Exemple #1
class SceneFile:

    def __init__(self, filename, mode = 'r', scale = 1., delete = 0):
	if mode == 'r':
	    raise TypeError, 'Not yet implemented.'
	self.file = TextFile(filename, 'w')
	self.memo = {}
	self.delete = delete
	self.scale = scale
	self.filename = filename
	self.writeString('proc mmtk_graphics {} {\n')
	self.writeString('mol new graphics {MMTK Graphics}\n')

    def __del__(self):

    def writeString(self, data):

    def writeVector(self, v):
	self.writeString(" {%g %g %g}" % tuple(v))

    def close(self):
	if self.file is not None:
	    self.writeString('display resetview\n')
	    if self.delete:
		self.writeString('file delete ' + self.filename)
	    self.file = None

    def write(self, object):
class SceneFile:
    def __init__(self, filename, mode='r'):
        if mode == 'r':
            raise TypeError('Not yet implemented.')
        self.file = TextFile(filename, 'w')
        self.file.write('#VRML V1.0 ascii\n')
        self.file.write('Separator {\n')
        self.memo = {}
        self.name_counter = 0

    def __del__(self):

    def writeString(self, data):

    def close(self):
        if self.file is not None:
            self.file = None

    def write(self, object):

    def uniqueName(self):
        self.name_counter = self.name_counter + 1
        return 'i' + ` self.name_counter `
class SceneFile:
    def __init__(self, filename, mode='r', scale=1., delete=0):
        if mode == 'r':
            raise TypeError, 'Not yet implemented.'
        self.file = TextFile(filename, 'w')
        self.memo = {}
        self.delete = delete
        self.scale = scale
        self.filename = filename
        self.writeString('proc mara_graphics {} {\n')
        self.writeString('mol new\n')
        self.writeString('mol rename top mara\n')

    def __del__(self):

    def writeString(self, data):

    def writeVector(self, v):
        self.writeString(" {%g %g %g}" % tuple(v))

    def close(self):
        if self.file is not None:
            self.writeString('display resetview\n')
            if self.delete:
                self.writeString('file delete ' + self.filename)
            self.file = None

    def write(self, object):
Exemple #4
class SceneFile(object):
    def __init__(self, filename, mode='r', scale=1.):
        if mode == 'r':
            raise TypeError('Not yet implemented.')
        self.file = TextFile(filename, 'w')
        self.filename = filename

    def _init(self, scale):
        self.memo = {}
        self.scale = scale

    def __del__(self):

    def writeString(self, data):

    def writeVector(self, v):
        self.writeString(" %g %g %g " % tuple(v))

    def close(self):

    def write(self, object):
Exemple #5
def saveText(master=None, data=None, filename=None, title=None):

    if not filename:
        if master:
            from nMoldyn.gui import FileDialog
            fd = FileDialog.SaveFileDialog(master)
            filename = fd.go(key='SaveText', pattern='*.txt')
            raise "Undetectable_System_Error",\
                  "No master for a slave"
    if data is None:
        raise ValueError, "no data to be saved"
    if title is None: title = "pMoldyn data"
    if filename:
        file = TextFile(filename, 'w')
        line = '#\n# ' + title + '\n#\n'
        for i in range(len(data)):
            line = ''
            for ia in range(len(data[i])):
                line = line + str(data[i][ia]) + ' '
            line = line + '\n'
    return filename
class SceneFile:
    def __init__(self, filename, mode='r'):
        if mode == 'r':
            raise TypeError, 'Not implemented.'
        self.file = TextFile(filename, 'w')
        self.file.write('#VRML V2.0 utf8\n')
        self.file.write('Transform { children [\n')
        self.memo = {}
        self.name_counter = 0

    def __del__(self):

    def writeString(self, data):

    def close(self):
        if self.file is not None:
            self.file = None

    def write(self, object):

    def uniqueName(self):
        self.name_counter = self.name_counter + 1
        return 'i' + ` self.name_counter `
def writeDataSets(datasets, filename, separator=''):
    Write multiple datasets to a text file.

    @param datasets: a sequence of datasets describing a curve to be
                     plotted. Each dataset is either a 1d-array
                     (list of values) or a 2d-array of shape N x 2
                     (list of (x, y) pairs). Nested lists can be used
                     instead of arrays.
    @param filename: the name of the output file
    @type filename: C{str}
    @param separator: the contents of the line that is written between
                      two datasets
    @type separator: C{str}
    file = TextFile(filename, 'w')
    nsets = len(datasets)
    for i in range(nsets):
        d = Numeric.array(list(datasets[i]))
        if len(d.shape) == 1:
            d = d[:, Numeric.NewAxis]
        for point in d:
            for number in point:
                file.write( ` number ` + ' ')
        if (i < nsets - 1):
            file.write(separator + '\n')
class SceneFile:

    def __init__(self, filename, mode = 'r'):
	if mode == 'r':
	    raise TypeError, 'Not implemented.'
	self.file = TextFile(filename, 'w')
	self.file.write('#VRML V2.0 utf8\n')
	self.file.write('Transform { children [\n')
	self.memo = {}
	self.name_counter = 0

    def __del__(self):

    def writeString(self, data):

    def close(self):
	if self.file is not None:
	    self.file = None

    def write(self, object):

    def uniqueName(self):
	self.name_counter = self.name_counter + 1
	return 'i' + `self.name_counter`
Exemple #9
class SceneFile:

    def __init__(self, filename, mode = 'r'):
        if mode == 'r':
            raise TypeError('Not yet implemented.')
        self.file = TextFile(filename, 'w')
        self.file.write('#VRML V1.0 ascii\n')
        self.file.write('Separator {\n')
        self.memo = {}
        self.name_counter = 0

    def __del__(self):

    def writeString(self, data):

    def close(self):
        if self.file is not None:
            self.file = None

    def write(self, object):

    def uniqueName(self):
        self.name_counter = self.name_counter + 1
        return 'i' + `self.name_counter`
Exemple #10
def writeArray(array, filename, mode='w'):
    """Write array |a| to file |filename|. |mode| can be 'w' (new file)
       or 'a' (append)."""
    file = TextFile(filename, mode)
    if len(array.shape) == 1:
	array = array[:, Numeric.NewAxis]
    for line in array:
	for element in line:
	    file.write(`element` + ' ')
Exemple #11
def writeArray(array, filename, mode='w'):
    """Write array |a| to file |filename|. |mode| can be 'w' (new file)
       or 'a' (append)."""
    file = TextFile(filename, mode)
    if len(array.shape) == 1:
	array = array[:, Numeric.NewAxis]
    for line in array:
	for element in line:
	    file.write(`element` + ' ')
def writeArray(array, filename, mode='w'):
    Write a text representation of an array to a file.

    @param array: the array to be written
    @type array: C{Numeric.array}
    @param filename: the name of the output file
    @type filename: C{str}
    @param mode: the file access mode, 'w' (new file) or 'a' (append)
    @type mode: C{str}
    file = TextFile(filename, mode)
    if len(array.shape) == 1:
        array = array[:, Numeric.NewAxis]
    for line in array:
        for element in line:
            file.write( ` element ` + ' ')
Exemple #13
def writeDataSets(datasets, filename, separator = ''):
    """Write each of the items in the sequence |datasets|
    to the file |filename|, separating the datasets by a line
    containing |separator|. The items in the data sets can be
    one- or two-dimensional arrays or equivalent nested sequences.
    The output file format is understood by many plot programs.
    file = TextFile(filename, 'w')
    nsets = len(datasets)
    for i in range(nsets):
	d = Numeric.array(datasets[i])
	if len(d.shape) == 1:
	    d = d[:, Numeric.NewAxis]
	for point in d:
	    for number in point:
		file.write(`number` + ' ')
	if (i < nsets-1):
	    file.write(separator + '\n')
Exemple #14
def writeDataSets(datasets, filename, separator = ''):
    """Write each of the items in the sequence |datasets|
    to the file |filename|, separating the datasets by a line
    containing |separator|. The items in the data sets can be
    one- or two-dimensional arrays or equivalent nested sequences.
    The output file format is understood by many plot programs.
    file = TextFile(filename, 'w')
    nsets = len(datasets)
    for i in range(nsets):
	d = Numeric.array(datasets[i])
	if len(d.shape) == 1:
	    d = d[:, Numeric.NewAxis]
	for point in d:
	    for number in point:
		file.write(`number` + ' ')
	if (i < nsets-1):
	    file.write(separator + '\n')
class PDBFile:
    """PDB file with access at the record level

    Constructor: PDBFile(|filename|, |mode|='"r"'), where |filename|
    is the file name and |mode| is '"r"' for reading and '"w"' for writing,
    The low-level file access is handled by the module
    Scientific.IO.TextFile, therefore compressed files and URLs
    (for reading) can be used as well.
    def __init__(self, filename, mode='r', subformat=None):
        self.file = TextFile(filename, mode)
        self.output = string.lower(mode[0]) == 'w'
        self.export_filter = None
        if subformat is not None:
            export = export_filters.get(subformat, None)
            if export is not None:
                self.export_filter = export()
        self.open = 1
        if self.output:
            self.data = {
                'serial_number': 0,
                'residue_number': 0,
                'chain_id': '',
                'segment_id': ''
            self.het_flag = 0
            self.chain_number = -1

    def readLine(self):
        """Returns the contents of the next non-blank line (= record).
        The return value is a tuple whose first element (a string)
        contains the record type. For supported record types (HEADER,
        ATOM, HETATM, ANISOU, TERM, MODEL, CONECT), the items from the
        remaining fields are put into a dictionary which is returned
        as the second tuple element. Most dictionary elements are
        strings or numbers; atom positions are returned as a vector,
        and anisotropic temperature factors are returned as a rank-2
        tensor, already multiplied by 1.e-4. White space is stripped
        from all strings except for atom names, whose correct
        interpretation can depend on an initial space. For unsupported
        record types, the second tuple element is a string containing
        the remaining part of the record.
        while 1:
            line = self.file.readline()
            if not line: return ('END', '')
            if line[-1] == '\n': line = line[:-1]
            line = string.strip(line)
            if line: break
        line = string.ljust(line, 80)
        type = string.strip(line[:6])
        if type == 'ATOM' or type == 'HETATM':
            line = FortranLine(line, atom_format)
            data = {
                'serial_number': line[1],
                'name': line[2],
                'alternate': string.strip(line[3]),
                'residue_name': string.strip(line[4]),
                'chain_id': string.strip(line[5]),
                'residue_number': line[6],
                'insertion_code': string.strip(line[7]),
                'position': Vector(line[8:11]),
                'occupancy': line[11],
                'temperature_factor': line[12],
                'segment_id': string.strip(line[13]),
                'element': string.strip(line[14]),
                'charge': string.strip(line[15])
            return type, data
        elif type == 'ANISOU':
            line = FortranLine(line, anisou_format)
            data = {
                1.e-4 * Tensor([[line[8], line[11], line[12]],
                                [line[11], line[9], line[13]],
                                [line[12], line[13], line[10]]]),
            return type, data
        elif type == 'TER':
            line = FortranLine(line, ter_format)
            data = {
                'serial_number': line[1],
                'residue_name': string.strip(line[2]),
                'chain_id': string.strip(line[3]),
                'residue_number': line[4],
                'insertion_code': string.strip(line[5])
            return type, data
        elif type == 'CONECT':
            line = FortranLine(line, conect_format)
            data = {
                'serial_number': line[1],
                'bonded': filter(lambda i: i > 0, line[2:6]),
                'hydrogen_bonded': filter(lambda i: i > 0, line[6:10]),
                'salt_bridged': filter(lambda i: i > 0, line[10:12])
            return type, data
        elif type == 'MODEL':
            line = FortranLine(line, model_format)
            data = {'serial_number': line[1]}
            return type, data
        elif type == 'HEADER':
            line = FortranLine(line, header_format)
            data = {'compound': line[1], 'date': line[2], 'pdb_code': line[3]}
            return type, data
            return type, line[6:]

    def writeLine(self, type, data):
        """Writes a line using record type and data dictionary in the
        same format as returned by readLine(). Default values are
        provided for non-essential information, so the data dictionary
        need not contain all entries.
        if self.export_filter is not None:
            type, data = self.export_filter.processLine(type, data)
            if type is None:
        line = [type]
        if type == 'ATOM' or type == 'HETATM':
            format = atom_format
            position = data['position']
            line = line + [
                data.get('serial_number', 1),
                data.get('alternate', ''),
                string.rjust(data.get('residue_name', ''), 3),
                data.get('chain_id', ''),
                data.get('residue_number', 1),
                data.get('insertion_code', ''), position[0], position[1],
                data.get('occupancy', 0.),
                data.get('temperature_factor', 0.),
                data.get('segment_id', ''),
                string.rjust(data.get('element', ''), 2),
                data.get('charge', '')
        elif type == 'ANISOU':
            format = anisou_format
            u = 1.e4 * data['u']
            u = [
                int(u[0, 0]),
                int(u[1, 1]),
                int(u[2, 2]),
                int(u[0, 1]),
                int(u[0, 2]),
                int(u[1, 2])
            line = line + [data.get('serial_number', 1),
                           data.get('alternate', ''),
                           string.rjust(data.get('residue_name'), 3),
                           data.get('chain_id', ''),
                           data.get('residue_number', 1),
                           data.get('insertion_code', '')] \
                        + u \
                        + [data.get('segment_id', ''),
                           string.rjust(data.get('element', ''), 2),
                           data.get('charge', '')]
        elif type == 'TER':
            format = ter_format
            line = line + [
                data.get('serial_number', 1),
                string.rjust(data.get('residue_name'), 3),
                data.get('chain_id', ''),
                data.get('residue_number', 1),
                data.get('insertion_code', '')
        elif type == 'CONECT':
            format = conect_format
            line = line + [data.get('serial_number')]
            line = line + (data.get('bonded', []) + 4 * [None])[:4]
            line = line + (data.get('hydrogen_bonded', []) + 4 * [None])[:4]
            line = line + (data.get('salt_bridged', []) + 2 * [None])[:2]
        elif type == 'MODEL':
            format = model_format
            line = line + [data.get('serial_number')]
        elif type == 'HEADER':
            format = header_format
            line = line + [
                data.get('compound', ''),
                data.get('date', ''),
            format = generic_format
            line = line + [data]
        self.file.write(str(FortranLine(line, format)) + '\n')

    def writeComment(self, text):
        """Writes |text| into one or several comment lines.
        Each line of the text is prefixed with 'REMARK' and written
        to the file.
        while text:
            eol = string.find(text, '\n')
            if eol == -1:
                eol = len(text)
            self.file.write('REMARK %s \n' % text[:eol])
            text = text[eol + 1:]

    def writeAtom(self,
        """Writes an ATOM or HETATM record using the |name|, |occupancy|,
        |temperature| and |element| information supplied. The residue and
        chain information is taken from the last calls to the methods
        nextResidue() and nextChain().
        if self.het_flag:
            type = 'HETATM'
            type = 'ATOM'
        name = string.upper(name)
        if element != '' and len(element) == 1 and name and name[0] == element:
            name = ' ' + name
        self.data['name'] = name
        self.data['position'] = position
        self.data['serial_number'] = (self.data['serial_number'] + 1) % 100000
        self.data['occupancy'] = occupancy
        self.data['temperature_factor'] = temperature_factor
        self.data['element'] = element
        self.writeLine(type, self.data)

    def nextResidue(self, name, number=None, terminus=None):
        """Signals the beginning of a new residue, starting with the
        next call to writeAtom(). The residue name is |name|, and a
        |number| can be supplied optionally; by default residues in a
        chain will be numbered sequentially starting from 1. The
        value of |terminus| can be 'None', '"C"', or '"N"'; it is passed
        to export filters that can use this information in order to
        use different atom or residue names in terminal residues.
        name = string.upper(name)
        if self.export_filter is not None:
            name, number = self.export_filter.processResidue(
                name, number, terminus)
        self.het_flag = not (name in amino_acids or name in nucleic_acids)
        self.data['residue_name'] = name
        self.data['residue_number'] = (self.data['residue_number'] + 1) % 10000
        self.data['insertion_code'] = ''
        if number is not None:
            if type(number) is type(0):
                self.data['residue_number'] = number % 10000
                self.data['residue_number'] = number.number % 10000
                self.data['insertion_code'] = number.insertion_code

    def nextChain(self, chain_id=None, segment_id=''):
        """Signals the beginning of a new chain. A chain identifier
        (string of length one) can be supplied as |chain_id|, by
        default consecutive letters from the alphabet are used.
        The equally optional |segment_id| defaults to an empty string.
        if chain_id is None:
            self.chain_number = (self.chain_number + 1) % len(self._chain_ids)
            chain_id = self._chain_ids[self.chain_number]
        if self.export_filter is not None:
            chain_id, segment_id = \
                      self.export_filter.processChain(chain_id, segment_id)
        self.data['chain_id'] = (chain_id + ' ')[:1]
        self.data['segment_id'] = (segment_id + '    ')[:4]
        self.data['residue_number'] = 0


    def terminateChain(self):
        "Signals the end of a chain."
        if self.export_filter is not None:
        self.data['serial_number'] = (self.data['serial_number'] + 1) % 100000
        self.writeLine('TER', self.data)
        self.data['chain_id'] = ''
        self.data['segment_id'] = ''

    def close(self):
        """Closes the file. This method *must* be called for write mode
        because otherwise the file will be incomplete.
        if self.open:
            if self.output:
            self.open = 0

    def __del__(self):
Exemple #16
    def __init__(self, file, modifications=[]):
        if isinstance(file, basestring):
            file = TextFile(file)
        title = file.readline()[:-1]

        self.atom_types = DictWithDefault(None)

        format = FortranFormat('20(A2,2X)')
        done = False
        while not done:
            l = FortranLine(file.readline()[:-1], format)
            for entry in l:
                name = _normalizeName(entry)
                if len(name) == 0:
                    done = True
                try: # ignore errors for now
                    self.atom_types[name].hydrophylic = True
                except: pass

        self.bonds = {}

        self.bond_angles = {}

        self.dihedrals = {}
        self.dihedrals_2 = {}

        self.impropers = {}
        self.impropers_1 = {}
        self.impropers_2 = {}

        self.hbonds = {}

        self.lj_equivalent = {}
        format = FortranFormat('20(A2,2X)')
        while True:
            l = FortranLine(file.readline()[:-1], format)
            if l.isBlank(): break
            name1 = _normalizeName(l[0])
            for s in l[1:]:
                name2 = _normalizeName(s)
                self.lj_equivalent[name2] = name1

        self.ljpar_sets = {}
        while True:
            l = FortranLine(file.readline()[:-1], 'A4,6X,A2')
            if l[0] == 'END ': break
            set_name = _normalizeName(l[0])
            ljpar_set = AmberLJParameterSet(set_name, l[1])
            self.ljpar_sets[set_name] = ljpar_set
            self._readLJParameters(file, ljpar_set)


        for mod, ljname in modifications:
            if isinstance(mod, basestring):
                file = TextFile(mod)
                file = mod
            title = file.readline()[:-1]
            blank = file.readline()[:-1]
            while True:
                keyword = file.readline()
                if not keyword: break
                keyword = keyword.strip()[:4]
                if keyword == 'MASS':
                elif keyword == 'BOND':
                elif keyword == 'ANGL':
                elif keyword == 'DIHE':
                elif keyword == 'IMPR':
                elif keyword == 'HBON':
                elif keyword == 'NONB':
                    self._readLJParameters(file, self.ljpar_sets[ljname])
class PDBFile:

    """PDB file with access at the record level

    Constructor: PDBFile(|filename|, |mode|='"r"'), where |filename|
    is the file name and |mode| is '"r"' for reading and '"w"' for writing,
    The low-level file access is handled by the module
    Scientific.IO.TextFile, therefore compressed files and URLs
    (for reading) can be used as well.

    def __init__(self, filename, mode = 'r', subformat = None):
	self.file = TextFile(filename, mode)
	self.output = string.lower(mode[0]) == 'w'
        self.export_filter = None
        if subformat is not None:
             export = export_filters.get(subformat, None)
             if export is not None:
                 self.export_filter = export()
        self.open = 1
        if self.output:
            self.data = {'serial_number': 0,
                         'residue_number': 0,
                         'chain_id': '',
                         'segment_id': ''}
            self.het_flag = 0
            self.chain_number = -1

    def readLine(self):
        """Returns the contents of the next non-blank line (= record).
        The return value is a tuple whose first element (a string)
        contains the record type. For supported record types (HEADER,
        ATOM, HETATM, ANISOU, TERM, MODEL, CONECT), the items from the
        remaining fields are put into a dictionary which is returned
        as the second tuple element. Most dictionary elements are
        strings or numbers; atom positions are returned as a vector,
        and anisotropic temperature factors are returned as a rank-2
        tensor, already multiplied by 1.e-4. White space is stripped
        from all strings except for atom names, whose correct
        interpretation can depend on an initial space. For unsupported
        record types, the second tuple element is a string containing
        the remaining part of the record.
	while 1:
	    line = self.file.readline()
	    if not line: return ('END','')
	    if line[-1] == '\n': line = line[:-1]
	    line = string.strip(line)
	    if line: break
	line = string.ljust(line, 80)
	type = string.strip(line[:6])
	if type == 'ATOM' or type == 'HETATM':
            line = FortranLine(line, atom_format)
	    data = {'serial_number': line[1],
		    'name': line[2],
		    'alternate': string.strip(line[3]),
		    'residue_name': string.strip(line[4]),
		    'chain_id': string.strip(line[5]),
		    'residue_number': line[6],
                    'insertion_code': string.strip(line[7]),
                    'position': Vector(line[8:11]),
		    'occupancy': line[11],
		    'temperature_factor': line[12],
		    'segment_id': string.strip(line[13]),
		    'element': string.strip(line[14]),
		    'charge': string.strip(line[15])}
	    return type, data
        elif type == 'ANISOU':
            line = FortranLine(line, anisou_format)
	    data = {'serial_number': line[1],
		    'name': line[2],
		    'alternate': string.strip(line[3]),
		    'residue_name': string.strip(line[4]),
		    'chain_id': string.strip(line[5]),
		    'residue_number': line[6],
                    'insertion_code': string.strip(line[7]),
                    'u': 1.e-4*Tensor([[line[8], line[11], line[12]],
                                       [line[11], line[9] , line[13]],
                                       [line[12], line[13], line[10]]]),
		    'segment_id': string.strip(line[14]),
		    'element': string.strip(line[15]),
		    'charge': string.strip(line[16])}
	    return type, data
        elif type == 'TER':
            line = FortranLine(line, ter_format)
	    data = {'serial_number': line[1],
		    'residue_name': string.strip(line[2]),
		    'chain_id': string.strip(line[3]),
		    'residue_number': line[4],
                    'insertion_code': string.strip(line[5])}
	    return type, data
	elif type == 'CONECT':
            line = FortranLine(line, conect_format)
	    data = {'serial_number': line[1],
		    'bonded': filter(lambda i: i > 0, line[2:6]),
		    'hydrogen_bonded': filter(lambda i: i > 0, line[6:10]),
		    'salt_bridged': filter(lambda i: i > 0, line[10:12])}
	    return type, data
        elif type == 'MODEL':
            line = FortranLine(line, model_format)
            data = {'serial_number': line[1]}
	    return type, data
        elif type == 'HEADER':
            line = FortranLine(line, header_format)
            data = {'compound': line[1],
                    'date': line[2],
                    'pdb_code': line[3]}
	    return type, data
            return type, line[6:]

    def writeLine(self, type, data):
        """Writes a line using record type and data dictionary in the
        same format as returned by readLine(). Default values are
        provided for non-essential information, so the data dictionary
        need not contain all entries.
        if self.export_filter is not None:
            type, data = self.export_filter.processLine(type, data)
            if type is None:
        line = [type]
        if type == 'ATOM' or type == 'HETATM':
            format = atom_format
            position = data['position']
            line = line + [data.get('serial_number', 1),
                           data.get('alternate', ''),
                           string.rjust(data.get('residue_name', ''), 3),
                           data.get('chain_id', ''),
                           data.get('residue_number', 1),
                           data.get('insertion_code', ''),
                           position[0], position[1], position[2],
                           data.get('occupancy', 0.),
                           data.get('temperature_factor', 0.),
                           data.get('segment_id', ''),
                           string.rjust(data.get('element', ''), 2),
                           data.get('charge', '')]
        elif type == 'ANISOU':
            format = anisou_format
            u = 1.e4*data['u']
            u = [int(u[0,0]), int(u[1,1]), int(u[2,2]),
                 int(u[0,1]), int(u[0,2]), int(u[1,2])]
            line = line + [data.get('serial_number', 1),
                           data.get('alternate', ''),
                           string.rjust(data.get('residue_name'), 3),
                           data.get('chain_id', ''),
                           data.get('residue_number', 1),
                           data.get('insertion_code', '')] \
                        + u \
                        + [data.get('segment_id', ''),
                           string.rjust(data.get('element', ''), 2),
                           data.get('charge', '')]
        elif type == 'TER':
            format = ter_format
            line = line + [data.get('serial_number', 1),
                           string.rjust(data.get('residue_name'), 3),
                           data.get('chain_id', ''),
                           data.get('residue_number', 1),
                           data.get('insertion_code', '')]
        elif type == 'CONECT':
            format = conect_format
            line = line + [data.get('serial_number')]
            line = line + (data.get('bonded', [])+4*[None])[:4]
            line = line + (data.get('hydrogen_bonded', [])+4*[None])[:4]
            line = line + (data.get('salt_bridged', [])+2*[None])[:2]
        elif type == 'MODEL':
            format = model_format
            line = line + [data.get('serial_number')]
        elif type == 'HEADER':
            format = header_format
            line = line + [data.get('compound', ''), data.get('date', ''),
            format = generic_format
            line = line + [data]
        self.file.write(str(FortranLine(line, format)) + '\n')

    def writeComment(self, text):
        """Writes |text| into one or several comment lines.
        Each line of the text is prefixed with 'REMARK' and written
        to the file.
	while text:
	    eol = string.find(text,'\n')
	    if eol == -1:
		eol = len(text)
	    self.file.write('REMARK %s \n' % text[:eol])
	    text = text[eol+1:]

    def writeAtom(self, name, position, occupancy=0.0, temperature_factor=0.0,
        """Writes an ATOM or HETATM record using the |name|, |occupancy|,
        |temperature| and |element| information supplied. The residue and
        chain information is taken from the last calls to the methods
        nextResidue() and nextChain().
	if self.het_flag:
	    type = 'HETATM'
	    type = 'ATOM'
	name = string.upper(name)
        if element != '' and len(element) == 1 and name and name[0] == element:
            name = ' ' + name
        self.data['name'] = name
        self.data['position'] = position
        self.data['serial_number'] = (self.data['serial_number'] + 1) % 100000
        self.data['occupancy'] = occupancy
        self.data['temperature_factor'] = temperature_factor
        self.data['element'] = element
        self.writeLine(type, self.data)

    def nextResidue(self, name, number = None, terminus = None):
        """Signals the beginning of a new residue, starting with the
        next call to writeAtom(). The residue name is |name|, and a
        |number| can be supplied optionally; by default residues in a
        chain will be numbered sequentially starting from 1. The
        value of |terminus| can be 'None', '"C"', or '"N"'; it is passed
        to export filters that can use this information in order to
        use different atom or residue names in terminal residues.
        name  = string.upper(name)
        if self.export_filter is not None:
            name, number = self.export_filter.processResidue(name, number,
        self.het_flag =  not (name in amino_acids or name in nucleic_acids)
        self.data['residue_name'] = name
        self.data['residue_number'] = (self.data['residue_number'] + 1) % 10000
        self.data['insertion_code'] = ''
        if number is not None:
            if type(number) is type(0):
                self.data['residue_number'] = number % 10000
                self.data['residue_number'] = number.number % 10000
                self.data['insertion_code'] = number.insertion_code

    def nextChain(self, chain_id = None, segment_id = ''):
        """Signals the beginning of a new chain. A chain identifier
        (string of length one) can be supplied as |chain_id|, by
        default consecutive letters from the alphabet are used.
        The equally optional |segment_id| defaults to an empty string.
        if chain_id is None:
            self.chain_number = (self.chain_number + 1) % len(self._chain_ids)
            chain_id = self._chain_ids[self.chain_number]
        if self.export_filter is not None:
            chain_id, segment_id = \
                      self.export_filter.processChain(chain_id, segment_id)
        self.data['chain_id'] = (chain_id+' ')[:1]
        self.data['segment_id'] = (segment_id+'    ')[:4]
        self.data['residue_number'] = 0


    def terminateChain(self):
        "Signals the end of a chain."
        if self.export_filter is not None:
        self.data['serial_number'] = (self.data['serial_number'] + 1) % 100000
        self.writeLine('TER', self.data)
        self.data['chain_id'] = ''
        self.data['segment_id'] = ''
    def close(self):
        """Closes the file. This method *must* be called for write mode
        because otherwise the file will be incomplete.
        if self.open:
            if self.output:
            self.open = 0

    def __del__(self):
        small_cages.append(Geo.Vector(x, y, z))

    elif cage_type == "Kr(Large)":

        # Convert coordinates to vectors for the Large Cages
        large_cages.append(Geo.Vector(x, y, z))


        raise CorrelationError(
            "Can't parse file. Encountered strange cage centre type: "
            + cage_type
            + " Only 'Ar(Small)' and 'Kr(Large)' accepted."


print "Read in Cage Centre locations. There are %d small and %d large cages." % (len(small_cages), len(large_cages))

# Generate 27 duplicates of the unit cell to make a 3X3 cube of unit cells
#     - Do this so that all of the cages in the central unit cell are fully formed
Hyd_cell = []
Oxy_cell = []

for i in range(-1, 2):
    for j in range(-1, 2):
        for k in range(-1, 2):
            # print "###################################################################################"
    def __init__(self, file, modifications=[]):
        if isinstance(file, str):
            file = TextFile(file)
        title = file.readline()[:-1]

        self.atom_types = DictWithDefault(None)

        format = FortranFormat('20(A2,2X)')
        done = 0
        while not done:
            l = FortranLine(file.readline()[:-1], format)
            for entry in l:
                name = _normalizeName(entry)
                if len(name) == 0:
                    done = 1
                try:  # ignore errors for now
                    self.atom_types[name].hydrophylic = 1

        self.bonds = {}

        self.bond_angles = {}

        self.dihedrals = {}
        self.dihedrals_2 = {}

        self.impropers = {}
        self.impropers_1 = {}
        self.impropers_2 = {}

        self.hbonds = {}

        self.lj_equivalent = {}
        format = FortranFormat('20(A2,2X)')
        while 1:
            l = FortranLine(file.readline()[:-1], format)
            if l.isBlank(): break
            name1 = _normalizeName(l[0])
            for s in l[1:]:
                name2 = _normalizeName(s)
                self.lj_equivalent[name2] = name1

        self.ljpar_sets = {}
        while 1:
            l = FortranLine(file.readline()[:-1], 'A4,6X,A2')
            if l[0] == 'END ': break
            set_name = _normalizeName(l[0])
            ljpar_set = AmberLJParameterSet(set_name, l[1])
            self.ljpar_sets[set_name] = ljpar_set
            self._readLJParameters(file, ljpar_set)


        for mod, ljname in modifications:
            if isinstance(mod, str):
                file = TextFile(mod)
                file = mod
            title = file.readline()[:-1]
            blank = file.readline()[:-1]
            while 1:
                keyword = file.readline()
                if not keyword: break
                keyword = string.strip(keyword)[:4]
                if keyword == 'MASS':
                elif keyword == 'BOND':
                elif keyword == 'ANGL':
                elif keyword == 'DIHE':
                elif keyword == 'IMPR':
                elif keyword == 'HBON':
                elif keyword == 'NONB':
                    self._readLJParameters(file, self.ljpar_sets[ljname])
    if (cage_type == "Ar(Small)"):

        #Convert coordinates to vectors for the Small Cages

    elif (cage_type == "Kr(Large)"):

        #Convert coordinates to vectors for the Large Cages


        raise CorrelationError("Can't parse file. Encountered strange cage centre type: " + cage_type + " Only 'Ar(Small)' and 'Kr(Large)' accepted.")


print "Read in Cage Centre locations. There are %d small and %d large cages." % (len(small_cages), len(large_cages))

#Generate 27 duplicates of the unit cell to make a 3X3 cube of unit cells
#     - Do this so that all of the cages in the central unit cell are fully formed 
Hyd_cell = []
Oxy_cell = []

for i in range(-1, 2):
    for j in range(-1, 2):
        for k in range(-1, 2):
            #print "###################################################################################"