Exemple #1
def test_init_fail():
    _init_fail(None, MissingParameterError('userid'))
    _init_fail('   \t    ', MissingParameterError('userid'))
    _init_fail('foo \t bar',
               IllegalParameterError('userid contains control characters'))
    _init_fail('u' * 257,
               IllegalParameterError('userid exceeds maximum length of 256'))
def test_sample_build_fail():
    # not testing every permutation of failing check_string here, just one test to make sure
    # it's there

    id_ = uuid.UUID('1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef')
    u = UserID('user')
    sn = SampleNode('foo')
    tn = SampleNode('bar', SubSampleType.TECHNICAL_REPLICATE, 'foo')
    sn2 = SampleNode('baz')
    dup = SampleNode('foo')
    d = dt(8)

        [sn], 'a' * 257, IllegalParameterError('name exceeds maximum length of 256'))
    _sample_build_fail([], None, MissingParameterError('At least one node per sample is required'))
        [tn, sn], 'a', IllegalParameterError('The first node in a sample must be a BioReplicate'))
    _sample_build_fail([sn, tn, sn2], 'a', IllegalParameterError(
                       'BioReplicates must be the first nodes in the list of sample nodes.'))
    _sample_build_fail([sn, sn2, dup], 'a', IllegalParameterError(
                       'Duplicate sample node name: foo'))
    _sample_build_fail([sn2, tn], 'a', IllegalParameterError(
                        'Parent foo of node bar does not appear in node list prior to node.'))

    _sample_with_id_build_fail(None, u, [sn], d, None, None,
                               ValueError('id_ cannot be a value that evaluates to false'))
    _sample_with_id_build_fail(id_, None, [sn], d, None, None,
                               ValueError('user cannot be a value that evaluates to false'))
    _sample_with_id_build_fail(id_, u, [sn], None, None, None, ValueError(
                               'savetime cannot be a value that evaluates to false'))
    _sample_with_id_build_fail(id_, u, [sn], datetime.datetime.now(), None, None, ValueError(
                               'savetime cannot be a naive datetime'))
    _sample_with_id_build_fail(id_, u, [sn], d, None, 0, ValueError('version must be > 0'))
Exemple #3
def _check_metadata_value(key: str, value: Dict[str, PrimitiveType],
                          name: str) -> Dict[str, PrimitiveType]:
    if not value:
        raise IllegalParameterError(
            f'{name} metadata value associated with metadata key {key} is null or empty'
    for vk in value:
        cc = _control_char_first_pos(vk)
        if cc >= 0:
            raise IllegalParameterError(
                f"{name} metadata value key {vk} associated with metadata key {key} has a "
                + f'character at index {cc} that is a control character.')
        if len(vk) > _META_MAX_KEY_SIZE:
            raise IllegalParameterError(
                f'{name} metadata has a value key associated with metadata key {key} starting '
                f'with {vk[:_META_MAX_KEY_SIZE]} that exceeds maximum length of '
                + f'{_META_MAX_KEY_SIZE}')
        val = value[vk]
        if type(val) == str:
            cc = _control_char_first_pos(_cast(str, val),
            if cc >= 0:
                raise IllegalParameterError(
                    f"{name} metadata value associated with metadata key {key} and "
                    f'value key {vk} has a character at index {cc} that is a control character.'
            if len(_cast(str, val)) > _META_MAX_VALUE_SIZE:
                raise IllegalParameterError(
                    f'{name} metadata has a value associated with metadata key {key} '
                    f'and value key {vk} starting with {_cast(str, val)[:_META_MAX_KEY_SIZE]} '
                    + f'that exceeds maximum length of {_META_MAX_VALUE_SIZE}')
    return value
Exemple #4
def _check_source_meta(m: List[SourceMetadata], controlled_metadata):
    _not_falsy_in_iterable(m, 'source_metadata')
    # it doesn't make sense to turn the whole thing into json as a rough measure of size as the
    # user is not responsible for the field names.
    total_bytes = 0
    seen = set()
    for sm in m:
        if sm.key in seen:
            raise IllegalParameterError(
                f'Duplicate source metadata key: {sm.key}')
        # could check for duplicate sm.sourcekeys too, but possibly the source data is split into
        # two metadata keys?
        if sm.key not in controlled_metadata:
            raise IllegalParameterError(
                f'Source metadata key {sm.key} does not appear in the controlled metadata'
        total_bytes += len(sm.key.encode('utf-8')) + len(
        total_bytes += len(
        # Would be nice if that could be streamed so we don't make a new byte array
        # This calculation is more convoluted than I would like and hard to reproduce for users
        # but it's really unlikely the limit is ever going to be hit so YAGNI re improvements,
        # at least for now.
    if total_bytes > _META_MAX_SIZE_B:
        raise IllegalParameterError(
            f'Source metadata is larger than maximum of {_META_MAX_SIZE_B}B')
def _sample_node_build_fail_metadata(meta, expected):
    with raises(Exception) as got:
        SampleNode('n', SubSampleType.BIOLOGICAL_REPLICATE, controlled_metadata=meta)
    assert_exception_correct(got.value, IllegalParameterError(expected.format('Controlled')))
    with raises(Exception) as got:
        SampleNode('n', SubSampleType.BIOLOGICAL_REPLICATE, user_metadata=meta)
    assert_exception_correct(got.value, IllegalParameterError(expected.format('User')))
Exemple #6
def test_build_fail_ownerless():
        [u('a'), None], None, None,
            'Index 1 of iterable admin cannot be a value that evaluates to false'
        None, [None, None], None,
            'Index 0 of iterable write cannot be a value that evaluates to false'
        None, None, [u('a'), u('b'), None],
            'Index 2 of iterable read cannot be a value that evaluates to false'

    # test that you cannot have a user in 2 acls
    _build_fail_ownerless([u('a'), u('z')], [u('a'), u('c')],
                          [u('w'), u('b')],
                          IllegalParameterError('User a appears in two ACLs'))
    _build_fail_ownerless([u('a'), u('z')], [u('b'), u('c')],
                          [u('w'), u('a')],
                          IllegalParameterError('User a appears in two ACLs'))
    _build_fail_ownerless([u('x'), u('z')],
                          [u('b'), u('c'), u('w')], [u('w'), u('a')],
                          IllegalParameterError('User w appears in two ACLs'))
def test_get_user_from_object_fail_bad_args():
    _get_user_from_object_fail(None, 'us', ValueError('params cannot be None'))
    _get_user_from_object_fail({'us': 'foo'}, None, MissingParameterError('key'))
    _get_user_from_object_fail({'us': []}, 'us', IllegalParameterError(
        'us must be a string if present'))
    _get_user_from_object_fail({'us': 'baz\tbaat'}, 'us', IllegalParameterError(
        # probably not worth the trouble to change the key name, we'll see
        'userid contains control characters'))
def test_get_datetime_from_epochmilliseconds_in_object_fail_bad_args():
    gt = _get_datetime_from_epochmilliseconds_in_object_fail

    gt(None, 'bar', ValueError('params cannot be None'))
    gt({'foo': 'a'}, 'foo', IllegalParameterError(
        "key 'foo' value of 'a' is not a valid epoch millisecond timestamp"))
    gt({'ts': 1.2}, 'ts', IllegalParameterError(
        "key 'ts' value of '1.2' is not a valid epoch millisecond timestamp"))
def test_sample_address_init_fail():
    id1 = uuid.UUID('1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef')

    _sample_address_init_fail(None, 6, ValueError(
        'sampleid cannot be a value that evaluates to false'))
    _sample_address_init_fail(id1, None, IllegalParameterError('version must be > 0'))
    _sample_address_init_fail(id1, 0, IllegalParameterError('version must be > 0'))
    _sample_address_init_fail(id1, -5, IllegalParameterError('version must be > 0'))
def test_acls_from_dict_fail_bad_args():
    _acls_from_dict_fail(None, ValueError('d cannot be a value that evaluates to false'))
    _acls_from_dict_fail({}, ValueError('d cannot be a value that evaluates to false'))
    m = 'ACLs must be supplied in the acls key and must be a mapping'
    _acls_from_dict_fail({'acls': None}, IllegalParameterError(m))
    _acls_from_dict_fail({'acls': 'foo'}, IllegalParameterError(m))
def create_sample_params_meta_fail(m, expected):
        {'sample': {'node_tree': [
            {'id': 'foo', 'type': 'BioReplicate', 'meta_controlled': m}]}},
        IllegalParameterError(expected.format(0, 'controlled metadata')))
        {'sample': {'node_tree': [
            {'id': 'bar', 'type': 'BioReplicate'},
            {'id': 'foo', 'type': 'SubSample', 'parent': 'bar', 'meta_user': m}]}},
        IllegalParameterError(expected.format(1, 'user metadata')))
def test_get_admin_request_from_object_fail_bad_args():
    _get_admin_request_from_object_fail(None, '1', '2', ValueError('params cannot be None'))
    _get_admin_request_from_object_fail({'a': 'b'}, None, '2', MissingParameterError('as_admin'))
    _get_admin_request_from_object_fail({'a': 'b'}, '1', None, MissingParameterError('as_user'))
        {'asa': True, 'asu': ['foo']}, 'asa', 'asu', IllegalParameterError(
            'asu must be a string if present'))
        {'asa': True, 'asu': 'whe\tee'}, 'asa', 'asu', IllegalParameterError(
            'userid contains control characters'))
def test_get_data_unit_id_from_object_fail_bad_args():
    _get_data_unit_id_from_object_fail(None, ValueError('params cannot be None'))
    _get_data_unit_id_from_object_fail({}, MissingParameterError('upa'))
    _get_data_unit_id_from_object_fail({'upa': '1/0/1'}, IllegalParameterError(
        '1/0/1 is not a valid UPA'))
    _get_data_unit_id_from_object_fail({'upa': 82}, IllegalParameterError(
        'upa key is not a string as required'))
    _get_data_unit_id_from_object_fail({'upa': '1/1/1', 'dataid': []}, IllegalParameterError(
        'dataid key is not a string as required'))
    _get_data_unit_id_from_object_fail({'upa': '1/1/1', 'dataid': 'f\t/b'}, IllegalParameterError(
        'dataid contains control characters'))
def test_get_id_from_object_fail_bad_args():
    _get_id_from_object_fail({'id': 6}, True, IllegalParameterError(
        'Sample ID 6 must be a UUID string'))
        'id': 'f5bd78c3-823e-40b2-9f93-20e78680e41'},
            'Sample ID f5bd78c3-823e-40b2-9f93-20e78680e41 must be a UUID string'))
    _get_id_from_object_fail(None, True, MissingParameterError('Sample ID'))
    _get_id_from_object_fail({}, True, MissingParameterError('Sample ID'))
    _get_id_from_object_fail({'id': None}, True, MissingParameterError('Sample ID'))
def test_get_version_from_object_fail_bad_args():
    get_version_from_object_fail(None, False, ValueError('params cannot be None'))
    get_version_from_object_fail({}, True, MissingParameterError('version'))
        {'version': None}, True, MissingParameterError('version'))
        {'version': 'whee'}, False, IllegalParameterError('Illegal version argument: whee'))
        {'version': 0}, True, IllegalParameterError('Illegal version argument: 0'))
        {'version': -3}, False, IllegalParameterError('Illegal version argument: -3'))
Exemple #16
def _check_metadata_key(key: str, name: str) -> str:
    if not key or not key.strip():
        raise IllegalParameterError(
            f'{name} metadata keys may not be null or whitespace only')
    if len(key) > _META_MAX_KEY_SIZE:
        raise IllegalParameterError(
            f'{name} metadata has key starting with {key[:_META_MAX_KEY_SIZE]} that '
            + f'exceeds maximum length of {_META_MAX_KEY_SIZE}')
    cc = _control_char_first_pos(key)
    if cc >= 0:
        raise IllegalParameterError(
            f"{name} metadata key {key}'s character at index {cc} is a control character."
    return key
Exemple #17
 def __init__(
     nodes: List[SampleNode],
     name: Optional[str] = None,
     Create the the sample.
     :param nodes: The tree nodes in the sample. BIOLOGICAL_REPLICATES must come first in
         the list, and parents must come before children in the list.
     :param name: The name of the sample. Cannot contain control characters or be longer than
         255 characters.
     :raise MissingParameterError: if no nodes are provided.
     :raises IllegalParameterError: if the name is too long or contains illegal characters,
         the first node in the list is not a BIOLOGICAL_REPLICATE, all the BIOLOGICAL_REPLICATES
         are not at the start of this list, node names are not unique, or parent nodes
         do not appear in the list prior to their children.
     self.name = _check_string(name,
     if not nodes:
         raise MissingParameterError(
             'At least one node per sample is required')
     if len(nodes) > _MAX_SAMPLE_NODES:
         raise IllegalParameterError(
             f'At most {_MAX_SAMPLE_NODES} nodes are allowed per sample')
     if nodes[0].type != SubSampleType.BIOLOGICAL_REPLICATE:
         raise IllegalParameterError(
             f'The first node in a sample must be a {SubSampleType.BIOLOGICAL_REPLICATE.value}'
     no_more_bio = False
     seen_names: _Set[str] = set()
     for n in nodes:
         if no_more_bio and n.type == SubSampleType.BIOLOGICAL_REPLICATE:
             raise IllegalParameterError(
                 f'{SubSampleType.BIOLOGICAL_REPLICATE.value}s must be the first '
                 + 'nodes in the list of sample nodes.')
         if n.type != SubSampleType.BIOLOGICAL_REPLICATE:
             no_more_bio = True
         if n.name in seen_names:
             raise IllegalParameterError(
                 f'Duplicate sample node name: {n.name}')
         if n.parent and n.parent not in seen_names:
             raise IllegalParameterError(
                 f'Parent {n.parent} of node {n.name} does not ' +
                 'appear in node list prior to node.')
     self.nodes = tuple(nodes)  # make hashable
Exemple #18
def test_check_string_control_characters():
    for string in ['foo \b  bar', 'foo\u200bbar', 'foo\0bar', 'foo\bbar']:
        with raises(Exception) as got:
            check_string(string, 'var name')
            IllegalParameterError('var name contains control characters'))
def check_string(string: Optional[str],
                 name: str,
                 max_len: int = None,
                 optional: bool = False) -> Optional[str]:
    Check that a string meets a set of criteria:
    - it is not None or whitespace only (unless the optional parameter is specified)
    - it contains no control characters
    - (optional) it is less than some specified maximum length

    :param string: the string to test.
    :param name: the name of the string to be used in error messages.
    :param max_len: the maximum length of the string.
    :param optional: True if no error should be thrown if the string is None.
    :returns: the stripped string or None if the string was optional and None or whitespace only.
    :raises MissingParameterError: if the string is None or whitespace only.
    :raises IllegalParameterError: if the string is too long or contains illegal characters.
    # See the IDMapping service if character classes are needed.
    # Maybe package this stuff
    if max_len is not None and max_len < 1:
        raise ValueError('max_len must be > 0 if provided')
    if not string or not string.strip():
        if optional:
            return None
        raise MissingParameterError(name)
    string = string.strip()
    _no_control_characters(string, name)
    if max_len and len(string) > max_len:
        raise IllegalParameterError('{} exceeds maximum length of {}'.format(
            name, max_len))
    return string
def test_set_key_metadata_fail_bad_args():
    _key_metadata_fail_([], None, ValueError('keys cannot be None'))
        MetadataValidator('key1', [_noop]),
        MetadataValidator('key3', [_noop])
    ], ['key1', 'key2', 'key3'],
                        IllegalParameterError('No such metadata key: key2'))
Exemple #21
def test_check_string_long_fail():
    for string, length in {'123456789': 8, 'ab': 1, 'a' * 100: 99}.items():
        with raises(Exception) as got:
            check_string(string, 'var name', max_len=length)
                f'var name exceeds maximum length of {length}'))
def test_has_permission_fail_bad_input():
    r = WorkspaceAccessType.READ
    u = UserID('b')
    _has_permission_fail(u, None, None, r, ValueError(
        'Either an UPA or a workpace ID must be supplied'))
    _has_permission_fail(u, 0, None, r, IllegalParameterError('0 is not a valid workspace ID'))
    _has_permission_fail(u, 1, None, None, ValueError(
        'perm cannot be a value that evaluates to false'))
def test_sample_node_build_fail_source_metadata():
        [SourceMetadata('k', 'k1', {'a': 'b'}), None], ValueError(
            'Index 1 of iterable source_metadata cannot be a value that evaluates to false'))
        [SourceMetadata('f', 'k1', {'a': 'b'}), SourceMetadata('k', 'k1', {'c': 'd'})],
            'Source metadata key k does not appear in the controlled metadata'),
        cmeta={'f': {'x': 'y'}})
        [SourceMetadata('k', 'k1', {'a': 'b'}), SourceMetadata('k', 'k2', {'a': 2})],
        IllegalParameterError('Duplicate source metadata key: k'))

    # 100001KB when the size calculation routine is run
    smeta = [SourceMetadata(str(i), 'sksksk', {'x': '𐎦' * 25}) for i in range(848)]
    smeta.append(SourceMetadata('a', 'b' * 36, {'x': 'y'}))
    _sample_node_build_fail_source_metadata(smeta, IllegalParameterError(
        'Source metadata is larger than maximum of 100000B'))
def test_sample_node_address_init_fail():
    sa = SampleAddress(uuid.UUID('1234567890abcdef1234567890abcdef'), 5)

    _sample_node_address_init_fail(None, 'f',  ValueError(
        'sample cannot be a value that evaluates to false'))
    _sample_node_address_init_fail(sa, None, MissingParameterError('node'))
    _sample_node_address_init_fail(sa, '  \t \n  ', MissingParameterError('node'))
    _sample_node_address_init_fail(sa, '3' * 257, IllegalParameterError(
        'node exceeds maximum length of 256'))
Exemple #25
def _check_meta(m: Dict[str, Dict[str, PrimitiveType]], controlled: bool):
    c = 'Controlled' if controlled else 'User'
    for k in m:
        _check_metadata_key(k, c)
        _check_metadata_value(k, m[k], c)
    if len(_json.dumps(m,
                       ensure_ascii=False).encode('utf-8')) > _META_MAX_SIZE_B:
        # would be nice if that could be streamed so we don't make a new byte array
        raise IllegalParameterError(
            f'{c} metadata is larger than maximum of {_META_MAX_SIZE_B}B')
def test_duid_init_fail():
    with raises(Exception) as got:
    assert_exception_correct(got.value, ValueError(
        'upa cannot be a value that evaluates to false'))

    with raises(Exception) as got:
        DataUnitID(UPA('1/1/1'), 'a' * 257)
    assert_exception_correct(got.value, IllegalParameterError(
        'dataid exceeds maximum length of 256'))
Exemple #27
    def __init__(self, sampleid: UUID, version: int):
        Create the address.

        :param sampleid: The ID of the sample.
        :param version: The version of the sample.
        self.sampleid = _not_falsy(sampleid, 'sampleid')
        if version is None or version < 1:
            raise IllegalParameterError('version must be > 0')
        self.version = version
def test_sample_node_build_fail():
    # not testing every permutation of failing check_string here, just one test to make sure
    # it's there
    _sample_node_build_fail('', SubSampleType.BIOLOGICAL_REPLICATE, None,
                            MissingParameterError('subsample name'))
    _sample_node_build_fail('a' * 257, SubSampleType.BIOLOGICAL_REPLICATE, None,
                            IllegalParameterError('subsample name exceeds maximum length of 256'))
    _sample_node_build_fail('a', None, None,
                            ValueError('type cannot be a value that evaluates to false'))
    _sample_node_build_fail('a', SubSampleType.TECHNICAL_REPLICATE, 'b' * 257,
                            IllegalParameterError('parent exceeds maximum length of 256'))
        'a', SubSampleType.BIOLOGICAL_REPLICATE, 'badparent', IllegalParameterError(
            'Node a is of type BioReplicate and therefore cannot have a parent'))
        'a', SubSampleType.TECHNICAL_REPLICATE, None, IllegalParameterError(
            'Node a is of type TechReplicate and therefore must have a parent'))
        'a', SubSampleType.SUB_SAMPLE, None, IllegalParameterError(
            'Node a is of type SubSample and therefore must have a parent'))
Exemple #29
def test_delta_build_fail():
    _build_delta_fail([u('a'), None], None, None, None, ValueError(
        'Index 1 of iterable admin cannot be a value that evaluates to false'))
    _build_delta_fail(None, [None, None], None, None, ValueError(
        'Index 0 of iterable write cannot be a value that evaluates to false'))
    _build_delta_fail(None, None, [u('a'), u('b'), None], None, ValueError(
        'Index 2 of iterable read cannot be a value that evaluates to false'))
    _build_delta_fail(None, None, None, [None], ValueError(
        'Index 0 of iterable remove cannot be a value that evaluates to false'))

    # test that you cannot have a user in 2 acls
        [u('a'), u('z')], [u('a'), u('c')], [u('w'), u('b')], None,
        IllegalParameterError('User a appears in two ACLs'))
        [u('a'), u('z')], [u('b'), u('c')], [u('w'), u('a')], None,
        IllegalParameterError('User a appears in two ACLs'))
        [u('x'), u('z')], [u('b'), u('c'), u('w')], [u('w'), u('a')], None,
        IllegalParameterError('User w appears in two ACLs'))

    # test that you cannot have a user in the remove list and an acl
        [u('f'), u('z')], [u('b'), u('c'), u('g')], [u('w'), u('a')], [u('m'), u('f')],
        IllegalParameterError('Users in the remove list cannot be in any other ACL'))
        [u('a'), u('z')], [u('x'), u('c')], [u('w'), u('b')], [u('m'), u('x')],
        IllegalParameterError('Users in the remove list cannot be in any other ACL'))
        [u('a'), u('z')], [u('b'), u('c')], [u('w'), u('y')], [u('y')],
        IllegalParameterError('Users in the remove list cannot be in any other ACL'))
def _no_control_characters(string: str, name: str) -> str:
    Checks that a string contains no control characters and throws an exception if it does.
    See :meth:`contains_control_characters` for more information.
    :param string: The string to check.
    :param name: the name of the string to include in any exception.
    :raises IllegalParameterError: if the string contains control characters.
    :returns: the string.
    # make public if needed
    if _contains_control_characters(string):
        raise IllegalParameterError(name + ' contains control characters')
    return string