Exemple #1
    def getNodeType(self):
        ''' get the selected node type '''
        # Note a special treatment of backticks (bash specifics)
        # cmd = ''' %s "optype -t opfind -N \"/\"\`opselectrecurse(\\"/\\",0)\`" ''' % self.hcommand
        # This is just a regular hscript command you would launch from hscript shell in houdini
        hscriptCmd = r'''optype -t opfind -N /`opselectrecurse("/",0)'''
        # hscriptCmd = r'''optype -t opfind -N "/"opselectrecurse("/",0)'''  # change on WIN
        if os.name=='posix':
            hscriptCmd = subPorts.escape(hscriptCmd, 1)
            hscriptCmd = subPorts.escape(hscriptCmd, 2) # dont escape backticks in a shell

        # the command gets wrapped with double-quates - required by bash 
        # and prepanded with full path hcommand
        cmd = r'''%s "%s"''' % (self.hcommand,hscriptCmd)
        print ("CMD getNodeType:", cmd)
        p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
        cmd_stdout, cmd_stderr = p.communicate()           
        selection = None
        selection = cmd_stdout.decode('ascii').strip()

        if selection == '':
            print ("=== nothing selected ===")
        print ("Node type: " ,selection)

        return selection
Exemple #2
    def getCodeAsText(self):
        ''' Introduce escape characters to avoid misinterpretation by the shell '''

        view = self.window.active_view()
        codeText = view.substr(sublime.Region(0, view.size()))

        # Treat \n in the strings differently then new lines at the end of the line
        temp = []
        textSplited = re.split('((?s)".*?")', codeText)
        for x in textSplited:
            if os.name=='posix':
                x = subPorts.escape(x)
                x = subPorts.escape(x,3)   # WIN - code as text

        codeText = r''.join(temp)

            this command works from the bash
            hcommand 2223 "opparm /obj/geo1/python1 python \"print \\"______cccB\\"  \"  "
                          ^                                 ^       ^            ^            
                          queue           single escape quote       |            |
                                                                    double  escape

        return codeText
Exemple #3
    def hdaRun(self,choice,hdaOptions,tunnel,tableAndOpName):
        # Currently there is no support for the vex context in vex HDA SOP          
        if choice!=-1:              # -1 is set when pressed ESC

            hscriptCmd = r'''otcontentadd %s %s %s''' % (tableAndOpName, hdaOptions[choice], tunnel.filePath) # Hscript command
            hscriptCmd = subPorts.escape(hscriptCmd, 1)
            cmd = r'''%s "%s"''' % (tunnel.hcommand,hscriptCmd)

            print ("CMD - HDA update",cmd)        
            p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
Exemple #4
    def getNodePath(self):
        ''' get the node path '''
        # cmd = ''' %s "opfind -N \"/\"\`opselectrecurse(\\"/\\",0)\`" ''' % self.hcommand      # no space between \"/\"\`o
        # cmd = r''' %s "opfind -N "/"\`opselectrecurse(\"/\",0)\`" ''' % self.hcommand      # raw works too

        hscriptCmd = r'''opfind -N "/"`opselectrecurse("/",0)''' # Hscript command
        if os.name=='posix':
            hscriptCmd = subPorts.escape(hscriptCmd, 1)
            hscriptCmd = subPorts.escape(hscriptCmd, 2)

        cmd = r'''%s "%s"''' % (self.hcommand,hscriptCmd)

        print ("CMD getNodePath:", cmd)
        p = subprocess.Popen(cmd, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE)
        cmd_stdout, cmd_stderr = p.communicate()    

        nodePath = cmd_stdout.decode('ascii').strip()  
        print ("Node path: " ,nodePath) 
        return nodePath