class MoldauMainWindow(QtGui.QMainWindow): ## configuraton of this applikation. moldauConf = MoldauConf() ## The setings of taskts. tasksSettings = TasksSettings(moldauConf.getTasksSettingsFile()) ## Class controling the task runnings. director = Director(tasksSettings) ## A list of TaskLogItem objects. For generiting minutes. taskLogList = [] #director.logList ## Simple List listview = "" ## TaskView: This class show the taskt data. taskBox = "" ## Minutes of the proceedings as html minutes = "" ## This QTextBrowser show the minutes of the proceedings textView = "" ## Constructor def __init__(self, *args): QtGui.QMainWindow.__init__(self, *args) self.resize(800,680) self.setWindowTitle('Moldau') #---------- menubar -------------------- ## Menue-item for apliction exit menuExit = QtGui.QAction(QtGui.QIcon('icons/exit.png'), 'Exit', self) menuExit.setShortcut('Ctrl+Q') menuExit.setStatusTip('Exit application') self.connect(menuExit, QtCore.SIGNAL('triggered()'), QtCore.SLOT('close()')) ## Menue-item for change the task stetting file. menuTasksSetting = QtGui.QAction( 'Open task seting', self) menuTasksSetting.setShortcut('Ctrl+T') menuTasksSetting.setStatusTip('Open task seting') self.connect(menuTasksSetting, QtCore.SIGNAL('triggered()'), QtCore.SLOT('selctTasksSettingDialog()')) menubar = self.menuBar() menuFile = menubar.addMenu('&File') menuFile.addAction(menuTasksSetting) menuFile.addAction(menuExit) ## Menue-item for change the task stetting file. menuInfoAbout = QtGui.QAction( 'About', self) menuInfoAbout.setShortcut('Ctrl+I') menuInfoAbout.setStatusTip('About this programm.') self.connect(menuInfoAbout, QtCore.SIGNAL('triggered()'), QtCore.SLOT('about()')) menuFile = menubar.addMenu('&Info') menuFile.addAction(menuInfoAbout) # ------------- menu end ------------ # ----------- toolbar --------------------- self.toolbar = self.addToolBar('tools') toolNew = QtGui.QAction(QtGui.QIcon('icons/new.png'), 'New task', self) toolNew.setShortcut('Ctrl+N') self.connect(toolNew, QtCore.SIGNAL('triggered()'), QtCore.SLOT('newTasksDialog()')) self.toolbar.addAction(toolNew) toolRemove = QtGui.QAction(QtGui.QIcon('icons/remove.png'), 'Delete task', self) toolNew.setShortcut('Ctrl+X') self.connect(toolRemove, QtCore.SIGNAL('triggered()'), QtCore.SLOT('deleteTask()')) self.toolbar.addAction(toolRemove) toolDown = QtGui.QAction(QtGui.QIcon('icons/down.png'), 'Move task down', self) toolNew.setShortcut('Ctrl+D') self.connect(toolDown, QtCore.SIGNAL('triggered()'), QtCore.SLOT('laterInList()')) self.toolbar.addAction(toolDown) toolUp = QtGui.QAction(QtGui.QIcon('icons/up.png'), 'Move task up', self) toolNew.setShortcut('Ctrl+U') self.connect(toolUp, QtCore.SIGNAL('triggered()'), QtCore.SLOT('earlierInList()')) self.toolbar.addAction(toolUp) toolRun = QtGui.QAction(QtGui.QIcon('icons/run.png'), 'Run task list', self) toolNew.setShortcut('Ctrl+G') self.connect(toolRun, QtCore.SIGNAL('triggered()'), QtCore.SLOT('directorRun()')) self.toolbar.addAction(toolRun) # ----------- toolbar end ------------------------ ## Main Widget centralWidget = QtGui.QWidget() self.setCentralWidget(centralWidget) ## Main layout V vMainLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() centralWidget.setLayout(vMainLayout) ## Main layout H hMainLayout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() vMainLayout.addLayout(hMainLayout) # --------- Bottom text View ----------------------------- # VBox left with GrouBox-frame resultBox = QtGui.QGroupBox("Comand result:") bottomLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() resultBox.setLayout(bottomLayout) vMainLayout.addWidget(resultBox) # Bottom text view self.textView = QtGui.QTextBrowser() bottomLayout.addWidget(self.textView) # Button bar hLayoutButtonBar = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() bottomLayout.addLayout(hLayoutButtonBar) clearPushButton = QtGui.QPushButton("Clear minutes") self.connect(clearPushButton, QtCore.SIGNAL('pressed()'), QtCore.SLOT('clearMinutes()')) hLayoutButtonBar.addWidget(clearPushButton) savePushButton = QtGui.QPushButton("Save minutes as...") self.connect(savePushButton, QtCore.SIGNAL('pressed()'), QtCore.SLOT('savingMinutes()')) hLayoutButtonBar.addWidget(savePushButton) # ----------- Left box --------------------------------- # VBox left with GrouBox-frame listBox = QtGui.QGroupBox("Stap list") listBox.setMaximumWidth(250) vListLayoutL = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() listBox.setLayout(vListLayoutL) hMainLayout.addWidget(listBox) # -------------- List -------------- # Label #stepListTypLabel = QtGui.QLabel("Step:") #vListLayoutL.addWidget(stepListTypLabel) self.listview = QtGui.QListWidget() vListLayoutL.addWidget(self.listview) self.connect(self.listview, QtCore.SIGNAL('itemSelectionChanged()'), QtCore.SLOT('fillTaskView()')) #count = 0 #for item in self.tasksSettings.getStoryboard(): #print item #self.listview.insertItem(count, item) #count = count + 1 # ----------- Rigth Box ------------------- self.taskBox = TaskView() hMainLayout.addWidget(self.taskBox) self.taskBox.setMoldauConf(self.moldauConf) self.taskBox.setTasksSettings(self.tasksSettings) self.connect(self.taskBox , QtCore.SIGNAL('taskIsChange()'), QtCore.SLOT('refreshTaskList()')) # Statusbar self.statusBar().showMessage('Ready') # Item-List self.refreshTaskList() ## A function with qt-slot. it's creade a new task. @pyqtSlot() def newTasksDialog(self): text, ok = QtGui.QInputDialog.getText(self, "New Task", "Task name:", 0) if ok != True : print "[debug] if: " , text, ok return else: print "[debug] else: " , text, ok taskTyp = TaskTyp() taskTyp.ID = text self.tasksSettings.addTaskTyp(taskTyp) self.refreshTaskList() self.taskBox.setTasksSettings(self.tasksSettings) ## A function with qt-slot. it's open a File-Dialog. for # change sie Tasks-Setting-Configuration @pyqtSlot() def selctTasksSettingDialog(self): filename = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName(self, "Change tasks-Setting-Configuration", self.moldauConf.getTasksSettingsFile(),"*.*") self.statusBar().showMessage(str("try open task setting file: " + filename)) self.moldauConf.setTasksSettingsFile(str(filename)) self.tasksSettings.setConfFile(str(filename)) #print "[debug] tasksSettings.configFile" , self.tasksSettings.configFile self.listview.clear () # refill item-List count = 0 for item in self.tasksSettings.getStoryboard(): print item self.listview.insertItem(count, item) count = count + 1 ## Refrash the list of tasks. @pyqtSlot() def refreshTaskList(self): self.tasksSettings.reLoad() self.taskBox.setTasksSettings(self.tasksSettings) self.listview.clear () count = 0 for item in self.tasksSettings.getStoryboard(): print "[debug] ", item self.listview.insertItem(count, item) count = count + 1 ## A function with qt-slot. it's fill the TaskView with data. @pyqtSlot() def fillTaskView(self): todo = "" for item in self.listview.selectedItems(): print "[debug] .." , item.text() todo = item.text() if( todo == "" ): self.statusBar().showMessage('No ToDo select...') else: taskTyp = self.tasksSettings.getTaskTyp(todo) self.taskBox.setTaskTyp(taskTyp) ## Function clear the minutes in the textView @pyqtSlot() def clearMinutes(self): print "[debug] clearMinutes..." self.minutes = "" self.textView.setHtml(self.minutes) self.director.logList = [] ## Function delete a task @pyqtSlot() def deleteTask(self): print "[debug] deleteTask" todo = "" for item in self.listview.selectedItems(): print ".." , item.text() todo = item.text() if( todo == "" ): self.statusBar().showMessage('No ToDo select...') else: taskTyp = self.tasksSettings.getTaskTyp(todo) self.tasksSettings.deleteTask(taskTyp) self.refreshTaskList() ## Function / slot set a task on a later place in list. @pyqtSlot() def earlierInList(self): print "[debug] earlierInList" todo = "" # listWidgetItem = QtGui.QListWidgetItem() for item in self.listview.selectedItems(): print "[debug] .." , item.text() todo = item.text() # listWidgetItem = item if( todo == "" ): self.statusBar().showMessage('No ToDo select...') else: taskTyp = self.tasksSettings.getTaskTyp(todo) self.tasksSettings.earlierInList(taskTyp) self.refreshTaskList() # set select focus foundItems = self.listview.findItems(todo, QtCore.Qt.MatchExactly) if foundItems > 0: index = self.listview.row(foundItems[0]) self.listview.setCurrentRow(index, QtGui.QItemSelectionModel.ToggleCurrent) ## Function / slot set a task on a later place in list. @pyqtSlot() def laterInList(self): print "[debug] laterInList" todo = "" # listWidgetItem = QtGui.QListWidgetItem() for item in self.listview.selectedItems(): print ".." , item.text() todo = item.text() # listWidgetItem = item if( todo == "" ): self.statusBar().showMessage('No ToDo select...') else: taskTyp = self.tasksSettings.getTaskTyp(todo) self.tasksSettings.laterInList(taskTyp) self.refreshTaskList() # set select focus foundItems = self.listview.findItems(todo, QtCore.Qt.MatchExactly) if foundItems > 0: index = self.listview.row(foundItems[0]) self.listview.setCurrentRow(index, QtGui.QItemSelectionModel.ToggleCurrent) ## Function / slot is start the task executing, @pyqtSlot() def directorRun(self): print "[debug] directorRun" todo = "" #selectedKasktItems = self.listview.selectedItems() #itemCount = selectedKasktItems.count(QtGui.QListWidgetItem) #print "self.listview.selectedItems().count(): ",itemCount for item in self.listview.selectedItems(): print ".." , item.text() todo = str(item.text()) print "todo: ", todo if (todo == ""): QtGui.QMessageBox.warning(self, "Abort!","No task selct in list!") return self.director.gotoTodo(todo) #print "[debug] self.director.logList I " , self.director.logList # self.taskLogList = self.taskLogList + self.director.logList self.taskLogList = self.director.logList self.refreshMinutes() # set select focus foundItems = self.listview.findItems(self.director.lastExecuteTaktID, QtCore.Qt.MatchExactly) if foundItems > 0: index = self.listview.row(foundItems[0]) self.listview.setCurrentRow(index, QtGui.QItemSelectionModel.ToggleCurrent) ## Open about-dialog @pyqtSlot() def about(self): infotext = "Arbeitstitel: Moldau \n" infotext = infotext + "Lizenz: GPL \n" infotext = infotext + "Contact: Olaf Radicke <*****@*****.**>" QtGui.QMessageBox.information(self, "About",infotext) ## Refresh minutes view. def refreshMinutes(self): html_minutes = "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\"\ \"\">" html_minutes = html_minutes + "<html>\r <head>\r <title>Minutes</title>\r \ </head>\r <body>\r" html_minutes = html_minutes + "<table border=\"1\">" html_minutes = html_minutes + " <tr>" html_minutes = html_minutes + " <th><b>Timestamp</b></th>" html_minutes = html_minutes + " <th><b>Task-Name</b></th>" html_minutes = html_minutes + " <th><b>Task-Typ</b></th>" html_minutes = html_minutes + " <th><b>Task-Do</b></th>" html_minutes = html_minutes + " <th><b>Task-Result</b></th>" html_minutes = html_minutes + " <th><b>Task-Note</b></th>" html_minutes = html_minutes + " </tr>" print "[debug] taskLogList: " , self.taskLogList # print "[debug] taskLogList.count(): " , self.taskLogList.count() for item in self.taskLogList: print "[debug] Item : ", item try: zeile = " <tr>" zeile = zeile + " <th>" + item.timestamp + "</th>" zeile = zeile + " <th>" + item.step_id + "</th>" zeile = zeile + " <th>" + item.step_type + "</th>" zeile = zeile + " <th>" + item.done + "</th>" zeile = zeile + " <th>" + item.result + "</th>" zeile = zeile + " <th>" + item.logNote + "</th>" zeile = zeile + " </tr>" html_minutes = html_minutes + zeile except: print "[debug] error..." html_minutes = html_minutes + "</table>" html_minutes = html_minutes + "</body>\r </html>" self.textView.setHtml(html_minutes) ## Open about-dialog @pyqtSlot() def savingMinutes(self): print "savingMinutes()" filename = QtGui.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, "Saving minutes", "task_minuts.html","*.html*") minuteFile = open(filename, 'w') minuteFile.write(str(self.textView.toHtml()))
class MoldauMainWindow(QtGui.QMainWindow): ## configuraton of this applikation. moldauConf = MoldauConf() ## The setings of taskts. tasksSettings = TasksSettings(moldauConf.getTasksSettingsFile()) ## Class controling the task runnings. director = Director(tasksSettings) ## A list of TaskLogItem objects. For generiting minutes. taskLogList = [] #director.logList ## Simple List listview = "" ## TaskView: This class show the taskt data. taskBox = "" ## Minutes of the proceedings as html minutes = "" ## This QTextBrowser show the minutes of the proceedings textView = "" ## Constructor def __init__(self, *args): QtGui.QMainWindow.__init__(self, *args) self.resize(800, 680) self.setWindowTitle('Moldau') #---------- menubar -------------------- ## Menue-item for apliction exit menuExit = QtGui.QAction(QtGui.QIcon('icons/exit.png'), 'Exit', self) menuExit.setShortcut('Ctrl+Q') menuExit.setStatusTip('Exit application') self.connect(menuExit, QtCore.SIGNAL('triggered()'), QtCore.SLOT('close()')) ## Menue-item for change the task stetting file. menuTasksSetting = QtGui.QAction('Open task seting', self) menuTasksSetting.setShortcut('Ctrl+T') menuTasksSetting.setStatusTip('Open task seting') self.connect(menuTasksSetting, QtCore.SIGNAL('triggered()'), QtCore.SLOT('selctTasksSettingDialog()')) menubar = self.menuBar() menuFile = menubar.addMenu('&File') menuFile.addAction(menuTasksSetting) menuFile.addAction(menuExit) ## Menue-item for change the task stetting file. menuInfoAbout = QtGui.QAction('About', self) menuInfoAbout.setShortcut('Ctrl+I') menuInfoAbout.setStatusTip('About this programm.') self.connect(menuInfoAbout, QtCore.SIGNAL('triggered()'), QtCore.SLOT('about()')) menuFile = menubar.addMenu('&Info') menuFile.addAction(menuInfoAbout) # ------------- menu end ------------ # ----------- toolbar --------------------- self.toolbar = self.addToolBar('tools') toolNew = QtGui.QAction(QtGui.QIcon('icons/new.png'), 'New task', self) toolNew.setShortcut('Ctrl+N') self.connect(toolNew, QtCore.SIGNAL('triggered()'), QtCore.SLOT('newTasksDialog()')) self.toolbar.addAction(toolNew) toolRemove = QtGui.QAction(QtGui.QIcon('icons/remove.png'), 'Delete task', self) toolNew.setShortcut('Ctrl+X') self.connect(toolRemove, QtCore.SIGNAL('triggered()'), QtCore.SLOT('deleteTask()')) self.toolbar.addAction(toolRemove) toolDown = QtGui.QAction(QtGui.QIcon('icons/down.png'), 'Move task down', self) toolNew.setShortcut('Ctrl+D') self.connect(toolDown, QtCore.SIGNAL('triggered()'), QtCore.SLOT('laterInList()')) self.toolbar.addAction(toolDown) toolUp = QtGui.QAction(QtGui.QIcon('icons/up.png'), 'Move task up', self) toolNew.setShortcut('Ctrl+U') self.connect(toolUp, QtCore.SIGNAL('triggered()'), QtCore.SLOT('earlierInList()')) self.toolbar.addAction(toolUp) toolRun = QtGui.QAction(QtGui.QIcon('icons/run.png'), 'Run task list', self) toolNew.setShortcut('Ctrl+G') self.connect(toolRun, QtCore.SIGNAL('triggered()'), QtCore.SLOT('directorRun()')) self.toolbar.addAction(toolRun) # ----------- toolbar end ------------------------ ## Main Widget centralWidget = QtGui.QWidget() self.setCentralWidget(centralWidget) ## Main layout V vMainLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() centralWidget.setLayout(vMainLayout) ## Main layout H hMainLayout = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() vMainLayout.addLayout(hMainLayout) # --------- Bottom text View ----------------------------- # VBox left with GrouBox-frame resultBox = QtGui.QGroupBox("Comand result:") bottomLayout = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() resultBox.setLayout(bottomLayout) vMainLayout.addWidget(resultBox) # Bottom text view self.textView = QtGui.QTextBrowser() bottomLayout.addWidget(self.textView) # Button bar hLayoutButtonBar = QtGui.QHBoxLayout() bottomLayout.addLayout(hLayoutButtonBar) clearPushButton = QtGui.QPushButton("Clear minutes") self.connect(clearPushButton, QtCore.SIGNAL('pressed()'), QtCore.SLOT('clearMinutes()')) hLayoutButtonBar.addWidget(clearPushButton) savePushButton = QtGui.QPushButton("Save minutes as...") self.connect(savePushButton, QtCore.SIGNAL('pressed()'), QtCore.SLOT('savingMinutes()')) hLayoutButtonBar.addWidget(savePushButton) # ----------- Left box --------------------------------- # VBox left with GrouBox-frame listBox = QtGui.QGroupBox("Stap list") listBox.setMaximumWidth(250) vListLayoutL = QtGui.QVBoxLayout() listBox.setLayout(vListLayoutL) hMainLayout.addWidget(listBox) # -------------- List -------------- # Label #stepListTypLabel = QtGui.QLabel("Step:") #vListLayoutL.addWidget(stepListTypLabel) self.listview = QtGui.QListWidget() vListLayoutL.addWidget(self.listview) self.connect(self.listview, QtCore.SIGNAL('itemSelectionChanged()'), QtCore.SLOT('fillTaskView()')) #count = 0 #for item in self.tasksSettings.getStoryboard(): #print item #self.listview.insertItem(count, item) #count = count + 1 # ----------- Rigth Box ------------------- self.taskBox = TaskView() hMainLayout.addWidget(self.taskBox) self.taskBox.setMoldauConf(self.moldauConf) self.taskBox.setTasksSettings(self.tasksSettings) self.connect(self.taskBox, QtCore.SIGNAL('taskIsChange()'), QtCore.SLOT('refreshTaskList()')) # Statusbar self.statusBar().showMessage('Ready') # Item-List self.refreshTaskList() ## A function with qt-slot. it's creade a new task. @pyqtSlot() def newTasksDialog(self): text, ok = QtGui.QInputDialog.getText(self, "New Task", "Task name:", 0) if ok != True: print "[debug] if: ", text, ok return else: print "[debug] else: ", text, ok taskTyp = TaskTyp() taskTyp.ID = text self.tasksSettings.addTaskTyp(taskTyp) self.refreshTaskList() self.taskBox.setTasksSettings(self.tasksSettings) ## A function with qt-slot. it's open a File-Dialog. for # change sie Tasks-Setting-Configuration @pyqtSlot() def selctTasksSettingDialog(self): filename = QtGui.QFileDialog.getOpenFileName( self, "Change tasks-Setting-Configuration", self.moldauConf.getTasksSettingsFile(), "*.*") self.statusBar().showMessage( str("try open task setting file: " + filename)) self.moldauConf.setTasksSettingsFile(str(filename)) self.tasksSettings.setConfFile(str(filename)) #print "[debug] tasksSettings.configFile" , self.tasksSettings.configFile self.listview.clear() # refill item-List count = 0 for item in self.tasksSettings.getStoryboard(): print item self.listview.insertItem(count, item) count = count + 1 ## Refrash the list of tasks. @pyqtSlot() def refreshTaskList(self): self.tasksSettings.reLoad() self.taskBox.setTasksSettings(self.tasksSettings) self.listview.clear() count = 0 for item in self.tasksSettings.getStoryboard(): print "[debug] ", item self.listview.insertItem(count, item) count = count + 1 ## A function with qt-slot. it's fill the TaskView with data. @pyqtSlot() def fillTaskView(self): todo = "" for item in self.listview.selectedItems(): print "[debug] ..", item.text() todo = item.text() if (todo == ""): self.statusBar().showMessage('No ToDo select...') else: taskTyp = self.tasksSettings.getTaskTyp(todo) self.taskBox.setTaskTyp(taskTyp) ## Function clear the minutes in the textView @pyqtSlot() def clearMinutes(self): print "[debug] clearMinutes..." self.minutes = "" self.textView.setHtml(self.minutes) self.director.logList = [] ## Function delete a task @pyqtSlot() def deleteTask(self): print "[debug] deleteTask" todo = "" for item in self.listview.selectedItems(): print "..", item.text() todo = item.text() if (todo == ""): self.statusBar().showMessage('No ToDo select...') else: taskTyp = self.tasksSettings.getTaskTyp(todo) self.tasksSettings.deleteTask(taskTyp) self.refreshTaskList() ## Function / slot set a task on a later place in list. @pyqtSlot() def earlierInList(self): print "[debug] earlierInList" todo = "" # listWidgetItem = QtGui.QListWidgetItem() for item in self.listview.selectedItems(): print "[debug] ..", item.text() todo = item.text() # listWidgetItem = item if (todo == ""): self.statusBar().showMessage('No ToDo select...') else: taskTyp = self.tasksSettings.getTaskTyp(todo) self.tasksSettings.earlierInList(taskTyp) self.refreshTaskList() # set select focus foundItems = self.listview.findItems(todo, QtCore.Qt.MatchExactly) if foundItems > 0: index = self.listview.row(foundItems[0]) self.listview.setCurrentRow( index, QtGui.QItemSelectionModel.ToggleCurrent) ## Function / slot set a task on a later place in list. @pyqtSlot() def laterInList(self): print "[debug] laterInList" todo = "" # listWidgetItem = QtGui.QListWidgetItem() for item in self.listview.selectedItems(): print "..", item.text() todo = item.text() # listWidgetItem = item if (todo == ""): self.statusBar().showMessage('No ToDo select...') else: taskTyp = self.tasksSettings.getTaskTyp(todo) self.tasksSettings.laterInList(taskTyp) self.refreshTaskList() # set select focus foundItems = self.listview.findItems(todo, QtCore.Qt.MatchExactly) if foundItems > 0: index = self.listview.row(foundItems[0]) self.listview.setCurrentRow( index, QtGui.QItemSelectionModel.ToggleCurrent) ## Function / slot is start the task executing, @pyqtSlot() def directorRun(self): print "[debug] directorRun" todo = "" #selectedKasktItems = self.listview.selectedItems() #itemCount = selectedKasktItems.count(QtGui.QListWidgetItem) #print "self.listview.selectedItems().count(): ",itemCount for item in self.listview.selectedItems(): print "..", item.text() todo = str(item.text()) print "todo: ", todo if (todo == ""): QtGui.QMessageBox.warning(self, "Abort!", "No task selct in list!") return self.director.gotoTodo(todo) #print "[debug] self.director.logList I " , self.director.logList # self.taskLogList = self.taskLogList + self.director.logList self.taskLogList = self.director.logList self.refreshMinutes() # set select focus foundItems = self.listview.findItems(self.director.lastExecuteTaktID, QtCore.Qt.MatchExactly) if foundItems > 0: index = self.listview.row(foundItems[0]) self.listview.setCurrentRow( index, QtGui.QItemSelectionModel.ToggleCurrent) ## Open about-dialog @pyqtSlot() def about(self): infotext = "Arbeitstitel: Moldau \n" infotext = infotext + "Lizenz: GPL \n" infotext = infotext + "Contact: Olaf Radicke <*****@*****.**>" QtGui.QMessageBox.information(self, "About", infotext) ## Refresh minutes view. def refreshMinutes(self): html_minutes = "<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN\"\ \"\">" html_minutes = html_minutes + "<html>\r <head>\r <title>Minutes</title>\r \ </head>\r <body>\r" html_minutes = html_minutes + "<table border=\"1\">" html_minutes = html_minutes + " <tr>" html_minutes = html_minutes + " <th><b>Timestamp</b></th>" html_minutes = html_minutes + " <th><b>Task-Name</b></th>" html_minutes = html_minutes + " <th><b>Task-Typ</b></th>" html_minutes = html_minutes + " <th><b>Task-Do</b></th>" html_minutes = html_minutes + " <th><b>Task-Result</b></th>" html_minutes = html_minutes + " <th><b>Task-Note</b></th>" html_minutes = html_minutes + " </tr>" print "[debug] taskLogList: ", self.taskLogList # print "[debug] taskLogList.count(): " , self.taskLogList.count() for item in self.taskLogList: print "[debug] Item : ", item try: zeile = " <tr>" zeile = zeile + " <th>" + item.timestamp + "</th>" zeile = zeile + " <th>" + item.step_id + "</th>" zeile = zeile + " <th>" + item.step_type + "</th>" zeile = zeile + " <th>" + item.done + "</th>" zeile = zeile + " <th>" + item.result + "</th>" zeile = zeile + " <th>" + item.logNote + "</th>" zeile = zeile + " </tr>" html_minutes = html_minutes + zeile except: print "[debug] error..." html_minutes = html_minutes + "</table>" html_minutes = html_minutes + "</body>\r </html>" self.textView.setHtml(html_minutes) ## Open about-dialog @pyqtSlot() def savingMinutes(self): print "savingMinutes()" filename = QtGui.QFileDialog.getSaveFileName(self, "Saving minutes", "task_minuts.html", "*.html*") minuteFile = open(filename, 'w') minuteFile.write(str(self.textView.toHtml()))