Exemple #1
def generate_div_code(arg1, arg2, symbol_table, t_temp, instruct):
    global text
    if not (is_float(arg1) or is_float(arg2)):
        if (arg1.isnumeric() or symbol_table[arg1][1] == 'int'
                or t_temp[arg1][0] == 'i') and (arg2.isnumeric() or
                                                symbol_table[arg2][1] == 'int'
                                                or t_temp[arg1][0] == 'i'):
            if arg1.isnumeric():
                text = text + '\tli $t0, ' + arg1 + '\n'
                arg1_ = '$t0'
                if arg2.isnumeric():
                    text = text + '\tli $t1, ' + arg2 + '\n'
                    arg2 = '$t1'
                    text = text + '\tdiv ' + arg1 + ', ' + arg2 + '\n'
                elif (arg2 in symbol_table and symbol_table[arg2][1] == 'int'):
                    arg2 = '$' + symbol_table[arg2][0]
                    text = text + '\tdiv ' + arg1 + ', ' + arg2 + '\n'
                elif (t_temp[arg2][0] == 'i'):
                    arg2 = '$' + arg2
                    text = text + '\tdiv ' + arg1 + ', ' + arg2 + '\n'
            elif ((arg1 in symbol_table and symbol_table[arg1][1] == 'int')
                  or (t_temp[arg1][0] == 'i' and arg1 in t_temp)):
                if (arg1 in symbol_table and symbol_table[arg1][1] == 'int'):
                    arg1 = '$' + symbol_table[arg1][0]
                    arg1 = '$' + arg1
                if arg2.isnumeric():
                    text = text + '\tli $t1, ' + arg2 + '\n'
                    text = text + '\tdiv ' + arg1 + ', ' + '$t1' + '\n'
                elif (arg2 in symbol_table and symbol_table[arg2][1] == 'int'):
                    arg2 = '$' + symbol_table[arg2][0]
                    text = text + '\tdiv ' + arg1 + ', ' + arg2 + '\n'
                elif (t_temp[arg2][0] == 'i' and arg2 in t_temp):
                    arg2 = '$' + arg2
                    text = text + '\tdiv ' + arg1 + ', ' + arg2 + '\n'
            text = text + '\tmflo $' + instruct[3] + '\n'
        elif ((arg1 in symbol_table and symbol_table[arg1][1] == 'float')
              or (t_temp[arg1][0] == 'f' and arg1 in t_temp)):
            if (arg1 in symbol_table and symbol_table[arg1][1] == 'float'):
                arg1_ = '$' + symbol_table[arg1][0]
                arg1_ = '$f' + str(arg1[1:])
            if is_float(arg2):
                text = text + '\tli.s $f1, ' + arg2 + '\n'
                arg2_ = '$f1'
                text = text + '\tdiv.s $f' + instruct[3][
                    1:] + ', ' + arg1_ + ', ' + arg2_ + '\n'
            elif (arg2 in symbol_table and symbol_table[arg2][1] == 'float'):
                arg2_ = '$' + symbol_table[arg2][0]
                text = text + '\tdiv.s $f' + instruct[3][
                    1:] + ', ' + arg1_ + ', ' + arg2_ + '\n'
            elif (t_temp[arg2][0] == 'f' and arg2 in t_temp):
                arg2_ = '$f' + arg2[1:]
                text = text + '\tdiv.s $f' + instruct[3][
                    1:] + ', ' + arg1_ + ', ' + arg2_ + '\n'

            print('Error! Неверный тип!')
Exemple #2
def generate_assigment_code(arg1, arg2, symbol_table, t_temp):
    global text, data
    if arg1.isnumeric() and (symbol_table[arg2][1] == 'int'
                             or t_temp[arg2][0] == 'i'):
        if (arg2 in t_temp.keys() and t_temp[arg2][0] != arg2):
            text = text + '\tli $' + arg2 + ', ' + arg1 + '\n'
            text = text + '\tli $' + symbol_table[arg2][0] + ', ' + arg1 + '\n'
    elif (is_float(arg1)
          and (symbol_table[arg2][1] == 'float' or t_temp[arg2][0] == 'f')):
        data = data + '\tdrob' + arg1 + ': .float ' + arg1 + '\n'
        if (arg2 in t_temp.keys() and t_temp[arg2][0] != arg2):
            text = text + '\tla $' + arg2 + ', drob' + arg1 + '\n'
            text = text + '\tli.s $' + symbol_table[arg2][
                0] + ', ' + arg1 + '\n'
    elif arg1.startswith('\"') and arg1.endswith('\"') and (
            symbol_table[arg2][1] == 'str'):
        data = data + '\t' + arg2 + ': .asciiz ' + arg1 + '\n'

    elif (arg1 in symbol_table.keys()):
        if (arg1 in t_temp.keys() and t_temp[arg1][0] != arg1):
            if (arg2 in t_temp.keys() and t_temp[arg2][0] != arg2):
                if t_temp[arg1][0] == 'f':

                    text = text + '\tmov.s $f' + arg2[1:] + ', $f' + arg1[
                        1:] + '\n'
                    text = text + '\tmove $' + arg2 + ', $f' + arg1 + '\n'
            elif arg2 in symbol_table.keys():
                if t_temp[arg1][0] == 'f':

                    text = text + '\tmov.s $' + symbol_table[arg2][
                        0] + ', $f' + arg1[1:] + '\n'
                    text = text + '\tmove $' + symbol_table[arg2][
                        0] + ', $' + arg1 + '\n'
        elif (arg1 in symbol_table.keys()):
            if (arg2 in symbol_table.keys()):
                if symbol_table[arg2][1] == 'float':
                    text = text + '\tmov.s $' + symbol_table[arg2][
                        0] + ', $' + symbol_table[arg1][0] + '\n'
                    text = text + '\tmove $' + symbol_table[arg2][
                        0] + ', $' + symbol_table[arg1][0] + '\n'
        if (arg2 in symbol_table.keys()):
            text = text + '\tmove $' + arg2 + ', $' + arg1 + '\n'
        elif (arg2 in symbol_table.keys()):
            text = text + '\tmove $' + symbol_table[arg2][
                0] + ', $' + arg1 + '\n'
            text = text + '\tmove $' + arg2 + ', $' + arg1 + '\n'
Exemple #3
def genereate_print_code(arg1, symbol_table):
    global data, text, str_count
    if (arg1.startswith('\"') and arg1.endswith('\"')):
        data = data + '\tstr' + str(str_count) + ': .asciiz ' + arg1 + '\n'
        str_count = str_count + 1
        text = text + '\tli $v0, 4\n'
        text = text + '\tla $a0, ' + 'str' + str(str_count - 1) + '\n'
        text = text + '\tsyscall\n'
    elif (arg1 in symbol_table and symbol_table[arg1][1] == 'str'):
        text = text + '\tli $v0, 4\n'
        text = text + '\tla $a0, ' + arg1 + '\n'
        text = text + '\tsyscall\n'
    elif (arg1.isnumeric()):
        text = text + '\tli $v0, 1\n'
        text = text + '\tla $a0, ' + arg1 + '\n'
        text = text + '\tsyscall\n'
        if data.find('strinr_w') == -1:
            data = data + '\tstrinr_w' + r': .asciiz "\n"' + '\n'
        text = text + '\tli $v0, 4\n'
        text = text + '\tla $a0, ' + 'strinr_w' + '\n'
        text = text + '\tsyscall\n'
    elif (is_float(arg1)):
        data = data + '\tdrob' + arg1 + ': .float ' + arg1 + '\n'
        text = text + '\tli $v0, 2\n'
        text = text + '\tlvc1 $f14, drob' + arg1 + '\n'
        text = text + '\tsyscall\n'
    elif (arg1 in symbol_table and symbol_table[arg1][1] == 'int'):
        text = text + '\tli $v0, 1\n'
        text = text + '\tla $a0, ' + '($' + symbol_table[arg1][0] + ')\n'
        text = text + '\tsyscall\n'
        if data.find('strinr_w') == -1:
            data = data + '\tstrinr_w' + r': .asciiz "\n"' + " " + '\n'
        text = text + '\tli $v0, 4\n'
        text = text + '\tla $a0, ' + 'strinr_w' + '\n'
        text = text + '\tsyscall\n'
    elif (arg1 in symbol_table and symbol_table[arg1][1] == 'float'):
        text = text + '\tli $v0, 2\n'
        text = text + '\tmov.s $f12, $' + symbol_table[arg1][0] + '\n'
        text = text + '\tsyscall\n'
Exemple #4
def add_temps(t_temp, symbol_table):
    global data, text

    for i in range(len(t_temp)):
        if t_temp['t' + str(i)][0].isdigit():
            t_temp['t' + str(i)] = []
            t_temp['t' + str(i)] = 'int'
            symbol_table['t' + str(i)] = []
            symbol_table['t' + str(i)] = 'int'
        elif is_float(t_temp['t' + str(i)][0]):
            t_temp['t' + str(i)] = []
            t_temp['t' + str(i)] = 'float'
            symbol_table['t' + str(i)] = []
            symbol_table['t' + str(i)] = 'float'
        elif t_temp['t' + str(i)][0] in symbol_table \
            and symbol_table[t_temp['t' + str(i)][0]][1] == 'int':
            t_temp['t' + str(i)] = []
            t_temp['t' + str(i)] = 'int'
            symbol_table['t' + str(i)] = []
            symbol_table['t' + str(i)] = 'int'
        elif t_temp['t' + str(i)][0] in symbol_table and symbol_table[t_temp[
                't' + str(i)][0]][1] == 'float':
            t_temp['t' + str(i)] = []
            t_temp['t' + str(i)] = 'float'
            symbol_table['t' + str(i)] = []
            symbol_table['t' + str(i)] = 'float'
            t_temp['t' + str(i)] = []
            t_temp['t' + str(i)] = 'int'
            symbol_table['t' + str(i)] = []
            symbol_table['t' + str(i)] = 'int'
        for symbol in (symbol_table):
            if symbol == ('t0'):
            t_temp[symbol] = []
Exemple #5
def generate_mult_code(arg1, arg2, symbol_table, t_temp, instruct):
    global text, data
    if not (is_float(arg1) or is_float(arg2)):
        if (arg1.isnumeric() or symbol_table[arg1][1] == 'int'
                or t_temp[arg1][0] == 'i') and (arg2.isnumeric() or
                                                symbol_table[arg2][1] == 'int'
                                                or t_temp[arg2][0] == 'i'):
            if arg1.isnumeric():
                text = text + '\tli $t0, ' + arg1 + '\n'
                arg1_ = '$t0'
                if arg2.isnumeric():
                    text = text + '\tli $t1, ' + arg2 + '\n'
                    arg2_ = '$t1'
                    text = text + '\tmult ' + arg1_ + ', ' + arg2_ + '\n'
                elif (arg2 in symbol_table and symbol_table[arg2][1] == 'int'):
                    arg2_ = '$' + symbol_table[arg2][0]
                    text = text + '\tmult ' + arg1_ + ', ' + arg2_ + '\n'
                elif (t_temp[arg2][0] == 'i'):
                    arg2_ = '$' + arg2
                    text = text + '\tmult ' + arg1_ + ', ' + arg2_ + '\n'
            elif ((arg1 in symbol_table and symbol_table[arg1][1] == 'int')
                  or (t_temp[arg1][0] == 'i' and arg1 in t_temp)):
                if (arg1 in symbol_table and symbol_table[arg1][1] == 'int'):
                    arg1_ = '$' + symbol_table[arg1][0]
                    arg1_ = '$' + arg1
                if arg2.isnumeric():
                    text = text + '\tli $t1, ' + arg2 + '\n'
                    arg2_ = '$t1'
                    text = text + '\tmult ' + arg1_ + ', ' + arg2_ + '\n'
                elif (arg2 in symbol_table and symbol_table[arg2][1] == 'int'):

                    arg2_ = '$' + symbol_table[arg2][0]
                    text = text + '\tmult ' + arg1_ + ', ' + arg2_ + '\n'
                elif (t_temp[arg2][0] == 'i' and arg2 in t_temp):
                    arg2_ = '$' + arg2
                    text = text + '\tmult ' + arg1_ + ', ' + arg2_ + '\n'
                text = text + '\tmflo $' + instruct[3] + '\n'
        elif ((arg1 in symbol_table and symbol_table[arg1][1] == 'float')
              or (t_temp[arg1][0] == 'f' and arg1 in t_temp)):
            if (arg1 in symbol_table and symbol_table[arg1][1] == 'float'):
                arg1_ = '$' + symbol_table[arg1][0]
                ar = arg1[1:]
                arg1_ = '$f' + str(ar)
            if is_float(arg2):
                text = text + '\tli.s $f1, ' + arg2 + '\n'
                arg2_ = '$f1'
                text = text + '\tmul.s $f' + instruct[3][
                    1:] + ', ' + arg1_ + ', ' + arg2_ + '\n'
            elif (arg2 in symbol_table and symbol_table[arg2][1] == 'float'):
                arg2_ = '$' + symbol_table[arg2][0]
                ar = instruct[3][1:]

                text = text + '\tmul.s $f' + str(
                    ar) + ', ' + arg1_ + ', ' + arg2_ + '\n'
            elif (t_temp[arg2][0] == 'f' and arg2 in t_temp):
                ar = arg2[1:]
                arg2_ = '$f' + str(ar)
                text = text + '\tmul.s $f' + instruct[3][
                    1:] + ', ' + arg1_ + ', ' + arg2_ + '\n'
                print('error неверный тип')
    elif is_float(arg1):
        text = text + '\tli.s $f0, ' + arg1 + '\n'
        arg1_ = '$f0'
        if is_float(arg2):
            text = text + '\tli.s $f1, ' + arg2 + '\n'
            arg2_ = '$f1'
            text = text + '\tmul.s $f' + instruct[3][
                1:] + ', ' + arg1_ + ', ' + arg2_ + '\n'
        elif (arg2 in symbol_table and symbol_table[arg2][1] == 'float'):
            arg2_ = '$' + symbol_table[arg2][0]
            text = text + '\tmul.s $f' + instruct[3][
                1:] + ', ' + arg1_ + ', ' + arg2_ + '\n'
        elif (t_temp[arg2][0] == 'f' and arg2 in t_temp):
            ar = arg2[1:]
            arg2_ = '$f' + str(ar)
            text = text + '\tmul.s $f' + instruct[3][
                1:] + ', ' + arg1_ + ', ' + arg2_ + '\n'
            print('Ошибка! Введены неверные типы')