Exemple #1
 def test_save(self):
     testfile = path.join(thisdir, 'coretestdata', 'testsave')
     ext = ['.png', '.npy']
     keys = self.imarr.keys()
     for e in ext:
         self.imarr.save(filename=testfile + e)
         load = ImageArray(testfile + e)
             all([k in load.keys() for k in keys]),
             'problem saving metadata {} {}'.format(list(load.keys()), e))
         if e == '.npy':
             #tolerance is really poor for png whcih savees in 8bit format
             self.assertTrue(np.allclose(self.imarr, load),
                             'data not the same for extension {}'.format(e))
         os.remove(testfile + e)  #tidy up
 def test_save(self):
     testfile = path.join(thisdir, 'coretestdata', 'testsave.png')
     keys = self.imarr.keys()
     load = ImageArray(testfile, asfloat=True)
     #del load["Loaded from"]
     self.assertTrue(all([k in keys for k in load.keys()]),
                     'problem saving metadata')
     self.assertTrue(np.allclose(self.imarr, load, atol=0.001))
     os.remove(testfile)  #tidy up
Exemple #3
 def test_save(self):
     ext = ['.png', '.npy']
     for e in ext:
         self.assertTrue(all([k in load.keys() for k in keys]), 'problem saving metadata {} {}'.format(list(load.keys()),e))
         if e=='.npy':
             #tolerance is really poor for png whcih savees in 8bit format
             self.assertTrue(np.allclose(self.imarr, load),
                             'data not the same for extension {}'.format(e))
         os.remove(testfile+e) #tidy up
Exemple #4
class ImageArrayTest(unittest.TestCase):
    def setUp(self):
        #random array shape 3,4
        self.arr = np.array([[0.41674764, 0.66100043, 0.91755303, 0.33796703],
                             [0.06017535, 0.1440342, 0.34441777, 0.9915282],
                             [0.2984083, 0.9167951, 0.73820304, 0.7655299]])
        self.imarr = ImageArray(np.copy(self.arr))  #ImageArray object
        self.imarrfile = ImageArray(
            os.path.join(thisdir, 'coretestdata/im1_annotated.png'))
        #ImageArray object from file

    #####test loading with different datatypes  ####

    def test_load_from_array(self):
        #from array
        self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(self.imarr, self.arr))
        #int type
        imarr = ImageArray(np.arange(12, dtype="int32").reshape(3, 4))
            imarr.dtype == np.dtype('int32'),
            "Failed to set correct dtype - actual dtype={}".format(

    def test_load_from_ImageArray(self):
        #from ImageArray
        t = ImageArray(self.imarr)
        self.assertTrue(shares_memory(self.imarr, t),
                        'no overlap on creating ImageArray from ImageArray')

    def test_load_from_png(self):
        subpath = os.path.join("coretestdata", "im1_annotated.png")
        fpath = os.path.join(thisdir, subpath)
        anim = ImageArray(fpath)
            os.path.normpath(anim.metadata['Loaded from']) == os.path.normpath(
        cwd = os.getcwd()
        anim = ImageArray(subpath)
        #check full path is in loaded from metadata
                anim.metadata['Loaded from']) == os.path.normpath(fpath),
            'Full path not in metadata: {}'.format(anim["Loaded from"]))

    def test_load_from_ImageFile(self):
        #uses the ImageFile.im attribute to set up ImageArray. Memory overlaps

#        imfi = ImageFile(self.arr)
#        imarr = ImageArray(imfi)
#        self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(imarr, imfi.image), 'Initialising from ImageFile failed')
#        self.assertTrue(shares_memory(imarr, imfi.image))

    def test_load_from_list(self):
        t = ImageArray([[1, 3], [3, 2], [4, 3]])
        self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(t, np.array([[1, 3], [3, 2], [4, 3]])),
                        'Initialising from list failed')

    def test_load_1d_data(self):
        t = ImageArray(np.arange(10) / 10.0)
        self.assertTrue(len(t.shape) == 2)  #converts to 2d

    def test_load_no_args(self):
        #Should be a 2d empty array
        t = ImageArray()
        self.assertTrue(len(t.shape) == 2)
        self.assertTrue(t.size == 0)

    def test_load_bad_data(self):
        def testload(arg):

        self.assertRaises(ValueError, testload, {'a': 1})
        #3d numpy array
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, testload, np.arange(27).reshape(3, 3, 3))
        #bad filename
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, testload, 'sillyfile.xyz')

    def test_load_kwargs(self):
        #metadata keyword arg
        t = ImageArray(self.arr, metadata={'a': 5, 'b': 7})
        self.assertTrue('a' in t.metadata.keys() and 'b' in t.metadata.keys())
        self.assertTrue(t.metadata['a'] == 5)
        t = ImageArray(np.arange(12).reshape(3, 4), asfloat=True)
        self.assertTrue(t.dtype == np.float64, 'Initialising asfloat failed')
        self.assertTrue('Loaded from' in t.metadata.keys(),
                        'Loaded from should always be in metadata')

    #####test attributes ##

    def test_filename(self):
        im = ImageArray(np.linspace(0, 1, 12).reshape(3, 4))
        fpath = os.path.join(thisdir, 'coretestdata/im1_annotated.png')
                        == os.path.normpath(fpath))
        im = ImageArray(np.linspace(0, 1, 12).reshape(3, 4))
        im['Loaded from']
        self.assertTrue(im.filename == '',
                        '{}, {}'.format(self.imarr.shape, im.filename))

    def test_clone(self):
        self.imarr['abc'] = 123  #add some metadata
        self.imarr['nested'] = [1, 2,
                                3]  #add some nested metadata to check deepcopy
        self.imarr.userxyz = 123  #add a user attribute
        c = self.imarr.clone
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(c, ImageArray), 'Clone not ImageArray')
        self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(c, self.imarr),
                        'Clone not replicating elements')
        self.assertTrue(all([k in c.metadata.keys() for k in \
                    self.imarr.metadata.keys()]), 'Clone not replicating metadata')
        self.assertFalse(shares_memory(c, self.imarr),
                         'memory overlap on clone')  #formal check
        self.imarr['bcd'] = 234
        self.assertTrue('bcd' not in c.metadata.keys(),
                        'memory overlap for metadata on clone')
        self.imarr['nested'][0] = 2
        self.assertTrue(self.imarr['nested'][0] != c['nested'][0],
                        'deepcopy not working on metadata')
        self.assertTrue(c.userxyz == 123)
        c.userxyz = 234
        self.assertTrue(c.userxyz != self.imarr.userxyz)

    def test_metadata(self):
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(self.imarr.metadata, typeHintedDict))
        self.imarr['testmeta'] = 'abc'
        self.assertTrue(self.imarr['testmeta'] == 'abc',
                        'Couldn\'t change metadata')
        del (self.imarr['testmeta'])
        self.assertTrue('testmeta' not in self.imarr.keys(),
                        'Couldn\'t delete metadata')

        #bad data
        def test(imarr):
            imarr.metadata = (1, 2, 3)

        self.assertRaises(TypeError, test,
                          self.imarr)  #check it won't let you do this

    ### test numpy like creation behaviour #
    def test_user_attributes(self):
        self.imarr.abc = 'new att'
        self.assertTrue(hasattr(self.imarr, 'abc'))
        t = ImageArray(self.imarr)
        self.assertTrue(hasattr(t, 'abc'), 'problem copying new attributes')
        t = self.imarr.view(
            ImageArray)  #check array_finalize copies attribute over
        self.assertTrue(hasattr(t, 'abc'))
        t = self.imarr * np.random.random(self.imarr.shape)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(t, ImageArray), 'problem with ufuncs')
        self.assertTrue(hasattr(t, 'abc'), "Ufunc lost attribute!")

    #####  test functionality  ##
    def test_save(self):
        testfile = path.join(thisdir, 'coretestdata', 'testsave')
        ext = ['.png', '.npy']
        keys = self.imarr.keys()
        for e in ext:
            self.imarr.save(filename=testfile + e)
            load = ImageArray(testfile + e)
            self.assertTrue(all([k in keys for k in load.keys()]),
                            'problem saving metadata')
            if e == '.npy':
                #tolerance is really poor for png whcih savees in 8bit format
                self.assertTrue(np.allclose(self.imarr, load),
                                'data not the same for extension {}'.format(e))
            os.remove(testfile + e)  #tidy up

    def test_savetiff(self):
        testfile = path.join(thisdir, 'coretestdata', 'testsave.tiff')
        #create a few different data types
        testb = ImageArray(np.zeros((4, 5), dtype=bool))  #bool
        testb[0, :] = True
        testui = ImageArray(np.arange(20).reshape(4, 5))  #int32
        testi = ImageArray(np.copy(testui) - 10)
        testf = ImageArray(np.linspace(-1, 1, 20).reshape(4, 5))  #float64
        for im in [testb, testui, testi, testf]:
            im['a'] = [1, 2, 3]
            im['b'] = 'abc'  #add some test metadata
            im.filename = testfile
            n = ImageArray(testfile)
            self.n = n
                all([n['a'][i] == im['a'][i] for i in range(len(n['a']))]))
            self.assertTrue(n['b'] == im['b'])
                in n.metadata.keys())  #check the dtype metdata got added
            self.assertTrue(im.dtype == n.dtype)  #check the datatype
            self.assertTrue(np.allclose(im, n))  #check the data

    def test_max_box(self):
        s = self.imarr.shape
        self.assertTrue(self.imarr.max_box == (0, s[1], 0, s[0]))

    def test_crop(self):
        c = self.imarr.crop((1, 3, 1, 4), copy=True)
        self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(c, self.imarr[1:4, 1:3]),
                        'crop didn\'t work')
        self.assertFalse(shares_memory(c, self.imarr), 'crop copy failed')
        c2 = self.imarr.crop(1, 3, 1, 4, copy=True)
        self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(c2, c),
                        'crop with seperate arguments didn\'t work')
        c3 = self.imarr.crop(box=(1, 3, 1, 4), copy=False)
        self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(c3, c), 'crop with no arguments failed')
        self.assertTrue(shares_memory(self.imarr, c3),
                        'crop with no copy failed')

    def test_asint(self):
        ui = self.imarr.asint()
        self.assertTrue(ui.dtype == np.uint16)
        intarr = np.array(
            [[27312, 43319, 60132, 22149], [3944, 9439, 22571, 64980],
             [19556, 60082, 48378, 50169]],
        self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(ui, intarr))

    def test_other_funcs(self):
        """test imagefuncs add ons. the functions themselves are not checked
        and should include a few examples in the doc strings for testing"""
        self.assertTrue(hasattr(self.imarr, 'do_nothing'),
                        'imagefuncs not being added to dir')
        self.assertTrue(hasattr(self.imarr, 'img_as_float'),
                        'skimage funcs not being added to dir')
        im = self.imarr.do_nothing()  #see if it can run
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(im, self.imarr), 'imagefuncs not working')
        self.assertFalse(shares_memory(im, self.imarr),
                         'imagefunc failed to clone')
        im0 = ImageArray(np.linspace(0, 1, 12).reshape(3, 4))
        im1 = im0.clone * 5
        im2 = im1.rescale_intensity()  #test skimage
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(im2, im0), 'skimage func failed')
        self.assertFalse(shares_memory(im2, im1), 'skimage failed to clone')
        im3 = im1.exposure__rescale_intensity()  #test call with module name
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(im3, im0),
                        'skimage call with module name failed')
Exemple #5
class ImageArrayTest(unittest.TestCase):

    def setUp(self):
        #random array shape 3,4
        self.arr = np.array([[ 0.41674764,  0.66100043,  0.91755303,  0.33796703],
                                  [ 0.06017535,  0.1440342 ,  0.34441777,  0.9915282 ],
                                  [ 0.2984083 ,  0.9167951 ,  0.73820304,  0.7655299 ]])
        self.imarr = ImageArray(np.copy(self.arr)) #ImageArray object
        self.imarrfile = ImageArray(os.path.join(thisdir, 'coretestdata/im1_annotated.png'))
                        #ImageArray object from file

    #####test loading with different datatypes  ####

    def test_load_from_array(self):
        #from array
        #int type
        imarr = ImageArray(np.arange(12,dtype="int32").reshape(3,4))
        self.assertTrue(imarr.dtype==np.dtype('int32'),"Failed to set correct dtype - actual dtype={}".format(imarr.dtype))

    def test_load_from_ImageArray(self):
        #from ImageArray
        t = ImageArray(self.imarr)
        self.assertTrue(shares_memory(self.imarr, t), 'no overlap on creating ImageArray from ImageArray')

    def test_load_from_png(self):
        subpath = os.path.join("coretestdata","im1_annotated.png")
        fpath = os.path.join(thisdir, subpath)
        self.assertTrue(os.path.normpath(anim.metadata['Loaded from']) == os.path.normpath(fpath))
        cwd = os.getcwd()
        anim = ImageArray(subpath)
        #check full path is in loaded from metadata
        self.assertTrue(os.path.normpath(anim.metadata['Loaded from']) == os.path.normpath(fpath), 'Full path not in metadata: {}'.format(anim["Loaded from"]))

    def test_load_from_ImageFile(self):
        #uses the ImageFile.im attribute to set up ImageArray. Memory overlaps
#        imfi = ImageFile(self.arr)
#        imarr = ImageArray(imfi)
#        self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(imarr, imfi.image), 'Initialising from ImageFile failed')
#        self.assertTrue(shares_memory(imarr, imfi.image))

    def test_load_from_list(self):
        self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(t, np.array([[1,3],[3,2],[4,3]])), 'Initialising from list failed')

    def test_load_1d_data(self):
        self.assertTrue(len(t.shape)==2) #converts to 2d

    def test_load_no_args(self):
        #Should be a 2d empty array

    def test_load_bad_data(self):
        def testload(arg):
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, testload, {'a':1})
        #3d numpy array
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, testload, np.arange(27).reshape(3,3,3))
        #bad filename
        self.assertRaises(ValueError, testload, 'sillyfile.xyz')

    def test_load_kwargs(self):
        #metadata keyword arg
        t=ImageArray(self.arr, metadata={'a':5, 'b':7})
        self.assertTrue('a' in t.metadata.keys() and 'b' in t.metadata.keys())
        t=ImageArray(np.arange(12).reshape(3,4), asfloat=True)
        self.assertTrue(t.dtype == np.float64, 'Initialising asfloat failed')
        self.assertTrue('Loaded from' in t.metadata.keys(), 'Loaded from should always be in metadata')

    #####test attributes ##

    def test_filename(self):
        im = ImageArray(np.linspace(0,1,12).reshape(3,4))
        fpath = os.path.join(thisdir, 'coretestdata/im1_annotated.png')
                        == os.path.normpath(fpath))
        im = ImageArray(np.linspace(0,1,12).reshape(3,4))
        im['Loaded from']
        self.assertTrue(im.filename == '', '{}, {}'.format(self.imarr.shape, im.filename))

    def test_clone(self):
        self.imarr['abc'] = 123 #add some metadata
        self.imarr['nested'] = [1,2,3] #add some nested metadata to check deepcopy
        self.imarr.userxyz = 123 #add a user attribute
        c = self.imarr.clone
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(c,ImageArray), 'Clone not ImageArray')
        self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(c,self.imarr),'Clone not replicating elements')
        self.assertTrue(all([k in c.metadata.keys() for k in \
                    self.imarr.metadata.keys()]), 'Clone not replicating metadata')
        self.assertFalse(shares_memory(c, self.imarr), 'memory overlap on clone') #formal check
        self.imarr['bcd'] = 234
        self.assertTrue('bcd' not in c.metadata.keys(), 'memory overlap for metadata on clone')
        self.imarr['nested'][0] = 2
        self.assertTrue(self.imarr['nested'][0] != c['nested'][0], 'deepcopy not working on metadata')
        self.assertTrue(c.userxyz == 123)
        c.userxyz = 234
        self.assertTrue(c.userxyz != self.imarr.userxyz)

    def test_metadata(self):
        self.assertTrue(self.imarr['testmeta']=='abc', 'Couldn\'t change metadata')
        self.assertTrue('testmeta' not in self.imarr.keys(),'Couldn\'t delete metadata')
        #bad data
        def test(imarr):
        self.assertRaises(TypeError, test, self.imarr) #check it won't let you do this

    ### test numpy like creation behaviour #
    def test_user_attributes(self):
        self.imarr.abc = 'new att'
        self.assertTrue(hasattr(self.imarr, 'abc'))
        t = ImageArray(self.imarr)
        self.assertTrue(hasattr(t, 'abc'), 'problem copying new attributes')
        t = self.imarr.view(ImageArray) #check array_finalize copies attribute over
        self.assertTrue(hasattr(t, 'abc'))
        t = self.imarr * np.random.random(self.imarr.shape)
        self.assertTrue(isinstance(t, ImageArray), 'problem with ufuncs')
        self.assertTrue(hasattr(t, 'abc'),"Ufunc lost attribute!")

    #####  test functionality  ##
    def test_save(self):
        ext = ['.png', '.npy']
        for e in ext:
            self.assertTrue(all([k in load.keys() for k in keys]), 'problem saving metadata {} {}'.format(list(load.keys()),e))
            if e=='.npy':
                #tolerance is really poor for png whcih savees in 8bit format
                self.assertTrue(np.allclose(self.imarr, load),
                                'data not the same for extension {}'.format(e))
            os.remove(testfile+e) #tidy up

    def test_savetiff(self):
        #create a few different data types
        testb = ImageArray(np.zeros((4,5), dtype=bool))  #bool
        testui = ImageArray(np.arange(20).reshape(4,5)) #int32
        testi = ImageArray(np.copy(testui)-10)
        testf = ImageArray(np.linspace(-1,1,20).reshape(4,5)) #float64
        for im in [testb, testui, testi, testf]:
            im['b']='abc' #add some test metadata
            n = ImageArray(testfile)
            self.assertTrue(all([n['a'][i]==im['a'][i] for i in range(len(n['a']))]))
            self.assertTrue('ImageArray.dtype' in n.metadata.keys()) #check the dtype metdata got added
            self.assertTrue(im.dtype==n.dtype) #check the datatype
            self.assertTrue(np.allclose(im, n))  #check the data

    def test_max_box(self):

    def test_crop(self):
        self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(c,self.imarr[1:4,1:3]),'crop didn\'t work')
        self.assertFalse(shares_memory(c,self.imarr), 'crop copy failed')
        self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(c2,c),'crop with seperate arguments didn\'t work')
        c3 = self.imarr.crop(box=(1,3,1,4), copy=False)
        self.assertTrue(np.array_equal(c3,c), 'crop with no arguments failed')
        self.assertTrue(shares_memory(self.imarr, c3), 'crop with no copy failed')

    def test_asint(self):
        ui = self.imarr.asint()
        intarr = np.array([[27312, 43319, 60132, 22149],
                           [ 3944,  9439, 22571, 64980],
                           [19556, 60082, 48378, 50169]], dtype=np.uint16)

    def test_other_funcs(self):
        """test imagefuncs add ons. the functions themselves are not checked
        and should include a few examples in the doc strings for testing"""
        self.assertTrue(hasattr(self.imarr,'do_nothing'), 'imagefuncs not being added to dir')
        self.assertTrue(hasattr(self.imarr,'img_as_float'), 'skimage funcs not being added to dir')
        im = self.imarr.do_nothing() #see if it can run
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(im, self.imarr), 'imagefuncs not working')
        self.assertFalse(shares_memory(im, self.imarr), 'imagefunc failed to clone')
        im0 = ImageArray(np.linspace(0,1,12).reshape(3,4))
        im1 = im0.clone * 5
        im2 = im1.rescale_intensity() #test skimage
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(im2, im0), 'skimage func failed')
        self.assertFalse(shares_memory(im2, im1), 'skimage failed to clone')
        im3 = im1.exposure__rescale_intensity() #test call with module name
        self.assertTrue(np.allclose(im3, im0), 'skimage call with module name failed')