Exemple #1
 def test_template_settings(self):
     self.assertEqual(template["font.weight"],"bold","Setting ytemplate parameter in init failed.")
     self.assertEqual(template["font.weight"],"normal","Setting ytemplate parameter in call failed.")
     self.assertEqual(template["font.weight"],"bold","Setting ytemplate parameter in setitem failed.")
     del template["font.weight"]
     self.assertEqual(template["font.weight"],"normal","Resettting template parameter failed.")
     keys=sorted([x for x in template])
     self.assertEqual(sorted(template.keys()),keys,"template.keys() and template.iter() disagree.")
     attrs=[x for x in dir(template) if template._allowed_attr(x)]
     self.assertEqual(len(template),length,"templa length wrong.")
 def setUp(self):
     self.fldr = PlotFolder(path.join(self.datadir, "NLIV"),
     self.fldr.template = DefaultPlotStyle()
     self.fldr.template.xformatter = TexEngFormatter
     self.fldr.template.yformatter = TexEngFormatter
 def test_template_settings(self):
     template = DefaultPlotStyle(font__weight="bold")
     self.assertEqual(template["font.weight"], "bold",
                      "Setting ytemplate parameter in init failed.")
     self.assertEqual(template["font.weight"], "normal",
                      "Setting ytemplate parameter in call failed.")
     template["font.weight"] = "bold"
     self.assertEqual(template["font.weight"], "bold",
                      "Setting ytemplate parameter in setitem failed.")
     del template["font.weight"]
     self.assertEqual(template["font.weight"], "normal",
                      "Resettting template parameter failed.")
     keys = sorted([x for x in template])
     self.assertEqual(sorted(template.keys()), keys,
                      "template.keys() and template.iter() disagree.")
     attrs = [x for x in dir(template) if template._allowed_attr(x)]
     length = len(dict(plt.rcParams)) + len(attrs)
     self.assertEqual(len(template), length, "templa length wrong.")
Exemple #4
"""Simple ploting with a template."""
from Stoner import Data
from Stoner.plot.formats import DefaultPlotStyle
from cycler import cycler

p = Data("sample.txt", setas="xy", template=DefaultPlotStyle())
p.template(  # pylint: disable=not-callable
    axes__prop_cycle=cycler("color", ["r", "g", "b"]))  # pylint: disable=not-callable
p.y += 1.0
p.y += 1.0
Exemple #5
@author: phygbu
from numpy import where, append, atleast_2d
from scipy.constants import mu_0
from scipy.stats import gmean
from os.path import join

from Stoner import Data, __home__
from Stoner.Fit import FMR_Power, Inverse_Kittel, Linear
from Stoner.plot.formats import DefaultPlotStyle, TexEngFormatter
from Stoner.Folders import PlotFolder

# set_option("multiprocessing",os.name!="nt")

# Customise a plot template
template = DefaultPlotStyle()
template.xformatter = TexEngFormatter()
template.xformatter.unit = "T"
template.yformatter = TexEngFormatter

def field_sign(r):
    """Custom function for split"""
    pos = r["Field"] >= 0
    return where(pos, 1, -1)

def extra(i, j, d):
    """Function for customising each individual plot"""
    d.axvline(x=d["cut"], ls="--")
    d.title = r"$\nu={:.1f}\,$GHz".format(d.mean("Frequency") / 1e9)
from numpy import where, append, row_stack, atleast_2d
from scipy.constants import mu_0
from scipy.stats import gmean
from os.path import join
import os

from Stoner import Data, __home__, set_option
from Stoner.Fit import FMR_Power, Inverse_Kittel, Linear
from Stoner.plot.formats import DefaultPlotStyle, TexEngFormatter
from Stoner.Folders import PlotFolder

# set_option("multiprocessing",os.name!="nt")

# Customise a plot template
template = DefaultPlotStyle()
template.xformatter = TexEngFormatter()
template.xformatter.unit = "T"
template.yformatter = TexEngFormatter

# Custom function for split
def field_sign(r):
    pos = r["Field"] >= 0
    return where(pos, 1, -1)

# Function for customising each individual plot
def extra(i, j, d):
    d.axvline(x=d["cut"], ls="--")
    d.title = r"$\nu={:.1f}\,$GHz".format(d.mean("Frequency") / 1e9)
    d.xlabel = r"Field $\mu_0H\,$"