def import_appliance(self, auth, href, type, arch, pae, hvm, size,
                         provider_id, platform, description, link, image_name,
                         group_id, is_manual, date, time):
            is_hvm = 'False'
            if hvm == 'true':
                is_hvm = 'True'
            is_pae = 'False'
            if pae == 'true':
                is_pae = 'True'

            image_name = re.sub(ImageStore.INVALID_CHARS_EXP, '_', image_name)

            appliance_entry = {}
            appliance_entry["href"] = href
            appliance_entry["type"] = type
            appliance_entry["arch"] = arch
            appliance_entry["PAE"] = is_pae
            appliance_entry["is_hvm"] = is_hvm
            appliance_entry["size"] = size
            appliance_entry["provider_id"] = provider_id
            appliance_entry["platform"] = platform
            appliance_entry["title"] = image_name

            if appliance_entry["provider_id"].lower() == "jumpbox":
                appliance_entry["is_hvm"] = "True"

            p_url = self.appliance_store.get_provider_url(provider_id)
            appliance_entry["provider_url"] = p_url
            p_logo_url = self.appliance_store.get_logo_url(provider_id)
            appliance_entry["provider_logo_url"] = p_logo_url

            if is_manual == 'true':
                description = "Manually imported appliance. Plese use 'Edit Description' menu to put appropriate description here."
                link = ""

            appliance_entry["description"] = description
            appliance_entry["link"] = link

            if self.appliance_store.get_provider(provider_id):
                    "provider"] = self.appliance_store.get_provider(
                appliance_entry["provider"] = provider_id

            if image_name:
                image_name = image_name.strip()

            platform = appliance_entry["platform"]
            type = appliance_entry["type"]
            if type.lower() not in ("xva", "file_system", "jb_archive"):
                raise Exception(
                    "Invalid Package type %s: supported package types are XVA, FILE_SYSTEM. JB_ARCHIVE"
                    % type)

            image_store = Basic.getImageStore()

            #force = False

            #for image_group in image_store.get_image_groups(auth).values():
            if image_store.image_exists_by_name(image_name):
                img = image_store.get_image_by_name(image_name)
                image_store.delete_image(auth, group_id, img.get_id())

            #image_group = image_store.get_image_groups(auth)[group_id]

            # Create a new image and add it to the group.
            #img = image_store.create_image(auth,group_id, image_name, platform.lower())

            title = appliance_entry.get("title")
            if not title:
                title = ""

            tc = TaskCreator()
            tc.import_appliance(auth, appliance_entry, image_store, \
                                group_id, image_name, platform.lower(),True,date,time)
        except Exception, e:
            LOGGER.error(to_str(e).replace("'", ""))
            raise e