Exemple #1
def metaDataScalarField(name, time, cycle, dim):
    optlistDef = None
    optlistMV = silo.DBoptlist()
    optlistVar = silo.DBoptlist()
    for optlist in (optlistMV, optlistVar):
        assert optlist.addOption(silo.DBOPT_CYCLE, cycle) == 0
        assert optlist.addOption(silo.DBOPT_DTIME, time) == 0
        assert optlist.addOption(silo.DBOPT_TENSOR_RANK, silo.DB_VARTYPE_SCALAR) == 0
    return (None, silo.DB_VARTYPE_SCALAR, optlistDef, optlistMV, optlistVar)
Exemple #2
def writeDefvars(db, fieldwad):

    # Write the variable descriptors for non-scalar types (vector and tensor).
    names, defs, types, opts = vector_of_string(), vector_of_string(
    ), vector_of_int(), []  # vector_of_DBoptlist()
    for name, desc, vtype, optlistDef, optlistMV, optlistVar, subvars in fieldwad:
        if desc != None:
            assert optlistDef != None
            assert len(subvars) > 1
            names.append("CELLS/" + name)

    # Map all variables from the MMESH -> MPointMesh.
    showOptlist = silo.DBoptlist()
    hideOptlist = silo.DBoptlist()
    assert showOptlist.addOption(silo.DBOPT_HIDE_FROM_GUI, 0) == 0
    assert hideOptlist.addOption(silo.DBOPT_HIDE_FROM_GUI, 1) == 0
    for name, desc, vtype, optlistDef, optlistMV, optlistVar, subvars in fieldwad:
        if desc == None:
            # This is a simple scalar type
            names.append("POINTS/" + name)
            defs.append('recenter(conn_cmfe(<[0]id:CELLS/%s>,<MPointMESH>))' %

            # This is a compound type (has components like {x,y,z}
            assert optlistDef != None
            assert len(subvars) > 1
            names.append("POINTS/" + name)
            defs.append(desc.replace("CELLS", "POINTS"))

            # Now recenter the scalar components of this compound type
            for subvar in subvars:
                subname = subvar[0]
                names.append("POINTS/" + subname)
                    'recenter(conn_cmfe(<[0]id:CELLS/%s>,<MPointMESH>))' %

    if len(names) > 0:
        assert silo.DBPutDefvars(db, "VARDEFS", names, types, defs, opts) == 0
Exemple #3
def writeDefvars(db, fieldwad):

    # Write the variable descriptors for non-scalar types (vector and tensor).
    names, defs, types, opts = vector_of_string(), vector_of_string(), vector_of_int(), [] # vector_of_DBoptlist()
    for name, desc, vtype, optlistDef, optlistMV, optlistVar, subvars in fieldwad:
        if desc != None:
            assert optlistDef != None
            assert len(subvars) > 1
            names.append("CELLS/" + name)
            # Make a point version as well.
            names.append("POINTS/" + name)
            defs.append(desc.replace("CELLS", "POINTS"))

    # HACK: put back when vardef mapping is working
    # Similaly map all variables from the MMESH -> MPointMesh.
    hideOptlist = silo.DBoptlist()
    assert hideOptlist.addOption(silo.DBOPT_HIDE_FROM_GUI, 0) == 0
    for name, desc, vtype, optlistDef, optlistMV, optlistVar, subvars in fieldwad:
        names.append("POINTS/" + name)
        defs.append('recenter(conn_cmfe(<[0]id:CELLS/%s>,<MPointMESH>))' % name)

    if len(names) > 0:
        assert silo.DBPutDefvars(db, "VARDEFS", names, types, defs, opts) == 0
Exemple #4
def metaDataVectorField(name, time, cycle, dim):
    assert dim in (2,3)
    optlistDef = silo.DBoptlist()
    optlistMV = silo.DBoptlist()
    optlistVar = silo.DBoptlist()
    for optlist in (optlistDef, optlistMV, optlistVar):
        assert optlist.addOption(silo.DBOPT_CYCLE, cycle) == 0
        assert optlist.addOption(silo.DBOPT_DTIME, time) == 0
    assert optlistMV.addOption(silo.DBOPT_TENSOR_RANK, silo.DB_VARTYPE_VECTOR) == 0
    assert optlistVar.addOption(silo.DBOPT_HIDE_FROM_GUI, 1) == 0
    assert optlistVar.addOption(silo.DBOPT_TENSOR_RANK, silo.DB_VARTYPE_SCALAR) == 0

    if dim == 2:
        return ("{<CELLS/%s_x>, <CELLS/%s_y>}" % (name, name), silo.DB_VARTYPE_VECTOR,
                optlistDef, optlistMV, optlistVar)
        return ("{<CELLS/%s_x>, <CELLS/%s_y>, <CELLS/%s_z>}" % (name, name, name), silo.DB_VARTYPE_VECTOR,
                optlistDef, optlistMV, optlistVar)
Exemple #5
def metaDataTensorField(name, time, cycle, dim):
    assert dim in (2, 3)
    optlistDef = silo.DBoptlist()
    optlistMV = silo.DBoptlist()
    optlistVar = silo.DBoptlist()
    for optlist in (optlistDef, optlistMV, optlistVar):
        assert optlist.addOption(silo.DBOPT_CYCLE, cycle) == 0
        assert optlist.addOption(silo.DBOPT_DTIME, time) == 0
    assert optlistMV.addOption(silo.DBOPT_TENSOR_RANK,
                               silo.DB_VARTYPE_TENSOR) == 0
    assert optlistVar.addOption(silo.DBOPT_HIDE_FROM_GUI, 1) == 0
    assert optlistVar.addOption(silo.DBOPT_TENSOR_RANK,
                                silo.DB_VARTYPE_SCALAR) == 0

    if dim == 2:
        return ("{{%s_xx, %s_xy}, {%s_yx, %s_yy}}" % (name, name, name, name),
                silo.DB_VARTYPE_TENSOR, optlistDef, optlistMV, optlistVar)
        return (
            "{{%s_xx, %s_xy, %s_xz}, {%s_yx, %s_yy, %s_yz}, {%s_zx, %s_zy, %s_zz}}"
            % (name, name, name, name, name, name, name, name, name),
            silo.DB_VARTYPE_TENSOR, optlistDef, optlistMV, optlistVar)
Exemple #6
    def writeDomainSiloFile(ndim, maxproc, baseDirectory, baseName, procDir,
                            materials, vars, xminblock, xmaxblock, nblock,
                            jsplit, label, time, cycle, pretendRZ):

        assert jsplit < ndim

        # Make sure the directories are there.
        if mpi.rank == 0:
            for iproc in xrange(maxproc):
                pth = os.path.join(baseDirectory, procDir)
                if not os.path.exists(pth):

        # Is there anything to do?
        if mpi.rank < maxproc:
            numZones = 1
            numNodes = 1
            nblocknodes = list(nblock)
            for i, x in enumerate(nblock):
                numZones *= x
                numNodes *= x + 1
                nblocknodes[i] = x + 1
            assert numZones > 0

            # Make a vector<int> version of nblock
            nblock_vec = Spheral.vector_of_int(nblock)

            # Create the file.
            fileName = os.path.join(baseDirectory, procDir,
                                    "domain%i.silo" % mpi.rank)
            f = silo.DBCreate(fileName, silo.DB_CLOBBER, silo.DB_LOCAL, label,
            nullOpts = silo.DBoptlist()

            # Make the hblk0 directory.
            assert silo.DBMkDir(f, "hblk0") == 0

            # Write the domain mesh.
            coords = Spheral.vector_of_vector_of_double(
                [Spheral.vector_of_double()] * ndim)
            for jdim in xrange(ndim):
                coords[jdim] = Spheral.vector_of_double([0.0] *
                dx = (xmaxblock[jdim] - xminblock[jdim]) / nblock[jdim]
                for i in xrange(nblocknodes[jdim]):
                    coords[jdim][i] = xminblock[jdim] + i * dx
            optlist = silo.DBoptlist()
            assert optlist.addOption(silo.DBOPT_CYCLE, cycle) == 0
            assert optlist.addOption(silo.DBOPT_DTIME, time) == 0
            if pretendRZ:
                assert optlist.addOption(silo.DBOPT_COORDSYS,
                                         silo.DB_CYLINDRICAL) == 0
                assert optlist.addOption(silo.DBOPT_COORDSYS,
                                         silo.DB_CARTESIAN) == 0
            assert silo.DBPutQuadmesh(f, "hblk0/hydro_mesh", coords,
                                      optlist) == 0

            # Write materials.
            if materials:
                matnos = Spheral.vector_of_int(range(len(materials) + 1))
                assert len(matnos) == len(materials) + 1
                matlist = Spheral.vector_of_int([0] * numZones)
                matnames = Spheral.vector_of_string(["void"])
                for imat, nodeList in enumerate(materials):
                    for i in xrange(numZones):
                        if vars[0][0][i] > 0.0:
                            matlist[i] = imat + 1
                assert len(matlist) == numZones
                assert len(matnames) == len(materials) + 1
                matOpts = silo.DBoptlist(1024)
                assert matOpts.addOption(silo.DBOPT_CYCLE, cycle) == 0
                assert matOpts.addOption(silo.DBOPT_DTIME, time) == 0
                assert matOpts.addOption(silo.DBOPT_MATNAMES,
                                         silo.DBOPT_NMATNOS, matnames) == 0
                assert silo.DBPutMaterial(f, "hblk0/Materials", "hydro_mesh",
                                          matnos, matlist, nblock_vec,
                                          matOpts) == 0

            # Write the field variables.
            varOpts = silo.DBoptlist(1024)
            assert varOpts.addOption(silo.DBOPT_CYCLE, cycle) == 0
            assert varOpts.addOption(silo.DBOPT_DTIME, time) == 0
            for var, varname in vars:
                assert len(var) == numZones
                assert silo.DBPutQuadvar1(f, "hblk0/" + varname, "hydro_mesh",
                                          var, Spheral.vector_of_double(),
                                          silo.DB_ZONECENT, nblock_vec,
                                          varOpts) == 0

            # That's it.
            assert silo.DBClose(f) == 0
            del f

Exemple #7
    def writeMasterSiloFile(ndim, nblock, jsplit, baseDirectory, baseName,
                            procDir, materials, vars, label, time, cycle):

        nullOpts = silo.DBoptlist()

        # Decide which domains have information.
        if len(vars[0][0]) > 0:
            myvote = mpi.rank + 1
            myvote = 0
        maxproc = mpi.allreduce(myvote, mpi.MAX)
        assert maxproc <= mpi.procs

        # Pattern for constructing per domain variables.
        domainNamePatterns = [
            os.path.join(procDir, "domain%i.silo:%%s" % i)
            for i in xrange(maxproc)

        # We need each domains nblock info.
        nblocks = [nblock]
        for sendproc in xrange(1, maxproc):
            if mpi.rank == sendproc:
                mpi.send(nblock, dest=0, tag=50)
            if mpi.rank == 0:
                nblocks.append(mpi.recv(source=sendproc, tag=50)[0])

        # Create the master file.
        if mpi.rank == 0:
            fileName = os.path.join(baseDirectory, baseName + ".silo")
            f = silo.DBCreate(fileName, silo.DB_CLOBBER, silo.DB_LOCAL, label,
            nullOpts = silo.DBoptlist()

            # Write the domain file names and types.
            domainNames = Spheral.vector_of_string(
                [p % "hblk0/hydro_mesh" for p in domainNamePatterns])
            meshTypes = Spheral.vector_of_int([silo.DB_QUADMESH] * maxproc)
            optlist = silo.DBoptlist(1024)
            assert optlist.addOption(silo.DBOPT_CYCLE, cycle) == 0
            assert optlist.addOption(silo.DBOPT_DTIME, time) == 0
            assert silo.DBPutMultimesh(f, "hydro_mesh", domainNames, meshTypes,
                                       optlist) == 0

            # Write material names.
            if materials:
                material_names = Spheral.vector_of_string(
                    [p % "/hblk0/Materials" for p in domainNamePatterns])
                matnames = Spheral.vector_of_string(
                    ["void"] + [x.name for x in materials])
                matnos = Spheral.vector_of_int(range(len(materials) + 1))
                assert len(material_names) == maxproc
                assert len(matnames) == len(materials) + 1
                assert len(matnos) == len(materials) + 1
                optlist = silo.DBoptlist(1024)
                assert optlist.addOption(silo.DBOPT_CYCLE, cycle) == 0
                assert optlist.addOption(silo.DBOPT_DTIME, time) == 0
                assert optlist.addOption(silo.DBOPT_MMESH_NAME,
                                         "hydro_mesh") == 0
                assert optlist.addOption(silo.DBOPT_MATNAMES,
                                         silo.DBOPT_NMATNOS, matnames) == 0
                assert optlist.addOption(silo.DBOPT_MATNOS, silo.DBOPT_NMATNOS,
                                         matnos) == 0
                assert silo.DBPutMultimat(f, "Materials", material_names,
                                          optlist) == 0

            # Write the variables descriptors.
            types = Spheral.vector_of_int([silo.DB_QUADVAR] * maxproc)
            for var, varname in vars:
                domainVarNames = Spheral.vector_of_string()
                for iproc, p in enumerate(domainNamePatterns):
                    domainVarNames.append(p % ("/hblk0/" + varname))
                assert len(domainVarNames) == maxproc
                optlistMV = silo.DBoptlist()
                assert optlistMV.addOption(silo.DBOPT_CYCLE, cycle) == 0
                assert optlistMV.addOption(silo.DBOPT_DTIME, time) == 0
                #assert optlistMV.addOption(silo.DBOPT_TENSOR_RANK, silo.DB_VARTYPE_SCALAR) == 0
                assert optlistMV.addOption(silo.DBOPT_BLOCKORIGIN, 0) == 0
                assert optlistMV.addOption(silo.DBOPT_MMESH_NAME,
                                           "hydro_mesh") == 0
                assert silo.DBPutMultivar(f, varname, domainVarNames, types,
                                          optlistMV) == 0

            # Write the dummy variable "akap_0" to fool Hades into thinking we're actually Hydra or something.
            assert silo.DBPutQuadvar1(
                f, "akap_0", "hydro_mesh",
                Spheral.vector_of_double([0.0] * (ndim * ndim)),
                Spheral.vector_of_double(), silo.DB_ZONECENT,
                Spheral.vector_of_int([ndim] * ndim), nullOpts) == 0

            # Write domain and mesh size info.
            assert silo.DBMkDir(f, "Decomposition") == 0
            assert silo.DBWrite(f, "Decomposition/NumDomains", maxproc) == 0
            assert silo.DBWrite(f, "Decomposition/NumLocalDomains",
                                maxproc) == 0
            assert silo.DBWrite(f, "Decomposition/NumBlocks", 1) == 0
            #assert silo.DBWrite(f, "Decomposition/LocalName", "hblk") == 0
            localDomains = Spheral.vector_of_int(range(maxproc))
            domainFiles = Spheral.vector_of_vector_of_int(
            assert silo.DBWrite(f, "Decomposition/LocalDomains",
                                localDomains) == 0
            assert silo.DBWrite(f, "DomainFiles", domainFiles) == 0

            for iproc in xrange(maxproc):
                assert silo.DBMkDir(f, "Decomposition/gmap%i" % iproc) == 0
                stuff = Spheral.vector_of_int([0] * 12)
                for jdim in xrange(ndim):
                    stuff[6 + jdim] = nblocks[iproc][jdim]
                if iproc in (0, maxproc - 1):
                    assert silo.DBWrite(
                        f, "Decomposition/gmap%i/NumNeighbors" % iproc, 1) == 0
                    assert silo.DBWrite(
                        f, "Decomposition/gmap%i/NumNeighbors" % iproc, 2) == 0
                assert silo.DBWrite(f, "Decomposition/gmap%i/gmap" % iproc,
                                    stuff) == 0

        # Close the file.
        if mpi.rank == 0:
            assert silo.DBClose(f) == 0
            del f

        return maxproc
Exemple #8
def writeDomainSiloFile(ndim, baseDirectory, baseName, procDirBaseName,
                        nodeLists, label, time, cycle, dumpGhosts, fieldwad):

    # How many points are we dumping?
    if dumpGhosts:
        ntot = sum([n.numNodes for n in nodeLists])
        ntot = sum([n.numInternalNodes for n in nodeLists])

    if ntot:

        # Create the file.
        fileName = os.path.join(baseDirectory, procDirBaseName % mpi.rank,
                                baseName + ".silo")
        db = silo.DBCreate(fileName, silo.DB_CLOBBER, silo.DB_LOCAL, label,
        nullOpts = silo.DBoptlist()

        # Read the per material info.
        coords = [[] for i in xrange(ndim)]
        for nodes in nodeLists:
            if dumpGhosts:
                pos = nodes.positions().allValues()
                pos = nodes.positions().internalValues()
            n = len(pos)
            for j in xrange(ndim):
                for i in xrange(n):
        for j in xrange(ndim):
            assert len(coords[j]) == ntot
        coords = vector_of_vector_of_double(
            [vector_of_double(icoords) for icoords in coords])

        # Write the Pointmesh.
        meshOpts = silo.DBoptlist(1024)
        assert meshOpts.addOption(silo.DBOPT_CYCLE, cycle) == 0
        assert meshOpts.addOption(silo.DBOPT_DTIME, time) == 0
        assert silo.DBPutPointmesh(db, "mesh", coords, meshOpts) == 0

        # Write materials.
        matnos = [i for i in xrange(len(nodeLists))]
        assert len(matnos) == len(nodeLists)
        matlist = []
        matnames = []
        for (nodeList, imat) in zip(nodeLists, xrange(len(nodeLists))):
            if dumpGhosts:
                matlist += [imat] * nodeList.numNodes
                matlist += [imat] * nodeList.numInternalNodes
        matlist = vector_of_int(matlist)
        matnames = vector_of_string(matnames)
        assert len(matlist) == ntot
        assert len(matnames) == len(nodeLists)
        matOpts = silo.DBoptlist(1024)
        assert matOpts.addOption(silo.DBOPT_CYCLE, cycle) == 0
        assert matOpts.addOption(silo.DBOPT_DTIME, time) == 0
        assert matOpts.addOption(silo.DBOPT_MATNAMES, silo.DBOPT_NMATNOS,
                                 vector_of_string(matnames)) == 0
        vecInt = vector_of_int()
        vecDouble = vector_of_double()
        assert silo.DBPutMaterial(db, "material", "mesh",
                                  vector_of_int(matnos), matlist, vecInt,
                                  vecInt, vecInt, vecInt, vecDouble,
                                  matOpts) == 0

        # Write the variable descriptions for non-scalar variables (vector and tensors).
        writeDefvars(db, fieldwad)

        # Write the field components.
        varOpts = silo.DBoptlist(1024)
        assert varOpts.addOption(silo.DBOPT_CYCLE, cycle) == 0
        assert varOpts.addOption(silo.DBOPT_DTIME, time) == 0
        for name, desc, dtype, optlistDef, optlistMV, optlistVar, subvars in fieldwad:
            for subname, vals in subvars:
                if len(vals) > 0:
                    if type(vals[0]) == float:
                        ctor = vector_of_double
                        ctor = vector_of_int
                    assert silo.DBPutPointvar1(db, subname, "mesh", ctor(vals),
                                               varOpts) == 0

        # That's it.
        assert silo.DBClose(db) == 0
        del db

Exemple #9
def writeMasterSiloFile(ndim, baseDirectory, baseName, procDirBaseName,
                        nodeLists, label, time, cycle, dumpGhosts, fieldwad):

    nullOpts = silo.DBoptlist()

    # Make sure which domains have information
    ntot = []
    if dumpGhosts:
        nloc = sum([n.numNodes for n in nodeLists])
        nloc = sum([n.numInternalNodes for n in nodeLists])
    for iproc in xrange(mpi.procs):
        ntot.append(mpi.bcast(nloc, iproc))

    # Pattern for constructing per domain variables.
    domainNamePatterns = [
        os.path.join(procDirBaseName % i, baseName + ".silo:%s")
        for i in xrange(mpi.procs) if ntot[i] > 0
    ndoms = len(domainNamePatterns)

    # Create the master file.
    if mpi.rank == 0:
        fileName = os.path.join(baseDirectory, baseName + ".silo")
        db = silo.DBCreate(fileName, silo.DB_CLOBBER, silo.DB_LOCAL, label,

        # Write the domain file names and types.
        domainNames = vector_of_string()
        meshTypes = vector_of_int([silo.DB_POINTMESH] * ndoms)
        for p in domainNamePatterns:
            domainNames.append(p % "mesh")
        optlist = silo.DBoptlist(1024)
        assert optlist.addOption(silo.DBOPT_CYCLE, cycle) == 0
        assert optlist.addOption(silo.DBOPT_DTIME, time) == 0
        assert silo.DBPutMultimesh(db, "MESH", domainNames, meshTypes,
                                   optlist) == 0

    # Extract the material names, and write per material info if any.
    if len(nodeLists) > 0:

        # Write material names.
        if mpi.rank == 0:
            materialNames = [x.name for x in nodeLists]
            material_names = []
            matnames = []
            matnos = []
            for p in domainNamePatterns:
                material_names.append(p % "material")
            for (name, i) in zip(materialNames, range(len(materialNames))):
            assert len(material_names) == ndoms
            assert len(matnames) == len(nodeLists)
            assert len(matnos) == len(nodeLists)
            optlist = silo.DBoptlist(1024)
            assert optlist.addOption(silo.DBOPT_CYCLE, cycle) == 0
            assert optlist.addOption(silo.DBOPT_DTIME, time) == 0
            assert optlist.addOption(silo.DBOPT_MATNAMES, silo.DBOPT_NMATNOS,
                                     vector_of_string(matnames)) == 0
            assert optlist.addOption(silo.DBOPT_MATNOS, silo.DBOPT_NMATNOS,
                                     vector_of_int(matnos)) == 0
            assert silo.DBPutMultimat(db, "MATERIAL",
                                      optlist) == 0

            # Write the variable descriptions for non-scalar variables (vector and tensors).
            writeDefvars(db, fieldwad)

        # Write the variables descriptors.
        types = vector_of_int([silo.DB_POINTVAR] * ndoms)
        for name, desc, type, optlistDef, optlistMV, optlistVar, subvars in fieldwad:
            domainVarNames = vector_of_string()
            nlocalvals = sum([len(x[1]) for x in subvars])
            if desc is None:
                for iproc, p in enumerate(domainNamePatterns):
                    nvals = mpi.bcast(nlocalvals, root=iproc)
                    if nvals > 0:
                        domainVarNames.append(p % name)
                assert len(domainVarNames) == ndoms
                if mpi.rank == 0:
                    assert silo.DBPutMultivar(db, name, domainVarNames, types,
                                              optlistMV) == 0
                for subname, vals in subvars:
                    domainVarNames = vector_of_string()
                    for iproc, p in enumerate(domainNamePatterns):
                        nvals = mpi.bcast(nlocalvals, root=iproc)
                        if nvals > 0:
                            domainVarNames.append(p % subname)
                    assert len(domainVarNames) == ndoms
                    if mpi.rank == 0:
                        assert silo.DBPutMultivar(db, subname, domainVarNames,
                                                  types, optlistVar) == 0

    # That's it.
    if mpi.rank == 0:
        assert silo.DBClose(db) == 0
        del db

Exemple #10
def writeDomainMeshSiloFile(dirName, mesh, index2zone, label, nodeLists, time, cycle, fieldwad,
                            pretendRZ, nodeArrays, zoneArrays, faceArrays,
                            meshType = silo.DB_UCDMESH):

    # Is there anything to do?
    numZones = len(mesh.cells)
    if numZones > 0:

        # Create the file.
        fileName = os.path.join(dirName, "domain%i.silo" % mpi.rank)
        db = silo.DBCreate(fileName, 
                           silo.DB_CLOBBER, silo.DB_LOCAL, label, silo.DB_HDF5)
        nullOpts = silo.DBoptlist()

        # Make directories for variables.
        assert silo.DBMkDir(db, "CELLS") == 0
        assert silo.DBMkDir(db, "POINTS") == 0      # HACK

        # Determine our dimensionality
        if isinstance(mesh, polytope.Tessellation2d):
            nDim = 2
            assert isinstance(mesh, polytope.Tessellation3d)
            nDim = 3

        # Write a Polygonal zone list.
        zonelistName = { 2 : "zonelist",
                         3 : "PHzonelist" }

        # start = TIME.clock()

        if nDim == 2:
            # Read out the zone nodes.  We rely on these already being arranged
            # counter-clockwise.
            zoneNodes = mesh.zoneNodes
            assert len(zoneNodes) == numZones
            assert silo.DBPutZonelist2(db, zonelistName[nDim], nDim, zoneNodes, 0, 0,
                                       vector_of_int([len(zn) for zn in zoneNodes]), # shapesize,
                                       nullOpts) == 0
        # Write a Polyhedral zone list.
        if nDim == 3:
            # Construct the zone-face list.  We use the ones complement of a face ID
            # to indicate that face needs to be reversed in reference to this zone.
            # This is the same convention as polytope, so just copy it.
            assert silo.DBPutPHZonelist(db, zonelistName[nDim], mesh.facesAsInts, mesh.cells, 0, (numZones - 1), nullOpts) == 0
        # print "    --> %g sec to write PHzonelist" % (TIME.clock() - start)
        # start = TIME.clock()

        # Construct the mesh node coordinates.
        assert len(mesh.nodes) % nDim == 0
        if nDim == 2:
            coords = vector_of_vector_of_double([mesh.xnodes, mesh.ynodes])
            coords = vector_of_vector_of_double([mesh.xnodes, mesh.ynodes, mesh.znodes])
        assert len(coords) == nDim
        # print "    --> %g sec to compute coords" % (TIME.clock() - start)
        # start = TIME.clock()

        # Write the mesh itself.
        meshOpts = silo.DBoptlist(1024)
        assert meshOpts.addOption(silo.DBOPT_CYCLE, cycle) == 0
        assert meshOpts.addOption(silo.DBOPT_DTIME, time) == 0
        assert meshOpts.addOption(silo.DBOPT_COORDSYS, silo.DB_CARTESIAN) == 0
        assert meshOpts.addOption(silo.DBOPT_NSPACE, nDim) == 0
        assert meshOpts.addOption(silo.DBOPT_TV_CONNECTIVITY, 1) == 0
        if nDim == 2:
            if pretendRZ:
                assert meshOpts.addOption(silo.DBOPT_COORDSYS, silo.DB_CYLINDRICAL) == 0
                assert meshOpts.addOption(silo.DBOPT_XLABEL, "z") == 0
                assert meshOpts.addOption(silo.DBOPT_YLABEL, "r") == 0
            assert silo.DBPutUcdmesh(db, "MESH", coords, numZones, zonelistName[nDim], "NULL", meshOpts) == 0
            assert meshOpts.addOption(silo.DBOPT_PHZONELIST, zonelistName[nDim]) == 0
            assert silo.DBPutUcdmesh(db, "MESH", coords, numZones, "NULL", "NULL", meshOpts) == 0
        # print "    --> %g sec to write mesh" % (TIME.clock() - start)
        # start = TIME.clock()

        # Write materials.
        if nodeLists:
            matnos = vector_of_int(range(len(nodeLists)))
            matnames = vector_of_string([nodeList.name for nodeList in nodeLists])
            matlist = []
            offset = 0
            for imat, nodeList in enumerate(nodeLists):
                for i in xrange(nodeList.numInternalNodes):
                    for j in index2zone[offset + i]:
                offset += nodeList.numInternalNodes
            matlist = vector_of_int(matlist)
            assert len(matlist) == numZones
            assert len(matnames) == len(nodeLists)
            assert len(matnos) == len(nodeLists)
            matOpts = silo.DBoptlist(1024)
            assert matOpts.addOption(silo.DBOPT_CYCLE, cycle) == 0
            assert matOpts.addOption(silo.DBOPT_DTIME, time) == 0
            assert matOpts.addOption(silo.DBOPT_MATNAMES, silo.DBOPT_NMATNOS, matnames) == 0
            assert silo.DBPutMaterial(db, "MATERIAL", "MESH", matnos, vector_of_int(matlist), vector_of_int(),
                                      vector_of_int(), vector_of_int(), vector_of_int(), vector_of_double(),
                                      matOpts) == 0
            assert silo.DBPutMaterial(db, "PointMATERIAL", "PointMESH", matnos, vector_of_int(matlist), vector_of_int(),
                                      vector_of_int(), vector_of_int(), vector_of_int(), vector_of_double(),
                                      matOpts) == 0
            # print "      --> %g sec to DBPutMaterial" % (TIME.clock() - start)
            # start = TIME.clock()
            # Write the variable descriptions for non-scalar variables (vector and tensors).
            #writeDefvars(db, fieldwad)
            # Write the field components.
            varOpts = silo.DBoptlist(1024)
            assert varOpts.addOption(silo.DBOPT_CYCLE, cycle) == 0
            assert varOpts.addOption(silo.DBOPT_DTIME, time) == 0
            for name, desc, vtype, optlistDef, optlistMV, optlistVar, subvars in fieldwad:
                for subname, vals in subvars:
                    if len(vals) > 0:
                        if type(vals[0]) == float:
                            ctor = vector_of_double
                            ctor = vector_of_int
                        assert silo.DBPutUcdvar1(db, "CELLS_" + subname, "MESH", ctor(vals), ctor([]), silo.DB_ZONECENT, varOpts) == 0

            # print "      --> %g sec to DBPutUcdvar1" % (TIME.clock() - start)
            # start = TIME.clock()

            # # HACK: Write the field components on the point mesh as well.  Remove when the vardef version is working.
            # varOpts = silo.DBoptlist(1024)
            # assert varOpts.addOption(silo.DBOPT_CYCLE, cycle) == 0
            # assert varOpts.addOption(silo.DBOPT_DTIME, time) == 0
            # for name, desc, vtype, optlistDef, optlistMV, optlistVar, subvars in fieldwad:
            #     for subname, vals in subvars:
            #         if len(vals) > 0:
            #             if type(vals[0]) == float:
            #                 ctor = vector_of_double
            #             else:
            #                 ctor = vector_of_int
            #             assert silo.DBPutPointvar1(db, "POINTS_" + subname, "PointMESH", ctor(vals), varOpts) == 0

            # print "      --> %g sec to DBPutPointvar1" % (TIME.clock() - start)
            # start = TIME.clock()

        # print "    --> %g sec to write materials" % (TIME.clock() - start)
        # start = TIME.clock()

        # Write the set of neighbor domains.
        thpt = vector_of_vector_of_int()
        thpt.append(vector_of_int([x for x in mesh.neighborDomains]))
        elemNames = vector_of_string(["num neighbor domains", "neighbor domains"])
        assert silo.DBPutCompoundarray(db, "DOMAIN_NEIGHBOR_NUMS", elemNames, thpt, nullOpts) == 0
        # Write the shared nodes for each neighbor domain.
        sharedNodes = mesh.sharedNodes
        for ineighborDomain in xrange(len(mesh.neighborDomains)):
            nodes = [list(sharedNodes[ineighborDomain])]
            assert len(nodes) == len(sharedNodes[ineighborDomain])
            assert silo.DBPutCompoundarray(db, "DOMAIN_NEIGHBOR%i" % ineighborDomain,
                                           nullOpts) == 0
        # If requested, write out annotations for the nodes, zones, and faces.
        if (not (nodeArrays is None) or
            not (zoneArrays is None) or
            not (faceArrays is None)):
            names = []
            values = []
            if not (nodeArrays is None):
                for pair in nodeArrays:
                    assert len(pair) == 2
                    if len(pair[1]) > 0:
                        names.append(pair[0] + "_node")
                        for i in pair[1]:
                        assert len(values[-1]) == len(pair[1])
            if not (zoneArrays is None):
                for pair in zoneArrays:
                    assert len(pair) == 2
                    if len(pair[1]) > 0:
                        names.append(pair[0] + "_zone")
                        for i in pair[1]:
                        assert len(values[-1]) == len(pair[1])
            if not (faceArrays is None):
                for pair in faceArrays:
                    assert len(pair) == 2
                    if len(pair[1]) > 0:
                        names.append(pair[0] + "_face")
                        for i in pair[1]:
                        assert len(values[-1]) == len(pair[1])
            assert len(names) == len(values)
            if len(names) > 0:
                assert silo.DBPutCompoundarray(db, "ANNOTATION_INT", names, values, nullOpts) == 0
        # Write the point mesh.
        if nodeLists:
            ntot = sum([n.numInternalNodes for n in nodeLists])
            coords = []
            for j in xrange(nDim):
            for nodes in nodeLists:
                pos = nodes.positions().internalValues()
                n = len(pos)
                for j in xrange(nDim):
                    for i in xrange(n):
            for j in xrange(nDim):
                assert len(coords[j]) == ntot
            coords = vector_of_vector_of_double([vector_of_double(vals) for vals in coords])

            # Write the Pointmesh.
            meshOpts = silo.DBoptlist(1024)
            assert meshOpts.addOption(silo.DBOPT_CYCLE, cycle) == 0
            assert meshOpts.addOption(silo.DBOPT_DTIME, time) == 0
            assert silo.DBPutPointmesh(db, "PointMESH", coords, meshOpts) == 0

        # That's it.
        assert silo.DBClose(db) == 0

Exemple #11
def writeMasterMeshSiloFile(dirName, mesh, label, nodeLists, time, cycle, fieldwad,
                            meshType = silo.DB_UCDMESH):

    # Figure out who has something to write. Silo can't handle empty variables...
    numZonesPerDomain = mpi.allreduce([(mpi.rank, len(mesh.cells))], mpi.SUM)
    numZonesPerDomain = [x[1] for x in numZonesPerDomain]

    # Only processor 0 actually writes the file.
    linkfile = None
    if mpi.rank == 0:

        nullOpts = silo.DBoptlist()
        # Create the master file.
        p0, p1 = os.path.split(dirName)
        fileName = os.path.join(dirName, "OvlTop.silo")
        db = silo.DBCreate(fileName, 
                           silo.DB_CLOBBER, silo.DB_LOCAL, label, silo.DB_HDF5)
        # Make directories for variables.
        assert silo.DBMkDir(db, "CELLS") == 0
        assert silo.DBMkDir(db, "POINTS") == 0      # HACK

        # Pattern for constructing per domain variables.
        domainNamePatterns = [("%s/domain%i.silo:" % (p1, i)) + "%s" for i in xrange(mpi.procs) if numZonesPerDomain[i] > 0]
        numDomains = len(domainNamePatterns)
        # Write the domain file names and types.
        domainNames = vector_of_string([p % "MESH" for p in domainNamePatterns])
        meshTypes = vector_of_int([meshType]*numDomains)
        optlist = silo.DBoptlist(1024)
        assert optlist.addOption(silo.DBOPT_CYCLE, cycle) == 0
        assert optlist.addOption(silo.DBOPT_DTIME, time) == 0
        assert silo.DBPutMultimesh(db, "MMESH", domainNames, meshTypes, optlist) == 0
        # Also write out the points as a point mesh.
        if nodeLists and mpi.rank == 0:
            domainNames = vector_of_string([p % "MESH" for p in domainNamePatterns])
            meshTypes = vector_of_int([silo.DB_POINTMESH]*numDomains)
            optlist = silo.DBoptlist(1024)
            assert optlist.addOption(silo.DBOPT_CYCLE, cycle) == 0
            assert optlist.addOption(silo.DBOPT_DTIME, time) == 0
            assert silo.DBPutMultimesh(db, "MPointMESH", domainNames, meshTypes, optlist) == 0
        # Extract the material names, and write per material info if any.
        if nodeLists:
            # Write material names (MESH)
            matnames = vector_of_string([x.name for x in nodeLists])
            matnos = vector_of_int(range(len(matnames)))
            material_names = vector_of_string([p % "MATERIAL" for p in domainNamePatterns])
            assert len(material_names) == numDomains
            assert len(matnames) == len(nodeLists)
            assert len(matnos) == len(nodeLists)
            optlist = silo.DBoptlist(1024)
            assert optlist.addOption(silo.DBOPT_CYCLE, cycle) == 0
            assert optlist.addOption(silo.DBOPT_DTIME, time) == 0
            assert optlist.addOption(silo.DBOPT_MMESH_NAME, "MMESH") == 0
            assert optlist.addOption(silo.DBOPT_MATNAMES, silo.DBOPT_NMATNOS, matnames) == 0
            assert optlist.addOption(silo.DBOPT_MATNOS, silo.DBOPT_NMATNOS, matnos) == 0
            assert silo.DBPutMultimat(db, "MMATERIAL", material_names, optlist) == 0
            # Write material names (PointMESH)
            material_names = vector_of_string([p % "PointMATERIAL" for p in domainNamePatterns])
            assert len(material_names) == numDomains
            assert len(matnames) == len(nodeLists)
            assert len(matnos) == len(nodeLists)
            optlist = silo.DBoptlist(1024)
            assert optlist.addOption(silo.DBOPT_CYCLE, cycle) == 0
            assert optlist.addOption(silo.DBOPT_DTIME, time) == 0
            assert optlist.addOption(silo.DBOPT_MMESH_NAME, "MPointMESH") == 0
            assert optlist.addOption(silo.DBOPT_MATNAMES, silo.DBOPT_NMATNOS, matnames) == 0
            assert optlist.addOption(silo.DBOPT_MATNOS, silo.DBOPT_NMATNOS, matnos) == 0
            assert silo.DBPutMultimat(db, "MPointMATERIAL", material_names, optlist) == 0
            # Write the variable descriptions for non-scalar variables (vector and tensors).
            writeDefvars(db, fieldwad)
            # Write the attributes for each variable.
            # This is largely an Overlink thing, which only needs the components of types like vectors.
            if len(fieldwad) > 0:
                attrNames = vector_of_string()
                attrs = vector_of_vector_of_int()
                thpt = vector_of_int([OverlinkAttrs["ATTR_ZONAL"],
                for name, desc, type, optlistDef, optlistMV, optlistVar, subvars in fieldwad:
                    for subname, vals in subvars:
                assert len(attrNames) == len(attrs)
                silo.DBPutCompoundarray(db, "VAR_ATTRIBUTES", attrNames, attrs, nullOpts)
            # Write the variables descriptors.
            ucdTypes = vector_of_int([silo.DB_UCDVAR]*numDomains)
            for name, desc, type, optlistDef, optlistMV, optlistVar, subvars in fieldwad:
                domainVarNames = vector_of_string([p % ("CELLS_" + name) for p in domainNamePatterns])
                assert len(domainVarNames) == numDomains
                assert silo.DBPutMultivar(db, "CELLS/" + name, domainVarNames, ucdTypes, optlistMV) == 0
                if desc != None:
                    for subname, vals in subvars:
                        domainVarNames = vector_of_string([p % ("CELLS_" + subname) for p in domainNamePatterns])
                        assert len(domainVarNames) == numDomains
                        assert silo.DBPutMultivar(db, "CELLS/" + subname, domainVarNames, ucdTypes, optlistVar) == 0
            # # HACK: repeating for point values -- remove when vardefs work
            # # Write the variables descriptors.
            # ptTypes = [silo.DB_POINTVAR]*numDomains
            # for name, desc, type, optlistDef, optlistMV, optlistVar, subvars in fieldwad:
            #     domainVarNames = []
            #     for p in domainNamePatterns:
            #         domainVarNames.append(p % ("POINTS_" + name))
            #     assert len(domainVarNames) == numDomains
            #     assert silo.DBPutMultivar(db, "POINTS/" + name, domainVarNames, ptTypes, optlistMV) == 0
            #     if desc != None:
            #         for subname, vals in subvars:
            #             domainVarNames = []
            #             for p in domainNamePatterns:
            #                 domainVarNames.append(p % ("POINTS_" + subname))
            #             assert len(domainVarNames) == numDomains
            #             assert silo.DBPutMultivar(db, "POINTS/" + subname, domainVarNames, ptTypes, optlistVar) == 0
        # Make a convenient symlink for the master file.
        linkfile = p1 + ".silo"
        fullpath = os.path.join(p0, linkfile)
        if os.path.exists(fullpath):
        targetfile = os.path.join(p1, "OvlTop.silo")
        os.symlink(targetfile, os.path.join(p0, linkfile))

        # That's it.
        assert silo.DBClose(db) == 0

    # Everyone gets the link file name.
    linkfile = mpi.bcast(linkfile, root=0)

    return linkfile