def sequence_information(
):  # created this function in order to return information about a sequence
    seq_info = Seq(bases)
    min_count = 0
    most_frecuent_base = ""

    tc.cprint("Total length:", 'green', end=' ')

    for base, count in seq_info.count().items():
        # .items() returns the base and the count for each base
        percentage = round(count / seq_info.len() * 100,
                           2)  # round(,2) only shows to decimal numbers
        tc.cprint(f"{base}:", 'blue', end=' ')
        print(f" {count} ({percentage}%)")

        # here we are looking for the most frequent base
        if min_count < count:
            min_count = count
            most_frecuent_base = base

    # print the most frecuent base
    tc.cprint("Most frecuent Base:", 'green', end=' ')
Exemple #2
def sequence_information(sequence):
    # See for information about the class Seq
    seq_info = Seq(sequence)
    length_sequence = seq_info.len()
    bases_information = {
    }  # This is a dictionary with the count a percentage for each base

    # Bases_information = [(A,817,25),(T,928,40)....]
    for base, count in seq_info.count().items():
        # .items() returns the base and the count for each base
        percentage = round(count / seq_info.len() * 100, 2)

        keys = ['Count', 'Fraction']
        base_count = count
        base_percentage = f'{percentage}%'

        dict_base = dict(zip(keys,
                             [base_count, base_percentage
                              ]))  # Dictionary with information of a base
        dict_bases = {
            base: dict_base
        }  # Dictionary with the information of all the bases


    return length_sequence, bases_information
def info(sequence):
    seq = Seq(sequence)
    result = f"Total length: {seq.len()}<br><br>"
    for base, count in seq.count().items():
        result += f"{base}: {count} ({seq.percentage_base(base)}%)<br><br>"
    context = {"sequence": seq, "operation": "info", "result": result}
    contents = read_template_html_file("./html/operation.html").render(
    return contents
Exemple #4
def info(cs, seq):
    termcolor.cprint("INFO", "yellow")
    seq = Seq(seq)
    len_seq = Seq.len(seq)
    count_seq = Seq.count(seq)

    response = "Sequence: " + str(seq) + "\nTotal length: " + str(len_seq) + seq.percentage()
def info(cs, arg):
    print_colored("INFO", "yellow")
    seq_info = Seq(arg)
    lenght = len(arg)
    count_bases = ""
    for base, count in seq_info.count().items():
        bases_info = str(base) + ": " + str(count) + " (" + str(round(count / lenght * 100, 1)) + "%)" + "\n"
        count_bases += bases_info
    response = ("Sequence: " + str(arg) + "\n" + "Total length: " + str(lenght) + "\n" + count_bases)
Exemple #6
def info(cs, argument):
    seq_info = Seq(argument)
    count_bases_string = ""
    for base, count in seq_info.count().items():
        s_base = str(base) + ": " + str(count) + " (" + str(
            round(count / seq_info.len() * 100, 2)) + "%)" + "\n"
        count_bases_string += s_base
    response = ("Sequence: " + "\n" + str(seq_info) + "\n" + "Total length: " +
                str(seq_info.len()) + "\n" + count_bases_string)
    print_colored(response, 'blue')
Exemple #7
def sequence_information_html(sequence):
    seq_info = Seq(sequence)
    count_bases_string = ""
    for base, count in seq_info.count().items():
        percentage = round(count / seq_info.len() * 100, 2)
        s_base = f'{base}: {count} ({percentage}%)</br>'
        count_bases_string += s_base

    reponse_info = (
        f'<textarea readonly rows = "20" cols = "80">{seq_info}</textarea>' +
        " <br>" + "Total length: " + str(seq_info.len()) + "<br>" +
    return reponse_info
def info_seq(in_msg):
    get = Seq(spl_in(in_msg))
    f_msg = f'Sequence:{get}\n'
    len_seq = get.len()
    f_msg += f'Total length: {len_seq}\n'
    count_seq = get.count()
    for k, v in count_seq.items():
        per = percentage(v, len_seq)
        cod = f'{k}: {v} ({per}%)\n'
        f_msg += cod
    response = f_msg
    return cs.send(str.encode(response))
Exemple #9
def bases(cs, argument):
    print_color("INFO", "yellow")
    seq = Seq(argument)
    counting_bases = ""

    for base, number_of_bases in seq.count().items():
        info = str(base) + ": " + str(number_of_bases) + " " + "(" + str(
            round(number_of_bases / len(argument) * 100, 1)) + "%" + ")" + "\n"
        counting_bases += info
    response = "Sequence: " + str(argument) + "\n" "Length: " + str(
        len(argument)) + "\n" + str(counting_bases)
    # print("Sequence: " + str(argument) + "\n" + "Total length: " +  str(len(argument)) + "\n" + str(seq.count()))
Exemple #10
def info(sequence):
    seq_info = Seq(sequence)
    lenght = len(sequence)
    count_bases = ""
    for base, count in seq_info.count().items():
        bases_info = str(base) + ": " + str(count) + " (" + str(round(count / lenght * 100, 1)) + "%)" + "\n"
        count_bases += bases_info
    calculation = ("Total length: " + str(lenght) + "\n" + count_bases)
    context = {
        "operation_contents": sequence,
        "operation_name": "Info",
        "operation_result": calculation
    contents = read_template_html_file("./html/operation.html").render(context=context)
    return contents
Exemple #11
def seq_information(bases):
    seq_info = Seq(bases)  # Use de Seq() class here
    min_count = 0
    most_frecuent_base = ""

    for base, count in seq_info.count().items():
        # .items() returns the base and the count for each base , then we print
        percentage = round(count / seq_info.len() * 100, 2)  # round(,2) only shows to decimal numbers
        tc.cprint(f"{base}:", 'blue', end=' ')
        print(f" {count} ({percentage}%)")

        # here we look for the most frecuent base
        if min_count < count:
            min_count = count
            most_frecuent_base = base
def info(sequence):
    termcolor.cprint('INFO', 'green')
    s = Seq(sequence)
    info_dict = s.count()
    response =f"""Total length {len(sequence)}
A: {info_dict['A'][0]} ({info_dict['A'][1]})
C: {info_dict['C'][0]} ({info_dict['C'][1]})
G: {info_dict['A'][0]} ({info_dict['G'][1]})
T: {info_dict['T'][0]} ({info_dict['T'][1]})"""
    context = {
        'sequence': sequence,
        'information': response,
        'operation': 'info'
    contents = read_template_html_file('./html/form-4.html').render(context=context)
    return contents
Exemple #13
def sequence_information(bases):
    seq_info = Seq(bases)
    min = 0
    max = ' '

    termcolor.cprint('Total length :', 'green', end='')

    for base, count in seq_info.count().items():
        percentage = round(count / seq_info.len() * 100, 2)
        termcolor.cprint(f"{base}", 'blue', end=' ')
        print(f"{count} ({percentage}%")

        if min < count:
            min = count
            max = base

    termcolor.cprint('Most frequent base', 'green', end=' ')
Exemple #14
    def information(bases):
        seq_info = Seq(bases)
        minimum = 0
        freq_base = ""

        termcolor.cprint('Total length: ', 'green', end=' ')

        for base, counter in seq_info.count().items():
            percentage = round(counter / seq_info.len() * 100, 1)
            termcolor.cprint(f"{base}:", 'blue', end=" ")
            print(f" {counter} ({percentage}%)")

            if minimum < counter:
                minimum = counter
                freq_base = base

        termcolor.cprint('Most frequent base: ', 'green', end=' ')
Exemple #15
def sequence_information(bases):
    seq_info = Seq(bases)
    min_count = 0
    most_frecuent_base = ""

    tc.cprint("Total length:", 'green', end=' ')

    for base, count in seq_info.count().items():
        # -- Returns the base and count from each .item()
        percentage = round(count / seq_info.len() * 100, 2)
        tc.cprint(f"{base}:", 'blue', end=' ')
        print(f" {count} ({percentage}%)")

        # -- Most frequent bases
        if min_count < count:
            min_count = count
            most_frecuent_base = base

    tc.cprint("Most frequent Base:", 'green', end=' ')
Exemple #16
def bases(sequence):
    print_color("INFO", "yellow")
    seq = Seq(sequence)
    counting_bases = ""

    for base, number_of_bases in seq.count().items():
        info = str(base) + ": " + str(number_of_bases) + " " + "(" + str(
            round(number_of_bases / len(sequence) * 100, 1)) + "%" + ")" + "\n"
        counting_bases += info
    context = {
        "Total length: " + str(len(sequence)) + "   " + "\n" +
    contents = read_template_html_file("./html/operations.html").render(
    return contents
Exemple #17
from Seq1 import Seq

print('-----Exercise 8------')
s1 = Seq('ACTGA')
s2 = Seq()
s3 = Seq('Invalid Sequence')
bases = ['A', 'C', 'T', 'G']

print(f'Sequence 1 : Length : {s1.len()} {s1}')
print('\tBases ;', s1.count())
print('\tRev :', s1.reverse())
print('\tComp:', s1.complement())

print(f'\nSequence 2 : Length : {s2.len()} {s2}')
print('\tBases ;', s2.count())
print('\tRev :', s2.reverse())
print('\tComp:', s2.complement())

print(f'\nSequence 3 : Length : {s3.len()} {s3}')
print('\tBases ;', s3.count())
print('\tRev :', s3.reverse())
print('\tComp:', s3.complement())
from Seq1 import Seq

print("-----| Practice 1, Exercise 10 |------")
folder = "../Session-04/"

bases = ['A', 'C', 'T', 'G']
genes = ['U5', 'ADA', 'FRAT1', 'FXN', 'RNU6_269P']

for file in genes:
    s = Seq()
    sequence = s.read_fasta(folder + file + ".txt")
    dict_bases = s.count()
    min_value = 0
    greater_number_base = ''
    for base, value in dict_bases.items():
        while value > min_value:
            min_value = value
            greater_number_base = base
    print('Gene ', file, ': Most frequent Base: ', greater_number_base)
Exemple #19
cc = s.count_base('C')
pc = "{:.1f}".format(100 * cc / sl)
cg = s.count_base('G')
pg = "{:.1f}".format(100 * cg / sl)
ct = s.count_base('T')
pt = "{:.1f}".format(100 * ct / sl)

termcolor.cprint("Total length", 'green', end="")
print(f": {sl}")

termcolor.cprint("A", 'blue', end="")
print(f": {ca} ({pa}%)")
termcolor.cprint("C", 'blue', end="")
print(f": {cc} ({pc}%)")
termcolor.cprint("G", 'blue', end="")
print(f": {cg} ({pg}%)")
termcolor.cprint("T", 'blue', end="")
print(f": {ct} ({pt}%)")

# Dictionary with the values
d = s.count()

# Create a list with all the values
ll = list(d.values())

# Calculate the maximum
m = max(ll)

# Print the base
termcolor.cprint("Most frequent Base", 'green', end="")
print(f": {BASES[ll.index(m)]}")
Exemple #20
        except IndexError:
            service = msg

    # PING command
        if "PING" == service:
            response = "OK!\n"  # Return response OK!!

        # GET command
        elif "GET" == service:
            response = seq[int(seq1)]

        elif "INFO" == service:
            seq_info = Seq(seq1)  # seq1 is the sequence
            count_bases_string = ""

            for base, count in seq_info.count().items():
                s_base = str(base) + ": " + str(count) + " (" + str(
                    round(count / seq_info.len() * 100, 2)) + "%)" + "\n"
                count_bases_string += s_base

            response = ("Sequence: " + str(seq_info) + "\n" +
                        "Total length: " + str(seq_info.len()) + "\n" +

        elif "COMP" == service:
            complementary = Seq(seq1)
            response = complementary.complement() + "\n"

        elif "REV" == service:
            reverse = Seq(seq1)
            response = reverse.reverse() + "\n"
    data1 =

    gene = json.loads(data1)

    termcolor.cprint(f"Gene: ", "yellow", end="")
    termcolor.cprint("Description: ", "yellow", end="")
          )  #see esembl page for desc and seq (especial functions)

    sequence = gene['seq']
    s = Seq(sequence)
    l = s.length()
    ac = s.count_base("A")
    tc = s.count_base("T")
    cc = s.count_base("C")
    gc = s.count_base("G")
    termcolor.cprint("Total length: ", "yellow", end="")
    resp = f"""
    A: {ac} ({round((ac / l) * 100)})%
    C: {cc} ({round((cc / l) * 100)})%
    T: {tc} ({round((tc / l) * 100)})% 
    G: {gc} ({round((gc / l) * 100)})%"""

    dictionary = s.count()
    listvalues = list(dictionary.values())
    maxvalue = max(listvalues)
    termcolor.cprint("The most frequent base is: ", "yellow", end="")
    print(f"{BASES[listvalues.index(maxvalue)]}")  #look for the max base
Exemple #22
from Seq1 import Seq

print('-----| Practice 1, Exercise 10 |------')

FOLDER = "../Session_04/"
GENES = ["U5", "ADA", "FRAT1", "FXN", "RNU6_269P"]
EXT = ".txt"
BASES = ['A', 'T', 'C', 'G']

for gene in GENES:
    sequence = Seq().read_fasta(FOLDER + gene + EXT)

    dictionary = sequence.count()

    lista = list(dictionary.values())

    maximo = max(lista)

    print(f"Gene {gene}: Most frequent Base: {BASES[lista.index(maximo)]}")
from Seq1 import Seq

BASES = ["A", "C", "T", "G"]
FOLDER = "../Session-04/"
FILENAME = "U5.txt"

s = Seq()


s1 = Seq(s.read_fasta(DNA_FILE))  #!!!!!!!

print(f"Sequence: (Length {s1.length()}){s1}")
print(f"Reversed: {s1.seq_reverse()}")
print(f"Complement: {s1.seq_complement()}")
Exemple #24
from Seq1 import Seq  # Import our Seq class

print("-----| Practice 1, Exercise 9 |------")
folder = "../Session-04/"
filename = folder + 'U5.txt'
s = Seq()  # Create a Seq object

print(f"Sequence : (Length: {s.len()}) {s}")
print("\tBases: ", s.count())
print("\tRev: ", s.reverse())
print("\tComp:", s.complement())
cc = seq.count_base('C')
pc = "{:.1f}".format(100 * cc / sl)
cg = seq.count_base('G')
pg = "{:.1f}".format(100 * cg / sl)
ct = seq.count_base('T')
pt = "{:.1f}".format(100 * ct / sl)

termcolor.cprint("Total lengh", 'green', end="")
print(f": {sl}")

termcolor.cprint("A", 'blue', end="")
print(f": {ca} ({pa}%)")
termcolor.cprint("C", 'blue', end="")
print(f": {cc} ({pc}%)")
termcolor.cprint("G", 'blue', end="")
print(f": {cg} ({pg}%)")
termcolor.cprint("T", 'blue', end="")
print(f": {ct} ({pt}%)")

# -- Dictionary with the values
d = seq.count()

# -- Create a list with all the values
ll = list(d.values())

# -- Calculate the maximum
m = max(ll)

# -- Print the base
termcolor.cprint("Most frequent Base", 'green', end="")
print(f": {BASES[ll.index(m)]}")
sequence = console['id']

termcolor.cprint('GENE:', 'green')
termcolor.cprint("Description:", 'green')
termcolor.cprint('Bases:', 'green')

sequence = Seq(console['seq'])

termcolor.cprint('Total length:', 'green')
termcolor.cprint('A:', 'blue')
print('(', sequence.count_base('A') * 100 / sequence.len(), '%)')
termcolor.cprint('C:', 'blue')
print('(', sequence.count_base('C') * 100 / sequence.len(), '%)')
termcolor.cprint('G:', 'blue')
print('(', sequence.count_base('G') * 100 / sequence.len(), '%)')
termcolor.cprint('T:', 'blue')
print('(', sequence.count_base('T') * 100 / sequence.len(), '%)')

total_bases = list(sequence.count().values())
maximum = max(total_bases)
termcolor.cprint("Most frequent base: ", 'green')
Exemple #27
# -- Create a variable with the data,
# -- form the JSON received
resp = json.loads(dat)

termcolor.cprint('Gene', 'green', end='')
print(f': {gene_n}')
termcolor.cprint('Description', 'green', end='')
print(f": {resp['desc']}")

g_str = resp['seq']

s = Seq(g_str)

str_len = s.len()

Num = s.count()
Per_A = 100 * int(Num['A']) / str_len
Per_C = 100 * int(Num['C']) / str_len
Per_T = 100 * int(Num['T']) / str_len
Per_G = 100 * int(Num['G']) / str_len

termcolor.cprint('Total Length', 'green', end='')
print(f": {str_len}")

termcolor.cprint('A', 'blue', end='')
print(f': {Num["A"]} ({Per_A}%)')

termcolor.cprint('C', 'blue', end='')
print(f': {Num["C"]} ({Per_C}%)')

termcolor.cprint('T', 'blue', end='')
Exemple #28
from Seq1 import Seq

s1 = Seq()
s2 = Seq("ACTGTCCTG")
s3 = Seq("Incorrect sequence")

print(f"\nSequence {str(0)}: (Length: {str(s1.len())}) {str(s1)}")
print("  Bases: ", s1.count())
print("  Rev: ", s1.reverse())

print(f"Sequence {str(1)}: (Length: {str(s2.len())}) {str(s2)}")
print("  Bases: ", s2.count())
print("  Rev: ", s2.reverse())

print(f"Sequence {str(2)}: (Length: {str(s3.len())}) {str(s3)}")
print("  Bases: ", s3.count())
print("  Rev: ", s3.reverse())
    def do_GET(self):
        """This method is called whenever the client invokes the GET method
        in the HTTP protocol request"""

        # Print the request line
        termcolor.cprint(self.requestline, 'green')

        if self.path == "/":
            file = "form-4.html"
            contents = Path(file).read_text()
            error = 200

        elif "/ping" in self.path:
            html = "<h1>PING OK!</h1><p>The SEQ2 server is running...</p>"
            contents = html_response(
                "PING", html, 'orange')  # En title va PING y en body el resto
            error = 200

        elif "/get" in self.path:

            seq_list = [

            sequence_number = int(argument_command(self.path))
            sequence = seq_list[sequence_number]

            html = "<h1>Sequence number " + str(
                sequence_number) + "</h1> <p>" + sequence + "</p>"
            contents = html_response("GET", html, 'pink')

            error = 200  # -- Status line: OK!

        elif "/gene" in self.path:

            gene = argument_command(self.path)

            s = Seq()
            s.read_fasta("../Session-04/" + gene + ".txt")

            html = "<h1>Gene Sequence: " + gene + '</h1> <textarea readonly rows = "20" cols = "80">' + str(
                s) + '</textarea>'
            contents = html_response("GENE", html, 'yellow')

            error = 200

        elif "/operation" in self.path:
            requests = self.path.split("&")
            sequence = argument_command(requests[0])
            op = argument_command(requests[1])
            seq = Seq(sequence)
            bases = ['A', 'C', 'T', 'G']
            for b in sequence:
                if b in bases:
                    if "info" == op:
                        count_bases_string = ""
                        for base, count in seq.count().items():
                            s_base = str(base) + ": " + str(
                                count) + " (" + str(
                                    round(count / seq.len() * 100,
                                          2)) + "%)" + "<br>"
                            count_bases_string += s_base

                        response_info = ("Sequence: " + str(seq) + " <br>" +
                                         "Total length: " + str(seq.len()) +
                                         "<br>" + count_bases_string)

                        html_operation = "<h1>Operation:</h1><p>Information</p>"
                        html_result = "<h1>Result:</h1>" + "<p>" + response_info + "</p>"
                        color = 'lightblue'

                    elif "comp" == op:
                        response_comp = seq.complement() + "\n"

                        html_operation = "<h1>Operation:</h1><p>Complementary sequence</p>"
                        html_result = "<h1>Result:</h1>" + "<p>" + response_comp + "</p>"
                        color = 'lightgrey'

                    elif "rev" == op:
                        response_rev = seq.reverse() + "\n"

                        html_operation = "<h1>Operation:</h1><p>Reverse sequence</p>"
                        html_result = "<h1>Result:</h1>" + "<p>" + response_rev + "</p>"
                        color = 'lightgreen'

                    html_sequence = "<h1>Sequence:</h1>" + "<p>" + sequence + "</p>"
                    html = html_sequence + html_operation + html_result

                    contents = html_response("OPERATION", html, color)
                    error = 200
                    file = "Error-1.html"
                    contents = Path(file).read_text()
                    error = 404

            file = "Error-1.html"
            contents = Path(file).read_text()
            error = 404  # -- Status line: ERROR NOT FOUND

        # Generating the response message
        # Define the content-type header:
        self.send_header('Content-Type', 'text/html')
        self.send_header('Content-Length', len(str.encode(contents)))

        # The header is finished

        # Send the response message

from Seq1 import Seq

# Null sequence
s1 = Seq()

# valid sequence
s2 = Seq("ACTGA")

# invalid sequence
s3 = Seq("Invalid sequence")

print("Sequence 1: (Length: " + str(Seq.len(s1)) + ") ", s1)
print("\tBases:", Seq.count(s1))
print("\tRev: ", Seq.reverse(s1))
print("\tComp: ", Seq.complement(s1))
print("Sequence 2: (Length: " + str(Seq.len(s2)) + ") ", s2)
print("\tBases:", Seq.count(s2))
print("\tRev: ", Seq.reverse(s2))
print("\tComp: ", Seq.complement(s2))
print("Sequence 3: (Length: " + str(Seq.len(s3)) + ") ", s3)
print("\tBases:", Seq.count(s3))
print("\tRev: ", Seq.reverse(s3))
print("\tComp: ", Seq.complement(s3))