Exemple #1
 def LoginClicked(self):
     username = self.allwidget["userent"].displayText()  ## get the username enter by user 
     password = self.allwidget["passwent"].text()        ## get the password enter bu user
     if self.UserData["username"] == username:           ## check if the user name is correct or not
         if self.UserData["password"] == password:       ## check if the password is correct or not
             self.openCalc()                             ## if password and usename is correct open the calculator
         else:                                           ## if password is wronge set red background
     else:                                               ## if username is wronge set red background
Exemple #2
 def passwordEntry(self):
     passw = QLineEdit("")                                ## create instance of entry field
     passw.setPlaceholderText("Password")                 ## set placeholder to field
     passw.setEchoMode(QLineEdit.Password)                ## set the text should displayed in password formate
     passw.setStyleSheet(StyleSheets.EntryStyleSheet())   ## set style to field
     self.allwidget["passwent"] = passw                   ## save the entry field to dictonary
     return passw                                         ## return the instance from function
Exemple #3
 def userEntry(self):
     userent = QLineEdit("")                              ## create instance of entry field
     userent.setPlaceholderText("User name")              ## set placeholder to field
     userent.setStyleSheet(StyleSheets.EntryStyleSheet()) ## set style to field
     self.allwidget["userent"] = userent                  ## save the entry field to dictonary
     return userent                                       ## return the instance from function