Exemple #1
 def __init__(self, dt, Time, maxlaps, map, physics):
     # ======================================================================================================================
     # ============================ Choose which controller to run ==========================================================
     # ======================================================================================================================
     # self.RunPID     = 1
     # self.RunMPC     = 1 
     # self.RunMPC_tv  = 1 
     # self.RunLMPC    = 1
     # ======================================================================================================================
     # ============================ Initialize parameters for path following ================================================
     # ======================================================================================================================
     self.dt         = dt       # Controller discretization time
     self.Time       = 200            # Simulation time for PID
     self.TimeMPC    = None             # Simulation time for path following MPC
     self.TimeMPC_tv = None            # Simulation time for path following LTV-MPC
     self.vt         = 40.0            # Reference velocity for path following controllers
     self.v0         = None         # Initial velocity at lap 0
     self.N          = 12              # Horizon length
     self.n = 6;   self.d = 2               # State and Input dimension
     self.points = int(self.Time/dt)
     self.count = 0
     # self.PIDinit = 0
     # self.LTIinit = 0
     # self.LTVinit = 0
     # self.LMPCinit = 0
     # Path Following tuning
     self.Q = np.diag([1.0, 1.0, 1, 1, 0.0, 100.0]) # vx, vy, wz, epsi, s, ey
     self.R = np.diag([1.0, 10.0])                  # delta, a
     #LTI-MPC Params
     self.A = None
     self.B = None
     self.error = None
     self.u = np.array([0., 0.], dtype=float)
     self.map = map                           # Initialize the map
     self.Dynamic = DynamicModel(physics)
     self.simulator = Simulator(self.Dynamic, self.map)                # Initialize the Simulator
     # ======================================================================================================================
     # ==================================== Initialize parameters for LMPC ==================================================
     # ======================================================================================================================
     # Safe Set Parameters
     self.LMPC_Solver = "CVX"           # Can pick CVX for cvxopt or OSQP. For OSQP uncomment line 14 in LMPC.py
     self.numSS_it = 4                  # Number of trajectories used at each iteration to build the safe set
     self.numSS_Points = 20             # Number of points to select from each trajectory to build the safe set
     self.Laps       = maxlaps + self.numSS_it      # Total LMPC laps
     self.TimeLMPC   = 400              # Simulation time
     # Tuning Parameters
     self.Qslack  = 20 * np.diag([10, 1, 1, 1, 10, 1])            # Cost on the slack variable for the terminal constraint
     self.Qlane   =  1 * np.array([0, 10])                        # Quadratic and linear slack lane cost
     self.Q_LMPC  =  0 * np.diag([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])  # State cost x = [vx, vy, wz, epsi, s, ey]
     self.R_LMPC  =  0 * np.diag([1.0, 1.0])                      # Input cost u = [delta, a]
     self.dR_LMPC = 10 * np.array([1.0, 10.0])                    # Input rate cost u
     self.inputConstr = np.array([[0.8, 0.8],                     # Min Steering and Max Steering
                             [10.0, 10.0]])                    # Min Acceleration and Max Acceleration        
Exemple #2
 def LMPCinit(self, x, LapTime):
     print("Starting LMPC")
     self.TimeLMPC = LapTime
     self.points = int(self.TimeLMPC/self.dt)
     self.v0 = x[0]
     self.ClosedLoopLMPC = ClosedLoopData(self.points, self.v0)
     self.LMPCOpenLoopData = LMPCprediction(self.N, self.n, self.d, self.TimeLMPC, self.numSS_Points, self.Laps)
     self.LMPCSimulator = Simulator(self.Dynamic, map, 1, 1)
     self.LMPController = ControllerLMPC(self.numSS_Points, self.numSS_it, self.N, self.Qslack, self.Qlane, self.Q_LMPC,
                                    self.R_LMPC, self.dR_LMPC, self.dt, self.map, self.Laps, self.TimeLMPC, self.LMPC_Solver, self.inputConstr)
     PID_data = open('D:\CARLA\PythonAPI\examples\data\ClosedLoopDataPID.obj', 'rb')
     ClosedLoopDataPID = pickle.load(PID_data)
     LTV_data = open('D:\CARLA\PythonAPI\examples\data\ClosedLoopDataLTV_MPC.obj','rb')
     ClosedLoopDataLTV_MPC = pickle.load(LTV_data)
     LTI_data = open('D:\CARLA\PythonAPI\examples\data\ClosedLoopDataLTI_MPC.obj','rb')
     ClosedLoopDataLTI_MPC = pickle.load(LTI_data)
     # Run first 4 laps. Remaining laps run by LMPC
     self.count = 0        
Exemple #3
def main():
    # ======================================================================================================================
    # ============================================= Initialize parameters  =================================================
    # ======================================================================================================================
    N = 14                                    # Horizon length
    n = 6;   d = 2                            # State and Input dimension
    x0 = np.array([0.5, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])       # Initial condition
    xS = [x0, x0]
    dt = 0.1

    map = Map(0.4)                            # Initialize map
    vt = 0.8                                  # target vevlocity

    # Initialize controller parameters
    mpcParam, ltvmpcParam = initMPCParams(n, d, N, vt)
    numSS_it, numSS_Points, Laps, TimeLMPC, QterminalSlack, lmpcParameters = initLMPCParams(map, N)

    # Init simulators
    simulator     = Simulator(map)
    LMPCsimulator = Simulator(map, multiLap = False, flagLMPC = True)

    # ======================================================================================================================
    # ======================================= PID path following ===========================================================
    # ======================================================================================================================
    print("Starting PID")
    # Initialize pid and run sim
    PIDController = PID(vt)
    xPID_cl, uPID_cl, xPID_cl_glob, _ = simulator.sim(xS, PIDController)
    print("===== PID terminated")

    # ======================================================================================================================
    # ======================================  LINEAR REGRESSION ============================================================
    # ======================================================================================================================
    print("Starting MPC")
    # Estimate system dynamics
    lamb = 0.0000001
    A, B, Error = Regression(xPID_cl, uPID_cl, lamb)
    mpcParam.A = A
    mpcParam.B = B
    # Initialize MPC and run closed-loop sim
    mpc = MPC(mpcParam)
    xMPC_cl, uMPC_cl, xMPC_cl_glob, _ = simulator.sim(xS, mpc)
    print("===== MPC terminated")

    # ======================================================================================================================
    # ===================================  LOCAL LINEAR REGRESSION =========================================================
    # ======================================================================================================================
    print("Starting TV-MPC")
    # Initialized predictive model
    predictiveModel = PredictiveModel(n, d, map, 1)
    #Initialize TV-MPC
    ltvmpcParam.timeVarying = True 
    mpc = MPC(ltvmpcParam, predictiveModel)
    # Run closed-loop sim
    xTVMPC_cl, uTVMPC_cl, xTVMPC_cl_glob, _ = simulator.sim(xS, mpc)
    print("===== TV-MPC terminated")

    # ======================================================================================================================
    # ==============================  LMPC w\ LOCAL LINEAR REGRESSION ======================================================
    # ======================================================================================================================
    print("Starting LMPC")
    # Initialize Predictive Model for lmpc
    lmpcpredictiveModel = PredictiveModel(n, d, map, 4)
    for i in range(0,4): # add trajectories used for model learning

    # Initialize Controller
    lmpcParameters.timeVarying     = True 
    lmpc = LMPC(numSS_Points, numSS_it, QterminalSlack, lmpcParameters, lmpcpredictiveModel)
    for i in range(0,4): # add trajectories for safe set
        lmpc.addTrajectory( xPID_cl, uPID_cl, xPID_cl_glob)
    # Run sevaral laps
    for it in range(numSS_it, Laps):
        # Simulate controller
        xLMPC, uLMPC, xLMPC_glob, xS = LMPCsimulator.sim(xS,  lmpc)
        # Add trajectory to controller
        lmpc.addTrajectory( xLMPC, uLMPC, xLMPC_glob)
        # lmpcpredictiveModel.addTrajectory(np.append(xLMPC,np.array([xS[0]]),0),np.append(uLMPC, np.zeros((1,2)),0))
        print("Completed lap: ", it, " in ", np.round(lmpc.Qfun[it][0]*dt, 2)," seconds")
    print("===== LMPC terminated")

    # # ======================================================================================================================
    # # ========================================= PLOT TRACK =================================================================
    # # ======================================================================================================================
    for i in range(0, lmpc.it):
        print("Lap time at iteration ", i, " is ",np.round( lmpc.Qfun[i][0]*dt, 2), "s")

    print("===== Start Plotting")
    plotTrajectory(map, xPID_cl, xPID_cl_glob, uPID_cl, 'PID')
    plotTrajectory(map, xMPC_cl, xMPC_cl_glob, uMPC_cl, 'MPC')
    plotTrajectory(map, xTVMPC_cl, xTVMPC_cl_glob, uTVMPC_cl, 'TV-MPC')
    plotClosedLoopLMPC(lmpc, map)
    animation_xy(map, lmpc, Laps-1)
Exemple #4
dt = 1.0 / 10.0  # Controller discretization time
Time = 100  # Simulation time for PID
TimeMPC = 100  # Simulation time for path following MPC
TimeMPC_tv = 100  # Simulation time for path following LTV-MPC
vt = 0.8  # Reference velocity for path following controllers
v0 = 0.5  # Initial velocity at lap 0
N = 12  # Horizon length
n = 6
d = 2  # State and Input dimension

# Path Following tuning
Q = np.diag([1.0, 1.0, 1, 1, 0.0, 100.0])  # vx, vy, wz, epsi, s, ey
R = np.diag([1.0, 10.0])  # delta, a

map = Map(0.4, 1)  # Initialize the map
simulator = Simulator(map)  # Initialize the Simulator

# ======================================================================================================================
# ==================================== Initialize parameters for LMPC ==================================================
# ======================================================================================================================
TimeLMPC = 400  # Simulation time
Laps = 25 + 2  # Total LMPC laps

# Safe Set Parameters
LMPC_Solver = "CVX"  # Can pick CVX for cvxopt or OSQP. For OSQP uncomment line 14 in LMPC.py
numSS_it = 2  # Number of trajectories used at each iteration to build the safe set
numSS_Points = 40  # Number of points to select from each trajectory to build the safe set

# Tuning Parameters
Qslack = 2 * 5 * np.diag([
    10, 1, 1, 1, 10, 1
Exemple #5
dt = 1.0 / 10.0  # Controller discretization time
Time = 100  # Simulation time for path following PID
TimeMPC = 100  # Simulation time for path following MPC
TimeMPC_tv = 100  # Simulation time for path following LTV-MPC
vt = 0.8  # Reference velocity for path following controllers
v0 = 0.5  # Initial velocity at lap 0
N = 12  # Horizon length (12)
n = 6
d = 2  # State and Input dimension

# Path Following tuning
Q = np.diag([1.0, 1.0, 1, 1, 0.0, 100.0])  # vx, vy, wz, epsi, s, ey
R = np.diag([1.0, 10.0])  # delta, a

map = Map(0.8)  # Initialize the map (PointAndTangent); argument is track width
simulator = Simulator(map)  # Initialize the Simulator

# ======================================================================================================================
# ==================================== Initialize parameters for LMPC ==================================================
# ======================================================================================================================
TimeLMPC = 400  # Simulation time
Laps = 5 + 2  # Total LMPC laps

# Safe Set Parameter
LMPC_Solver = "CVX"  # Can pick CVX for cvxopt or OSQP. For OSQP uncomment line 14 in LMPC.py
numSS_it = 2  # Number of trajectories used at each iteration to build the safe set
numSS_Points = 32 + N  # Number of points to select from each trajectory to build the safe set
shift = 0  # Given the closed point, x_t^j, to the x(t) select the SS points from x_{t+shift}^j

# Tuning Parameters
Qslack = 5 * np.diag([
Exemple #6
class RaceLMPC(object):
    def __init__(self, dt, Time, maxlaps, map, physics):
        # ======================================================================================================================
        # ============================ Choose which controller to run ==========================================================
        # ======================================================================================================================
        # self.RunPID     = 1
        # self.RunMPC     = 1 
        # self.RunMPC_tv  = 1 
        # self.RunLMPC    = 1
        # ======================================================================================================================
        # ============================ Initialize parameters for path following ================================================
        # ======================================================================================================================
        self.dt         = dt       # Controller discretization time
        self.Time       = 200            # Simulation time for PID
        self.TimeMPC    = None             # Simulation time for path following MPC
        self.TimeMPC_tv = None            # Simulation time for path following LTV-MPC
        self.vt         = 40.0            # Reference velocity for path following controllers
        self.v0         = None         # Initial velocity at lap 0
        self.N          = 12              # Horizon length
        self.n = 6;   self.d = 2               # State and Input dimension
        self.points = int(self.Time/dt)
        self.count = 0
        # self.PIDinit = 0
        # self.LTIinit = 0
        # self.LTVinit = 0
        # self.LMPCinit = 0
        # Path Following tuning
        self.Q = np.diag([1.0, 1.0, 1, 1, 0.0, 100.0]) # vx, vy, wz, epsi, s, ey
        self.R = np.diag([1.0, 10.0])                  # delta, a
        #LTI-MPC Params
        self.A = None
        self.B = None
        self.error = None
        self.u = np.array([0., 0.], dtype=float)
        self.map = map                           # Initialize the map
        self.Dynamic = DynamicModel(physics)
        self.simulator = Simulator(self.Dynamic, self.map)                # Initialize the Simulator
        # ======================================================================================================================
        # ==================================== Initialize parameters for LMPC ==================================================
        # ======================================================================================================================
        # Safe Set Parameters
        self.LMPC_Solver = "CVX"           # Can pick CVX for cvxopt or OSQP. For OSQP uncomment line 14 in LMPC.py
        self.numSS_it = 4                  # Number of trajectories used at each iteration to build the safe set
        self.numSS_Points = 20             # Number of points to select from each trajectory to build the safe set
        self.Laps       = maxlaps + self.numSS_it      # Total LMPC laps
        self.TimeLMPC   = 400              # Simulation time
        # Tuning Parameters
        self.Qslack  = 20 * np.diag([10, 1, 1, 1, 10, 1])            # Cost on the slack variable for the terminal constraint
        self.Qlane   =  1 * np.array([0, 10])                        # Quadratic and linear slack lane cost
        self.Q_LMPC  =  0 * np.diag([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])  # State cost x = [vx, vy, wz, epsi, s, ey]
        self.R_LMPC  =  0 * np.diag([1.0, 1.0])                      # Input cost u = [delta, a]
        self.dR_LMPC = 10 * np.array([1.0, 10.0])                    # Input rate cost u
        self.inputConstr = np.array([[0.8, 0.8],                     # Min Steering and Max Steering
                                [10.0, 10.0]])                    # Min Acceleration and Max Acceleration        
    def PIDinit(self, x):
        self.v0 = x[0]
        self.ClosedLoopDataPID = ClosedLoopData(self.points , self.v0)
        self.PIDController = PID(self.vt)
        print("Starting PID")
        self.count = 0

    def PIDcont(self, x, x_glob, LapTime, SimTime, EndFlag=0):
    # ======================================================================================================================
    # ======================================= PID path following ===========================================================
    # ======================================================================================================================         
        if EndFlag == 0:
            u, new_x, new_x_glob = self.simulator.Sim(x, x_glob, SimTime, self.PIDController)
            self.ClosedLoopDataPID.UpdateLoop(self.count, x, x_glob, u, SimTime)
            self.count += 1
            return new_x, new_x_glob
            file_data = open('D:\CARLA\PythonAPI\examples\data\ClosedLoopDataPID.obj', 'wb')
            pickle.dump(self.ClosedLoopDataPID, file_data)
            print("===== PID terminated")
            self.PIDinit = 0 #It will run 2nd time
            print("Starting LTI-MPC")
            lamb = 0.0000001
            self.A, self.B, self.Error = Regression(self.ClosedLoopDataPID.x, self.ClosedLoopDataPID.u, lamb)
            return new_x, new_x_glob 
    def LTIinit(self, x, LapTime):
        self.TimeMPC = LapTime
        self.points = int(self.TimeMPC/self.dt)
        self.v0 = x[0]
        self.ClosedLoopDataLTI_MPC = ClosedLoopData(self.points, self.v0)
        self.Controller_PathFollowingLTI_MPC = PathFollowingLTI_MPC(self.A, self.B, self.Q, self.R, self.N, self.vt, self.inputConstr)
        # simulator.Sim(ClosedLoopDataLTI_MPC, Controller_PathFollowingLTI_MPC)
        self.count = 0

    def LTIcont(self, x, x_glob, LapTime, SimTime, EndFlag=0):
    # ======================================================================================================================
    # ======================================  LINEAR REGRESSION ============================================================
    # ======================================================================================================================
        if EndFlag == 0:
            u, new_x, new_x_glob = self.simulator.Sim(x, x_glob, SimTime, self.Controller_PathFollowingLTI_MPC)
            self.ClosedLoopDataLTI_MPC.UpdateLoop(self.count, x, x_glob, u, SimTime)
            self.count += 1
            return new_x, new_x_glob
            file_data = open('D:\CARLA\PythonAPI\examples\data\ClosedLoopDataLTI_MPC.obj', 'wb')
            pickle.dump(self.ClosedLoopDataLTI_MPC, file_data)
            print("===== MPC terminated")
            return new_x, new_x_glob
    def LTVinit(self, x, LapTime):
        print("Starting TV-MPC")
        file_data = open('D:\CARLA\PythonAPI\examples\data\ClosedLoopDataPID.obj', 'rb')
        ClosedLoopDataPID = pickle.load(file_data)
        self.TimeMPC_tv = LapTime
        self.points = int(self.TimeMPC_tv/self.dt)
        self.v0 = x[0]
        self.ClosedLoopDataLTV_MPC = ClosedLoopData(self.points, self.v0)
        self.Controller_PathFollowingLTV_MPC = PathFollowingLTV_MPC(self.Q, self.R, self.N, self.vt, self.n, self.d, ClosedLoopDataPID.x, ClosedLoopDataPID.u, self.dt, self.map, self.inputConstr)
        # simulator.Sim(ClosedLoopDataLTI_MPC, Controller_PathFollowingLTI_MPC)
        self.count = 0
    def LTVcont(self, x, x_glob, LapTime, SimTime, EndFlag=0):
    # ======================================================================================================================
    # ===================================  LOCAL LINEAR REGRESSION =========================================================
    # ======================================================================================================================      
        if EndFlag == 0:
            u, new_x, new_x_glob = self.simulator.Sim(x, x_glob, SimTime, self.Controller_PathFollowingLTV_MPC)
            self.ClosedLoopDataLTV_MPC.UpdateLoop(self.count, x, x_glob, u, SimTime)
            self.count += 1
            return new_x, new_x_glob
            file_data = open('D:\CARLA\PythonAPI\examples\data\ClosedLoopDataLTV_MPC.obj', 'wb')
            pickle.dump(self.ClosedLoopDataLTV_MPC, file_data)
            print("===== TV-MPC terminated")
            return new_x, new_x_glob
    # ======================================================================================================================
    # ==============================  LMPC w\ LOCAL LINEAR REGRESSION ======================================================
    # ======================================================================================================================
    def LMPCinit(self, x, LapTime):
        print("Starting LMPC")
        self.TimeLMPC = LapTime
        self.points = int(self.TimeLMPC/self.dt)
        self.v0 = x[0]
        self.ClosedLoopLMPC = ClosedLoopData(self.points, self.v0)
        self.LMPCOpenLoopData = LMPCprediction(self.N, self.n, self.d, self.TimeLMPC, self.numSS_Points, self.Laps)
        self.LMPCSimulator = Simulator(self.Dynamic, map, 1, 1)
        self.LMPController = ControllerLMPC(self.numSS_Points, self.numSS_it, self.N, self.Qslack, self.Qlane, self.Q_LMPC,
                                       self.R_LMPC, self.dR_LMPC, self.dt, self.map, self.Laps, self.TimeLMPC, self.LMPC_Solver, self.inputConstr)
        PID_data = open('D:\CARLA\PythonAPI\examples\data\ClosedLoopDataPID.obj', 'rb')
        ClosedLoopDataPID = pickle.load(PID_data)
        LTV_data = open('D:\CARLA\PythonAPI\examples\data\ClosedLoopDataLTV_MPC.obj','rb')
        ClosedLoopDataLTV_MPC = pickle.load(LTV_data)
        LTI_data = open('D:\CARLA\PythonAPI\examples\data\ClosedLoopDataLTI_MPC.obj','rb')
        ClosedLoopDataLTI_MPC = pickle.load(LTI_data)
        # Run first 4 laps. Remaining laps run by LMPC
        self.count = 0        
    def LMPCcont(self, x, x_glob, LapTime, SimTime, LapTrigger=0, EndFlag=0):       
        if EndFlag == 0:
            u, new_x, new_x_glob = self.LMPCSimulator.Sim(x, x_glob, SimTime, self.LMPController, self.LMPCOpenLoopData)
            self.ClosedLoopLMPC.UpdateLoop(self.count, x, x_glob, u, SimTime)
            self.count += 1
            if LapTrigger == 1:
                self.count = 0
            return new_x, new_x_glob
            file_data = open('D:\CARLA\PythonAPI\examples\data\LMPController.obj', 'wb')
            pickle.dump(self.ClosedLoopLMPC, file_data)
            pickle.dump(self.LMPController, file_data)
            pickle.dump(self.LMPCOpenLoopData, file_data)
            return new_x, new_x_glob
            print("===== LMPC terminated")
Exemple #7
dt = 1.0 / 10.0  # Controller discretization time
Time = 100  # Simulation time for PID
TimeMPC = 100  # Simulation time for path following MPC
TimeMPC_tv = 100  # Simulation time for path following LTV-MPC
vt = 0.8  # Reference velocity for path following controllers
v0 = 0.5  # Initial velocity at lap 0
N = 12  # Horizon length
n = 6
d = 2  # State and Input dimension

# Path Following tuning
Q = np.diag([1.0, 1.0, 1, 1, 0.0, 100.0])  # vx, vy, wz, epsi, s, ey
R = np.diag([1.0, 10.0])  # delta, a

map = Map(0.4)  # Initialize the map
simulator = Simulator(map)  # Initialize the Simulator

# ======================================================================================================================
# ==================================== Initialize parameters for LMPC ==================================================
# ======================================================================================================================
TimeLMPC = 4000  # Simulation time
Laps = 40 + 2  # Total LMPC laps

# Safe Set Parameters
LMPC_Solver = "CVX"  # Can pick CVX for cvxopt or OSQP. For OSQP uncomment line 14 in LMPC.py
numSS_it = 2  # Number of trajectories used at each iteration to build the safe set
numSS_Points = 40  # Number of points to select from each trajectory to build the safe set

# Tuning Parameters
Qslack = 2 * 5 * np.diag([
    10, 1, 1, 1, 10, 1