def match_display(request, match_number):

    This page will display any requested match. This page can be accessed through many places,
    such as the list of all matches, or when viewing any team's individual matches.
    @param match_number is the number of the match being displayed
    This page uses score results to show each team in the match, along with its statistics
    during just that match, not the overall average or sum as team in view_team

    context = {}

    this_match = Match.objects.get(matchNumber=match_number)

    score_result_list = []

    for sr in this_match.scoreresult_set.all():

    context["score_result_list"] = score_result_list
    context["match_display"] = match_number

    official_match_search = OfficialMatch.objects.filter(matchNumber=match_number)
    if len(official_match_search) == 1 and official_match_search[0].hasOfficialData:
        context["has_official_data"] = True
        official_match = official_match_search[0]
        valid, invalid_fields, = validate_match(this_match, official_match)
        if not valid:
            context["official_mismatch"] = invalid_fields
        context["has_official_data"] = False

    return render(request, "Scouting2016/MatchPage.html", context)
def all_matches(request):

    will show a list of all matches, both scouted already and unscouted (upcoming)
    Will show all teams in each match, and display them into two tables of each variety

    matches = Match.objects.all()

    for match in matches:
        official_match_search = OfficialMatch.objects.filter(matchNumber=match.matchNumber)
        if len(official_match_search) == 1 and official_match_search[0].hasOfficialData:
            valid, _ = validate_match(match, official_match_search[0])
            match.validity = "Yes" if valid else "No"
            match.validity = "Unknown"

    scouted_numbers = [match.matchNumber for match in matches]
    unscouted_matches = OfficialMatch.objects.all().exclude(matchNumber__in=scouted_numbers)

    context = {}
    context["scouted_matches"] = matches
    context["unscouted_matches"] = unscouted_matches

    return render(request, "Scouting2016/AllMatches.html", context)
def validate_matches():

    matches = Match.objects.all()
#     matches = Match.objects.filter(id=1)

    for match in matches:
        official_match = OfficialMatch.objects.get(matchNumber=match.matchNumber)

        if not official_match.hasOfficialData:

        valid, invalid_results = validate_match(match, official_match)
        if not valid:
            print "Match %s has errors: %s" % (match.matchNumber, invalid_results)