class PdeForm(QtGui.QMainWindow): def __init__(self, parent=None): QtGui.QWidget.__init__(self, parent) self.ui = Ui_Form() self.port = None self.ui.setupUi(self) self.conf = ConfTool("conf.json") if self.conf.fileStatus == FileStatus.ISOPEN: self.addTextToBox("Config file: LOAD") self.ui.labelID.setText(str(self.conf.getIdNumber())) else: self.ui.startButton.setEnabled(False) self.addTextToBox("Config file: ERROR") for portName in listPorts.enumerate_serial_ports(): self.ui.portComboBox.addItem(portName) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.ui.startButton, QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.startButtonClicked) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.ui.resetButton, QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.resetButtonClicked) QtCore.QObject.connect(self.ui.aboutButton, QtCore.SIGNAL("clicked()"), self.aboutClicked) self.ui.resetButton.setEnabled(False) def startButtonClicked(self): self.stateManager = StateManager(self.conf, self) self.stateManager.updateText.connect(self.updateTextBox) self.port = PortTool(str(self.ui.portComboBox.currentText()), self.stateManager) status = self.port.portOpen() if status == PortStatus.OPEN: self.addTextToBox("Port " + self.ui.portComboBox.currentText() + " is open") self.ui.resetButton.setEnabled(True) else: self.ui.boxTextEdit.setText("Port " + self.ui.portComboBox.currentText() + ": error") def resetButtonClicked(self): self.ui.boxTextEdit.clear() self.addTextToBox("Port " + self.ui.portComboBox.currentText() + " is open") self.addTextToBox("----> Reset <----") self.stateManager.reset() def updateTextBox(self, text): self.addTextToBox(text) def addTextToBox(self, newText): oldText = self.ui.boxTextEdit.toPlainText() self.ui.boxTextEdit.setText(newText + "\n" + oldText) def aboutClicked(self): QtGui.QMessageBox.information( self, "About", "Serial Device Emulator\n Autor: P.Penar [ppenar[at]]")
def __init__(self, activeImage, selectedImage, offset=(0, 0), size=(200, 200), initialState=(0, 0), wlan='', dT=1, pings=[ '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '' ]): StateManager.__init__(self, activeImage, selectedImage, offset, size, initialState) self.wlan = wlan self.wlan1 = meter.SignalMeter(wlan, 1, dT) self.wlan1.start() self.wlan2 = meter.SignalMeter(wlan, 2, dT) self.wlan2.start() pygame.font.init() self.pingers = [] for ping in pings: tmp = pinger.Pinger(ping, dT=3) tmp.start() self.pingers.append(tmp) self.ips[ping] = self.pingers[-1] self.myfont = pygame.font.SysFont("Arial", 18) self.myfont2 = pygame.font.SysFont("Courier", 10)
def __init__(self, path): self.state_manager = StateManager() self.path = path self.zip_r = None self.zip_w = None self.open_read() self.open_write()
def __init__(self, username, password, host, path): ftp = FTP(host) try: ftp.login(user=username, passwd=password) except: log('Incorrect credentials') exit() log('Connected to {} with username {} and password {} on path {}'. format(host, username, password, path)) self.ftp = ftp self.state_manager = StateManager() self.path = path
def __init__(self, activeImage, selectedImage, offset=(0, 0), size=(200, 200), initialState=(0, 0), addr='', port=6001, login='******', password='******'): StateManager.__init__(self, activeImage, selectedImage, offset, size, initialState) = CamRunner([addr, port, login, password])
def startButtonClicked(self): self.stateManager = StateManager(self.conf, self) self.stateManager.updateText.connect(self.updateTextBox) self.port = PortTool(str(self.ui.portComboBox.currentText()), self.stateManager) status = self.port.portOpen() if status == PortStatus.OPEN: self.addTextToBox("Port " + self.ui.portComboBox.currentText() + " is open") self.ui.resetButton.setEnabled(True) else: self.ui.boxTextEdit.setText("Port " + self.ui.portComboBox.currentText() + ": error")
def __init__(self, activeImage, selectedImage, offset=(0, 0), size=(200, 200), initialState=(0, 0), winnum=0, stream=None, winoffset=0): StateManager.__init__(self, activeImage, selectedImage, offset, size, initialState) self.winnum = winnum self.winoffset = winoffset = stream self.quad()
def __init__(self, activeImage, selectedImage, offset=(0, 0), size=(200, 200), initialState=(0, 0), winnum=0, addr=None, winoffset=0): StateManager.__init__(self, activeImage, selectedImage, offset, size, initialState) = QuadRunner(addr) self.addr = addr self.quad()
def OnStateActivated(self): StateManager.OnStateActivated(self) winoffset = self.winoffset if self._activeState == (0, 0): self.quad() if self._activeState == (-1, -1):[0].Activate(self.winnum)[0].MoveResize(self.winnum, 0 + winoffset, 0, 1400, 1104) if self._activeState == (-1, 1):[1].Activate(self.winnum)[1].MoveResize(self.winnum, 0 + winoffset, 0, 1400, 1104) if self._activeState == (1, -1):[2].Activate(self.winnum)[2].MoveResize(self.winnum, 0 + winoffset, 0, 1400, 1104) if self.winnum == 0: if self._activeState == (1, 1):[3].Activate(self.winnum)[3].MoveResize(self.winnum, 0, 0, 1400, 1104) else: if self._activeState == (1, 1):[4].Activate(0)[4].MoveResize(0, 0 + winoffset, 0, 1400, 1104)[4].Activate(1)[4].MoveResize(1, 0 + winoffset, 0, 1400, 1104)
def __init__(self, game, player_turn=None, simulations=500): = game self.state_manager = StateManager(game=game) # Set player to random if starting player is not defined self.player_turn = player_turn if player_turn == 0 or player_turn == 1 else randint(0,1) self.static_player = (player_turn == 0 or player_turn == 1) print(simulations) # Initialize agent to ask for actions self.agent = MCTS(state_manager=self.state_manager, simulations=simulations)
def OnStateActivated(self): StateManager.OnStateActivated(self) if self._activeState == (0, 0): self.quad() if self._activeState == (-1, -1): if self._activeState == (1, -1): if self._activeState == (-1, 1): if self._activeState == (1, 1):
def __init__(self): # create main game window super(GameController, self).__init__(1280, 720, "Panda Runner") # setup various managers self.screenManager = ScreenManager(self) self.stateManager = StateManager(self) self.spriteManager = SpriteManager() # load spritesheet and probably sounds in the future self.loadResources() self.start()
class GameController(pyglet.window.Window): """docstring for GameController""" def __init__(self): # create main game window super(GameController, self).__init__(1280, 720, "Panda Runner") # setup various managers self.screenManager = ScreenManager(self) self.stateManager = StateManager(self) self.spriteManager = SpriteManager() # load spritesheet and probably sounds in the future self.loadResources() self.start() def start(self): # schedule update function to be called every frame # I need to add some sort of FPS setting here clock.schedule(self.update) # instantiate the main game instance # this will be changed to the menu instance when it's implemented gameState = Game(self) self.stateManager.addState('game', gameState) self.stateManager.setState('game') # prepare various resources such as sprite sheets and sounds def loadResources(self): self.spriteManager.newSheet('main', 'sprites.png') # Main update function def update(self, dt): self.screenManager.update(dt) self.draw() #main draw function def draw(self): self.screenManager.draw()
def OnStateSelected(self, newState): if newState == (1, -1): newState = (0, 0) if newState == (1, 1): newState = (0, 0) #if l==(-1,0):l=(0,0) #if l==(1,0):l=(0,0) if newState == (0, 0): if newState == (-1, 0): if newState == (-1, -1): if newState == (-1, 1): if newState == (1, 0): if newState == (0, -1): if newState == (0, 1): StateManager.OnStateSelected(self, newState)
class Filesystem: """ Handles filesystem files """ def __init__(self, target_path): self.state_manager = StateManager() if target_path[-1] != path.sep: target_path = target_path + path.sep self.path = target_path @staticmethod def selector_matches(selector): """ Checks if the specified selector is in the right format :param selector: Mode selection string :return: True if the specified string is in the correct format """ regex = r"folder:(.*)" x = re.match(regex, selector) if not x: return None return @handle_failure(log) def create_state(self): """ Creates a state of the files :return: Tuple of the current state and the previous state """ # set current state for class_a state = [] file_list = list(walk(self.path)) for (index, (dirname, _, filenames)) in enumerate(file_list): dirname = dirname.replace(self.path, '') if index > 0: state.append({'path': dirname, 'is_directory': True}) for filename in filenames: path_with_file = path.join(dirname, filename) state.append({ 'path': path_with_file, 'is_directory': False, 'size': self.get_file_size(path_with_file), 'last_modified': self.get_last_modified_time( path.join(self.path, path_with_file)) }) self.state_manager.set_state(state) return self.state_manager.get_current_state( ), self.state_manager.get_previous_state() @handle_failure(log) def read(self, filename): """ Read the contents of a file :param filename: File path :return: The contents of the specified file """ filename = path.normpath(self.path + filename) f = open(filename, "rb") content = f.close() log('Reading ', filename, 'content', content) return content @handle_failure(log) def is_directory(self, filename): """ Checks to see whether the file specified is a directory :param filename: File path :return: True if the specified file is a directory """ filename = path.normpath(self.path + filename) return path.isdir(filename) @handle_failure(log) def get_last_modified_time(self, filepath): """ get the last modified time of a file """ return math.floor(path.getmtime(path.abspath(filepath)) / 2) @handle_failure(log) def create_directory(self, filename): """ Create a new directory :param filename: Directory path """ filename = path.normpath(self.path + filename) mkdir(filename) @handle_failure(log) def file_exists(self, filename): """ Check the existence of a file :param filename: File path :return: True if the file exists """ return path.exists(path.join(self.path, filename)) @handle_failure(log) def delete(self, filename): """ Delete a file or directory :param filename: File pth to be deleted """ file = path.abspath(path.normpath(self.path + filename + path.sep)) log('Delete from ', file, self.is_directory(filename)) if self.is_directory(filename): rmtree(file) else: remove(file) @handle_failure(log) def copy_from(self, class_b, filename): """ Copy filename from class_b :param class_b: Class instance that will provide the contents of the file :param filename: File path """ target_path = filename from_path = filename log('reading ', from_path, 'from class b') if class_b.is_directory(from_path): log('Create dir from ', from_path, 'to', target_path) self.create_directory(target_path) else: log('Copy from ', class_b.path + from_path, 'to', path.normpath(self.path + target_path)) contents = f = open(path.normpath(self.path + target_path), 'wb') f.write(contents) f.close() def create_file_hash(self, filename): """ create a hash of a file """ return create_hash(path.join(self.path, filename)) def get_file_size(self, filename): """ get the size of a file """ return path.getsize(path.normpath(self.path + filename))
def __init__(self, target_path): self.state_manager = StateManager() if target_path[-1] != path.sep: target_path = target_path + path.sep self.path = target_path
def _init_state_manager(self, bot, user_id): self.logger.debug("create state Manager for user %d" % user_id) state_manager = StateManager(self.message_sender, user_id, self.config) self._users_id[user_id] = state_manager return state_manager
def setup(self): self.grammar.setup("grammar.txt") stateManager = StateManager(self.grammar) stateManager.setup() self.table.setup(stateManager)
class DecosInteractionStates: services_connected = None def __init__(self, application): # Getting a session that will be reused everywhere self.application = application self.session = application.session self.service_name = self.__class__.__name__ # Getting a logger. Logs will be in /var/log/naoqi/servicemanager/{application id}.{service name} self.logger = qi.Logger(self.service_name) # Do some initializations before the service is registered to NAOqi"Initializing...") self.connect_services()"Initialized!") @qi.nobind def start_service(self):"Starting service...") self.state_manager = StateManager(self.session)"Started!") @qi.nobind def stop_service(self): # probably useless, unless one method needs to stop the service from inside. # external naoqi scripts should use ALServiceManager.stopService if they need to stop it."Stopping service...") self.application.stop()"Stopped!") @qi.nobind def connect_services(self): # connect all services required by your module # done in async way over 30s, # so it works even if other services are not yet ready when you start your module # this is required when the service is autorun as it may start before other modules...'Connecting services...') self.services_connected = qi.Promise() services_connected_fut = self.services_connected.future() def get_services(): try: self.memory = self.session.service('ALMemory')'All services are now connected') self.services_connected.setValue(True) except RuntimeError as e: self.logger.warning('Still missing some service:\n {}'.format(e)) get_services_task = qi.PeriodicTask() get_services_task.setCallback(get_services) get_services_task.setUsPeriod(int(2*1000000)) # check every 2s get_services_task.start(True) try: services_connected_fut.value(30*1000) # timeout = 30s get_services_task.stop() except RuntimeError: get_services_task.stop() self.logger.error('Failed to reach all services after 30 seconds') raise RuntimeError ### Utility functions ### def change_state(self,name): self.state_manager.change_state(name) ### ################# ### def cleanup(self): # called when your module is stopped"Cleaning...") # do something"End!")
def OnStateActivated(self): StateManager.OnStateActivated(self)
if __name__ == "__main__": board_size = config.BOARD_SIZE exploration_bonus = config.EXPLORATION_BONUS num_simulations = config.NUM_SIMULATIONS num_episodes = config.NUM_EPISODES save_every = config.SAVE_EVERY folder_results = config.FOLDER_RESULTS lr = config.LEARNING_RATE utils.create_directory(folder_results) time_start = time.time() board = HexBoard(board_size) mapper = Mapper(board_size=board_size) state_manager = StateManager(board, mapper, verbose=config.VISUALIZE_MOVES) #anet_nn = ANET_NN_COMPLEX(input_size=board_size*board_size, output_size = board_size*board_size).float() anet_nn = ANET_NN_GENERAL(input_size=board_size * board_size, output_size=board_size * board_size, hidden_layers=config.HIDDEN_LAYERS, activation=config.ACTIVATION).float() anet = ANET_MODEL(anet_nn, max_cases_in_buffer=config.REPLAY_BUFFER_MAX_SIZE) optimizer = config.OPTIMIZERS[config.OPTIMIZER](anet_nn.parameters(), lr=lr) for episode in range(num_episodes): while state_manager.game_is_on(): random_number = random.uniform(0, 1)
class Zip: """ Handles zip files """ def __init__(self, path): self.state_manager = StateManager() self.path = path self.zip_r = None self.zip_w = None self.open_read() self.open_write() @staticmethod def selector_matches(selector): """ Checks if the specified selector is in the right format :param selector: Mode selection string :return: True if the specified string is in the correct format """ regex = r"zip:(.*)$" x = re.match(regex, selector) if not x: return None return @handle_failure(log) def open_read(self): """ Open a zip file in read mode :return: """ if self.zip_r: self.zip_r.close() self.zip_r = ZipFile(self.path, 'r') @handle_failure(log) def open_write(self): """ Open a zip file in write mode :return: """ if self.zip_w: self.zip_w.close() self.zip_w = ZipFile(self.path, 'a') @handle_failure(log) def create_state(self): """ Creates a state of the files :return: Tuple of the current state and the previous state """ state = [] self.open_read() name_list = self.zip_r.namelist() # add nested folders if they doesn't exist for file in name_list: folder_path = str(Path(file).parent) + path.sep if folder_path not in name_list and not self.zip_r.getinfo( file).is_dir() and folder_path != '.' + path.sep: state.append({'path': folder_path[:-1], 'is_directory': True}) # set current state for class_a for file in name_list: info = self.zip_r.getinfo(file) if info.is_dir(): state.append({'path': file[:-1], 'is_directory': True}) else: state.append({ 'path': file, 'is_directory': False, 'size': info.file_size, 'last_modified': self.get_last_modified_time(info) }) # # add top level folder # if len(name_list) > 0 and name_list[0].split(path.sep)[0] + path.sep not in name_list: # state.insert(0, {'path': name_list[0].split( # path.sep)[0], 'is_directory': True}) self.state_manager.set_state(state) return self.state_manager.get_current_state( ), self.state_manager.get_previous_state() @handle_failure(log) def get_last_modified_time(self, zip_info): """ Get the last modified time :param zip_info: ZipInfo object :return: Last modified time """ # (year, month, day, hour, minute, second) = zip_info.date_time date_string = '' for item in zip_info.date_time: date_string = date_string + str(item) date_time_obj = datetime.datetime.strptime(date_string, '%Y%m%d%H%M%S') return math.floor(date_time_obj.timestamp() / 2) @handle_failure(log) def read(self, filename): """ Read the contents of a file :param filename: File path :return: The contents of the specified file """ for item in self.zip_r.infolist(): if item.filename == filename: return @handle_failure(log) def file_exists(self, filename): """ Check the existence of a file :param filename: File path :return: True if the file exists """ for item in self.zip_r.infolist(): if item.filename == filename: return True return False @handle_failure(log) def is_directory(self, filename): """ Checks to see whether the file specified is a directory :param filename: File path :return: True if the specified file is a directory """ current_state = self.state_manager.get_current_state() for item in current_state: if item['path'] == filename: return item['is_directory'] @handle_failure(log) def create_directory(self, filename): """ Create a new directory :param filename: Directory path """ zfi = ZipInfo(filename + path.sep) self.zip_w.writestr(zfi, '') log('Creating directory', filename) self.open_read() self.open_write() @handle_failure(log) def delete(self, filename): """ Delete a file or directory :param filename: File pth to be deleted """ is_directory = self.is_directory(filename) log("Delete ", is_directory, filename) zout = ZipFile('./', 'w') for item in self.zip_r.infolist(): buff = if item.filename != filename and ( is_directory and not item.filename.startswith(filename)): zout.writestr(item, buff) zout.close() rename("./", self.path) self.open_read() @handle_failure(log) def write(self, filename, content): """ Write contents to a file :param filename: File :param content: Contents to be written """ # zout = ZipFile('./', 'w') # did_write = False # for item in self.zip_r.infolist(): # buff = # if item.filename == filename: # zout.writestr(item, content) # did_write = True # else: # zout.writestr(item, buff) # if not did_write: # zout.writestr(filename, content) # zout.close() # rename("./", # self.path) # self.open_read() with ZipFile(self.path, 'w') as zipped_f: zipped_f.writestr(filename, content) @handle_failure(log) def copy_from(self, class_b, filename): """ Copy filename from class_b :param class_b: Class instance that will provide the contents of the file :param filename: File path """ target_path = filename from_path = filename if class_b.is_directory(from_path): log('Copy from ', from_path, 'to', target_path) self.create_directory(target_path) else: log('Copy from ', from_path, 'to', target_path) contents = self.write(filename, contents) def create_file_hash(self, filename): """ create a hash of a file """ with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as dirpath: tempfilename = path.join(dirpath, filename) with open(tempfilename, 'wb') as f: f.write( return create_hash(tempfilename)
# Pyglet is a slightly lower-level take on Python graphics than PyGame as # I understand it. import pyglet from pyglet import clock from Entity import * from HUD import HUD from pyglet.window import key from StateManager import StateManager # If true, program will save a series of PNG images for FFMPEG or similar # To create videos, and use frame as a variable to index the files. RECORD = False frame = 0 # Flag to change for gamequitting event quit = False state = StateManager() # Clock is a pyglet object that controls framerate clock.set_fps_limit(30) while (not quit): dt = clock.tick() state.window.switch_to() state.window.dispatch_events() state.loop(dt) quit = state.is_quit() state.window.flip() if RECORD: # This long snippet just takes a copy of the frame buffer, and dumps it to a file. # With software like ffmpeg, I can stitch these stills together to recreate the game. # Source: Pyglet's documentation pyglet.image.get_buffer_manager().get_color_buffer().save("video/frame{:05}.png".format(frame))
def OnStateSelected(self, l): if l == (0, -1): l = (0, 0) if l == (0, 1): l = (0, 0) if l == (-1, 0): l = (0, 0) if l == (1, 0): l = (0, 0) StateManager.OnStateSelected(self, l)
def setup(self, StateManager): self.action = StateManager.getActionFunction() self.goto = StateManager.getGotoFunction() print(self.action) print(self.goto)
def start_service(self):"Starting service...") self.state_manager = StateManager(self.session)"Started!")
def OnStateSelected(self, newState): StateManager.OnStateSelected(self, newState)
class Ftp: """ Handles ftp files """ def __init__(self, username, password, host, path): ftp = FTP(host) try: ftp.login(user=username, passwd=password) except: log('Incorrect credentials') exit() log('Connected to {} with username {} and password {} on path {}'. format(host, username, password, path)) self.ftp = ftp self.state_manager = StateManager() self.path = path @staticmethod def selector_matches(selector): """ Checks if the specified selector is in the right format :param selector: Mode selection string :return: True if the specified string is in the correct format """ regex = r"ftp:(\S*):([\S]+)@([\S^.]+?)([~.\/].*)" x =, selector) if not x: return None return { "user":, "password":, "host":, "path":, } @handle_failure(log) def listdir(self, _path): """ return files and directory names within a path (directory) """ file_list, dirs, nondirs = [], [], [] try: self.ftp.cwd(_path) except Exception as exp: log("the current path is : ", self.ftp.pwd(), exp.__str__(), _path) return [], [] else: self.ftp.retrlines('LIST', lambda x: file_list.append(x.split())) # parse each file info result for info in file_list: ls_type, name, size = info[0], ' '.join(info[8:]), info[4] if ls_type.startswith('d'): dirs.append(name) else: modification_time = self.parse_ftp_date( self.ftp.voidcmd(f"MDTM " + name).split()[-1]) nondirs.append((name, modification_time, int(size))) return dirs, nondirs @handle_failure(log) def walk(self, filepath=path.sep): """ Walk through FTP server's directory tree """ dirs, nondirs = self.listdir(filepath) yield filepath, dirs, nondirs for name in dirs: filepath = path.join(filepath, name) yield from self.walk(filepath) self.ftp.cwd('..') filepath = path.dirname(filepath) def generate_filedata(self): """ generat a file state """ state = [] files = list(self.walk(self.path)) for (index, (dirname, _, filenames)) in enumerate(files): dirname = dirname.replace(self.path, '') # ignore the first directory if index > 0: state.append({'path': dirname, 'is_directory': True}) for (filename, last_modified, size) in filenames: path_with_file = path.join(dirname, filename) state.append({ 'path': path_with_file, 'is_directory': False, 'last_modified': last_modified, 'size': size }) return state @handle_failure(log) def create_state(self): """ Creates a state of the files :return: Tuple of the current state and the previous state """ state = self.generate_filedata() self.state_manager.set_state(state) return self.state_manager.get_current_state( ), self.state_manager.get_previous_state() @handle_failure(log) @retry_function(2) def parse_ftp_date(self, date_string): """ Parse a date string :param date_string: Date string :return: Date timestamp """ date_time_obj = datetime.datetime.strptime(date_string, '%Y%m%d%H%M%S') return math.floor(date_time_obj.timestamp() / 2) @handle_failure(log) @retry_function(2) def read(self, filepath): """ Read the contents of a file :param filepath: File path :return: The contents of the specified file """ directory_name, file_name = path.split( path.normpath(self.path + filepath)) r = BytesIO() self.ftp.cwd(directory_name) self.ftp.retrbinary('RETR ' + path.join(directory_name, file_name), r.write) self.ftp.cwd(self.path) contents = r.getvalue() return contents @handle_failure(log) @retry_function(2) def file_exists(self, filepath): """ Check the existence of a file :param filename: File path :return: True if the file exists """ files = self.generate_filedata() for file in files: if filepath == file['path']: return True return False @handle_failure(log) @retry_function(2) def create_directory(self, filename): """ Create a new directory :param filename: Directory path """ log('Create directory ', filename) try: self.ftp.mkd(filename) except Exception: # silent fail, directory already exists return @handle_failure(log) @retry_function(2) def delete(self, filename): """ Delete a file or directory :param filename: File pth to be deleted """ if self.is_directory(filename): return self.ftp.rmd(filename) return self.ftp.delete(filename) @handle_failure(log) def is_directory(self, filename): """ Checks to see whether the file specified is a directory :param filename: File path :return: True if the specified file is a directory """ current_state = self.state_manager.get_current_state() for item in current_state: if item['path'] == filename: return item['is_directory'] @handle_failure(log) @retry_function(2) def write(self, filename, content): """ Write contents to a file :param filename: File path :param content: Content to be written """ bio = BytesIO(content) directory_name, file_name = path.split(path.join(self.path, filename)) self.ftp.cwd(directory_name) log('Writing', content, ' to', directory_name) self.ftp.storbinary('STOR ' + file_name, bio) @handle_failure(log) @retry_function(2) def copy_from(self, class_b, filename): """ Copy filename from class_b :param class_b: Class instance that will provide the contents of the file :param filename: File path """ target_path = filename from_path = filename if target_path[0] == path.sep: target_path = '.' + target_path log('Copy', path.join(class_b.path, from_path), 'to', path.join(self.path, target_path)) if class_b.is_directory(from_path): self.create_directory(target_path) else: self.write(target_path, @handle_failure(log) @retry_function(2) def create_file_hash(self, filename): """ create a hash of a file """ m = hashlib.sha1() self.ftp.retrbinary('RETR ' + self.path + filename, m.update) return m.hexdigest()