def compareDataMCProfiles(datahists,mchist,era="",minbiases=0.0,tag="",rmin=0.6,rmax=1.4,delete=False): """Compare data/MC profiles.""" print ">>> compareDataMCProfiles()" mctitle = "MC average" outdir = ensuredir("plots") if islist(datahists): # multiple datahists if all(islist(x) for x in datahists): # datahists = [(minbias1,datahist1),...] minbiases = [m for m,h in datahists] datahists = [h for m,h in datahists] else: # is single datahist histogram minbiases = [minbiases] datahists = [datahists] hists = datahists+[mchist] styles = [kSolid]*len(datahists)+[kDashed] colors = [kBlack]+linecolors if len(datahists)==1 else linecolors[:len(datahists)]+[kBlack] if 'pmx' in tag: width = 0.36 position = 'TCR' else: width = 0.39 position = 'TR' if era and isinstance(era,str) and any(s in era for s in ["Run","VFP"]): width = max(width,0.26+(len(era)-5)*0.018) position = 'TCR' if tag and tag[0]!='_': tag = '_'+tag if 'pmx' in tag: mctitle += " (%s pre-mixing)"%("old" if "old" in tag else "new") if len(minbiases)==1 and minbiases[0]>0: tag = "_"+str(minbiases[0]).replace('.','p') for datahist, minbias in zip(datahists,minbiases): title = "Data" if era: title += " %s"%(era) if minbias>0: title += ", %.1f pb"%(minbias) if 'VFP' in era: title = title.replace("_"," ").replace("VFP","-VFP") datahist.SetTitle(title) datahist.Scale(1./datahist.Integral()) mchist.SetTitle(mctitle) mchist.Scale(1./mchist.Integral()) xtitle = "Number of interactions" pname = "%s/pileup_Data-MC_%s%s"%(outdir,era,tag) plot = Plot(hists,ratio=True) plot.draw(xtitle=xtitle,ytitle="A.U.",rtitle="Data / MC", textsize=0.045,rmin=rmin,rmax=rmax,denom=-1,colors=colors,styles=styles) plot.drawlegend(position,width=width) plot.saveas(pname+".png") plot.saveas(pname+".pdf") plot.close(keep=True) if delete: deletehist(datahists) # clean memory
def unwrap_MergedSamples_args(*args, **kwargs): """ Help function to unwrap arguments for MergedSamples initialization: - MergedSample(str name) - MergedSample(str name, str title) - MergedSample(str name, list samples) - MergedSample(str name, str title, list samples) where samples is a list of Sample objects. Returns a sample name, title and a list of Sample objects: (str name, str, title, list samples) """ strings = [] name = "noname" title = "No title" samples = [] #args = unwraplistargs(args) for arg in args: if isinstance(arg, str): strings.append(arg) elif isinstance(arg, Sample): samples.append(arg) elif islist(arg) and all(isinstance(s, Sample) for s in arg): for sample in arg: samples.append(sample) if len(strings) == 1: name, title = strings[0], strings[0] elif len(strings) > 1: name, title = strings[:2] elif len(samples) > 1: name, title = '-'.join([ for s in samples ]), ', '.join([s.title for s in samples]) LOG.verb("unwrap_MergedSamples_args: name=%r, title=%r, samples=%s" % (name, title, samples), level=3) return name, title, samples
def setlinestyle(self, hists, **kwargs): """Set the line style for a list of histograms.""" verbosity = LOG.getverbosity(self, kwargs) pair = kwargs.get('pair', False) triple = kwargs.get('triple', False) colors = kwargs.get('color', None) colors = kwargs.get('colors', colors) or self.lcolors style = kwargs.get('style', True) styles = style if islist(style) else None styles = kwargs.get('styles', styles) or self.lstyles width = kwargs.get('width', 2) offset = kwargs.get('offset', 0) mstyle = kwargs.get('mstyle', None) styles = ensurelist(styles) LOG.verb( "Plot.setlinestyle: width=%s, colors=%s, styles=%s" % (width, colors, styles), verbosity, 2) if mstyle == None: mstyle = triple or pair for i, hist in enumerate(hists): hist.SetFillStyle(0) if triple: hist.SetLineColor(colors[(i // 3) % len(colors)]) hist.SetLineStyle(styles[i % 3]) hist.SetMarkerSize(0.6) hist.SetMarkerColor(hist.GetLineColor() + 1) elif pair: hist.SetLineColor(colors[(i // 2) % len(colors)]) hist.SetLineStyle(styles[i % 2]) hist.SetMarkerColor(hist.GetLineColor() + 1) if i % 2 == 1: hist.SetMarkerSize(0.6) else: hist.SetMarkerSize(0.0) else: hist.SetLineColor(colors[i % len(colors)]) hist.SetMarkerSize(0.6) hist.SetMarkerColor(hist.GetLineColor() + 1) if style: if isinstance(style, bool): hist.SetLineStyle(styles[i % len(styles)]) else: hist.SetLineStyle(style) hist.SetLineWidth(width) if triple and i % 3 == 2: hist.SetOption('E1') #hist.SetLineWidth(0) hist.SetLineStyle(kSolid) hist.SetLineColor(hist.GetMarkerColor()) elif not mstyle: hist.SetMarkerSize(0)
def unwrap_gethist_args(*args, **kwargs): """ Help function to unwrap argument list that contain variable(s) and selection: gethist(str xvar, int nxbins, float xmin, float xmax, str cuts="") gethist(str xvar, list xbins, str cuts="") gethist(Variable xvar, str cuts="") gethist(list varlist, str cuts="") where varlist is a list of Variables objects, or a list of tuples defining a variable: - [(str xvar, int nxbins, float xmin, float xmax), ... ] - [(str xvar, list xbins), ... ] Returns a list of Variable objects, a Selection object, and a boolean to flag a single instead of a list of variables was given: - (list vars, str cut, bool single) For testing, see test/ """ vars = None # list of Variable objects sel = None # selection (string or Selection object) single = False # only one Variable passed if len(args) >= 1: if isinstance(args[-1], Selection): sel = args[-1] vargs = args[:-1] elif isinstance(args[-1], str): sel = Selection(args[-1]) vargs = args[:-1] else: sel = Selection() # no selection given vargs = args if len(vargs) == 1: vars = vargs[0] if isinstance(vars, Variable): vars = [vars] single = True elif islist(vargs[0]): vars = [ensurevar(v) for v in vargs[0]] elif len(vargs) in [2, 4]: vars = [Variable(*vargs)] single = True if vars == None or sel == None: LOG.throw( IOError, 'unwrap_gethist_args: Could not unwrap arguments %s, len(args)=%d, vars=%s, sel=%s.' % (args, len(args), vars, sel.selection)) LOG.verb("unwrap_gethist_args: vars=%s, sel=%r, single=%r" % (vars, sel.selection, single), level=4) return vars, sel, single
def unwrap_gethist_args(*args, **kwargs): """ Help function to unwrap argument list that contain variable(s) and selection: - gethist(str xvar, int nxbins, float xmin, float xmax, str cuts) - gethist(str xvar, list xbins, str cuts) - gethist(Variable xvar, str cuts) - gethist(list varlist, str cuts) where varlist is a list of Variables objects, or a list of tuples defining a variable: - [(str xvar, int nxbins, float xmin, float xmax), ... ] - [(str xvar, list xbins), ... ] Returns a list of Variable objects, a selection string, and a boolean to flag a single instead of a list of variables was given: (list vars, str cut, bool single) For testing, see test/ """ vars = None # list of Variable objects sel = None # selection (string) single = False # only one Variable passed if len(args) == 2: vars = args[0] sel = args[1] if isinstance(vars, Variable): vars = [vars] single = True elif islist(args[0]): vars = [ensurevar(v) for v in args[0]] elif len(args) in [3, 5]: vars = [Variable(*args[:len(args) - 1])] sel = args[-1] single = True if vars == None or sel == None: LOG.throw( IOError, 'unwrap_gethist_args: Could not unwrap arguments %s, len(args)=%d, vars=%s, sel=%s.' % (args, len(args), vars, sel)) LOG.verb("unwrap_gethist_args: vars=%s, sel=%r, single=%r" % (vars, sel, single), level=3) return vars, sel, single
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): """ Initialize with list of histograms: Plot(hists) or with a variable (string or Variable object) as well: Plot(variable,hists) """ variable = None hists = None self.verbosity = LOG.getverbosity(kwargs) if len(args) == 1 and islist(args[0]): hists = args[0] # list of histograms elif len(args) == 2: variable = args[0] # string or Variable hists = args[1] # list of histograms else: LOG.throw(IOError, "Plot: Wrong input %s" % (args)) if kwargs.get('clone', False): hists = [h.Clone(h.GetName() + "_plot") for h in hists] self.hists = hists frame = kwargs.get('frame', self.hists[0]) if isinstance(variable, Variable): self.variable = variable = kwargs.get('name', variable.filename) self.xtitle = kwargs.get('xtitle', variable.title) self.xmin = kwargs.get('xmin', variable.xmin) self.xmax = kwargs.get('xmax', variable.xmax) self.ymin = kwargs.get('ymin', variable.ymin) self.ymax = kwargs.get('ymax', variable.ymax) self.rmin = kwargs.get('rmin', variable.rmin) self.rmax = kwargs.get('rmax', variable.rmax) self.ratiorange = kwargs.get('rrange', variable.ratiorange) self.binlabels = kwargs.get('binlabels', variable.binlabels) self.logx = kwargs.get('logx', variable.logx) self.logy = kwargs.get('logy', variable.logy) self.ymargin = kwargs.get('ymargin', variable.ymargin) self.logyrange = kwargs.get('logyrange', variable.logyrange) self.position = kwargs.get('position', variable.position) self.ncols = kwargs.get('ncols', variable.ncols) self.latex = kwargs.get('latex', False) # already done by Variable.__init__ self.dividebins = kwargs.get( 'dividebins', variable.dividebins ) # divide each histogram bins by it bin size else: self.variable = variable or frame.GetXaxis().GetTitle() = kwargs.get('name', None) self.xtitle = kwargs.get('xtitle', self.variable) self.xmin = kwargs.get('xmin', frame.GetXaxis().GetXmin()) self.xmax = kwargs.get('xmax', frame.GetXaxis().GetXmax()) self.ymin = kwargs.get('ymin', None) self.ymax = kwargs.get('ymax', None) self.rmin = kwargs.get('rmin', None) self.rmax = kwargs.get('rmax', None) self.ratiorange = kwargs.get('rrange', None) self.binlabels = kwargs.get('binlabels', None) self.logx = kwargs.get('logx', False) self.logy = kwargs.get('logy', False) self.ymargin = kwargs.get('ymargin', None) self.logyrange = kwargs.get('logyrange', None) self.position = kwargs.get('position', "") self.ncols = kwargs.get('ncols', None) self.latex = kwargs.get('latex', True) self.dividebins = kwargs.get('dividebins', frame.GetXaxis().IsVariableBinSize()) self.ytitle = kwargs.get('ytitle', frame.GetYaxis().GetTitle() or None) = or (self.hists[0].GetName() if self.hists else "noname") self.title = kwargs.get('title', None) self.errband = None self.ratio = kwargs.get('ratio', False) self.append = kwargs.get('append', "") self.norm = kwargs.get('norm', False) self.lcolors = kwargs.get('lcolors', _lcolors) self.fcolors = kwargs.get('fcolors', _fcolors) self.lstyles = kwargs.get('lstyles', _lstyles) self.canvas = None self.frame = frame self.legends = [] self.texts = [] # to save TLatex objects made by drawtext self.garbage = []
def unwrap_gethist2D_args(*args, **kwargs): """ Help function to unwrap argument list that contain variable pair(s) and selection: gethist2D(str xvar, int nxbins, float xmin, float xmax, str yvar, int nybins, float ymin, float ymax, str cuts="") gethist2D(str xvar, list xbins, str yvar, list ybins, str cuts="") gethist2D(str xvar, int nxbins, float xmin, float xmax, str yvar, list ybins, str cuts="") gethist2D(str xvar, list xbins, str yvar, int nybins, float ymin, float ymax, str cuts="") gethist2D(Variable xvar, Variable yvar, str cuts="") gethist2D(tuple xvar, tuple yvar, str cuts="") gethist2D(list xvarlist, list yvarlist, str cuts="") gethist2D(list varlist, str cuts="") gethist2D(tuple varpair, str cuts="") where the tuples xvar and yvar can be of the form – (str xvar, int nxbins, float xmin, float xmax) – (str xvar, list xbins) and the [xy]varlist is a list of Variables object pairs, - [(Variable xvar,Variable yvar), ... ] or a list of tuples defining a variable: - [(str xvar, int nxbins, float xmin, float xmax, str yvar, int nybins, float ymin, float ymax), ...] - [(str xvar, list xbins), ...] and varpair is tuple of a single pair of Variable objects: - (Variable xvar,Variable yvar) Returns a list of Variable pairs, a Selection object, and a boolean to flag a single instead of a list of variables was given: (list varpairs, str cut, bool single) For testing, see test/ """ verbosity = LOG.getverbosity(kwargs) vars = None # list of Variable objects sel = None # selection (string or Selection object) single = False # only one Variable passed if len(args) >= 1: if isinstance(args[-1], Selection): sel = args[-1] vargs = args[:-1] elif isinstance(args[-1], str): sel = Selection(args[-1]) vargs = args[:-1] else: sel = Selection() # no selection given vargs = args if len(vargs) == 1: vars = vargs[0] single = len(vars) == 2 and islist(vars) and all( isinstance(v, Variable) for v in vars) if single: vars = [vars] elif len(vargs) == 2: xvars, yvars = vargs if isinstance(xvars, Variable) and isinstance(yvars, Variable): vars = [(xvars, yvars)] single = True elif all(isinstance(v, Variable) for v in xvars + yvars): # assume list vars = zip(xvars, yvars) elif len(xvars) in [2, 4] and len(yvars) in [2, 4] and isinstance( xvars[0], str) and isinstance(yvars[0], str): vars = [Variable(*xvars), Variable(*yvars)] single = True elif islist(xvars) and islist(yvars) and all( islist(x) for x in xvars) and all(islist(y) for y in yvars): vars = [(Variable(*x), Variable(*y)) for x, y in zip(xvars, yvars)] elif len(vargs) == 4: vars = [(Variable(*vargs[0:2]), Variable(*vargs[2:4]))] single = True elif len(vargs) == 6: if isinstance(vargs[2], str): vars = [(Variable(*vargs[0:2]), Variable(*vargs[2:6]))] single = True elif isinstance(vargs[4], str): vars = [(Variable(*vargs[0:4]), Variable(*vargs[4:6]))] single = True elif len(vargs) == 8: vars = [(Variable(*vargs[0:4]), Variable(*vargs[4:8]))] single = True if vars == None or sel == None: LOG.throw( IOError, 'unwrap_gethist2D_args: Could not unwrap arguments %s, len(args)=%d, vars=%s, sel=%s.' % (args, len(args), vars, sel)) elif isinstance(sel, str): sel = Selection(str) LOG.verb("unwrap_gethist2D_args: args=%r" % (args, ), verbosity, 3) LOG.verb( "unwrap_gethist2D_args: vars=%s, sel=%r, single=%r" % (vars, sel.selection, single), verbosity, 4) return vars, sel, single
def unwrap_gethist2D_args(*args, **kwargs): """ Help function to unwrap argument list that contain variable pair(s) and selection: - gethist2D(str xvar, int nxbins, float xmin, float xmax, str yvar, int nybins, float ymin, float ymax, str cuts) - gethist2D(str xvar, list xbins, str yvar, list ybins, str cuts) - gethist2D(Variable xvar, Variable yvar, str cuts) - gethist2D(tuple xvar, tuple yvar, str cuts) - gethist2D(list xvarlist, list yvarlist, str cuts) - gethist2D(list varlist, str cuts) - gethist2D(tuple varpair, str cuts) where the tuples xvar and yvar can be – (str xvar, int nxbins, float xmin, float xmax) – (str xvar, list xbins) and the [xy]varlist is a list of Variables object pairs, - [(Variable xvar,Variable yvar), ... ] or a list of tuples defining a variable: - [(str xvar, int nxbins, float xmin, float xmax, str yvar, int nybins, float ymin, float ymax), ...] - [(str xvar, list xbins), ...] and varpair is tuple of a single pair of Variable objects: - (Variable xvar,Variable yvar) Returns a list of Variable pairs, a selection string, and a boolean to flag a single instead of a list of variables was given: (list varpairs, str cut, bool single) For testing, see test/ """ vars = None # list of Variable objects sel = None # selection (string) single = False # only one pair of Variable objects passed if len(args) == 2: vars, sel = args single = len(vars) == 2 and islist(vars) and all( isinstance(v, Variable) for v in vars) if single: vars = [vars] elif len(args) == 3: xvars, yvars, sel = args if isinstance(xvars, Variable) and isinstance(yvars, Variable): vars = [(xvars, yvars)] single = True elif all(isinstance(v, Variable) for v in xvars + yvars): # assume list vars = zip(xvars, yvars) elif len(xvars) in [2, 4] and len(yvars) in [2, 4] and isinstance( xvars[0], str) and isinstance(yvars[0], str): vars = [Variable(*xvars), Variable(*yvars)] single = True elif islist(xvars) and islist(yvars) and all( islist(x) for x in xvars) and all(islist(y) for y in yvars): vars = [(Variable(*x), Variable(*y)) for x, y in zip(xvars, yvars)] elif len(args) == 5: vars = [(Variable(*args[0:2]), Variable(*args[2:4]))] sel = args[-1] single = True elif len(args) == 9: vars = [(Variable(*args[0:4]), Variable(*args[4:8]))] sel = args[-1] single = True if vars == None or sel == None: LOG.throw( IOError, 'unwrap_gethist2D_args: Could not unwrap arguments %s, len(args)=%d, vars=%s, sel=%s.' % (args, len(args), vars, sel)) LOG.verb("unwrap_gethist2D_args: vars=%s, sel=%r, single=%r" % (vars, sel, single), level=3) return vars, sel, single