Exemple #1
    def _writeOutputCoordinates(self):
        Outputs coordinates for each pixel.
        The output files are named as original_input_file_name_coordinates.txt

        Pickles all the information to a file named coordinates.pk for further processing.
        The pickled filename has been hardcoded, but this should not matter as any program
        using this file should know the filename.
        tmpdic = {}

        for slit, value in self.slits.items():
            list = []

            fh = open('%s_coordinates.txt' % slit[:-5], 'w')
            fh.write('#File written by findSlitmaskPosition.py on %s\n'\
            % datetime.datetime.isoformat(datetime.datetime.now()))
            for tmp1, x, y, tmp2 in zip(value['coordinates'],
                fh.write('%i %i %f %f %f %f \n' % (x, y, tmp2[0], tmp2[1], tmp1[0], tmp1[1]))
                list.append([x, y, tmp2[0], tmp2[1], tmp1[0], tmp1[1]])

            tmpdic[slit] = list


        write.cPickleDumpDictionary(tmpdic, 'coordinates.pk')
Exemple #2
    def parseInformation(self):
        Parses the file given in the class constructor for velocity information.
        Assumes that the input is in the emsao log file format.

        :return: velocity information
        :rtype: dictionary
        out = []
        #read in data and loop over it
        data = open(self.file, 'r').readlines()
        for line in data:
            if len(line) > 1:
                tmp = line.split()
                if line.startswith('File:'):
                    file = tmp[1]
                    pixel = tmp[2]
                if line.startswith('Object:'):
                    object = tmp[1]
                if line.startswith('Combined'):
                    cvel = tmp[3]
                    cvelerr = tmp[5]
                    cz = tmp[8]
                if line.startswith('Emission'):
                    evel = tmp[3]
                    evelerr = tmp[5]
                    ez = tmp[8]
                out.append([file, pixel, cvel, cvelerr, cz, evel, evelerr, ez, object])

        #dumps to a file
        write.cPickleDumpDictionary(out, 'velocity.pk')

        self.velocityInfo = out
        return self.velocityInfo
Exemple #3
def _getAndProcessData(home, outfile='SubDists2.pkl'):
    Retrieve data.
    path = home + '/Research/CANDELS/v2s/'
    db = 'sams.db'

    #SQL query where all the magic happens.. or doesn't
    query = """select l1.redshift, l1.ra, l1.dec, l1.halo_id, l1.gal_id, l1.mhalo from testing l1
               inner join
               select l2.halo_id, l2.gal_id from testing l2 where
               l2.halo_id in (select halo_id from testing group by halo_id having count(*) > 1)
               select l3.halo_id, l3.gal_id from testing l3
               group by l3.halo_id, l3.gal_id having count(*) == 1
               using (halo_id, gal_id) where
               l1.redshift > 0.1 and
               l1.redshift < 6.0

    #pull out data
    data = sq.get_data_sqliteSMNfunctions(path, db, query)

    #group data
    grouped = _findValues(data)

    #dump it to a picked file
    wr.cPickleDumpDictionary(grouped, outfile)

    return grouped
Exemple #4
 def pickleVars(self):
     This simple method pickles all important variables
     write.cPickleDumpDictionary(self.result, 'results.pk')
     write.cPickleDumpDictionary(self.slits, 'slits.pk')
     write.cPickleDumpDictionary(self.fitting, 'fitting.pk')
 def pickleVars(self):
     This simple method pickles all important variables
     write.cPickleDumpDictionary(self.result, 'results.pk')
     write.cPickleDumpDictionary(self.slits, 'slits.pk')
     write.cPickleDumpDictionary(self.fitting, 'fitting.pk')
Exemple #6
    def combineVelocityCoordinates(self,
        Combine velocity and coordinate information.
        Takes the data from pickled files.

        :param vel: pickled velocity information
        :type vel: string
        :param coord: pickled coordinate information
        :type coord: string
        #load in data
        coords = read.cPickledData(coord)
        vel = read.cPickledData(vel)

        out = []
        #loop over all time and space...
        for file in coords.keys():
            for coordline in coords[file]:
                for velline in vel:
                    if velline[0] == file.replace('.fits', '') and int(
                            velline[1]) == coordline[1]:
                        #this is match but need to test if there's any useful veocity info
                        if float(velline[2]) > 0.0 or float(velline[5]) > 0.0:
                            tmp = coordline + [
                                float(velline[7]), file

        info = {'coordinates': coords, 'velocities': vel, 'data': out}

        self.velocityField = info
        write.cPickleDumpDictionary(self.velocityField, 'velocityField.pk')
Exemple #7
    def parseInformation(self):
        Parses the file given in the class constructor for velocity information.
        Assumes that the input is in the emsao log file format.

        :return: velocity information
        :rtype: dictionary
        out = []
        #read in data and loop over it
        data = open(self.file, 'r').readlines()
        for line in data:
            if len(line) > 1:
                tmp = line.split()
                if line.startswith('File:'):
                    file = tmp[1]
                    pixel = tmp[2]
                if line.startswith('Object:'):
                    object = tmp[1]
                if line.startswith('Combined'):
                    cvel = tmp[3]
                    cvelerr = tmp[5]
                    cz = tmp[8]
                if line.startswith('Emission'):
                    evel = tmp[3]
                    evelerr = tmp[5]
                    ez = tmp[8]
                    file, pixel, cvel, cvelerr, cz, evel, evelerr, ez, object

        #dumps to a file
        write.cPickleDumpDictionary(out, 'velocity.pk')

        self.velocityInfo = out
        return self.velocityInfo
Exemple #8
    def combineVelocityCoordinates(self,
        Combine velocity and coordinate information.
        Takes the data from pickled files.

        :param vel: pickled velocity information
        :type vel: string
        :param coord: pickled coordinate information
        :type coord: string
        #load in data
        coords = read.cPickledData(coord)
        vel = read.cPickledData(vel)

        out = []
        #loop over all time and space...
        for file in coords.keys():
            for coordline in coords[file]:
                for velline in vel:
                    if velline[0] == file.replace('.fits', '') and int(velline[1]) == coordline[1]:
                        #this is match but need to test if there's any useful veocity info
                        if float(velline[2]) > 0.0 or float(velline[5]) > 0.0:
                            tmp = coordline + [float(velline[2]), float(velline[3]),
                                               float(velline[4]), float(velline[5]),
                                               float(velline[6]), float(velline[7]), file]

        info = {'coordinates': coords,
                'velocities': vel,
                'data': out}

        self.velocityField = info
        write.cPickleDumpDictionary(self.velocityField, 'velocityField.pk')
Exemple #9
def getDataSlow(db='database.db', path='/Users/sammy/Research/CANDELS/v2/'):
    Get data from the lcone table in db.

    :param db: name of the SQLite database file.
    :type db: string
    :param path: full path of the database file
    :type path: string

    :Warning: This is extremely slow way to pull out data from a database.
              Should be rewritten using table joins etc. so that less queries
              could be performed.

    :return: redshift, halo mass and radius, projected distances of subhalo galaxies [kpc],
             halo_id of the main halo
    :rtype: dict

    conversion = 0.000277777778  # degree to arcsecond

    redshifts = [
        'redshift < 0.5 and', 'redshift >= 0.5 and redshift < 1.0 and',
        'redshift >= 1.0 and redshift < 2.0 and',
        'redshift >= 2.0 and redshift < 3.0 and',
        'redshift >= 3.0 and redshift < 4.0 and',
        'redshift >= 4.0 and redshift < 5.0 and',
        'redshift >= 5.0 and redshift < 6.0 and',
        'redshift >= 6.0 and redshift < 7.0 and'

    for i, red in enumerate(redshifts):
        print red
        qr = 'select halo_id from lcone where %s gal_id > 1' % red
        #qr = 'select halo_id from lcone where %s mhalo > 12.7' % red
        #pull out data
        ids = sq.get_data_sqliteSMNfunctions(path, db, qr)

        uids = np.unique(ids)
        print len(uids), 'haloes'

        saveid = []
        saveorig = []
        savedist = []
        savemhalo = []
        saverhalo = []
        saveredshift = []

        #we should now look for each unique id
        for id in uids:
            query = 'select redshift, ra, dec, halo_id, mhalo, rhalo from lcone where halo_id = {0:d}'.format(
            #print query
            data = sq.get_data_sqliteSMNfunctions(path, db, query)

            #if multiples, then don't take it
            if len(set(data[:, 0])) > 1:
                print 'skipping', id
            if len(data[:, 1]) < 2:
                print 'no subhaloes', id, data[:, 1]

            z = data[0, 0]

            #look the diameter distance from the lookup table
            dd = cosmocalc(z, 71.0, 0.28)['PS_kpc']

            #the first halo, assume it to be the main halo
            RADeg1 = data[0, 1]
            decDeg1 = data[0, 2]
            #the following haloes, assume to be subhaloes
            RADeg2 = data[1:, 1]
            decDeg2 = data[1:, 2]

            #calculate the angular separation on the sky
            sep = Coords.calcAngSepDeg(RADeg1, decDeg1, RADeg2, decDeg2)

            physical_distance = sep * dd / conversion

            #these are all the main halo parameters
            saveid.append(int(data[0, 3]))
            savemhalo.append(data[0, 4])
            saverhalo.append(data[0, 5])


        out = dict(halo_ids=saveid,

        wr.cPickleDumpDictionary(out, 'distances%i.pickle' % (i + 1))
Exemple #10
 def _pickleVars(self):
     This simple method pickles all important variables.
     Mainly useful for debugging when trying to figure out
     what went wrong. By default this method is not called
     as it is quite slow to pickle all this information and
     moreover it is not usually needed.
     if self.debug:
         tmp1 = self.result.copy()
         tmp2 = self.direct.copy()
         del tmp1['WCS']
         del tmp2['WCS']
         write.cPickleDumpDictionary(tmp1, 'results.pk')
         write.cPickleDumpDictionary(self.slits, 'slits.pk')
         write.cPickleDumpDictionary(self.fitting, 'fitting.pk')
         write.cPickleDumpDictionary(tmp2, 'direct.pk')
         del tmp1
         del tmp2
         tmp1 = self.result.copy()
         del tmp1['WCS']
         write.cPickleDumpDictionary(tmp1, 'results.pk')
         write.cPickleDumpDictionary(self.slits, 'slits.pk')
         write.cPickleDumpDictionary(self.fitting, 'fitting.pk')
         del tmp1