def setup_class(cls): CompileCpp('examples/') CompileCpp('test/') cls.a = analyzer('examples/GluGluToHToTauTau.root') cls.a.Cut("test_cut1", "Jet_pt.size() > 0") cls.a.Define('lead_vector', 'hardware::TLvector(Jet_pt[0],Jet_eta[0],Jet_phi[0],Jet_mass[0])') cls.a.Define('sublead_vector','hardware::TLvector(Jet_pt[1],Jet_eta[1],Jet_phi[1],Jet_mass[1])') cls.a.Define('invariantMass','hardware::InvariantMass({lead_vector,sublead_vector})')
def setup_class(cls): CompileCpp('TIMBER/Framework/include/common.h' ) # Compile (via gInterpreter) commonly used c++ code CompileCpp('examples/') # CompileCpp('test/') cls.a = analyzer('examples/GluGluToHToTauTau.root') cls.a.Cut("test_cut1", "Jet_pt.size() > 0") cls.a.Define( 'lead_vector', 'hardware::TLvector(Jet_pt[0],Jet_eta[0],Jet_phi[0],Jet_mass[0])') cls.a.Define( 'sublead_vector', 'hardware::TLvector(Jet_pt[1],Jet_eta[1],Jet_phi[1],Jet_mass[1])') cls.a.Define('invariantMass', 'hardware::invariantMass({lead_vector,sublead_vector})')
def BuildCppCollection(self, collection, node, silent=True): '''Build the collection as a struct in C++ so that it's accessible to the RDataFrame loop. @param collection (str): Collection name. @param node (Node): Node on which to act. @param silent (bool, optional): Whether output should be silenced. Defaults to True. Raises: RuntimeError: Collection already built. Returns: Node: Manipulated node with the collection struct now defined. ''' newNode = node attributes = [] for aname in self.GetCollectionAttributes(collection): attributes.append( '%s %s' % (self._collectionDict[collection][aname]['type'], aname)) if collection + 's' not in self._builtCollections: self._builtCollections.append(collection + 's') CompileCpp(StructDef(collection, attributes)) newNode = newNode.Define(collection + 's', StructObj(collection, attributes), silent=silent) else: raise RuntimeError('Collections `%s` already built.' % (collection + 's')) return newNode
def test_Groups(): a = analyzer('examples/GluGluToHToTauTau.root') CompileCpp('TIMBER/Framework/include/common.h' ) # Compile (via gInterpreter) commonly used c++ code CompileCpp('examples/') test_vg = VarGroup('test_vg') test_vg.Add( 'lead_vector', 'analyzer::TLvector(Jet_pt[0],Jet_eta[0],Jet_phi[0],Jet_mass[0])') test_vg.Add( 'sublead_vector', 'analyzer::TLvector(Jet_pt[1],Jet_eta[1],Jet_phi[1],Jet_mass[1])') test_vg.Add('invariantMass', 'analyzer::invariantMass(lead_vector,sublead_vector)') test_cg = CutGroup('test_cg') test_cg.Add("test_cut1", "Jet_pt.size() > 0") a.Apply([test_vg, test_cg]) rep = a.DataFrame.Report() rep.Print()
def multicore(infiles=[],doStudies=False,topcut=''): CompileCpp('') if infiles == []: files = GetAllFiles() else: files = infiles teff = { "16": Correction("TriggerEff16",'TIMBER/Framework/include/EffLoader.h',['THtrigger2D_16.root','Pretag'], corrtype='weight'), "17": Correction("TriggerEff17",'TIMBER/Framework/include/EffLoader.h',['THtrigger2D_17.root','Pretag'], corrtype='weight'), "18": Correction("TriggerEff18",'TIMBER/Framework/include/EffLoader.h',['THtrigger2D_18.root','Pretag'], corrtype='weight') } pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=4 if doStudies else 6,maxtasksperchild=1) nthreads = 4 if doStudies else 2 process_args = [] for f in files: setname, era = GetProcYearFromTxt(f) if doStudies: if 'Data' not in setname: process_args.append(Namespace(threads=nthreads,setname=setname,era=era,variation='None',trigEff=teff[era],topcut=topcut)) else: if 'Data' not in setname and 'QCD' not in setname: process_args.append(Namespace(threads=nthreads,setname=setname,era=era,variation='None',trigEff=teff[era],topcut=topcut)) if not doStudies: for jme in ['JES','JER','JMS','JMR']: for v in ['up','down']: process_args.append(Namespace(threads=nthreads,setname=setname,era=era,variation='%s_%s'%(jme,v),trigEff=teff[era],topcut=topcut)) else: process_args.append(Namespace(threads=nthreads,setname=setname,era=era,variation='None',trigEff=teff[era],topcut=topcut)) start = time.time() if doStudies:,process_args) else: for a in process_args: print ('PROCESSING: %s %s %s'%(a.setname, a.era, a.variation)) THselection(a) #,process_args) print ('Total multicore time: %s'%(time.time()-start))
'Whether to run the selection. If False, will attempt to recycle previous run histograms.' ) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() ########################################### # Establish some global variables for use # ########################################### plotdir = 'plots/' # this is where we'll save your plots if not os.path.exists(plotdir): os.makedirs(plotdir) rootfile_path = 'root://' config = OpenJSON('bstar_config.json') cuts = config['CUTS'][options.year] CompileCpp("TIMBER/Framework/include/common.h") CompileCpp( '') # has the c++ functions we need when looping of the RDataFrame # Sets we want to process and some nice naming for our plots signal_names = ['signalLH%s' % (mass) for mass in [2000]] #range(1400,4200,600)] bkg_names = [ 'singletop_tW', 'singletop_tWB', 'ttbar', 'QCDHT700', 'QCDHT1000', 'QCDHT1500', 'QCDHT2000' ] ##########MY ASSIGNED BACKGROUNDS############## #bkg_names = ['QCDHT1000','QCDHT1500'] names = {
eff.SetName(name) eff.Write() out.Close() if __name__ == '__main__': from argparse import ArgumentParser parser = ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--recycle', dest='recycle', action='store_true', default=False, help='Recycle existing files and just plot.') args = parser.parse_args() start = time.time() CompileCpp('') if not args.recycle: for y in [16, 17, 18]: MakeEfficiency(y) files = { 16: ROOT.TFile.Open('THtrigger2D_16.root'), 17: ROOT.TFile.Open('THtrigger2D_17.root'), 18: ROOT.TFile.Open('THtrigger2D_18.root') } hists = { hname.GetName(): [files[y].Get(hname.GetName()) for y in [16, 17, 18]] for hname in files[16].GetListOfKeys() if '_hist' in hname.GetName() } colors = [ROOT.kBlack, ROOT.kGreen + 1, ROOT.kOrange - 3]
'''Plot the Missing ET for events that have an opposite-sign muon pair mass in the range 60-120 GeV (double loop over single collection, math)''' import time start = time.time() #--------------------- from TIMBER.Analyzer import analyzer from TIMBER.Tools.Common import CompileCpp CompileCpp('benchmark/') a = analyzer('examples/GluGluToHToTauTau_full.root') a.Cut('twoMuons','nMuon>1') a.Define('invMassMuMu','InvMassOppMuMu(Muon_pt, Muon_eta, Muon_phi, Muon_mass, Muon_charge)') a.Cut('invMassMuMu_cut','Any(invMassMuMu > 60 && invMassMuMu < 120)') h = a.DataFrame.Histo1D('MET_pt') h.Draw('hist e') #--------------------- print ('%s secs'%(time.time() - start))
'Whether to run the selection. If False, will attempt to recycle previous run histograms.' ) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() ########################################### # Establish some global variables for use # ########################################### plotdir = 'plots/' # this is where we'll save your plots if not os.path.exists(plotdir): os.makedirs(plotdir) rootfile_path = 'root://' config = 'bstar_config.json' # holds luminosities and cross sections # common c++ functions that we will need when looping of the RDataFrame CompileCpp("TIMBER/Framework/include/common.h") CompileCpp('') # define sample sets that we want to process, label them and define colors # here we are only going to work with a single signal dataset #signal_names = ['signalLH2000'] #names = {'signalLH2000': "b*_{LH} 2000 (GeV)"} #colors = {'signalLH2000': ROOT.kBlue} #####################COPY PASTE FROM SELECTION.PY####################### # Sets we want to process and some nice naming for our plots signal_names = ['signalLH%s' % (mass) for mass in range(1400, 4200, 600)] bkg_names = [ 'singletop_tW', 'singletop_tWB', 'ttbar', 'QCDHT700', 'QCDHT1000', 'QCDHT1500', 'QCDHT2000' ]
def setup_class(cls): CompileCpp('TIMBER/Framework/include/common.h') cls.a = analyzer('examples/GluGluToHToTauTau.root')
'Whether to run the selection. If False, will attempt to recycle previous run histograms.' ) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() ########################################### # Establish some global variables for use # ########################################### cernbox = '/eos/home-%s/%s/Documents/plots' % ( os.environ['USER'][0], os.environ['USER'] ) # this is where we'll save your plots (accessible via web on if not os.path.exists(cernbox): os.makedirs(cernbox) rootfile_path = '/eos/user/c/cmsdas/long-exercises/bstarToTW/rootfiles/' config = openJSON('bstar_config.json') cuts = config['CUTS'][options.year] CompileCpp( '') # has the c++ functions we need when looping of the RDataFrame # Sets we want to process and some nice naming for our plots signal_names = ['signalLH%s' % (mass) for mass in [2000]] #range(1400,4200,600)] bkg_names = [ 'singletop_tW', 'singletop_tWB', 'ttbar', 'QCDHT700', 'QCDHT1000', 'QCDHT1500', 'QCDHT2000' ] names = { "singletop_tW": "single top (tW)", "singletop_tWB": "single top (tW)", "ttbar": "t#bar{t}", "QCDHT700": "QCD", "QCDHT1000": "QCD", "QCDHT1500": "QCD",