Exemple #1
    def getADeriv_mu(self, freq, u, v, adjoint=False):
        MeMuDeriv = self.MeMuDeriv(u)

        if adjoint is True:
            return 1j*omega(freq) * (MeMuDeriv.T * v)

        return 1j*omega(freq) * (MeMuDeriv * v)
Exemple #2
 def _hSecondary(self, jSolution, srcList):
     h = self._MeMuI * (self._edgeCurl.T * (self._MfRho * jSolution))
     for i, src in enumerate(srcList):
         h[:, i] *= -1.0 / (1j * omega(src.freq))
         S_m, _ = src.eval(self.prob)
         h[:, i] = h[:, i] + 1.0 / (1j * omega(src.freq)) * self._MeMuI * (S_m)
     return h
Exemple #3
    def getRHSDeriv(self, freq, src, v, adjoint=False):
        Derivative of the right hand side with respect to the model 

        :param float freq: frequency
        :param SimPEG.EM.FDEM.Src src: FDEM source
        :param numpy.ndarray v: vector to take product with
        :param bool adjoint: adjoint?
        :rtype: numpy.ndarray
        :return: product of rhs deriv with a vector

        C = self.mesh.edgeCurl
        MeMuI = self.MeMuI
        S_mDeriv, S_eDeriv = src.evalDeriv(self, adjoint=adjoint)

        if adjoint:
            if self._makeASymmetric:
                MfRho = self.MfRho
                v = MfRho*v
            return S_mDeriv(MeMuI.T * (C.T * v)) - 1j * omega(freq) * S_eDeriv(v)

            RHSDeriv = C * (MeMuI * S_mDeriv(v)) - 1j * omega(freq) * S_eDeriv(v)

            if self._makeASymmetric:
                MfRho = self.MfRho
                return MfRho.T * RHSDeriv
            return RHSDeriv
Exemple #4
    def getADeriv_sigma(self, freq, u, v, adjoint=False):
        Product of the derivative of our system matrix with respect to the
        conductivity model and a vector

        .. math ::
            \\frac{\mathbf{A}(\mathbf{m}) \mathbf{v}}{d \mathbf{m}_{\\sigma}} =
            i \omega \\frac{d \mathbf{M^e_{\sigma}}(\mathbf{u})\mathbf{v} }{d\mathbf{m}}

        :param float freq: frequency
        :param numpy.ndarray u: solution vector (nE,)
        :param numpy.ndarray v: vector to take prodct with (nP,) or (nD,) for
        :param bool adjoint: adjoint?
        :rtype: numpy.ndarray
        :return: derivative of the system matrix times a vector (nP,) or
            adjoint (nD,)

        dMe_dsig = self.MeSigmaDeriv(u)

        if adjoint:
            return 1j * omega(freq) * ( dMe_dsig.T * v )

        return 1j * omega(freq) * ( dMe_dsig * v )
Exemple #5
    def _hSecondaryDeriv_m(self, src, v, adjoint=False):
        Derivative of the secondary magnetic field with respect to the inversion model 
        :param SimPEG.EM.FDEM.Src src: source
        :param numpy.ndarray v: vector to take product with
        :param bool adjoint: adjoint?
        :rtype: numpy.ndarray
        :return: product of the derivative of the secondary magnetic field with respect to the model with a vector

        jSolution = self[[src],'jSolution']
        MeMuI = self._MeMuI
        C = self._edgeCurl
        MfRho = self._MfRho
        MfRhoDeriv = self._MfRhoDeriv
        Me = self._Me

        if not adjoint:
            hDeriv_m =  -1./(1j*omega(src.freq)) * MeMuI * (C.T * (MfRhoDeriv(jSolution)*v ) )
        elif adjoint:
            hDeriv_m =  -1./(1j*omega(src.freq)) * MfRhoDeriv(jSolution).T * ( C * (MeMuI.T * v ) )

        S_mDeriv,_ = src.evalDeriv(self.prob, adjoint = adjoint)

        if not adjoint:
            S_mDeriv = S_mDeriv(v)
            hDeriv_m = hDeriv_m + 1./(1j*omega(src.freq)) * MeMuI * (Me * S_mDeriv)
        elif adjoint:
            S_mDeriv = S_mDeriv(Me.T * (MeMuI.T * v))
            hDeriv_m = hDeriv_m + 1./(1j*omega(src.freq)) * S_mDeriv
        return hDeriv_m
Exemple #6
    def getADeriv_mu(self, freq, u, v, adjoint=False):
        MeMuDeriv = self.MeMuDeriv(u)

        if adjoint is True:
            return 1j * omega(freq) * (MeMuDeriv.T * v)

        return 1j * omega(freq) * (MeMuDeriv * v)
Exemple #7
 def _bSecondary(self, eSolution, srcList):
     C = self._edgeCurl
     b = C * eSolution
     for i, src in enumerate(srcList):
         b[:, i] *= -1.0 / (1j * omega(src.freq))
         S_m, _ = src.eval(self.prob)
         b[:, i] = b[:, i] + 1.0 / (1j * omega(src.freq)) * S_m
     return b
Exemple #8
    def getADeriv_m(self, freq, u, v, adjoint=False):
        dsig_dm = self.curModel.sigmaDeriv
        dMe_dsig = self.MeSigmaDeriv(u)

        if adjoint:
            return 1j * omega(freq) * ( dMe_dsig.T * v )

        return 1j * omega(freq) * ( dMe_dsig * v )
Exemple #9
    def getRHSDeriv_m(self, freq, src, v, adjoint=False):
        C = self.mesh.edgeCurl
        MfMui = self.MfMui
        S_mDeriv, S_eDeriv = src.evalDeriv(self, adjoint)

        if adjoint:
            dRHS = MfMui * (C * v)
            return S_mDeriv(dRHS) - 1j * omega(freq) * S_eDeriv(v)

            return C.T * (MfMui * S_mDeriv(v)) -1j * omega(freq) * S_eDeriv(v)
Exemple #10
    def _hDeriv_u(self, src, du_dm_v, adjoint=False):
        Derivative of the magnetic field with respect to the thing we solved for

        :param SimPEG.EM.FDEM.Src src: source
        :param numpy.ndarray du_dm_v: vector to take product with
        :param bool adjoint: adjoint?
        :rtype: numpy.ndarray
        :return: product of the derivative of the magnetic field with respect to the field we solved for with a vector

        if adjoint:
            return  -1./(1j*omega(src.freq)) * self._MfRho.T * (self._edgeCurl * ( self._MeMuI.T * du_dm_v))
        return  -1./(1j*omega(src.freq)) * self._MeMuI * (self._edgeCurl.T * (self._MfRho * du_dm_v) )
Exemple #11
    def _b_pyDeriv_u(self, src, du_dm_v, adjoint=False):
        """ Derivative of b_py with wrt u

        :param SimPEG.NSEM.src src: The source of the problem
        :param numpy.ndarray du_dm_v: vector to take product with. Size (nF,) when adjoint=True, (nU,) when adjoint=False
        :param bool adjoint: adjoint?
        :rtype: numpy.ndarray
        :return: The calculated derivative, size (nU,) when adjoint=True. (nF,) when adjoint=False
        # Primary does not depend on u
        C = sp.hstack((Utils.spzeros(self.mesh.nF, self.mesh.nE), self.mesh.edgeCurl)) # This works for adjoint = None
        if adjoint:
            return - 1./(1j*omega(src.freq)) * (C.T * du_dm_v)
        return - 1./(1j*omega(src.freq)) * (C * du_dm_v)
Exemple #12
    def getADeriv_m(self, freq, u, v, adjoint=False):
        The derivative of A wrt sigma

        dsig_dm = self.curModel.sigmaDeriv
        MeMui = self.MeMui
        u_src = u['e_1dSolution']
        dMfSigma_dm = self.mesh.getFaceInnerProductDeriv(self.curModel.sigma)(u_src) * self.curModel.sigmaDeriv
        if adjoint:
            return 1j * omega(freq) * (  dMfSigma_dm.T * v )
        # Note: output has to be nN/nF, not nC/nE.
        # v should be nC
        return 1j * omega(freq) * ( dMfSigma_dm * v )
Exemple #13
    def _bSecondaryDeriv_u(self, src, v, adjoint = False):
        Derivative of the secondary magnetic flux density with respect to the thing we solved for
        :param SimPEG.EM.FDEM.Src src: source
        :param numpy.ndarray v: vector to take product with
        :param bool adjoint: adjoint?
        :rtype: numpy.ndarray
        :return: product of the derivative of the secondary magnetic flux density with respect to the field we solved for with a vector

        C = self._edgeCurl
        if adjoint:
            return - 1./(1j*omega(src.freq)) * (C.T * v)
        return - 1./(1j*omega(src.freq)) * (C * v)
Exemple #14
    def _b_pyDeriv_u(self, src, du_dm_v, adjoint=False):
        """ Derivative of b_py with wrt u

        :param SimPEG.NSEM.src src: The source of the problem
        :param numpy.ndarray du_dm_v: vector to take product with. Size (nF,) when adjoint=True, (nU,) when adjoint=False
        :param bool adjoint: adjoint?
        :rtype: numpy.ndarray
        :return: The calculated derivative, size (nU,) when adjoint=True. (nF,) when adjoint=False
        # Primary does not depend on u
        C = sp.hstack((Utils.spzeros(self.mesh.nF, self.mesh.nE),
                       self.mesh.edgeCurl))  # This works for adjoint = None
        if adjoint:
            return -1. / (1j * omega(src.freq)) * (C.T * du_dm_v)
        return -1. / (1j * omega(src.freq)) * (C * du_dm_v)
Exemple #15
    def _bDeriv_u(self, src, du_dm_v, adjoint=False):
        Derivative of the magnetic flux density with respect to the thing we solved for

        :param SimPEG.EM.FDEM.Src src: source
        :param numpy.ndarray du_dm_v: vector to take product with
        :param bool adjoint: adjoint?
        :rtype: numpy.ndarray
        :return: product of the derivative of the magnetic flux density with respect to the field we solved for with a vector
        n = int(self._aveF2CCV.shape[0] / self._nC) # number of components
        VI = sdiag(np.kron(np.ones(n), 1./self.prob.mesh.vol))

        if adjoint:
            return -1./(1j*omega(src.freq)) * self._MfRho.T * ( self._edgeCurl * ( self._aveE2CCV.T * (VI.T * du_dm_v) ) )
        return -1./(1j*omega(src.freq)) * VI * (self._aveE2CCV * (self._edgeCurl.T * (self._MfRho * du_dm_v)))
Exemple #16
    def getA(self, freq, full=False):
            Function to get the A matrix.

            :param float freq: Frequency
            :param logic full: Return full A or the inner part
            :rtype: scipy.sparse.csr_matrix
            :return: A

        MeMui = self.MeMui
        MfSigma = self.MfSigma
        # Note: need to use the code above since in the 1D problem I want
        # e to live on Faces(nodes) and h on edges(cells). Might need to rethink this
        # Possible that _fieldType and _eqLocs can fix this
        # MeMui = self.MfMui
        # MfSigma = self.MfSigma
        C = self.mesh.nodalGrad
        # Make A
        A = C.T * MeMui * C + 1j * omega(freq) * MfSigma
        # Either return full or only the inner part of A
        if full:
            return A
            return A[1:-1, 1:-1]
Exemple #17
    def _hSecondary(self, jSolution, srcList):
        Secondary magnetic field from bSolution

        :param numpy.ndarray jSolution: field we solved for
        :param list srcList: list of sources
        :rtype: numpy.ndarray
        :return: secondary magnetic field

        h =  self._MeMuI * (self._edgeCurl.T * (self._MfRho * jSolution) )
        for i, src in enumerate(srcList):
            h[:,i] *= -1./(1j*omega(src.freq))
            S_m,_ = src.eval(self.prob)
            h[:,i] = h[:,i]+ 1./(1j*omega(src.freq)) * self._MeMuI * (S_m)
        return h
Exemple #18
    def getA(self, freq, full=False):
            Function to get the A matrix.

            :param float freq: Frequency
            :param logic full: Return full A or the inner part
            :rtype: scipy.sparse.csr_matrix
            :return: A

        MeMui = self.MeMui
        MfSigma = self.MfSigma
        # Note: need to use the code above since in the 1D problem I want
        # e to live on Faces(nodes) and h on edges(cells). Might need to rethink this
        # Possible that _fieldType and _eqLocs can fix this
        # MeMui = self.MfMui
        # MfSigma = self.MfSigma
        C = self.mesh.nodalGrad
        # Make A
        A = C.T*MeMui*C + 1j*omega(freq)*MfSigma
        # Either return full or only the inner part of A
        if full:
            return A
            return A[1:-1,1:-1]
Exemple #19
    def getADeriv_m(self, freq, u, v, adjoint=False):
        The derivative of A wrt sigma

        dsig_dm = self.curModel.sigmaDeriv
        MeMui = self.MeMui
        u_src = u['e_1dSolution']
        dMfSigma_dm = self.mesh.getFaceInnerProductDeriv(
            self.curModel.sigma)(u_src) * self.curModel.sigmaDeriv
        if adjoint:
            return 1j * omega(freq) * (dMfSigma_dm.T * v)
        # Note: output has to be nN/nF, not nC/nE.
        # v should be nC
        return 1j * omega(freq) * (dMfSigma_dm * v)
Exemple #20
    def _bDeriv_u(self, src, du_dm_v, adjoint=False):
        Derivative of the magnetic flux density with respect to the solution

        :param SimPEG.EM.FDEM.Src src: source
        :param numpy.ndarray du_dm_v: vector to take product with
        :param bool adjoint: adjoint?
        :rtype: numpy.ndarray
        :return: product of the derivative of the magnetic flux density with respect to the field we solved for with a vector
        # bPrimary: no model depenency
        C = self.mesh.nodalGrad
        if adjoint:
            bSecondaryDeriv_u = -1. / (1j * omega(src.freq)) * (C.T * du_dm_v)
            bSecondaryDeriv_u = -1. / (1j * omega(src.freq)) * (C * du_dm_v)
        return bSecondaryDeriv_u
Exemple #21
    def getRHSDeriv_m(self, freq, v, adjoint=False):
        The derivative of the RHS wrt sigma

        Src = self.survey.getSrcByFreq(freq)[0]
        S_eDeriv = Src.S_eDeriv_m(self, v, adjoint)
        return -1j * omega(freq) * S_eDeriv
Exemple #22
    def getRHSDeriv_m(self, freq, v, adjoint=False):
        The derivative of the RHS with respect to sigma

        Src = self.survey.getSrcByFreq(freq)[0]
        S_eDeriv = Src.S_eDeriv_m(self, v, adjoint)
        return -1j * omega(freq) * S_eDeriv
Exemple #23
    def getRHSDeriv(self, freq, src, v, adjoint=False):
        Derivative of the Right-hand side with respect to the model. This
        includes calls to derivatives in the sources

        C = self.mesh.edgeCurl
        MfMui = self.MfMui
        s_m, s_e = self.getSourceTerm(freq)
        s_mDeriv, s_eDeriv = src.evalDeriv(self, adjoint=adjoint)
        MfMuiDeriv = self.MfMuiDeriv(s_m)

        if adjoint:
            return (s_mDeriv(MfMui * (C * v)) + MfMuiDeriv.T * (C * v) -
                    1j * omega(freq) * s_eDeriv(v))
        return (C.T * (MfMui * s_mDeriv(v) + MfMuiDeriv * v) -
                1j * omega(freq) * s_eDeriv(v))
Exemple #24
    def _bSecondary(self, eSolution, srcList):
        Secondary magnetic flux density from eSolution

        :param numpy.ndarray eSolution: field we solved for
        :param list srcList: list of sources
        :rtype: numpy.ndarray
        :return: secondary magnetic flux density

        C = self._edgeCurl
        b = (C * eSolution)
        for i, src in enumerate(srcList):
            b[:,i] *= - 1./(1j*omega(src.freq))
            S_m, _ = src.eval(self.prob)
            b[:,i] = b[:,i]+ 1./(1j*omega(src.freq)) * S_m
        return b
Exemple #25
    def _bDeriv_u(self, src, du_dm_v, adjoint=False):
        Derivative of the magnetic flux density with respect to the solution

        :param SimPEG.EM.FDEM.Src src: source
        :param numpy.ndarray du_dm_v: vector to take product with
        :param bool adjoint: adjoint?
        :rtype: numpy.ndarray
        :return: product of the derivative of the magnetic flux density with respect to the field we solved for with a vector
        # bPrimary: no model depenency
        C = self.mesh.nodalGrad
        if adjoint:
            bSecondaryDeriv_u = - 1./(1j*omega(src.freq)) * (C.T * du_dm_v)
            bSecondaryDeriv_u = - 1./(1j*omega(src.freq)) * (C * du_dm_v)
        return bSecondaryDeriv_u
Exemple #26
    def getRHSDeriv_m(self, freq, src, v, adjoint=False):
        C = self.mesh.edgeCurl
        MeMuI = self.MeMuI
        S_mDeriv, S_eDeriv = src.evalDeriv(self, adjoint)

        if adjoint:
            if self._makeASymmetric:
                MfRho = self.MfRho
                v = MfRho*v
            return S_mDeriv(MeMuI.T * (C.T * v)) - 1j * omega(freq) * S_eDeriv(v)

            RHSDeriv = C * (MeMuI * S_mDeriv(v)) - 1j * omega(freq) * S_eDeriv(v)

            if self._makeASymmetric:
                MfRho = self.MfRho
                return MfRho.T * RHSDeriv
            return RHSDeriv
Exemple #27
 def bPrimary(self, problem):
     # Project ePrimary to bPrimary
     # Satisfies the primary(background) field conditions
     if problem.mesh.dim == 1:
         C = problem.mesh.nodalGrad
     elif problem.mesh.dim == 3:
         C = problem.mesh.edgeCurl
     bBG_bp = (- C * self.ePrimary(problem)) * (1 / (1j * omega(self.freq)))
     return bBG_bp
Exemple #28
 def bPrimary(self, problem):
     # Project ePrimary to bPrimary
     # Satisfies the primary(background) field conditions
     if problem.mesh.dim == 1:
         C = problem.mesh.nodalGrad
     elif problem.mesh.dim == 3:
         C = problem.mesh.edgeCurl
     bBG_bp = (- C * self.ePrimary(problem)) * (1 / (1j * omega(self.freq)))
     return bBG_bp
Exemple #29
    def _bDeriv_m(self, src, v, adjoint=False):
        Derivative of the magnetic flux density with respect to the inversion model

        :param SimPEG.EM.FDEM.Src src: source
        :param numpy.ndarray v: vector to take product with
        :param bool adjoint: adjoint?
        :rtype: numpy.ndarray
        :return: product of the derivative of the magnetic flux density with respect to the model with a vector
        jSolution = self[src,'jSolution']
        n = int(self._aveE2CCV.shape[0] / self._nC) # number of components
        VI = sdiag(np.kron(np.ones(n), 1./self.prob.mesh.vol))
        s_mDeriv,_ = src.evalDeriv(self.prob, adjoint = adjoint)

        if adjoint:
            v = self._aveE2CCV.T * ( VI.T * v)
            return 1./(1j * omega(src.freq)) * ( s_mDeriv(v) - self._MfRhoDeriv(jSolution).T * (self._edgeCurl * v ))
        return 1./(1j * omega(src.freq)) * VI * (self._aveE2CCV * ( s_mDeriv(v) - self._edgeCurl.T * ( self._MfRhoDeriv(jSolution) * v ) ) )
Exemple #30
    def getRHSDeriv(self, freq, src, v, adjoint=False):
        Derivative of the right hand side with respect to the model

        :param float freq: frequency
        :param SimPEG.EM.FDEM.SrcFDEM.BaseFDEMSrc src: FDEM source
        :param numpy.ndarray v: vector to take product with
        :param bool adjoint: adjoint?
        :rtype: numpy.ndarray
        :return: product of rhs deriv with a vector

        # RHS = C * (MeMuI * s_m) - 1j * omega(freq) * s_e
        # if self._makeASymmetric is True:
        #     MfRho = self.MfRho
        #     return MfRho.T*RHS

        C = self.mesh.edgeCurl
        MeMuI = self.MeMuI
        MeMuIDeriv = self.MeMuIDeriv
        s_mDeriv, s_eDeriv = src.evalDeriv(self, adjoint=adjoint)
        s_m, _ = self.getSourceTerm(freq)

        if adjoint:
            if self._makeASymmetric:
                MfRho = self.MfRho
                v = MfRho*v
            CTv = (C.T * v)
            return (
                s_mDeriv(MeMuI.T * CTv) + MeMuIDeriv(s_m).T * CTv -
                1j * omega(freq) * s_eDeriv(v)

            RHSDeriv = (
                C * (MeMuI * s_mDeriv(v) + MeMuIDeriv(s_m) * v) -
                1j * omega(freq) * s_eDeriv(v)

            if self._makeASymmetric:
                MfRho = self.MfRho
                return MfRho.T * RHSDeriv
            return RHSDeriv
Exemple #31
 def _bSecondary(self, eSolution, srcList):
     C = self.mesh.nodalGrad
     b = (C * eSolution)
     for i, src in enumerate(srcList):
         b[:,i] *= - 1./(1j*omega(src.freq))
         # There is no magnetic source in the MT problem
         # S_m, _ = src.eval(self.survey.prob)
         # if S_m is not None:
         #     b[:,i] += 1./(1j*omega(src.freq)) * S_m
     return b
Exemple #32
    def getRHS(self, freq):
            Function to return the right hand side for the system.
            :param float freq: Frequency
            :rtype: numpy.ndarray (nF, 1), numpy.ndarray (nF, 1)
            :return: RHS for 1 polarizations, primary fields

        # Get sources for the frequncy(polarizations)
        Src = self.survey.getSrcByFreq(freq)[0]
        S_e = Src.S_e(self)
        return -1j * omega(freq) * S_e
Exemple #33
    def getRHS(self, freq):
            Function to return the right hand side for the system.
            :param float freq: Frequency
            :rtype: numpy.ndarray (nF, 1), numpy.ndarray (nF, 1)
            :return: RHS for 1 polarizations, primary fields

        # Get sources for the frequncy(polarizations)
        Src = self.survey.getSrcByFreq(freq)[0]
        S_e = Src.S_e(self)
        return -1j * omega(freq) * S_e
Exemple #34
    def _hSecondaryDeriv_m(self, src, v, adjoint=False):
        jSolution = self[[src], "jSolution"]
        MeMuI = self._MeMuI
        C = self._edgeCurl
        MfRho = self._MfRho
        MfRhoDeriv = self._MfRhoDeriv
        Me = self._Me

        if not adjoint:
            hDeriv_m = -1.0 / (1j * omega(src.freq)) * MeMuI * (C.T * (MfRhoDeriv(jSolution) * v))
        elif adjoint:
            hDeriv_m = -1.0 / (1j * omega(src.freq)) * MfRhoDeriv(jSolution).T * (C * (MeMuI.T * v))

        S_mDeriv, _ = src.evalDeriv(self.prob, adjoint)

        if not adjoint:
            S_mDeriv = S_mDeriv(v)
            hDeriv_m = hDeriv_m + 1.0 / (1j * omega(src.freq)) * MeMuI * (Me * S_mDeriv)
        elif adjoint:
            S_mDeriv = S_mDeriv(Me.T * (MeMuI.T * v))
            hDeriv_m = hDeriv_m + 1.0 / (1j * omega(src.freq)) * S_mDeriv
        return hDeriv_m
Exemple #35
    def getRHSDeriv(self, freq, src, v, adjoint=False):
        Derivative of the right hand side with respect to the model 

        :param float freq: frequency
        :param SimPEG.EM.FDEM.Src src: FDEM source
        :param numpy.ndarray v: vector to take product with
        :param bool adjoint: adjoint?
        :rtype: numpy.ndarray
        :return: product of rhs deriv with a vector

        C = self.mesh.edgeCurl
        MfMui = self.MfMui
        S_mDeriv, S_eDeriv = src.evalDeriv(self, adjoint=adjoint)

        if adjoint:
            dRHS = MfMui * (C * v)
            return S_mDeriv(dRHS) - 1j * omega(freq) * S_eDeriv(v)

            return C.T * (MfMui * S_mDeriv(v)) -1j * omega(freq) * S_eDeriv(v)
Exemple #36
    def s_m(self, prob):
        The magnetic source term

        :param BaseFDEMProblem prob: FDEM problem
        :rtype: numpy.ndarray
        :return: primary magnetic field

        b_p = self.bPrimary(prob)
        if prob._formulation is 'HJ':
            b_p = prob.Me * b_p
        return -1j * omega(self.freq) * b_p
Exemple #37
    def getRHSDeriv(self, freq, src, v, adjoint=False):

        Derivative of the Right-hand side with respect to the model. This
        includes calls to derivatives in the sources

        C = self.mesh.edgeCurl
        MfMui = self.MfMui
        s_m, s_e = self.getSourceTerm(freq)
        s_mDeriv, s_eDeriv = src.evalDeriv(self, adjoint=adjoint)
        MfMuiDeriv = self.MfMuiDeriv(s_m)

        if adjoint:
            return (
                s_mDeriv(MfMui * (C * v)) + MfMuiDeriv.T * (C * v) -
                1j * omega(freq) * s_eDeriv(v)
        return (
            C.T * (MfMui * s_mDeriv(v) + MfMuiDeriv * v) -
            1j * omega(freq) * s_eDeriv(v)
Exemple #38
    def getA(self, freq):
            Function to get the A system.

            :param float freq: Frequency
            :rtype: scipy.sparse.csr_matrix
            :return: A
        Mmui = self.MfMui
        Msig = self.MeSigma
        C = self.mesh.edgeCurl

        return C.T * Mmui * C + 1j * omega(freq) * Msig
Exemple #39
    def _bSecondaryDeriv_m(self, src, v, adjoint = False):
        Derivative of the secondary magnetic flux density with respect to the inversion model. 
        :param SimPEG.EM.FDEM.Src src: source
        :param numpy.ndarray v: vector to take product with
        :param bool adjoint: adjoint?
        :rtype: numpy.ndarray
        :return: product of the secondary magnetic flux density derivative with respect to the inversion model with a vector

        S_mDeriv, _ = src.evalDeriv(self.prob, v, adjoint)
        return 1./(1j * omega(src.freq)) * S_mDeriv
Exemple #40
    def getADeriv_m(self, freq, u, v, adjoint=False):
        Calculate the derivative of A wrt m.


        # This considers both polarizations and returns a nE,2 matrix for each polarization
        if adjoint:
            dMe_dsigV = sp.hstack(( self.MeSigmaDeriv( u['e_pxSolution'] ).T, self.MeSigmaDeriv(u['e_pySolution'] ).T ))*v
            # Need a nE,2 matrix to be returned
            dMe_dsigV = np.hstack(( mkvc(self.MeSigmaDeriv( u['e_pxSolution'] )*v,2), mkvc( self.MeSigmaDeriv(u['e_pySolution'] )*v,2) ))
        return 1j * omega(freq) * dMe_dsigV
Exemple #41
    def getA(self, freq):
            Function to get the A system.

            :param float freq: Frequency
            :rtype: scipy.sparse.csr_matrix
            :return: A
        Mmui = self.MfMui
        Msig = self.MeSigma
        C = self.mesh.edgeCurl

        return C.T*Mmui*C + 1j*omega(freq)*Msig
Exemple #42
    def _b_pySecondary(self, e_pySolution, srcList):
        py polarization of secondary magnetic flux from source

        :param numpy.ndarray e_pySolution: py polarization that was solved for
        :param list srcList: list of sources
        :rtype: numpy.ndarray
        :return: secondary magnetic flux as defined by the sources
        C = self.mesh.edgeCurl
        b = (C * e_pySolution)
        for i, src in enumerate(srcList):
            b[:, i] *= -1. / (1j * omega(src.freq))
        return b
Exemple #43
    def _bSecondary(self, eSolution, srcList):
        Primary magnetic flux density from source

        :param numpy.ndarray eSolution: field we solved for
        :param list srcList: list of sources
        :rtype: numpy.ndarray
        :return: primary magnetic flux density as defined by the sources
        C = self.mesh.nodalGrad
        b = (C * eSolution)
        for i, src in enumerate(srcList):
            b[:, i] *= -1. / (1j * omega(src.freq))
        return b
Exemple #44
    def getADeriv_m(self, freq, u, v, adjoint=False):
        Calculate the derivative of A wrt m.


        # This considers both polarizations and returns a nE,2 matrix for each polarization
        if adjoint:
            dMe_dsigV = sp.hstack((self.MeSigmaDeriv(u['e_pxSolution']).T,
                                   self.MeSigmaDeriv(u['e_pySolution']).T)) * v
            # Need a nE,2 matrix to be returned
            dMe_dsigV = np.hstack(
                (mkvc(self.MeSigmaDeriv(u['e_pxSolution']) * v,
                      2), mkvc(self.MeSigmaDeriv(u['e_pySolution']) * v, 2)))
        return 1j * omega(freq) * dMe_dsigV
Exemple #45
    def getA(self, freq):
        System matrix
        .. math ::
            \mathbf{A} = \mathbf{C}^{\\top} \mathbf{M_{\mu^{-1}}^f} \mathbf{C} + i \omega \mathbf{M^e_{\sigma}}

        :param float freq: Frequency
        :rtype: scipy.sparse.csr_matrix
        :return: A

        MfMui = self.MfMui
        MeSigma = self.MeSigma
        C = self.mesh.edgeCurl

        return C.T*MfMui*C + 1j*omega(freq)*MeSigma
Exemple #46
    def getRHS(self, freq):
        Right hand side for the system 

        .. math ::
            \mathbf{RHS} = \mathbf{C}^{\\top} \mathbf{M_{\mu^{-1}}^f}\mathbf{s_m} -i\omega\mathbf{M_e}\mathbf{s_e}

        :param float freq: Frequency
        :rtype: numpy.ndarray 
        :return: RHS (nE, nSrc)

        S_m, S_e = self.getSourceTerm(freq)
        C = self.mesh.edgeCurl
        MfMui = self.MfMui

        return C.T * (MfMui * S_m) -1j * omega(freq) * S_e
Exemple #47
    def getA(self, freq):
        System matrix

        .. math::
            \mathbf{A} = \mathbf{C}^{\\top} \mathbf{M_{\\rho}^f} \mathbf{C} + i \omega \mathbf{M_{\mu}^e}

        :param float freq: Frequency
        :rtype: scipy.sparse.csr_matrix
        :return: A

        MeMu = self.MeMu
        MfRho = self.MfRho
        C = self.mesh.edgeCurl

        return C.T * (MfRho * C) + 1j*omega(freq)*MeMu
Exemple #48
    def getA(self, freq):
            .. math ::
                \mathbf{A} = \mathbf{C} \mathbf{M^e_{\sigma}}^{-1} \mathbf{C}^T \mathbf{M_{\mu^{-1}}^f}  + i \omega

            :param float freq: Frequency
            :rtype: scipy.sparse.csr_matrix
            :return: A

        MfMui = self.MfMui
        MeSigmaI = self.MeSigmaI(freq)
        C = self.mesh.edgeCurl
        iomega = 1j * omega(freq) * sp.eye(self.mesh.nF)

        A = C * (MeSigmaI * (C.T * MfMui)) + iomega

        if self._makeASymmetric is True:
            return MfMui.T * A
        return A
Exemple #49
    def getA(self, freq):
        System matrix

        .. math ::
                \\mathbf{A} = \\mathbf{C}  \\mathbf{M^e_{\\mu^{-1}}} \\mathbf{C}^{\\top} \\mathbf{M^f_{\\sigma^{-1}}}  + i\\omega

        :param float freq: Frequency
        :rtype: scipy.sparse.csr_matrix
        :return: A

        MeMuI = self.MeMuI
        MfRho = self.MfRho
        C = self.mesh.edgeCurl
        iomega = 1j * omega(freq) * sp.eye(self.mesh.nF)

        A = C * MeMuI * C.T * MfRho + iomega

        if self._makeASymmetric is True:
            return MfRho.T*A
        return A
Exemple #50
    def getRHS(self, freq):
        Right hand side for the system 

        .. math ::

            \mathbf{RHS} = \mathbf{C} \mathbf{M_{\mu}^e}^{-1}\mathbf{s_m} -i\omega \mathbf{s_e}

        :param float freq: Frequency
        :rtype: numpy.ndarray (nE, nSrc)
        :return: RHS

        S_m, S_e = self.getSourceTerm(freq)
        C = self.mesh.edgeCurl
        MeMuI = self.MeMuI

        RHS = C * (MeMuI * S_m) - 1j * omega(freq) * S_e
        if self._makeASymmetric is True:
            MfRho = self.MfRho
            return MfRho.T*RHS

        return RHS
Exemple #51
 def _b_pySecondaryDeriv_u(self, src, v, adjoint = False):
     # C = sp.kron(self.mesh.edgeCurl,[[0,0],[0,1]])
     C = sp.hstack((Utils.spzeros(self.mesh.nF,self.mesh.nE),self.mesh.edgeCurl)) # This works for adjoint = None
     if adjoint:
         return - 1./(1j*omega(src.freq)) * (C.T * v)
     return - 1./(1j*omega(src.freq)) * (C * v)
Exemple #52
 def _bSecondaryDeriv_u(self, src, v, adjoint = False):
     C = self.mesh.nodalGrad
     if adjoint:
         return - 1./(1j*omega(src.freq)) * (C.T * v)
     return - 1./(1j*omega(src.freq)) * (C * v)