def normalize3D(x): return x / np.kron(np.ones((1, 3)), Utils.mkvc(length3D(x), 2))
def normalize3D(x): return x/np.kron(np.ones((1, 3)), Utils.mkvc(length3D(x), 2))
from SimPEG import Utils, np from BaseMesh import BaseRectangularMesh from DiffOperators import DiffOperators from InnerProducts import InnerProducts from View import CurvView # Some helper functions. length2D = lambda x: (x[:, 0]**2 + x[:, 1]**2)**0.5 length3D = lambda x: (x[:, 0]**2 + x[:, 1]**2 + x[:, 2]**2)**0.5 normalize2D = lambda x: x/np.kron(np.ones((1, 2)), Utils.mkvc(length2D(x), 2)) normalize3D = lambda x: x/np.kron(np.ones((1, 3)), Utils.mkvc(length3D(x), 2)) class CurvilinearMesh(BaseRectangularMesh, DiffOperators, InnerProducts, CurvView): """ CurvilinearMesh is a mesh class that deals with curvilinear meshes. Example of a curvilinear mesh: .. plot:: :include-source: from SimPEG import Mesh, Utils X, Y = Utils.exampleLrmGrid([3,3],'rotate') M = Mesh.CurvilinearMesh([X, Y]) M.plotGrid(showIt=True) """ __metaclass__ = Utils.SimPEGMetaClass _meshType = 'Curv'
def run(plotIt=True): """ MT: 1D: Inversion ================= Forward model 1D MT data. Setup and run a MT 1D inversion. """ ## Setup the forward modeling # Setting up 1D mesh and conductivity models to forward model data. # Frequency nFreq = 26 freqs = np.logspace(2,-3,nFreq) # Set mesh parameters ct = 10 air = simpeg.Utils.meshTensor([(ct,25,1.4)]) core = np.concatenate( ( np.kron(simpeg.Utils.meshTensor([(ct,10,-1.3)]),np.ones((5,))) , simpeg.Utils.meshTensor([(ct,5)]) ) ) bot = simpeg.Utils.meshTensor([(core[0],25,-1.4)]) x0 = -np.array([np.sum(np.concatenate((core,bot)))]) # Make the model m1d = simpeg.Mesh.TensorMesh([np.concatenate((bot,core,air))], x0=x0) # Setup model varibles active = m1d.vectorCCx<0. layer1 = (m1d.vectorCCx<-500.) & (m1d.vectorCCx>=-800.) layer2 = (m1d.vectorCCx<-3500.) & (m1d.vectorCCx>=-5000.) # Set the conductivity values sig_half = 1e-2 sig_air = 1e-8 sig_layer1 = .2 sig_layer2 = .2 # Make the true model sigma_true = np.ones(m1d.nCx)*sig_air sigma_true[active] = sig_half sigma_true[layer1] = sig_layer1 sigma_true[layer2] = sig_layer2 # Extract the model m_true = np.log(sigma_true[active]) # Make the background model sigma_0 = np.ones(m1d.nCx)*sig_air sigma_0[active] = sig_half m_0 = np.log(sigma_0[active]) # Set the mapping actMap = simpeg.Maps.InjectActiveCells(m1d, active, np.log(1e-8), nC=m1d.nCx) mappingExpAct = simpeg.Maps.ExpMap(m1d) * actMap ## Setup the layout of the survey, set the sources and the connected receivers # Receivers rxList = [] rxList.append(NSEM.Rx.Point_impedance1D(simpeg.mkvc(np.array([-0.5]),2).T,'real')) rxList.append(NSEM.Rx.Point_impedance1D(simpeg.mkvc(np.array([-0.5]),2).T,'imag')) # Source list srcList =[] for freq in freqs: srcList.append(NSEM.Src.Planewave_xy_1Dprimary(rxList,freq)) # Make the survey survey = NSEM.Survey(srcList) survey.mtrue = m_true ## Set the problem problem = NSEM.Problem1D_ePrimSec(m1d,sigmaPrimary=sigma_0,mapping=mappingExpAct) problem.pair(survey) ## Forward model data # Project the data survey.dtrue = survey.dpred(m_true) survey.dobs = survey.dtrue + 0.01*abs(survey.dtrue)*np.random.randn(*survey.dtrue.shape) if plotIt: fig = NSEM.Utils.dataUtils.plotMT1DModelData(problem,[]) fig.suptitle('Target - smooth true') # Assign uncertainties std = 0.05 # 5% std survey.std = np.abs(survey.dobs*std) # Assign the data weight Wd = 1./survey.std ## Setup the inversion proceedure # Define a counter C = simpeg.Utils.Counter() # Set the optimization opt = simpeg.Optimization.ProjectedGNCG(maxIter = 25) opt.counter = C opt.lower = np.log(1e-4) opt.upper = np.log(5) opt.LSshorten = 0.1 opt.remember('xc') # Data misfit dmis = simpeg.DataMisfit.l2_DataMisfit(survey) dmis.Wd = Wd # Regularization - with a regularization mesh regMesh = simpeg.Mesh.TensorMesh([m1d.hx[active]],m1d.x0) reg = simpeg.Regularization.Tikhonov(regMesh) reg.mrefInSmooth = True reg.alpha_s = 1e-1 reg.alpha_x = 1. # Inversion problem invProb = simpeg.InvProblem.BaseInvProblem(dmis, reg, opt) invProb.counter = C # Beta cooling beta = simpeg.Directives.BetaSchedule() beta.coolingRate = 4. beta.coolingFactor = 4. betaest = simpeg.Directives.BetaEstimate_ByEig(beta0_ratio=100.) betaest.beta0 = 1. targmis = simpeg.Directives.TargetMisfit() = survey.nD # Create an inversion object inv = simpeg.Inversion.BaseInversion(invProb, directiveList=[beta,betaest,targmis]) ## Run the inversion mopt = if plotIt: fig = NSEM.Utils.dataUtils.plotMT1DModelData(problem,[mopt]) fig.suptitle('Target - smooth true') fig.axes[0].set_ylim([-10000,500])
def run(plotIt=True): """ MT: 1D: Inversion ================= Forward model 1D MT data. Setup and run a MT 1D inversion. """ ## Setup the forward modeling # Setting up 1D mesh and conductivity models to forward model data. # Frequency nFreq = 26 freqs = np.logspace(2, -3, nFreq) # Set mesh parameters ct = 10 air = simpeg.Utils.meshTensor([(ct, 25, 1.4)]) core = np.concatenate( (np.kron(simpeg.Utils.meshTensor([(ct, 10, -1.3)]), np.ones( (5, ))), simpeg.Utils.meshTensor([(ct, 5)]))) bot = simpeg.Utils.meshTensor([(core[0], 25, -1.4)]) x0 = -np.array([np.sum(np.concatenate((core, bot)))]) # Make the model m1d = simpeg.Mesh.TensorMesh([np.concatenate((bot, core, air))], x0=x0) # Setup model varibles active = m1d.vectorCCx < 0. layer1 = (m1d.vectorCCx < -500.) & (m1d.vectorCCx >= -800.) layer2 = (m1d.vectorCCx < -3500.) & (m1d.vectorCCx >= -5000.) # Set the conductivity values sig_half = 1e-2 sig_air = 1e-8 sig_layer1 = .2 sig_layer2 = .2 # Make the true model sigma_true = np.ones(m1d.nCx) * sig_air sigma_true[active] = sig_half sigma_true[layer1] = sig_layer1 sigma_true[layer2] = sig_layer2 # Extract the model m_true = np.log(sigma_true[active]) # Make the background model sigma_0 = np.ones(m1d.nCx) * sig_air sigma_0[active] = sig_half m_0 = np.log(sigma_0[active]) # Set the mapping actMap = simpeg.Maps.InjectActiveCells(m1d, active, np.log(1e-8), nC=m1d.nCx) mappingExpAct = simpeg.Maps.ExpMap(m1d) * actMap ## Setup the layout of the survey, set the sources and the connected receivers # Receivers rxList = [] rxList.append( NSEM.Rx.Point_impedance1D(simpeg.mkvc(np.array([-0.5]), 2).T, 'real')) rxList.append( NSEM.Rx.Point_impedance1D(simpeg.mkvc(np.array([-0.5]), 2).T, 'imag')) # Source list srcList = [] for freq in freqs: srcList.append(NSEM.Src.Planewave_xy_1Dprimary(rxList, freq)) # Make the survey survey = NSEM.Survey(srcList) survey.mtrue = m_true ## Set the problem problem = NSEM.Problem1D_ePrimSec(m1d, sigmaPrimary=sigma_0, mapping=mappingExpAct) problem.pair(survey) ## Forward model data # Project the data survey.dtrue = survey.dpred(m_true) survey.dobs = survey.dtrue + 0.01 * abs( survey.dtrue) * np.random.randn(*survey.dtrue.shape) if plotIt: fig = NSEM.Utils.dataUtils.plotMT1DModelData(problem, []) fig.suptitle('Target - smooth true') # Assign uncertainties std = 0.05 # 5% std survey.std = np.abs(survey.dobs * std) # Assign the data weight Wd = 1. / survey.std ## Setup the inversion proceedure # Define a counter C = simpeg.Utils.Counter() # Set the optimization opt = simpeg.Optimization.ProjectedGNCG(maxIter=25) opt.counter = C opt.lower = np.log(1e-4) opt.upper = np.log(5) opt.LSshorten = 0.1 opt.remember('xc') # Data misfit dmis = simpeg.DataMisfit.l2_DataMisfit(survey) dmis.Wd = Wd # Regularization - with a regularization mesh regMesh = simpeg.Mesh.TensorMesh([m1d.hx[active]], m1d.x0) reg = simpeg.Regularization.Tikhonov(regMesh) reg.mrefInSmooth = True reg.alpha_s = 1e-1 reg.alpha_x = 1. # Inversion problem invProb = simpeg.InvProblem.BaseInvProblem(dmis, reg, opt) invProb.counter = C # Beta cooling beta = simpeg.Directives.BetaSchedule() beta.coolingRate = 4. beta.coolingFactor = 4. betaest = simpeg.Directives.BetaEstimate_ByEig(beta0_ratio=100.) betaest.beta0 = 1. targmis = simpeg.Directives.TargetMisfit() = survey.nD # Create an inversion object inv = simpeg.Inversion.BaseInversion( invProb, directiveList=[beta, betaest, targmis]) ## Run the inversion mopt = if plotIt: fig = NSEM.Utils.dataUtils.plotMT1DModelData(problem, [mopt]) fig.suptitle('Target - smooth true') fig.axes[0].set_ylim([-10000, 500])
from SimPEG import Utils, np from BaseMesh import BaseRectangularMesh from DiffOperators import DiffOperators from InnerProducts import InnerProducts # Some helper functions. length2D = lambda x: (x[:, 0]**2 + x[:, 1]**2)**0.5 length3D = lambda x: (x[:, 0]**2 + x[:, 1]**2 + x[:, 2]**2)**0.5 normalize2D = lambda x: x/np.kron(np.ones((1, 2)), Utils.mkvc(length2D(x), 2)) normalize3D = lambda x: x/np.kron(np.ones((1, 3)), Utils.mkvc(length3D(x), 2)) class CurvilinearMesh(BaseRectangularMesh, DiffOperators, InnerProducts): """ CurvilinearMesh is a mesh class that deals with curvilinear meshes. Example of a curvilinear mesh: .. plot:: :include-source: from SimPEG import Mesh, Utils X, Y = Utils.exampleLrmGrid([3,3],'rotate') M = Mesh.CurvilinearMesh([X, Y]) M.plotGrid(showIt=True) """ __metaclass__ = Utils.SimPEGMetaClass _meshType = 'Curv'