
    results = evaluate_mission(vehicle, mission)

    # define takeoff and landing configuration
    takeoff_config, landing_config = define_field_configs(vehicle)

    # define airport to be evaluated
    airport = SUAVE.Attributes.Airports.Airport()
    airport.altitude = 0.0 * Units.ft
    airport.delta_isa = 0.0
    airport.atmosphere = SUAVE.Attributes.Atmospheres.Earth.US_Standard_1976()

    # evaluate takeoff
    TOFL = estimate_take_off_field_length(vehicle, takeoff_config, airport)

    # evaluate landing
    LFL = estimate_landing_field_length(vehicle, landing_config, airport)
    print 'Weigth: {:.0f} kg ; TOFL: {:.1f} m ; LFL: {:.1f} m'.format(
        float(vehicle.Mass_Props.m_takeoff), float(TOFL), float(LFL))

    # plot results
    ##    post_process(vehicle,mission,results)

    # compute payload range diagram
    ##    cruise_segment_tag = 'CRUISE'
    ##    payload_range(vehicle,mission,cruise_segment_tag)

    return results, vehicle
def evaluate_field_length(vehicle,mission,results):
    # unpack
    airport = mission.airport
    takeoff_config = vehicle.configs.takeoff
    landing_config = vehicle.configs.landing
    from SUAVE.Methods.Performance import estimate_take_off_field_length
    from SUAVE.Methods.Performance import estimate_landing_field_length    
    # evaluate
    TOFL = estimate_take_off_field_length(vehicle,takeoff_config,airport)
    LFL = estimate_landing_field_length(vehicle,landing_config,airport)
    # pack
    field_length = Data()
    field_length.takeoff = TOFL[0]
    field_length.landing = LFL[0]
    results.field_length = field_length
    return results
def evaluate_field_length(vehicle, mission, results):

    # unpack
    airport = mission.airport

    takeoff_config = vehicle.configs.takeoff
    landing_config = vehicle.configs.landing

    from SUAVE.Methods.Performance import estimate_take_off_field_length
    from SUAVE.Methods.Performance import estimate_landing_field_length

    # evaluate
    TOFL = estimate_take_off_field_length(vehicle, takeoff_config, airport)
    LFL = estimate_landing_field_length(vehicle, landing_config, airport)

    # pack
    field_length = Data()
    field_length.takeoff = TOFL[0]
    field_length.landing = LFL[0]

    results.field_length = field_length

    return results
def main():

    # build the vehicle
    vehicle = define_vehicle()

    # define the mission
    mission = define_mission(vehicle)

    # evaluate the mission
    results = evaluate_mission(vehicle,mission)

    # define takeoff and landing configuration
    takeoff_config,landing_config = define_field_configs(vehicle)

    # define airport to be evaluated
    airport = SUAVE.Attributes.Airports.Airport()
    airport.altitude   =  0.0  * Units.ft
    airport.delta_isa  =  0.0
    airport.atmosphere =  SUAVE.Attributes.Atmospheres.Earth.US_Standard_1976()

    # evaluate takeoff
    TOFL = estimate_take_off_field_length(vehicle,takeoff_config,airport)

    # evaluate landing
    LFL = estimate_landing_field_length(vehicle,landing_config,airport)
    print 'Weigth: {:.0f} kg ; TOFL: {:.1f} m ; LFL: {:.1f} m'.format(float(vehicle.Mass_Props.m_takeoff),float(TOFL),float(LFL))

    # plot results
##    post_process(vehicle,mission,results)

    # compute payload range diagram
##    cruise_segment_tag = 'CRUISE'
##    payload_range(vehicle,mission,cruise_segment_tag)

    return results,vehicle