def plotStackedHistos(histosPerGroup={}, outputDir='', region='', verbose=False): groups = histosPerGroup.keys() variables = first(histosPerGroup).keys() leptonTypes = first(first(histosPerGroup)).keys() colors = SampleUtils.colors mkdirIfNeeded(outputDir) histosPerName = dict([(region+'_'+var+'_'+lt, # one canvas for each histo, so key with histoname w/out group dict([(g, histosPerGroup[g][var][lt]) for g in groups])) for var in variables for lt in leptonTypes]) for histoname, histosPerGroup in histosPerName.iteritems(): missingGroups = [g for g, h in histosPerGroup.iteritems() if not h] if missingGroups: if verbose : print "skip %s, missing histos for %s"%(histoname, str(missingGroups)) continue bkgHistos = dict([(g, h) for g, h in histosPerGroup.iteritems() if isBkgSample(g)]) totBkg = summedHisto(bkgHistos.values()) err_band = buildErrBandGraph(totBkg, computeStatErr2(totBkg)) emptyBkg = totBkg.Integral()==0 if emptyBkg: if verbose : print "empty backgrounds, skip %s"%histoname continue can = r.TCanvas('c_'+histoname, histoname, 800, 600) pm = totBkg # pad master pm.SetStats(False) pm.Draw('axis') can.Update() # necessary to fool root's dumb object ownership stack = r.THStack('stack_'+histoname,'') can.Update() r.SetOwnership(stack, False) for s, h in bkgHistos.iteritems() : h.SetFillColor(colors[s] if s in colors else r.kOrange) h.SetDrawOption('bar') h.SetDirectory(0) stack.Add(h) stack.Draw('hist same') err_band.Draw('E2 same') data = histosPerGroup['data'] if data and data.GetEntries(): data.SetMarkerStyle(r.kFullDotLarge) data.Draw('p same') yMin, yMax = getMinMax([h for h in [totBkg, data, err_band] if h]) pm.SetMinimum(0.0) pm.SetMaximum(1.1*yMax) can.Update() topRightLabel(can, histoname, xpos=0.125, align=13) drawLegendWithDictKeys(can, dictSum(bkgHistos, {'stat err':err_band}), opt='f') can.RedrawAxis() can._stack = stack can._histos = [h for h in stack.GetHists()]+[data] can.Update() outFname = os.path.join(outputDir, histoname+'.png') utils.rmIfExists(outFname) can.SaveAs(outFname)
allSamples += ['totbkg'] if printTotBkg else [] allSelects = sorted(list(set([ for k in histosByType.keys()]))) if verbose : print 'allSamples : ',allSamples if verbose : print 'allSelects : ',allSelects # get the counts (adding up what needs to be merged by samplename) sampleCountsPerSel = dict() # counts[sample][sel] countsSampleSel = dict([(s, collections.defaultdict(float)) for s in allSamples]) for t, histos in refHistos.iteritems() : if != channel : continue for h in histos : sample, sel = h.sample, cnt = h.GetEntries() if rawcnt else h.Integral() skipIt = not printData and sample=='data' countIt = not skipIt countsSampleSel[sample][sel] += cnt if countIt else 0.0 if printTotBkg and isBkgSample(sample) : countsSampleSel['totbkg'][sel] += cnt ct = CutflowTable(allSamples, allSelects, countsSampleSel, isRawCount=rawcnt, selectionRegexp=selRegexp) csv = ct.csv() print csv if csvFile : with open(csvFile, 'w') as f : f.write(csv) if texFile : with open(texFile, 'w') as f : f.write(ct.latex()) if pklFile : dumpToPickle(pklFile, countsSampleSel)
def subtractRealAndComputeScaleFactor(histosPerGroup={}, variable='', outRatiohistoname='',outDataeffhistoname='', outputDir='./', region='', verbose=False): "efficiency scale factor" groups = histosPerGroup.keys() mkdirIfNeeded(outputDir) histosPerType = dict([(lt, dict([(g, histosPerGroup[g][variable][lt]) for g in groups])) for lt in leptonTypes]) for lt in leptonTypes : histosPerType[lt]['totSimBkg'] = summedHisto([histo for group,histo in histosPerType[lt].iteritems() if isBkgSample(group)]) simuTight = histosPerType['fake_tight']['totSimBkg'] simuLoose = histosPerType['fake_loose']['totSimBkg'] dataTight = histosPerType['tight' ]['data' ] dataLoose = histosPerType['loose' ]['data' ] # subtract real contribution from data # _Note to self_: currently estimating the real contr from MC; in # the past also used iterative corr, which might be more # appropriate in cases like here, where the normalization is # so-so. Todo: investigate the normalization. dataTight.Add(histosPerType['real_tight']['totSimBkg'], -1.0) dataLoose.Add(histosPerType['real_loose']['totSimBkg'], -1.0) dataTight.Divide(dataLoose) simuTight.Divide(simuLoose) print "eff(T|L) vs. ",variable def formatFloat(floats): return ["%.4f"%f for f in floats] print "efficiency data : ",formatFloat(getBinContents(dataTight)) print "efficiency simu : ",formatFloat(getBinContents(simuTight)) ratio = dataTight.Clone(outRatiohistoname) ratio.SetDirectory(0) ratio.Divide(simuTight) print "sf data/simu : ",formatFloat(getBinContents(ratio)) print " +/- : ",formatFloat(getBinErrors(ratio)) can = r.TCanvas('c_'+outRatiohistoname, outRatiohistoname, 800, 600) botPad, topPad = rootUtils.buildBotTopPads(can) topPad.Draw() pm = dataTight pm.SetStats(0) pm.Draw('axis') xAx, yAx = pm.GetXaxis(), pm.GetYaxis() xAx.SetTitle('') xAx.SetLabelSize(0) yAx.SetRangeUser(0.0, 0.25) textScaleUp = 1.0/topPad.GetHNDC() yAx.SetLabelSize(textScaleUp*0.04) yAx.SetTitleSize(textScaleUp*0.04) yAx.SetTitle('#epsilon(T|L)') yAx.SetTitleOffset(yAx.GetTitleOffset()/textScaleUp) simuTight.SetLineColor(r.kRed) simuTight.SetMarkerStyle(r.kOpenCross) simuTight.SetMarkerColor(simuTight.GetLineColor()) dataTight.Draw('same') simuTight.Draw('same') leg = drawLegendWithDictKeys(topPad, {'data':dataTight, 'simulation':simuTight}, legWidth=0.4) leg.SetHeader('scale factor '+region+' '+('electron' if '_el_'in outRatiohistoname else 'muon' if '_mu_' in outRatiohistoname else '')) botPad.Draw() ratio.SetStats(0) ratio.Draw() textScaleUp = 1.0/botPad.GetHNDC() xAx, yAx = ratio.GetXaxis(), ratio.GetYaxis() yAx.SetRangeUser(0.0, 2.0) xAx.SetTitle({'pt1':'p_{T}', 'eta1':'|#eta|'}[variable]) yAx.SetNdivisions(-202) yAx.SetTitle('Data/Sim') yAx.CenterTitle() xAx.SetLabelSize(textScaleUp*0.04) xAx.SetTitleSize(textScaleUp*0.04) yAx.SetLabelSize(textScaleUp*0.04) yAx.SetTitleSize(textScaleUp*0.04) refLine = rootUtils.referenceLine(xAx.GetXmin(), xAx.GetXmax()) refLine.Draw() can.Update() outFname = os.path.join(outputDir, region+'_'+outRatiohistoname) for ext in ['.eps','.png']: utils.rmIfExists(outFname+ext) can.SaveAs(outFname+ext) eff_data = dataTight.Clone(outDataeffhistoname) return {outRatiohistoname : ratio, outDataeffhistoname : eff_data}