Exemple #1
def run(maxprocs, PLOTTING=False, loglev=logging.WARNING):


    import numpy as np
    import numpy.linalg as npla
    import itertools
    import time

    import TensorToolbox as DT
    import TensorToolbox.multilinalg as mla

    RUNTESTS = [0, 2]

    if PLOTTING:
        from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

    nsucc = 0
    nfail = 0

    if (0 in RUNTESTS):
        (ns, nf) = RunTestWTT0(maxprocs, PLOTTING, loglev)
        nsucc += ns
        nfail += nf

    if (2 in RUNTESTS):
        (ns, nf) = RunTestWTT2(maxprocs, PLOTTING, loglev)
        nsucc += ns
        nfail += nf

    if (4 in RUNTESTS):
        (ns, nf) = RunTestWTT4(maxprocs, PLOTTING, loglev)
        nsucc += ns
        nfail += nf

    if (5 in RUNTESTS):
        (ns, nf) = RunTestWTT5(maxprocs, PLOTTING, loglev)
        nsucc += ns
        nfail += nf

    if (6 in RUNTESTS):
        (ns, nf) = RunTestWTT6(maxprocs, PLOTTING, loglev)
        nsucc += ns
        nfail += nf

    if (7 in RUNTESTS):
        (ns, nf) = RunTestWTT7(maxprocs, PLOTTING, loglev)
        nsucc += ns
        nfail += nf

    print_summary("WTT General", nsucc, nfail)

    return (nsucc, nfail)
Exemple #2
def run(maxprocs, PLOTTING=False, loglev=logging.WARNING):


    import numpy as np
    import numpy.linalg as npla
    import itertools
    import time

    import TensorToolbox as DT
    import TensorToolbox.multilinalg as mla

    if PLOTTING:
        from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

    nsucc = 0
    nfail = 0

    # Test timings and comp. rate for compression of Laplace-like op.
    eps = 0.001
    Ns = 2**np.arange(4, 7, 1, dtype=int)
    ds = 2**np.arange(4, 6, dtype=int)
    timing = np.zeros((len(Ns), len(ds)))
    comp_rate = np.zeros((len(Ns), len(ds)))
    for i_N, N in enumerate(Ns):
        D = np.diag(-np.ones((N - 1)), -1) + np.diag(-np.ones(
            (N - 1)), 1) + np.diag(2 * np.ones((N)), 0)
        I = np.eye(N)
        D_flat = D.flatten()
        I_flat = I.flatten()
        for i_d, d in enumerate(ds):
            sys.stdout.write('N=%d   , d=%d      [STARTED]\r' % (N, d))
            # Canonical form of n-dimentional Laplace operator
            CPtmp = []  # U[i][alpha,k] = U_i(alpha,k)
            for i in range(d):
                CPi = np.empty((d, N**2))
                for alpha in range(d):
                    if i != alpha:
                        CPi[alpha, :] = I_flat
                        CPi[alpha, :] = D_flat
            CP = DT.Candecomp(CPtmp)

            # Canonical to TT
            sys.stdout.write('N=%4d   , d=%3d      [CP->TT]\r' % (N, d))
            TT = DT.TTmat(CP, nrows=N, ncols=N)
            TT_pre = TT.copy()
            pre_norm = mla.norm(TT_pre, 'fro')

            # Rounding TT
            sys.stdout.write('N=%4d   , d=%3d      [TT-round]\r' % (N, d))
            st = time.clock()
            end = time.clock()

            if np.max(TT.ranks()) != 2:
                    "\033[K" +
                    "1.1 Compression Timing N=%4d   , d=%3d      [RANK ERROR]   Time: %f"
                    % (N, d, end - st))
                nfail += 1
            elif mla.norm(TT_pre - TT, 'fro') > eps * pre_norm:
                    "\033[K" +
                    "1.1 Compression Timing N=%4d   , d=%3d      [NORM ERROR]   Time: %f"
                    % (N, d, end - st))
                nfail += 1
                    "\033[K" +
                    "1.1 Compression Timing N=%4d   , d=%3d      [ENDED]   Time: %f"
                    % (N, d, end - st))
                nsucc += 1

            comp_rate[i_N, i_d] = float(TT.size()) / N**(2. * d)
            timing[i_N, i_d] = end - st

    # Compute scalings with respect to N and d
    if PLOTTING:
        d_sc = np.polyfit(np.log2(ds), np.log2(timing[-1, :]), 1)[0]
        N_sc = np.polyfit(np.log2(Ns), np.log2(timing[:, -1]), 1)[0]
        sys.stdout.write("Scaling: N^%f, d^%f\n" % (N_sc, d_sc))

        plt.figure(figsize=(14, 7))
        plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
        plt.loglog(Ns, comp_rate[:, -1], 'o-', basex=2, basey=2)
        plt.ylabel('Comp. Rate TT/FULL')
        plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
        plt.loglog(Ns, timing[:, -1], 'o-', basex=2, basey=2)
        plt.ylabel('Round Time (s)')

        plt.figure(figsize=(14, 7))
        plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
        plt.loglog(ds, comp_rate[-1, :], 'o-', basex=2, basey=2)
        plt.ylabel('Comp. Rate TT/FULL')
        plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)
        plt.loglog(ds, timing[-1, :], 'o-', basex=2, basey=2)
        plt.ylabel('Round Time (s)')

        from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
        from matplotlib import cm
        (NN, dd) = np.meshgrid(np.log2(Ns), np.log2(ds))
        T = timing.copy().T
        T[T == 0.] = np.min(T[np.nonzero(T)])
        fig = plt.figure()
        ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')

    print_summary("TT Compression", nsucc, nfail)

    return (nsucc, nfail)
def run(maxprocs, PLOTTING=False, loglev=logging.WARNING):


    import numpy as np
    import numpy.linalg as npla
    import itertools
    import time

    import TensorToolbox as DT
    import TensorToolbox.multilinalg as mla

    if PLOTTING:
        from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

    nsucc = 0
    nfail = 0

    # Test GMRES method on simple multidim laplace equation

    import scipy.sparse as sp
    import scipy.sparse.linalg as spla

    span = np.array([0., 1.])
    d = 2
    N = 64
    h = 1 / float(N - 1)
    eps_gmres = 1e-3
    eps_round = 1e-6

    # sys.stdout.write("GMRES: Laplace  N=%4d   , d=%3d      [START] \r" % (N,d))
    # sys.stdout.flush()

    # Construct d-D Laplace (with 2nd order finite diff)
    D = -1. / h**2. * (np.diag(np.ones(
        (N - 1)), -1) + np.diag(np.ones(
            (N - 1)), 1) + np.diag(-2. * np.ones((N)), 0))
    D[0, 0:2] = np.array([1., 0.])
    D[-1, -2:] = np.array([0., 1.])
    D_sp = sp.coo_matrix(D)
    I_sp = sp.identity(N)
    I = np.eye(N)
    FULL_LAP = sp.coo_matrix((N**d, N**d))
    for i in range(d):
        tmp = sp.identity((1))
        for j in range(d):
            if i != j: tmp = sp.kron(tmp, I_sp)
            else: tmp = sp.kron(tmp, D_sp)
        FULL_LAP = FULL_LAP + tmp

    # Construction of TT Laplace operator
    CPtmp = []
    D_flat = D.flatten()
    I_flat = I.flatten()
    for i in range(d):
        CPi = np.empty((d, N**2))
        for alpha in range(d):
            if i != alpha:
                CPi[alpha, :] = I_flat
                CPi[alpha, :] = D_flat

    CP_lap = DT.Candecomp(CPtmp)
    TT_LAP = DT.TTmat(CP_lap, nrows=N, ncols=N, is_sparse=[True] * d)
    CPtmp = None
    CP_lap = None

    # Construct Right hand-side (b=1, Dirichlet BC = 0)
    X = np.linspace(span[0], span[1], N)
    b1D = np.ones(N)
    b1D[0] = 0.
    b1D[-1] = 0.
    # Construct the d-D right handside
    tmp = np.array([1.])
    for j in range(d):
        tmp = np.kron(tmp, b1D)
    FULL_b = tmp
    # Construct the TT right handside
    CPtmp = []
    for i in range(d):
        CPi = np.empty((1, N))
        CPi[0, :] = b1D
    CP_b = DT.Candecomp(CPtmp)
    W = [np.ones(N, dtype=float) / float(N) for i in range(d)]
    TT_b = DT.WTTvec(CP_b, W)

    # Solve full system using npla.solve
    (FULL_RES, FULL_info) = spla.gmres(FULL_LAP, FULL_b, tol=eps_gmres)

    if PLOTTING:
        from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
        from matplotlib import cm
        (XX, YY) = np.meshgrid(X, X)
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(18, 7))
        if d == 2:
            # Plot function
            ax = fig.add_subplot(131, projection='3d')
                            FULL_RES.reshape((N, N)),

    # Solve TT cg
    x0 = DT.zerosvec(d, N)
    (TT_RES, conv, TT_info) = mla.gmres(TT_LAP,
    if PLOTTING and d == 2:
        # Plot function
        ax = fig.add_subplot(132, projection='3d')

    # Error
    if PLOTTING and d == 2:
        # Plot function
        ax = fig.add_subplot(133, projection='3d')
                        np.abs(TT_RES.to_tensor() - FULL_RES.reshape((N, N))),

    err2 = npla.norm(TT_RES.to_tensor().flatten() - FULL_RES, 2)
    if err2 < 1e-2:
        print_ok("7.1 Weighted GMRES: Laplace  N=%4d   , d=%3d  , 2-err=%f" %
                 (N, d, err2))
        nsucc += 1
        print_fail("7.1 Weighted GMRES: Laplace  N=%4d   , d=%3d  , 2-err=%f" %
                   (N, d, err2))
        nfail += 1

    print_summary("WTT GMRES", nsucc, nfail)

    return (nsucc, nfail)
def run(maxprocs, loglev=logging.WARNING):


    store_file = '0d'  # Storage file (used for storage and restarting purposes

    if os.path.exists(store_file + ".pkl"): os.remove(store_file + '.pkl')
    if os.path.exists(store_file + ".pkl.old"):
        os.remove(store_file + ".pkl.old")
    if os.path.exists(store_file + ".h5"): os.remove(store_file + '.h5')
    if os.path.exists(store_file + ".h5.old"):
        os.remove(store_file + ".h5.old")

    nsucc = 0
    nfail = 0

    orders = range(2, 15)

    for order in orders:
        # Function definition.
        # For MPI purposes, that cannot be imported from the system path (like user defined functions
        # used by f) MUST be defined inside the following definition. Whatever can be imported from
        # the system path (like numpy), can be imported from inside it.
        def f(p, params):
            import numpy as np
            return 1. / (np.sum(p) + 1.)

        params = None  # Parameters to be passed to function f. In this case None.
        # They must be Pickable

        eps = 1e-8
        kickrank = None  # Improves convergence for high rank functions
        store_freq = 10  # Seconds between every storage
        surr_type = TT.PROJECTION  # Alternatives are: TT.PROJECTION, TT.LINEAR_INTERPOLATION
        #                   and TT.LAGRANGE_INTERPOLATION

        d = 4  # Number of dimensions (The analytical integrals work for d=4)
        orders = [order] * d  # orders of the approximation
        X = []  # Approximation points
        for i in range(d):
            if surr_type == TT.PROJECTION:
                # For each dimension, define: the polynomial type, the type of points, the polynomial parameters and the span over which the points will be rescaled
                X.append((S1D.JACOBI, S1D.GAUSSLOBATTO, (0., 0.), [0., 1.]))
                # In the LINEAR_INTERPOLATION and LAGRANGE_INTERPOLATION case any list of points in the span will work (Include the endpoints!).
                X.append(np.linspace(0., 1., 40))

        if os.path.isfile(
                store_file + '.pkl'
        ):  # If file already exists, then restart the construction from
            # already computed values
            STTapprox = TT.load(store_file, load_data=True)

            STTapprox.store_freq = store_freq

        else:  # Otherwise start a new approximation
            STTapprox = TT.SQTT(
                store_freq=store_freq)  # See documentation of STT

        logging.info("Fill: %.3f%% - N: %e" %
                     (float(STTapprox.TW.get_fill_level()) /
                      float(STTapprox.TW.get_global_size()) * 100.,

        def eval_point(STTapprox, params):
            # Evaluates a point x with the STT approximation and the analytical function
            # Compare times and error
            N = 1000
            xs = stats.uniform().rvs(N * d).reshape(N, d)

            # Evaluate a point
            val = np.zeros(N)
            start_eval = systime.clock()
            for i in range(N):
                val[i] = STTapprox(xs[i, :])  # Point evaluation in TT format
            end_eval = systime.clock()
            logging.info("Evaluation time: " +
                         str((end_eval - start_eval) / N))

            exact = np.zeros(N)
            start_eval = systime.clock()
            for i in range(N):
                exact[i] = f(xs[i, :], params)
            end_eval = systime.clock()
            logging.info("Exact evaluation time: " +
                         str((end_eval - start_eval) / N))

            err = np.sqrt(np.mean(val - exact)**2.)
            return err

        # Point evaluation
        point_err = eval_point(STTapprox, params)

        # Computing the mean
        mean = STTapprox.integrate()
        exact_mean = -272. * np.log(2) / 3. + 27. * np.log(3) + 125. * np.log(
            5) / 6.
        mean_err = np.abs(mean - exact_mean)

        # Computing the variance
        var = (STTapprox**2).integrate(
        ) - mean**2.  # Mind that in the expression STTapprox**2,
        # 2 is an integer!

        exact_var = np.log(
            4722366482869645213696. /
            (1861718135983154296875. * np.sqrt(5))) - exact_mean**2.
        var_err = np.abs(var - exact_var)

            "Spectral Quantics Tensor Train DMRG - 0D - Ord: %d - Point err: %e - Mean err: %e - Var err: %e"
            % (order, point_err, mean_err, var_err))
        nsucc += 1

        if os.path.exists(store_file + '.pkl'): os.remove(store_file + '.pkl')
        if os.path.exists(store_file + ".pkl.old"):
            os.remove(store_file + ".pkl.old")
        if os.path.exists(store_file + '.h5'): os.remove(store_file + '.h5')
        if os.path.exists(store_file + ".h5.old"):
            os.remove(store_file + ".h5.old")

    print_summary("SQTTdmrg", nsucc, nfail)

    return (nsucc, nfail)
def run(maxprocs, PLOTTING=False, loglev=logging.WARNING):


    if PLOTTING:
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        from matplotlib import cm
        from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D

    nsucc = 0
    nfail = 0

    # Test Tensor Wrapper
    def f(x, params=None):
        if x.ndim == 1:
            return np.sum(x)
        if x.ndim == 2:
            return np.sum(x, axis=1)

    dims = [11, 21, 31]
    X = [
        np.linspace(1., 10., dims[0]),
        np.linspace(1, 20., dims[1]),
        np.linspace(1, 30., dims[2])
    XX = np.array(list(itertools.product(*X)))
    F = f(XX).reshape(dims)

    tw = DT.TensorWrapper(f, X, None, dtype=float)

    if F[5,10,15] == tw[5,10,15] and \
            np.all(F[1,2,:] == tw[1,2,:]) and \
            np.all(F[3:5,2:3,20:24] == tw[3:5,2:3,20:24]):
        print_ok("TTcross: Tensor Wrapper")
        nsucc += 1
        print_fail("TTcross: TensorWrapper")
        nfail += 1

    # Test Maxvol
    maxvoleps = 1e-2
    pass_maxvol = True
    N = 100

    i = 0
    while pass_maxvol == True and i < N:
        i += 1
        A = npr.random(600).reshape((100, 6))
        (I, AsqInv, it) = DT.maxvol(A, delta=maxvoleps)
        if np.max(np.abs(np.dot(A, AsqInv))) > 1. + maxvoleps:
            pass_maxvol = False

    if pass_maxvol == True:
        print_ok('TTcross: Maxvol')
        nsucc += 1
        print_fail('TTcross: Maxvol at it=%d' % i)
        nsucc += 1

    # Test Low Rank Approximation
    maxvoleps = 1e-5
    delta = 1e-5
    pass_lowrankapprox = True
    N = 10

    i = 0
        "(rows,cols,rank) FroA, FroErr, FroErr/FroA, maxAAinv, maxAinvA")
    while pass_lowrankapprox == True and i < N:
        i += 1
        size = npr.random_integers(10, 100, 2)
        r = npr.random_integers(max(1, np.min(size) - 10), np.min(size))
        A = npr.random(np.prod(size)).reshape(size)
        (I, J, AsqInv, it) = DT.lowrankapprox(A,

        AAinv = np.max(np.abs(np.dot(A[:, J], AsqInv)))
        AinvA = np.max(np.abs(np.dot(AsqInv, A[I, :])))
        FroErr = npla.norm(np.dot(A[:, J], np.dot(AsqInv, A[I, :])) - A, 'fro')
        FroA = npla.norm(A, 'fro')
            "(%d,%d,%d) %f, %f, %f %f %f" %
            (size[0], size[1], r, FroA, FroErr, FroErr / FroA, AAinv, AinvA))
        if AAinv > 1. + maxvoleps:
            pass_maxvol = False

    if pass_maxvol == True:
        print_ok('TTcross: Random Low Rank Approx')
        nsucc += 1
        print_fail('TTcross: Random Low Rank Approx at it=%d' % i)
        nsucc += 1

    # Sin*Cos Low Rank Approximation
    maxvoleps = 1e-5
    delta = 1e-5

    size = (100, 100)
    r = 1

    # Build up the 2d tensor wrapper
    def f(X, params):
        return np.sin(X[0]) * np.cos(X[1])

    X = [
        np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, size[0]),
        np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, size[1])
    TW = DT.TensorWrapper(f, X, None, dtype=float)

    # Compute low rank approx
    (I, J, AsqInv, it) = DT.lowrankapprox(TW,
    fill = TW.get_fill_level()

    Fapprox = np.dot(TW[:, J].reshape((TW.shape[0], len(J))),
                     np.dot(AsqInv, TW[I, :].reshape((len(I), TW.shape[1]))))
    FroErr = npla.norm(Fapprox - TW[:, :], 'fro')
    if FroErr < 1e-12:
            'TTcross: sin(x)*cos(y) Low Rank Approx (FroErr=%e, Fill=%.2f%%)' %
            (FroErr, 100. * np.float(fill) / np.float(TW.get_size())))
        nsucc += 1
            'TTcross: sin(x)*cos(y) Low Rank Approx (FroErr=%e, Fill=%.2f%%)' %
            (FroErr, 100. * np.float(fill) / np.float(TW.get_size())))
        nsucc += 1

    if PLOTTING:
        plt.figure(figsize=(12, 7))
        plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
        plt.imshow(TW[:, :])
        plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)

    # Sin(x+y) Low Rank Approximation
    maxvoleps = 1e-5
    delta = 1e-5

    size = (100, 100)
    r = 2

    # Build up the 2d tensor wrapper
    def f(X, params):
        return np.sin(X[0]) * np.cos(X[1])

    def f(X, params):
        return np.sin(X[0] + X[1])

    X = [
        np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, size[0]),
        np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, size[1])
    TW = DT.TensorWrapper(f, X, None, dtype=float)

    # Compute low rank approx
    (I, J, AsqInv, it) = DT.lowrankapprox(TW,
    fill = TW.get_fill_level()

    Fapprox = np.dot(TW[:, J], np.dot(AsqInv, TW[I, :]))
    FroErr = npla.norm(Fapprox - TW[:, :], 'fro')
    if FroErr < 1e-12:
        print_ok('TTcross: sin(x+y) Low Rank Approx (FroErr=%e, Fill=%.2f%%)' %
                 (FroErr, 100. * np.float(fill) / np.float(TW.get_size())))
        nsucc += 1
            'TTcross: sin(x+y) Low Rank Approx (FroErr=%e, Fill=%.2f%%)' %
            (FroErr, 100. * np.float(fill) / np.float(TW.get_size())))
        nsucc += 1

    if PLOTTING:
        plt.figure(figsize=(12, 7))
        plt.subplot(1, 2, 1)
        plt.imshow(TW[:, :])
        plt.subplot(1, 2, 2)

    # Sin(x)*cos(y)*Sin(z) TTcross Approximation
    maxvoleps = 1e-5
    delta = 1e-5
    eps = 1e-10

    size = (10, 10, 10)

    # Build up the 2d tensor wrapper
    def f(X, params):
        return np.sin(X[0]) * np.cos(X[1]) * np.sin(X[2])

    X = [
        np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, size[0]),
        np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, size[1]),
        np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, size[2])
    TW = DT.TensorWrapper(f, X, dtype=float)

    # Compute low rank approx
    TTapprox = DT.TTvec(TW)
    TTapprox.build(method='ttcross', eps=eps, mv_eps=maxvoleps, delta=delta)
    fill = TW.get_fill_level()
    crossRanks = TTapprox.ranks()
    PassedRanks = all(
        map(operator.gt, crossRanks[1:-1],

    FroErr = mla.norm(
        TTapprox.to_tensor() -
        TW.copy()[tuple([slice(None, None, None) for i in range(len(size))])],
    if FroErr < eps:
            'TTcross: sin(x)*cos(y)*sin(z) Low Rank Approx (FroErr=%e, Fill=%.2f%%)'
            % (FroErr, 100. * np.float(fill) / np.float(TW.get_size())))
        nsucc += 1
            'TTcross: sin(x)*cos(y)*sin(z) Low Rank Approx (FroErr=%e, Fill=%.2f%%)'
            % (FroErr, 100. * np.float(fill) / np.float(TW.get_size())))
        nsucc += 1

    if PLOTTING:
        # Get filled idxs
        fill_idxs = np.array(TW.get_fill_idxs())
        fig = plt.figure()
        ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
        ax.scatter(fill_idxs[:, 0], fill_idxs[:, 1], fill_idxs[:, 2])

        # Get last used idxs
        Is = TTapprox.Is
        Js = TTapprox.Js
        ndim = len(X)
        dims = [len(Xi) for Xi in X]
        idxs = []
        for k in range(len(Is) - 1, -1, -1):
            for i in range(len(Is[k])):
                for j in range(len(Js[k])):
                    for kk in range(dims[k]):
                        idxs.append(Is[k][i] + (kk, ) + Js[k][j])

        last_idxs = np.array(idxs)
        fig = plt.figure()
        ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
        ax.scatter(last_idxs[:, 0], last_idxs[:, 1], last_idxs[:, 2], c='r')


    print_summary("TTcross", nsucc, nfail)

    return (nsucc, nfail)
Exemple #6
def run(maxprocs, PLOTTING=False, loglev=logging.WARNING):


    import numpy as np
    import numpy.linalg as npla
    import itertools
    import time

    import TensorToolbox as DT
    import TensorToolbox.multilinalg as mla

    if PLOTTING:
        from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

    nsucc = 0
    nfail = 0

    # Test matrix 2-norm on random matrices
    span = np.array([0., 1.])
    d = 3
    nrows = 16
    ncols = 16
    if isinstance(nrows, int): nrows = [nrows for i in range(d)]
    if isinstance(ncols, int): ncols = [ncols for i in range(d)]
    eps = 1e-6
    round_eps = 1e-12

    # sys.stdout.write("Matrix 2-norm: Random\n  nrows=[%s],\n  ncols=[%s],  d=%3d      [START] \n" % (','.join(map(str,nrows)),','.join(map(str,ncols)),d))
    # sys.stdout.flush()

    # Construction of TT random matrix
    TT_RAND = DT.randmat(d, nrows, ncols)

    # Construct FULL random tensor
    FULL_RAND = TT_RAND.to_tensor()
    import itertools
    rowcol = list(
        itertools.chain(*[[ri, ci] for (ri, ci) in zip(nrows, ncols)]))
    FULL_RAND = np.reshape(FULL_RAND, rowcol)
    idxswap = list(range(0, 2 * d, 2))
    idxswap.extend(range(1, 2 * d, 2))
    FULL_RAND = np.transpose(FULL_RAND, axes=idxswap)
    FULL_RAND = np.reshape(FULL_RAND, (np.prod(nrows), np.prod(ncols)))

    # Check results
    tt_norm = mla.norm(TT_RAND, 2, round_eps=round_eps, eps=eps)
    full_norm = npla.norm(FULL_RAND, 2)
    if np.abs(tt_norm - full_norm) / npla.norm(FULL_RAND, 'fro') <= 0.02:
            "3.1 Matrix 2-norm: Random  nrows=%s, ncols=%s , d=%3d  , TT-norm = %.5f , FULL-norm = %.5f"
            % (str(nrows), str(ncols), d, tt_norm, full_norm))
        nsucc += 1
            "3.1 Matrix 2-norm: Random  nrows=%s, ncols=%s, d=%3d  , TT-norm = %.5f , FULL-norm = %.5f"
            % (str(nrows), str(ncols), d, tt_norm, full_norm), '')
        nfail += 1

# opt = 'a'
# while (opt != 'c' and opt != 's' and opt != 'q'):
#     print("Matrix-vector product test with Schrodinger operator:")
#     print("\t [c]: continue")
#     print("\t [s]: skip")
#     print("\t [q]: exit")
#     opt = sys.stdin.read(1)
#     if (opt ==  'q'):
#         exit(0)

# if opt == 'c':
#     #####################################################################################
#     # Test matrix-vector product by computing the smallest eigenvalue of the operator in
#     # "Tensor-Train decomposition" I.V.Oseledets
#     # "Algorithms in high dimensions" Beylkin and Mohlenkamp
#     #####################################################################################
#     span = np.array([0.,1.])
#     d = 2
#     N = 16
#     h = 1/float(N-1)
#     cv = 100.
#     cw = 5.
#     eps =1e-10

#     # Construction of TT Laplace operator
#     CPtmp = []
#     D = -1./h**2. * ( np.diag(np.ones((N-1)),-1) + np.diag(np.ones((N-1)),1) + np.diag(-2.*np.ones((N)),0) )
#     I = np.eye(N)
#     D_flat = D.flatten()
#     I_flat = I.flatten()
#     for i in range(d):
#         CPi = np.empty((d,N**2))
#         for alpha in range(d):
#             if i != alpha:
#                 CPi[alpha,:] = I_flat
#             else:
#                 CPi[alpha,:] = D_flat
#         CPtmp.append(CPi)

#     CP_lap = DT.Candecomp(CPtmp)
#     TT_lap = DT.TTmat(CP_lap,nrows=N,ncols=N)
#     TT_lap.rounding(eps)
#     CPtmp = None
#     CP_lap = None

#     # Construction of TT Potential operator
#     CPtmp = []
#     X = np.linspace(span[0],span[1],N)
#     # B = np.diag(np.cos(2.*np.pi*X),0)
#     B = np.diag(np.cos(X),0)
#     I = np.eye(N)
#     B_flat = B.flatten()
#     I_flat = I.flatten()
#     for i in range(d):
#         CPi = np.empty((d,N**2))
#         for alpha in range(d):
#             if i != alpha:
#                 CPi[alpha,:] = I_flat
#             else:
#                 CPi[alpha,:] = B_flat
#         CPtmp.append(CPi)

#     CP_pot = DT.Candecomp(CPtmp)
#     TT_pot = DT.TTmat(CP_pot,nrows=N,ncols=N)
#     TT_pot.rounding(eps)
#     CPtmp = None
#     CP_pot = None

#     # Construction of TT electron-electron interaction
#     CPtmp_cos = []
#     CPtmp_sin = []
#     X = np.linspace(span[0],span[1],N)
#     # Bcos = np.diag(np.cos(2.*np.pi*X),0)
#     # Bsin = np.diag(np.sin(2.*np.pi*X),0)
#     Bcos = np.diag(np.cos(X),0)
#     Bsin = np.diag(np.sin(X),0)
#     I = np.eye(N)
#     # D_flat = D.flatten()
#     Bcos_flat = Bcos.flatten()
#     Bsin_flat = Bsin.flatten()
#     I_flat = I.flatten()

#     for i in range(d):
#         CPi_cos = np.zeros((d*(d-1)/2,N**2))
#         CPi_sin = np.zeros((d*(d-1)/2,N**2))
#         k=0
#         for alpha in range(d):
#             for beta in range(alpha+1,d):
#                 if alpha == i or beta == i :
#                     CPi_cos[k,:] = Bcos_flat
#                     CPi_sin[k,:] = Bsin_flat
#                 else:
#                     CPi_cos[k,:] = I_flat
#                     CPi_sin[k,:] = I_flat
#                 k += 1
#         CPtmp_cos.append(CPi_cos)
#         CPtmp_sin.append(CPi_sin)

#     CP_int_cos = DT.Candecomp(CPtmp_cos)
#     CP_int_sin = DT.Candecomp(CPtmp_sin)
#     TT_int_cos = DT.TTmat(CP_int_cos,nrows=N,ncols=N)
#     TT_int_sin = DT.TTmat(CP_int_sin,nrows=N,ncols=N)
#     TT_int_cos.rounding(eps)
#     TT_int_sin.rounding(eps)
#     TT_int = (TT_int_cos + TT_int_sin).rounding(eps)
#     CPtmp_cos = None
#     CPtmp_sin = None
#     CP_int_cos = None
#     CP_int_sin = None

#     # # Construction of TT Scholes-tensor
#     # CPtmp = []
#     # X = np.linspace(span[0],span[1],N)
#     # D = 1./(2*h) * (np.diag(np.ones(N-1),1) - np.diag(np.ones(N-1),-1))
#     # D[0,0] = -1./h
#     # D[0,1] = 1./h
#     # D[-1,-1] = 1./h
#     # D[-1,-2] = -1./h
#     # I = np.eye(N)
#     # D_flat = D.flatten()
#     # I_flat = I.flatten()
#     # for i in range(d):
#     #     CPi = np.zeros((d*(d-1)/2,N**2))
#     #     k = 0
#     #     for alpha in range(d):
#     #         for beta in range(alpha+1,d):
#     #             if alpha == i:
#     #                 CPi[k,:] = D_flat
#     #             elif beta == i:
#     #                 CPi[k,:] = D_flat
#     #             else:
#     #                 CPi[k,:] = I_flat
#     #             k += 1
#     #     CPtmp.append(CPi)

#     # CP_sch = DT.Candecomp(CPtmp)
#     # TT_sch = DT.TTmat(CP_sch,nrows=N,ncols=N)
#     # TT_sch.rounding(eps)

#     H = (TT_lap + TT_pot + TT_int).rounding(eps)
#     Cd = mla.norm(H,2)

#     # Identity tensor
#     TT_id = DT.eye(d,N)

#     Hhat = (Cd * TT_id - H).rounding(eps)

    print_summary("TT Norms", nsucc, nfail)

    return (nsucc, nfail)
Exemple #7
def run(maxprocs, PLOTTING=False, loglev=logging.WARNING):


    if PLOTTING:
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        from matplotlib import cm
        from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D

    nsucc = 0
    nfail = 0

    # Test Tensor Wrapper
    def f(x, params=None):
        if x.ndim == 1:
            return np.sum(x)
        if x.ndim == 2:
            return np.sum(x, axis=1)

    dims = [11, 21, 31]
    X = [
        np.linspace(1., 10., dims[0]),
        np.linspace(1, 20., dims[1]),
        np.linspace(1, 30., dims[2])
    XX = np.array(list(itertools.product(*X)))
    F = f(XX).reshape(dims)

    tw = DT.TensorWrapper(f, X, None)

    if F[5,10,15] == tw[5,10,15] and \
            np.all(F[1,2,:] == tw[1,2,:]) and \
            np.all(F[3:5,2:3,20:24] == tw[3:5,2:3,20:24]):
        print_ok("TTdmrgcross: Tensor Wrapper")
        nsucc += 1
        print_fail("TTdmrgcross: TensorWrapper")
        nsucc += 1

    # 1./(x+y+1) Low Rank Approximation
    maxvoleps = 1e-5
    delta = 1e-5
    eps = 1e-10

    d = 2
    size = [100] * d

    # Build up the 2d tensor wrapper
    def f(X, params):
        return 1. / (X[0] + X[1] + 1.)

    X = [
        np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, size[0]),
        np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, size[1])
    TW = DT.TensorWrapper(f, X, None)

    # Compute low rank approx
    TTapprox = DT.TTvec(TW)
    TTapprox.build(method='ttdmrgcross', eps=eps, mv_eps=maxvoleps)
    fill = TW.get_fill_level()
    crossRanks = TTapprox.ranks()
    PassedRanks = all(
        map(operator.eq, crossRanks[1:-1],

    A = TW.copy()[tuple([slice(None, None, None) for i in range(len(size))])]
    FroErr = mla.norm(TTapprox.to_tensor() - A, 'fro')
    kappa = np.max(A) / np.min(
        A)  # This is slightly off with respect to the analysis
    r = np.max(TTapprox.ranks())
    epsTarget = (2. * r + kappa * r + 1.)**(np.log2(d)) * (r + 1.) * eps
    if FroErr < epsTarget:
            'TTdmrgcross: 1./(x+y+1) Low Rank Approx (FroErr=%e, Fill=%.2f%%)'
            % (FroErr, 100. * np.float(fill) / np.float(TW.get_size())))
        nsucc += 1
            'TTdmrgcross: 1./(x+y+1) Low Rank Approx (FroErr=%e, Fill=%.2f%%)'
            % (FroErr, 100. * np.float(fill) / np.float(TW.get_size())))
        nsucc += 1

    if PLOTTING:
        # Get filled idxs
        fill_idxs = np.array(TW.get_fill_idxs())
        plt.plot(fill_idxs[:, 0], fill_idxs[:, 1], 'o')


    # sin(sum(x)) TTcross Approximation
    maxvoleps = 1e-5
    delta = 1e-5
    eps = 1e-10

    d = 3
    size = [20] * d

    # Build up the tensor wrapper
    def f(X, params):
        return np.sin(np.sum(X))

    X = [np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, size[0])] * d
    TW = DT.TensorWrapper(f, X)

    TTapprox = DT.TTvec(TW)
    TTapprox.build(method='ttdmrgcross', eps=eps, mv_eps=maxvoleps)
    fill = TW.get_fill_level()
    crossRanks = TTapprox.ranks()
    PassedRanks = all(
        map(operator.eq, crossRanks[1:-1],

    A = TW.copy()[tuple([slice(None, None, None) for i in range(len(size))])]
    FroErr = mla.norm(
        TTapprox.to_tensor() -
        TW.copy()[tuple([slice(None, None, None) for i in range(len(size))])],
    kappa = np.max(A) / np.min(
        A)  # This is slightly off with respect to the analysis
    r = np.max(TTapprox.ranks())
    epsTarget = (2. * r + kappa * r + 1.)**(np.log2(d)) * (r + 1.) * eps
    if FroErr < epsTarget:
            'TTdmrgcross: sin(sum(x)) - d=3 - Low Rank Approx (FroErr=%e, Fill=%.2f%%)'
            % (FroErr, 100. * np.float(fill) / np.float(TW.get_size())))
        nsucc += 1
            'TTdmrgcross: sin(sum(x)) - d=3 - Low Rank Approx (FroErr=%e, Fill=%.2f%%)'
            % (FroErr, 100. * np.float(fill) / np.float(TW.get_size())))
        nsucc += 1

    if PLOTTING and d == 3:
        # Get filled idxs
        fill_idxs = np.array(TW.get_fill_idxs())
        fig = plt.figure()
        ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
        ax.scatter(fill_idxs[:, 0], fill_idxs[:, 1], fill_idxs[:, 2])

        # Get last used idxs
        last_idxs = TTapprox.get_ttdmrg_eval_idxs()
        fig = plt.figure()
        ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
        ax.scatter(last_idxs[:, 0], last_idxs[:, 1], last_idxs[:, 2], c='r')


    # 1/(sum(x)+1) TTdmrgcross Approximation
    maxvoleps = 1e-5
    delta = 1e-5
    eps = 1e-10

    d = 5
    size = [10] * d

    # Build up the 2d tensor wrapper
    def f(X, params):
        return 1. / (np.sum(X) + 1.)

    X = [np.linspace(0, 1, size[i]) for i in range(len(size))]
    TW = DT.TensorWrapper(f, X)

    # Compute low rank approx
    TTapprox = DT.TTvec(TW)
    TTapprox.build(method='ttdmrgcross', eps=eps, mv_eps=maxvoleps)
    fill = TW.get_fill_level()
    crossRanks = TTapprox.ranks()
    PassedRanks = all(
        map(operator.eq, crossRanks[1:-1],

    A = TW.copy()[tuple([slice(None, None, None) for i in range(len(size))])]
    FroErr = mla.norm(TTapprox.to_tensor() - A, 'fro')
    MaxErr = np.max(TTapprox.to_tensor() - A)
    kappa = np.max(A) / np.min(
        A)  # This is slightly off with respect to the analysis
    r = np.max(TTapprox.ranks())
    epsTarget = (2. * r + kappa * r + 1.)**(np.log2(d)) * (r + 1.) * eps
    if FroErr < epsTarget:
            'TTdmrgcross: 1/(sum(x)+1), d=%d, Low Rank Approx (FroErr=%e, MaxErr=%e, Fill=%.2f%%)'
            % (d, FroErr, MaxErr,
               100. * np.float(fill) / np.float(TW.get_size())))
        nsucc += 1
            'TTdmrgcross: 1/(sum(x)+1), d=%d, Low Rank Approx (FroErr=%e, FroErr=%e, Fill=%.2f%%)'
            % (d, FroErr, MaxErr,
               100. * np.float(fill) / np.float(TW.get_size())))
        nfail += 1

    print_summary("TTdmrgcross", nsucc, nfail)

    return (nsucc, nfail)
Exemple #8
def run(maxprocs, PLOTTING=False, loglev=logging.WARNING):


    store_file = '2d'           # Storage file (used for storage and restarting purposes

    if os.path.exists(store_file + ".pkl"): os.remove(store_file + '.pkl')
    if os.path.exists(store_file + ".pkl.old"): os.remove(store_file + ".pkl.old")
    if os.path.exists(store_file + ".h5"): os.remove(store_file + '.h5')
    if os.path.exists(store_file + ".h5.old"): os.remove(store_file + ".h5.old")
    nsucc = 0
    nfail = 0

    def f(p,params):
        import numpy as np
        XX = params['XX']
        YY = params['YY']
        return np.sin(np.pi *(XX+YY)) * 1./( (1. + np.sin(2*np.pi*(XX+YY))) * np.sum(p) + 1.)

    x = np.linspace(0,1,11)
    y = np.linspace(0,1,11)
    XX,YY = np.meshgrid(x,y)
    params = {'XX': XX, 'YY': YY}

    d = 8
    ord = 10
    store_freq = 20

    orders = [20] * d
    X = [x, y]
    for i in range(d):
        X.append( (S1D.JACOBI, S1D.GAUSS, (0.,0.), [0.,1.]) )

    if os.path.isfile(store_file + '.pkl'):
        STTapprox = TT.load(store_file,load_data=True)

        STTapprox.store_freq = store_freq
        STTapprox = TT.STT(f, X, params, range_dim=2, orders=orders, method='ttcross', surrogateONOFF=True, surrogate_type=TT.PROJECTION, store_location=store_file, store_overwrite=True, store_freq=store_freq)

    def eval_point(STTapprox,x,params,plotting=False):
        XX = params['XX']
        YY = params['YY']

        # Evaluate a point
        start_eval = systime.clock()
        val = STTapprox(x)
        end_eval = systime.clock()
        logging.info("TestSTTcross_2D: Evaluation time: " + str(end_eval-start_eval))

        start_eval = systime.clock()
        exact = f(x,params)
        end_eval = systime.clock()
        logging.info("TestSTTcross_2D: Exact evaluation time: " + str(end_eval-start_eval))

        logging.info("TestSTTcross_2D: Pointwise L2err: " + str(npla.norm( (val-exact).flatten(),2 )))

        if plotting:
            import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
            from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
            from matplotlib import cm

            fig = plt.figure()
            ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
            surf = ax.plot_surface(XX,YY,val, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=cm.coolwarm, \
                                   linewidth=0, antialiased=False)

            fig = plt.figure()
            ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
            surf = ax.plot_surface(XX,YY,exact, rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=cm.coolwarm, \
                                   linewidth=0, antialiased=False)

            fig = plt.figure()
            ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
            surf = ax.plot_surface(XX,YY,np.abs(exact-val), rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=cm.coolwarm, \
                                   linewidth=0, antialiased=False)


    # Estimate mean error:
    DIST = RS.MultiDimDistribution([ stats.uniform() ] * d)
    exact = []
    MCstep = 100
    # Sampling
    xx = np.asarray( DIST.rvs(MCstep) )
    # STT evaluation
    STTvals = STTapprox(xx)
    # Exact evaluation
    exact = np.asarray( [ f(xx[i,:],params) for i in range(MCstep) ] )
    # Mean abs error
    abs_err = np.abs(STTvals - exact)
    mean_abs_err = np.mean(abs_err, axis=0)
    var_abs_err = np.var(abs_err, axis=0)
    if PLOTTING:
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
        from matplotlib import cm

        XX = params['XX']
        YY = params['YY']
        fig = plt.figure()
        ax = fig.add_subplot(121, projection='3d')
        surf = ax.plot_surface(XX,YY,mean_abs_err,rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=cm.coolwarm, \
                               linewidth=0, antialiased=False)
        plt.title("Mean abs error")
        ax = fig.add_subplot(122, projection='3d')
        surf = ax.plot_surface(XX,YY,var_abs_err,rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=cm.coolwarm, \
                               linewidth=0, antialiased=False)
        plt.title("Variance abs error")
    # Mean L2 error
    L2_err = npla.norm( STTvals - exact, ord=2, axis=(1,2) )
    mean_L2_err = np.mean(L2_err)
    var_L2_err = np.var(L2_err)
    logging.info("TestSTTcross_2D: Mean L2 Err = %e , Variance L2 Err = %e" % (mean_L2_err,var_L2_err))

    os.remove(store_file + '.pkl')
    if os.path.exists(store_file + ".pkl.old"): os.remove(store_file + ".pkl.old")
    os.remove(store_file + '.h5')
    if os.path.exists(store_file + ".h5.old"): os.remove(store_file + ".h5.old")

    print_ok("STTcross 2D")
    nsucc += 1

    print_summary("STTcross 2D", nsucc, nfail)
    return (nsucc,nfail)
def run(maxprocs, loglev=logging.WARNING):


    import os
    import os.path
    import pickle as pkl
    import numpy as np
    import numpy.random as npr
    import math
    import random
    from functools import reduce
    import TensorToolbox as TT

    store_location = "tw"
    if os.path.isfile(store_location + ".pkl"):
        os.remove(store_location + ".pkl")
    if os.path.isfile(store_location + ".h5"):
        os.remove(store_location + ".h5")
    if os.path.isfile(store_location + ".pkl.old"):
        os.remove(store_location + ".pkl.old")
    if os.path.isfile(store_location + ".h5.old"):
        os.remove(store_location + ".h5.old")

    testn = 0

    # 00: Construction of the multidimensional array and the corresponding tensor wrapper

    global feval
    global nsucc
    global nfail

    feval = 0
    nsucc = 0
    nfail = 0

    shape = [2, 3, 4, 5]
    d = len(shape)
    A = np.arange(np.prod(shape), dtype=float).reshape(shape)
    W = [npr.rand(s) for s in shape]
    Aglobal = A.copy()  # Used in f in order to test fix_indices
    A *= reduce(np.multiply, np.ix_(*W))

    def f(X, params):
        global feval
        feval += 1
        return Aglobal[tuple(X)]

    X = [np.arange(s, dtype=int) for s in shape]
    TW = TT.TensorWrapper(f,

    testn += 1
    print_ok(testn, "Construction")
    nsucc += 1

    def test(testn, title, idx):
        global feval
        global nsucc
        global nfail
        feval = 0
        TW.data = {}
        out = TW[idx]
        if np.any(A[idx].shape != out.shape) or (not np.allclose(
                A[idx], out, rtol=1e-10, atol=1e-12)):
            print_fail(testn, title, msg='Different output - idx: ' + str(idx))
            nfail += 1
        elif feval != np.prod(np.unique(A[idx]).shape):
                       msg='Wrong number of function evaluations - idx: ' +
            nfail += 1
            print_ok(testn, title)
            nsucc += 1

    # 01: Single address access
    idx = (1, 2, 3, 4)
    feval = 0
    out = TW[idx]
    testn += 1
    if not np.isclose(A[idx], out, rtol=1e-10, atol=1e-12):
        print_fail(testn, "Single address access", msg='Different output')
        nfail += 1
    elif feval != 1:
                   "Single address access",
                   msg='Wrong number of function evaluations')
        nfail += 1
        print_ok(testn, "Single address access")
        nsucc += 1

    # Storage
    testn += 1
    TW.data = {}
    TW.store_location = store_location
    TW[:, :, :, 0]
    print_ok(testn, "Storage")
    nsucc += 1
    # Reload
    testn += 1
    TW = TT.load(store_location)
    TW.set_f(f, False)
    idx = tuple([slice(None, None, None)] * d)
    test(testn, "Reload", idx)
    if os.path.isfile(store_location + ".pkl"):
        os.remove(store_location + ".pkl")
    if os.path.isfile(store_location + ".h5"):
        os.remove(store_location + ".h5")
    if os.path.isfile(store_location + ".pkl.old"):
        os.remove(store_location + ".pkl.old")
    if os.path.isfile(store_location + ".h5.old"):
        os.remove(store_location + ".h5.old")

    # Single slice
    testn += 1
    idx = (1, slice(None, None, None), 3, 4)
    test(testn, "Single slice", idx)

    # Partial slice
    testn += 1
    idx = (1, 2, slice(1, 3, 1), 4)
    test(testn, "Partial slice", idx)

    # Partial stepping slice
    testn += 1
    idx = (1, 2, slice(0, 4, 2), 4)
    test(testn, "Partial stepping slice", idx)

    # Multiple slice
    testn += 1
    idx = (1, slice(None, None, None), 3, slice(0, 4, 2))
    test(testn, "Multiple slice", idx)

    # Full slice
    testn += 1
    idx = tuple([slice(None, None, None)] * len(shape))
    test(testn, "Full slice", idx)

    # List
    testn += 1
    idx = ([0, 1], [1, 2], [1, 3], [0, 4])
    test(testn, "Lists", idx)

    # Single list
    testn += 1
    idx = (0, 1, [1, 3], 3)
    test(testn, "Single list", idx)

    # Double list
    testn += 1
    idx = (0, [0, 2], [1, 3], 3)
    test(testn, "Double list", idx)

    # Single list slice
    testn += 1
    idx = (0, [0, 2], slice(None, None, None), 3)
    test(testn, "Single list slice", idx)

    testn += 1
    idx = (0, slice(None, None, None), [0, 2], 3)
    test(testn, "Single list slice", idx)

    testn += 1
    idx = (slice(None, None, None), 0, [0, 2, 3], 3)
    test(testn, "Single list slice", idx)

    # Double list slice
    testn += 1
    idx = ([0, 1], slice(None, None, None), [0, 2], 3)
    test(testn, "Double list slice", idx)

    testn += 1
    idx = (slice(None, None, None), 0, slice(None, None, None), [0, 2, 3])
    test(testn, "Double slice list", idx)

    # Lists slice
    testn += 1
    idx = ([0, 1], [0, 2], slice(None, None, None), [1, 3])
    test(testn, "Lists slice", idx)

    # Fix indices
    testn += 1
    fix_idxs = [0, 2]
    fix_dims = [0, 2]
    Atmp = A.copy()
    A = A[tuple([
        fix_idxs[fix_dims.index(i)] if
        (i in fix_dims) else slice(None, None, None) for i in range(d)
    TW.fix_indices(fix_idxs, fix_dims)
    idx = [slice(None, None, None)] * TW.ndim
    test(testn, "Fix indices", idx)

    # Release indices
    testn += 1
    A = Atmp.copy()
    idx = [slice(None, None, None)] * TW.ndim
    test(testn, "Release indices", idx)

    # Fix indices 2
    testn += 1
    fix_idxs = [0]
    fix_dims = [0]
    Atmp = A.copy()
    A = A[tuple([
        fix_idxs[fix_dims.index(i)] if
        (i in fix_dims) else slice(None, None, None) for i in range(d)
    TW.fix_indices(fix_idxs, fix_dims)
    idx = [slice(None, None, None)] + [(0, 1)] * (TW.ndim - 1)
    test(testn, "Fix indices - second test", idx)

    # Release indices
    testn += 1
    A = Atmp.copy()
    idx = [slice(None, None, None)] * TW.ndim
    test(testn, "Release indices", idx)

    ## Reshape function
    Atmp_shape = A.copy()  # Storing original array
    A = np.reshape(A, [5, 4, 3, 2])
    TW.reshape([5, 4, 3, 2])

    # Reshaped - Single slice
    testn += 1
    idx = (4, slice(None, None, None), 2, 1)
    test(testn, "Reshaped - Single slice", idx)

    # Reshaped - Partial slice
    testn += 1
    idx = (4, slice(1, 3, 1), 2, 1)
    test(testn, "Reshaped - Partial slice", idx)

    # Reshaped - Partial stepping slice
    testn += 1
    idx = (4, slice(0, 4, 2), 2, 1)
    test(testn, "Reshaped - Partial stepping slice", idx)

    # Reshaped - Multiple slice
    testn += 1
    idx = (slice(0, 4, 2), 3, slice(None, None, None), 1)
    test(testn, "Reshaped - Multiple slice", idx)

    # Reshaped - Full slice
    testn += 1
    idx = tuple([slice(None, None, None)] * len(A.shape))
    test(testn, "Reshaped - Full slice", idx)

    # Reshaped - List
    testn += 1
    idx = ([0, 4], [1, 3], [1, 2], [0, 1])
    test(testn, "Reshaped - Lists", idx)

    # Reshaped - Single list
    testn += 1
    idx = (3, [1, 3], 1, 0)
    test(testn, "Reshaped - Single list", idx)

    # Reshaped - Double list
    testn += 1
    idx = (3, [1, 3], [0, 2], 0)
    test(testn, "Reshaped - Double list", idx)

    # Reshaped - Single list slice
    testn += 1
    idx = (3, slice(None, None, None), [0, 2], 0)
    test(testn, "Reshaped - Single list slice", idx)

    testn += 1
    idx = (3, [0, 2], slice(None, None, None), 0)
    test(testn, "Reshaped - Single list slice", idx)

    testn += 1
    idx = (3, [0, 2, 3], 0, slice(None, None, None))
    test(testn, "Reshaped - Single list slice", idx)

    # Reshaped - Double list slice
    testn += 1
    idx = (3, [0, 2], slice(None, None, None), [0, 1])
    test(testn, "Reshaped - Double list slice", idx)

    testn += 1
    idx = (slice(None, None, None), 0, slice(None, None, None), [0, 1])
    test(testn, "Reshaped - Double slice list", idx)

    # Reshaped - Lists slice
    testn += 1
    idx = ([0, 1], [0, 2], slice(None, None, None), [1, 0])
    test(testn, "Reshaped - Lists slice", idx)

    # Reshaped - Fix indices
    testn += 1
    fix_idxs = [0, 2]
    fix_dims = [0, 2]
    Atmp = A.copy()
    A = A[tuple([
        fix_idxs[fix_dims.index(i)] if
        (i in fix_dims) else slice(None, None, None) for i in range(d)
    TW.fix_indices(fix_idxs, fix_dims)
    idx = [slice(None, None, None)] * TW.ndim
    test(testn, "Reshaped - Fix indices", idx)

    # Reshaped - Release indices
    testn += 1
    A = Atmp.copy()
    idx = [slice(None, None, None)] * TW.ndim
    test(testn, "Reshaped - Release indices", idx)

    # Reshaped - Fix indices 2
    testn += 1
    fix_idxs = [0]
    fix_dims = [0]
    Atmp = A.copy()
    A = A[tuple([
        fix_idxs[fix_dims.index(i)] if
        (i in fix_dims) else slice(None, None, None) for i in range(d)
    TW.fix_indices(fix_idxs, fix_dims)
    idx = [slice(None, None, None)] + [(0, 1)] * (TW.ndim - 1)
    test(testn, "Reshaped - Fix indices - second test", idx)

    # Reshaped - Release indices
    testn += 1
    A = Atmp.copy()
    idx = [slice(None, None, None)] * TW.ndim
    test(testn, "Reshaped - Release indices", idx)

    # Reshaped - Restore original shape
    testn += 1
    A = Atmp_shape.copy()
    idx = [slice(None, None, None)] * TW.ndim
    test(testn, "Reshaped - Restore original shape", idx)

    ## Shape restored

    ## Reshape function 2
    shape = [2, 4, 4, 4]
    d = len(shape)
    A = np.arange(np.prod(shape), dtype=float).reshape(shape)
    W = [npr.rand(s) for s in shape]
    Aglobal = A.copy()  # Used in f in order to test fix_indices
    A *= reduce(np.multiply, np.ix_(*W))

    def f(X, params):
        global feval
        feval += 1
        return Aglobal[tuple(X)]

    X = [np.arange(s, dtype=int) for s in shape]
    TW = TT.TensorWrapper(f, X, None, W=W, dtype=A.dtype, marshal_f=False)
    Atmp_shape = A.copy()  # Storing original array
    newshape = [2] * int(round(np.log2(np.prod(shape))))
    A = np.reshape(A, newshape)

    # Reshaped 2 - Single slice
    testn += 1
    idx = (0, slice(None, None, None), 1, 1, 0, 1, 0)
    test(testn, "Reshaped 2 - Single slice", idx)

    # Reshaped 2 - Partial slice
    testn += 1
    idx = (0, slice(0, 1, 1), 1, 1, 1, 0, 1)
    test(testn, "Reshaped 2 - Partial slice", idx)

    # Reshaped 2 - Multiple slice
    testn += 1
    idx = (slice(0, 1, 1), 0, slice(None, None, None), 1, 1, 0, 1)
    test(testn, "Reshaped 2 - Multiple slice", idx)

    # Reshaped 2 - Full slice
    testn += 1
    idx = tuple([slice(None, None, None)] * len(A.shape))
    test(testn, "Reshaped 2 - Full slice", idx)

    # Reshaped 2 - List
    testn += 1
    idx = ([1, 0], [0, 1], [1, 0], [0, 1], [0, 0], [1, 1], [0, 1])
    test(testn, "Reshaped 2 - Lists", idx)

    # Reshaped 2 - Single list
    testn += 1
    idx = (1, [0, 0], 1, 0, 0, 1, 1)
    test(testn, "Reshaped 2 - Single list", idx)

    # Reshaped 2 - Double list
    testn += 1
    idx = (1, [1, 0], [0, 0], 0, 1, 0, 1)
    test(testn, "Reshaped 2 - Double list", idx)

    # Reshaped 2 - Single list slice
    testn += 1
    idx = (1, slice(None, None, None), [0, 1], 0, 0, 1, 1)
    test(testn, "Reshaped 2 - Single list slice", idx)

    testn += 1
    idx = (1, [0, 0], slice(None, None, None), 0, 1, 1, 1)
    test(testn, "Reshaped 2 - Single list slice", idx)

    testn += 1
    idx = (1, [0, 1, 1], 0, slice(None, None, None), 1, 0, 1)
    test(testn, "Reshaped 2 - Single list slice", idx)

    # Reshaped 2 - Double list slice
    testn += 1
    idx = (1, [0, 1], slice(None, None, None), [0, 1], 0, 0, 1)
    test(testn, "Reshaped 2 - Double list slice", idx)

    testn += 1
    idx = (slice(None, None, None), 0, slice(None, None, None), [0,
                                                                 1], 0, 1, 1)
    test(testn, "Reshaped 2 - Double slice list", idx)

    # Reshaped 2 - Lists slice
    testn += 1
    idx = ([0, 1], [0, 1], slice(None, None,
                                 None), [1, 0], [0, 0], [1, 1], [1, 0])
    test(testn, "Reshaped 2 - Lists slice", idx)

    # Reshaped 2 - Fix indices
    testn += 1
    fix_idxs = [0, 0, 1]
    fix_dims = [0, 3, 2]
    Atmp = A.copy()
    A = A[tuple([
        fix_idxs[fix_dims.index(i)] if
        (i in fix_dims) else slice(None, None, None) for i in range(d)
    TW.fix_indices(fix_idxs, fix_dims)
    idx = [slice(None, None, None)] * TW.ndim
    test(testn, "Reshaped 2 - Fix indices", idx)

    # Reshaped 2 - Release indices
    testn += 1
    A = Atmp.copy()
    idx = [slice(None, None, None)] * TW.ndim
    test(testn, "Reshaped 2 - Release indices", idx)

    # Reshaped 2 - Fix indices 2
    testn += 1
    fix_idxs = [0]
    fix_dims = [0]
    Atmp = A.copy()
    A = A[tuple([
        fix_idxs[fix_dims.index(i)] if
        (i in fix_dims) else slice(None, None, None) for i in range(d)
    TW.fix_indices(fix_idxs, fix_dims)
    idx = [slice(None, None, None)] + [(0, 1)] * (TW.ndim - 1)
    test(testn, "Reshaped 2 - Fix indices - second test", idx)

    # Reshaped 2 - Release indices
    testn += 1
    A = Atmp.copy()
    idx = [slice(None, None, None)] * TW.ndim
    test(testn, "Reshaped 2 - Release indices", idx)

    # Reshaped 2 - Restore original shape
    testn += 1
    A = Atmp_shape.copy()
    idx = [slice(None, None, None)] * TW.ndim
    test(testn, "Reshaped 2 - Restore original shape", idx)

    ## Shape restored

    ## PowQ: Check funtionalities for power of Q extension
    shape = [3, 5, 5, 5]
    Q = 2
    qshape = [Q**(int(math.log(s, Q)) + 1) for s in shape]
    d = len(shape)

    W = [npr.rand(s) for s in shape]
    Wtest = [
        np.hstack((W[i], np.ones(qshape[i] - shape[i]) * W[i][-1]))
        for i in range(d)

    # Create A
    vs = [npr.random(size=shape[i]) for i in range(d)]
    A = reduce(np.multiply, np.ix_(*vs))

    # Create Atest
    vs_test = [
        np.hstack((vs[i], np.ones(qshape[i] - shape[i]) * vs[i][-1]))
        for i in range(d)
    Atest = reduce(np.multiply, np.ix_(*vs_test))
    Atest *= reduce(np.multiply, np.ix_(*Wtest))

    Aglobal = A.copy()  # Used in f in order to test fix_indices
    A *= reduce(np.multiply, np.ix_(*W))

    def f(X, params):
        global feval
        feval += 1
        return Aglobal[tuple(X)]

    def test(testn, title, idx):
        global feval
        global nsucc
        global nfail
        feval = 0
        TW.data = {}
        out = TW[idx]
        if np.any(Atest[idx].shape != out.shape) or (not np.allclose(
                Atest[idx], out, rtol=1e-10, atol=1e-12)):
            print_fail(testn, title, msg='Different output - idx: ' + str(idx))
            nfail += 1
        elif feval != np.prod(np.unique(Atest[idx]).shape):
                       msg='Wrong number of function evaluations - idx: ' +
            nfail += 1
            print_ok(testn, title)
            nsucc += 1

    X = [np.arange(s, dtype=int) for s in shape]
    TW = TT.TensorWrapper(f, X, None, W=W, dtype=A.dtype, marshal_f=False)

    # 01: Single address access
    idx = (1, 2, 3, 4)
    feval = 0
    out = TW[idx]
    testn += 1
    if not np.isclose(Atest[idx], out, rtol=1e-10, atol=1e-12):
                   "PowQ - Single address access",
                   msg='Different output')
        nfail += 1
    elif feval != 1:
                   "PowQ - Single address access",
                   msg='Wrong number of function evaluations')
        nfail += 1
        print_ok(testn, "PowQ - Single address access")
        nsucc += 1

    # Storage
    testn += 1
    TW.data = {}
    TW.store_location = store_location
    TW[:, :, :, 0]
    print_ok(testn, "PowQ - Storage")
    nsucc += 1
    # Reload
    testn += 1
    TW = TT.load(store_location)
    TW.set_f(f, False)
    idx = tuple([slice(None, None, None)] * d)
    test(testn, "PowQ - Reload", idx)
    if os.path.isfile(store_location + ".pkl"):
        os.remove(store_location + ".pkl")
    if os.path.isfile(store_location + ".h5"):
        os.remove(store_location + ".h5")
    if os.path.isfile(store_location + ".pkl.old"):
        os.remove(store_location + ".pkl.old")
    if os.path.isfile(store_location + ".h5.old"):
        os.remove(store_location + ".h5.old")

    # Single slice
    testn += 1
    idx = (1, slice(None, None, None), 3, 4)
    test(testn, "PowQ - Single slice", idx)

    # Partial slice
    testn += 1
    idx = (1, 2, slice(1, 3, 1), 4)
    test(testn, "PowQ - Partial slice", idx)

    # Partial stepping slice
    testn += 1
    idx = (1, 2, slice(0, 4, 2), 4)
    test(testn, "PowQ - Partial stepping slice", idx)

    # Multiple slice
    testn += 1
    idx = (1, slice(None, None, None), 3, slice(0, 4, 2))
    test(testn, "PowQ - Multiple slice", idx)

    # Full slice
    testn += 1
    idx = tuple([slice(None, None, None)] * len(shape))
    test(testn, "PowQ - Full slice", idx)

    # List
    testn += 1
    idx = ([0, 1], [1, 2], [1, 3], [0, 4])
    test(testn, "PowQ - Lists", idx)

    # Single list
    testn += 1
    idx = (0, 1, [1, 3], 3)
    test(testn, "PowQ - Single list", idx)

    # Double list
    testn += 1
    idx = (0, [0, 2], [1, 3], 3)
    test(testn, "PowQ - Double list", idx)

    # Single list slice
    testn += 1
    idx = (0, [0, 2], slice(None, None, None), 3)
    test(testn, "PowQ - Single list slice", idx)

    testn += 1
    idx = (0, slice(None, None, None), [0, 2], 3)
    test(testn, "PowQ - Single list slice", idx)

    testn += 1
    idx = (slice(None, None, None), 0, [0, 2, 3], 3)
    test(testn, "PowQ - Single list slice", idx)

    # Double list slice
    testn += 1
    idx = ([0, 1], slice(None, None, None), [0, 2], 3)
    test(testn, "PowQ - Double list slice", idx)

    testn += 1
    idx = (slice(None, None, None), 0, slice(None, None, None), [0, 2, 3])
    test(testn, "PowQ - Double slice list", idx)

    # Lists slice
    testn += 1
    idx = ([0, 1], [0, 2], slice(None, None, None), [1, 3])
    test(testn, "PowQ - Lists slice", idx)

    # Fix indices
    testn += 1
    fix_idxs = [0, 2]
    fix_dims = [0, 2]
    Atmp = Atest.copy()
    Atest = Atest[tuple([
        fix_idxs[fix_dims.index(i)] if
        (i in fix_dims) else slice(None, None, None) for i in range(d)
    TW.fix_indices(fix_idxs, fix_dims)
    idx = [slice(None, None, None)] * TW.ndim
    test(testn, "PowQ - Fix indices", idx)

    # Release indices
    testn += 1
    Atest = Atmp.copy()
    idx = [slice(None, None, None)] * TW.ndim
    test(testn, "PowQ - Release indices", idx)

    # Fix indices 2
    testn += 1
    fix_idxs = [0]
    fix_dims = [0]
    Atmp = Atest.copy()
    Atest = Atest[tuple([
        fix_idxs[fix_dims.index(i)] if
        (i in fix_dims) else slice(None, None, None) for i in range(d)
    TW.fix_indices(fix_idxs, fix_dims)
    idx = [slice(None, None, None)] + [(0, 1)] * (TW.ndim - 1)
    test(testn, "PowQ - Fix indices - second test", idx)

    # Release indices
    testn += 1
    Atest = Atmp.copy()
    idx = [slice(None, None, None)] * TW.ndim
    test(testn, "PowQ - Release indices", idx)

    ## Reshaped PowQ: Check funtionalities for power of Q extension
    shape = [3, 5, 5, 5]
    Q = 2
    qshape = [Q**(int(math.log(s, Q)) + 1) for s in shape]
    d = len(shape)

    W = [npr.rand(s) for s in shape]
    Wtest = [
        np.hstack((W[i], np.ones(qshape[i] - shape[i]) * W[i][-1]))
        for i in range(d)

    # Create A
    vs = [npr.random(size=shape[i]) for i in range(d)]
    A = reduce(np.multiply, np.ix_(*vs))

    # Create Atest
    vs_test = [
        np.hstack((vs[i], np.ones(qshape[i] - shape[i]) * vs[i][-1]))
        for i in range(d)
    Atest = reduce(np.multiply, np.ix_(*vs_test))
    Atest *= reduce(np.multiply, np.ix_(*Wtest))

    Aglobal = A.copy()  # Used in f in order to test fix_indices
    A *= reduce(np.multiply, np.ix_(*W))

    def f(X, params):
        global feval
        feval += 1
        return Aglobal[tuple(X)]

    def test(testn, title, idx):
        global feval
        global nsucc
        global nfail
        feval = 0
        TW.data = {}
        out = TW[idx]
        if np.any(Atest[idx].shape != out.shape) or (not np.allclose(
                Atest[idx], out, rtol=1e-10, atol=1e-12)):
            print_fail(testn, title, msg='Different output - idx: ' + str(idx))
            nfail += 1
        elif feval != np.prod(np.unique(Atest[idx]).shape):
                       msg='Wrong number of function evaluations - idx: ' +
            nfail += 1
            print_ok(testn, title)
            nsucc += 1

    X = [np.arange(s, dtype=int) for s in shape]
    TW = TT.TensorWrapper(f, X, None, W=W, dtype=A.dtype, marshal_f=False)
    Atest_shape = Atest.copy()  # Storing original array
    newshape = [Q] * int(math.log(np.prod(qshape), Q))
    Atest = np.reshape(Atest, newshape)

    # Reshaped PowQ - Single slice
    testn += 1
    idx = (0, slice(None, None, None)) + tuple(
        [random.randint(0, Q - 1) for i in range(len(newshape) - 2)])
    test(testn, "Reshaped PowQ - Single slice", idx)

    # Reshaped PowQ - Partial slice
    testn += 1
    idx = (0, slice(0, 1, 1)) + tuple(
        [random.randint(0, Q - 1) for i in range(len(newshape) - 2)])
    test(testn, "Reshaped PowQ - Partial slice", idx)

    # Reshaped PowQ - Multiple slice
    testn += 1
    idx = (slice(0, 1, 1), 0, slice(None, None, None)) + tuple(
        [random.randint(0, Q - 1) for i in range(len(newshape) - 3)])
    test(testn, "Reshaped PowQ - Multiple slice", idx)

    # Reshaped PowQ - Full slice
    testn += 1
    idx = tuple([slice(None, None, None)] * len(Atest.shape))
    test(testn, "Reshaped PowQ - Full slice", idx)

    # Reshaped PowQ - List
    testn += 1
    nn = 2
    idx = tuple([[random.randint(0, Q - 1) for j in range(nn)]
                 for i in range(len(newshape))])
    test(testn, "Reshaped PowQ - Lists", idx)

    # Reshaped PowQ - Single list
    testn += 1
    nn = 3
    idx = (1, [random.randint(0, Q - 1) for j in range(nn)]) + tuple(
        [random.randint(0, Q - 1) for i in range(len(newshape) - 2)])
    test(testn, "Reshaped PowQ - Single list", idx)

    # Reshaped PowQ - Double list
    testn += 1
    nn = 2
    idx = (1, [random.randint(0, Q - 1) for j in range(nn)], [
        random.randint(0, Q - 1) for j in range(nn)
    ]) + tuple([random.randint(0, Q - 1) for i in range(len(newshape) - 3)])
    test(testn, "Reshaped PowQ - Double list", idx)

    # Reshaped PowQ - Single list slice
    testn += 1
    nn = 2
    idx = (1, slice(None, None, None), [
        random.randint(0, Q - 1) for j in range(nn)
    ]) + tuple([random.randint(0, Q - 1) for i in range(len(newshape) - 3)])
    test(testn, "Reshaped PowQ - Single list slice", idx)

    testn += 1
    nn = 3
    idx = (1, [random.randint(0, Q - 1)
               for j in range(nn)], slice(None, None, None)) + tuple([
                   random.randint(0, Q - 1) for i in range(len(newshape) - 3)
    test(testn, "Reshaped PowQ - Single list slice", idx)

    testn += 1
    nn = 3
    idx = (1, [random.randint(0, Q - 1)
               for j in range(nn)], 0, slice(None, None, None)) + tuple([
                   random.randint(0, Q - 1) for i in range(len(newshape) - 4)
    test(testn, "Reshaped PowQ - Single list slice", idx)

    # Reshaped PowQ - Double list slice
    testn += 1
    nn = 3
    idx = (1, [random.randint(0, Q - 1)
               for j in range(nn)], slice(None, None, None),
           [random.randint(0, Q - 1) for j in range(nn)]) + tuple(
               [random.randint(0, Q - 1) for i in range(len(newshape) - 4)])
    test(testn, "Reshaped PowQ - Double list slice", idx)

    testn += 1
    nn = 3
    idx = (slice(None, None, None), 0, slice(None, None, None), [
        random.randint(0, Q - 1) for j in range(nn)
    ]) + tuple([random.randint(0, Q - 1) for i in range(len(newshape) - 4)])
    test(testn, "Reshaped PowQ - Double slice list", idx)

    # Reshaped PowQ - Lists slice
    testn += 1
    nn = 3
    idx = ([random.randint(0, Q - 1) for j in range(nn)
            ], [random.randint(0, Q - 1)
                for j in range(nn)], slice(None, None, None)) + tuple(
                    [[random.randint(0, Q - 1) for j in range(nn)]
                     for i in range(len(newshape) - 3)])
    test(testn, "Reshaped PowQ - Lists slice", idx)

    # Reshaped PowQ - Fix indices
    testn += 1
    fix_idxs = [0, 0, 1]
    fix_dims = [0, 3, 2]
    Atmp = Atest.copy()
    Atest = Atest[tuple([
        fix_idxs[fix_dims.index(i)] if
        (i in fix_dims) else slice(None, None, None) for i in range(d)
    TW.fix_indices(fix_idxs, fix_dims)
    idx = [slice(None, None, None)] * TW.ndim
    test(testn, "Reshaped PowQ - Fix indices", idx)

    # Reshaped PowQ - Release indices
    testn += 1
    Atest = Atmp.copy()
    idx = [slice(None, None, None)] * TW.ndim
    test(testn, "Reshaped PowQ - Release indices", idx)

    # Reshaped PowQ - Fix indices 2
    testn += 1
    fix_idxs = [0]
    fix_dims = [0]
    Atmp = Atest.copy()
    Atest = Atest[tuple([
        fix_idxs[fix_dims.index(i)] if
        (i in fix_dims) else slice(None, None, None) for i in range(d)
    TW.fix_indices(fix_idxs, fix_dims)
    idx = [slice(None, None, None)] + [(0, 1)] * (TW.ndim - 1)
    test(testn, "Reshaped PowQ - Fix indices - second test", idx)

    # Reshaped PowQ - Release indices
    testn += 1
    Atest = Atmp.copy()
    idx = [slice(None, None, None)] * TW.ndim
    test(testn, "Reshaped PowQ - Release indices", idx)

    # Reshaped PowQ - Restore original shape
    testn += 1
    Atest = Atest_shape.copy()
    idx = [slice(None, None, None)] * TW.ndim
    test(testn, "Reshaped PowQ - Restore original shape", idx)
    ## Shape restored

    print_summary("Weighted Tensor Wrapper", nsucc, nfail)

    return (nsucc, nfail)
def RunUnitTests(maxprocs=None, loglev=logging.WARNING):
    """ Runs all the unit tests.
    :param int maxprocs: If MPI support is enabled, defines how many processors to use.

    from TensorToolbox.unittests.auxiliary import print_summary

    nsucc = 0
    nfail = 0

    (ns, nf) = RunTestTensorWrapper(maxprocs, loglev=loglev)
    nsucc += ns
    nfail += nf

    (ns, nf) = RunTestWeightedTensorWrapper(maxprocs, loglev=loglev)
    nsucc += ns
    nfail += nf

    (ns, nf) = RunTestTT(maxprocs, loglev=loglev)
    nsucc += ns
    nfail += nf

    (ns, nf) = RunTestWTT(maxprocs, loglev=loglev)
    nsucc += ns
    nfail += nf

    (ns, nf) = RunTestQTT(maxprocs, loglev=loglev)
    nsucc += ns
    nfail += nf

    (ns, nf) = RunTestTTcross(maxprocs, loglev=loglev)
    nsucc += ns
    nfail += nf

    (ns, nf) = RunTestTTdmrg(maxprocs, loglev=loglev)
    nsucc += ns
    nfail += nf

    (ns, nf) = RunTestWTTdmrg(maxprocs, loglev=loglev)
    nsucc += ns
    nfail += nf

    (ns, nf) = RunTestTTdmrgcross(maxprocs, loglev=loglev)
    nsucc += ns
    nfail += nf

    (ns, nf) = RunTestQTTdmrg(maxprocs, loglev=loglev)
    nsucc += ns
    nfail += nf

    (ns, nf) = RunTestSTTcross_0D(maxprocs, loglev=loglev)
    nsucc += ns
    nfail += nf

    (ns, nf) = RunTestSTTcross_2D(maxprocs, loglev=loglev)
    nsucc += ns
    nfail += nf

    (ns, nf) = RunTestSTTdmrg_0D(maxprocs, loglev=loglev)
    nsucc += ns
    nfail += nf

    # (ns,nf) = RunTestSTTdmrg_2D(maxprocs,loglev=loglev)   # Need to fix restarting

    (ns, nf) = RunTestSTTdmrgcross_0D(maxprocs, loglev=loglev)
    nsucc += ns
    nfail += nf

    (ns, nf) = RunTestSQTTdmrg_0D(maxprocs, loglev=loglev)
    nsucc += ns
    nfail += nf

    print_summary("TT ALL", nsucc, nfail)

    if nfail > 0:

    return (nsucc, nfail)
Exemple #11
def run(maxprocs, PLOTTING=False, loglev=logging.WARNING):
    # Test Weighted TT. Weights are uniform.


    import numpy as np
    import numpy.linalg as npla
    import itertools
    import time

    import TensorToolbox as DT
    import TensorToolbox.multilinalg as mla

    if PLOTTING:
        from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

    nsucc = 0
    nfail = 0

    N = 16
    d = 3
    nrows = [N for i in range(d)]
    ncols = [N for i in range(d)]
    D = np.diag(-np.ones((N-1)),-1) + np.diag(-np.ones((N-1)),1) + np.diag(2*np.ones((N)),0)
    I = np.eye(N)
    Dd = np.zeros((N**d,N**d))

    for i in range(d):
        tmp = np.array([1])
        for j in range(d):
            if i != j:
                tmp = np.kron(tmp,I)
                tmp = np.kron(tmp,D)
        Dd += tmp

    if PLOTTING:

    idxs = [range(N) for i in range(d)]
    MI = list(itertools.product(*idxs)) # Multi indices

    # Canonical form of n-dimentional Laplace operator
    D_flat = D.flatten()
    I_flat = I.flatten()

    # CP = np.empty((d,d,N**2),dtype=np.float64) 
    CPtmp = [] # U[i][alpha,k] = U_i(alpha,k)
    for i in range(d):
        CPi = np.empty((d,N**2))
        for alpha in range(d):
            if i != alpha:
                CPi[alpha,:] = I_flat
                CPi[alpha,:] = D_flat

    CP = DT.Candecomp(CPtmp)

    # Let's compare Dd[i,j] with its Canonical counterpart
    T_idx = (10,9) # Index in the tensor product repr.
    idxs = np.vstack( (np.asarray(MI[T_idx[0]]), np.asarray(MI[T_idx[1]])) ) # row 1 contains row multi-idx, row 2 contains col multi-idx for Tensor
    # Now if we take the columns of idxs we get the multi-indices for the CP.
    # Since in CP we flattened the array, compute the corresponding indices for CP.
    CP_idxs = idxs[0,:]*N + idxs[1,:]

    TT = DT.TTmat(CP,nrows=N,ncols=N)

    if np.abs(Dd[T_idx[0],T_idx[1]] - CP[CP_idxs]) < 100.*np.spacing(1) and np.abs(CP[CP_idxs] - TT[DT.idxfold(nrows,T_idx[0]),DT.idxfold(ncols,T_idx[1])]) < 100.*np.spacing(1):
        print_ok("0.1 Weighted Tensor Test: Entry comparison (pre-rounding) FULL, CP, TT")
        nsucc += 1
        print_fail("0.1 Weighted Tensor Test: Entry comparison FULL, CP, TT")
        nfail += 1
        # print("  T      CP     TT")
        # print("%.5f  %.5f  %.5f" % (Dd[T_idx[0],T_idx[1]],CP[CP_idxs],TT[DT.idxfold(nrows,T_idx[0]),DT.idxfold(ncols,T_idx[1])]))

    # print("Space Tensor: %d" % np.prod(Dd.shape))
    # print("Space CP: %d" % CP.size())
    # print("Space TT: %d" % TT.size())

    # Multi-Linear Algebra

    # Sum by scalar
    CPa = DT.Candecomp([5.*np.ones((1,5)),np.ones((1,6)),np.ones((1,7))])
    W = [ np.ones(5)/5., np.ones(6)/6., np.ones(7)/7.]
    TTa = DT.WTTvec(CPa,W)
    TTb = TTa + 3.
    if np.abs(TTb[3,3,3] - 8.) < 1e-12:
        print_ok("0.2 Weighted Tensor Test: TT sum by scalar")
        nsucc += 1
        print_fail("0.2 Weighted Tensor Test: TT sum by scalar", "TT[idx] + b = %e, Expected = %e" % (TTb[3,3,3],8.))
        nfail += 1

    # Diff by scalar
    CPa = DT.Candecomp([5.*np.ones((1,5)),np.ones((1,6)),np.ones((1,7))])
    W = [ np.ones(5)/5., np.ones(6)/6., np.ones(7)/7.]
    TTa = DT.WTTvec(CPa,W)
    TTb = TTa - 3.
    if np.abs(TTb[3,3,3] - 2.) < 1e-12:
        print_ok("0.2 Weighted Tensor Test: TT diff by scalar")
        nsucc += 1
        print_fail("0.2 Weighted Tensor Test: TT diff by scalar", "TT[idx] + b = %e, Expected = %e" % (TTb[3,3,3],2.))
        nfail += 1

    # Mul by scalar
    CPa = DT.Candecomp([5.*np.ones((1,5)),np.ones((1,6)),np.ones((1,7))])
    W = [ np.ones(5)/5., np.ones(6)/6., np.ones(7)/7.]
    TTa = DT.WTTvec(CPa,W)
    TTb = TTa * 3.
    if np.abs(TTb[3,3,3] - 15.) < 1e-12:
        print_ok("0.2 Weighted Tensor Test: TT mul by scalar")
        nsucc += 1
        print_fail("0.2 Weighted Tensor Test: TT mul by scalar", "TT[idx] + b = %e, Expected = %e" % (TTb[3,3,3],15.))
        nfail += 1

    # Div by scalar
    CPa = DT.Candecomp([15.*np.ones((1,5)),np.ones((1,6)),np.ones((1,7))])
    W = [ np.ones(5)/5., np.ones(6)/6., np.ones(7)/7.]
    TTa = DT.WTTvec(CPa,W)
    TTb = TTa / 3.
    if np.abs(TTb[3,3,3] - 5.) < 1e-12:
        print_ok("0.2 Weighted Tensor Test: TT div by scalar")
        nsucc += 1
        print_fail("0.2 Weighted Tensor Test: TT div by scalar", "TT[idx] + b = %e, Expected = %e" % (TTb[3,3,3],5.))
        nfail += 1

    # Sum
    C = TT + TT
    if  C[DT.idxfold(nrows,T_idx[0]),DT.idxfold(ncols,T_idx[1])] - 2. * Dd[T_idx[0],T_idx[1]] <= 2e2 * np.spacing(1):
        print_ok("0.2 Weighted Tensor Test: TT sum")
        nsucc += 1
        print_fail("0.2 Weighted Tensor Test: TT sum", "TT[idx] + TT[idx] = %.5f" % C[DT.idxfold(nrows,T_idx[0]),DT.idxfold(ncols,T_idx[1])])
        nfail += 1

    C = TT * TT
    if  C[DT.idxfold(nrows,T_idx[0]),DT.idxfold(ncols,T_idx[1])] - Dd[T_idx[0],T_idx[1]]**2. <= 10.*np.spacing(1):
        print_ok("0.3 Weighted Tensor Test: TT mul")
        nsucc += 1
        print_fail("0.3 Weighted Tensor Test: TT mul", "TT[idx] * TT[idx] = %.5f" % C[DT.idxfold(nrows,T_idx[0]),DT.idxfold(ncols,T_idx[1])])
        nfail += 1

    # C *= (C+TT)
    # if  C[DT.idxfold(nrows,T_idx[0]),DT.idxfold(ncols,T_idx[1])] == Dd[T_idx[0],T_idx[1]]**2. * (Dd[T_idx[0],T_idx[1]]**2.+Dd[T_idx[0],T_idx[1]]):
    #     print_ok("0.4 Weighted Tensor Test: TT operations")
    # else:
    #     print_fail("0.4 Weighted Tensor Test: TT operations", "(TT*TT)*(TT*TT+TT) = %.5f" % C[DT.idxfold(nrows,T_idx[0]),DT.idxfold(ncols,T_idx[1])])

    if np.abs(npla.norm(Dd,ord='fro')-mla.norm(TT,ord='fro')) < TT.size() * 100.*np.spacing(1):
        print_ok("0.5 Weighted Tensor Test: Frobenius norm (pre-rounding) FULL, TT")
        nsucc += 1
        print_fail("0.5 Weighted Tensor Test: Frobenius norm (pre-rounding) FULL, TT",
                   "                  T          TT\n"\
                       "Frobenius norm  %.5f         %.5f" % (npla.norm(Dd,ord='fro'), DT.norm(TT,ord='fro')))
        nfail += 1

    # Check TT-SVD

    # Contruct tensor form of Dd
    Dd_flat = np.zeros((N**(2*d)))
    for i in range(d):
        tmp = np.array([1])
        for j in range(d):
            if i != j:
                tmp = np.kron(tmp,I_flat)
                tmp = np.kron(tmp,D_flat)
        Dd_flat += tmp

    Dd_tensor= Dd_flat.reshape([N**2 for j in range(d)])

    TT_tensor = TT.to_tensor()

    # From Dd_tensor obtain a TT representation with accuracy eps
    eps = 0.001
    TT_svd = DT.TTmat(Dd_tensor,nrows=N,ncols=N)

    if np.abs(Dd[T_idx[0],T_idx[1]] - TT_svd[DT.idxfold(nrows,T_idx[0]),DT.idxfold(ncols,T_idx[1])]) < d * 100.*np.spacing(1):
        print_ok("0.6 Weighted Tensor Test: Entry comparison FULL, TT-svd")
        nsucc += 1
        print_fail("0.6 Weighted Tensor Test: Entry comparison FULL, TT-svd","  T - TT-svd = %e" % np.abs(Dd[T_idx[0],T_idx[1]] - TT_svd[DT.idxfold(nrows,T_idx[0]),DT.idxfold(ncols,T_idx[1])]))
        nfail += 1

    Dd_norm = npla.norm(Dd,ord='fro')
    TT_svd_norm = mla.norm(TT_svd,ord='fro')
    if np.abs(Dd_norm - TT_svd_norm) < eps * Dd_norm:
        print_ok("0.6 Weighted Tensor Test: Frobenius norm FULL, TT-svd")
        nsucc += 1
        print_fail("0.6 Weighted Tensor Test: Frobenius norm FULL, TT-svd",
                   "                  T          TT_svd\n"\
                       "Frobenius norm  %.5f         %.5f" % (npla.norm(Dd,ord='fro'), mla.norm(TT_svd,ord='fro')))
        nfail += 1

    # Check TT-SVD with kron prod

    # Contruct tensor form of Dd
    Dd = np.zeros((N**d,N**d))
    for i in range(d):
        tmp = np.array([1])
        for j in range(d):
            if i != j:
                tmp = np.kron(tmp,I)
                tmp = np.kron(tmp,D)
        Dd += tmp

    Dd_tensor = DT.matkron_to_mattensor(Dd,[N for i in range(d)],[N for i in range(d)])

    TT_tensor = TT.to_tensor()

    # From Dd_tensor obtain a TT representation with accuracy eps
    eps = 0.001
    TT_svd = DT.TTmat(Dd_tensor,nrows=N,ncols=N)

    if np.abs(Dd[T_idx[0],T_idx[1]] - TT_svd[DT.idxfold(nrows,T_idx[0]),DT.idxfold(ncols,T_idx[1])]) < d * 100.*np.spacing(1):
        print_ok("0.7 Weighted Tensor Test: Entry comparison FULL, TT-svd-kron")
        nsucc += 1
        print_fail("0.7 Weighted Tensor Test: Entry comparison FULL, TT-svd-kron",
                   "  T - TT-svd = %e" % np.abs(Dd[T_idx[0],T_idx[1]]-TT_svd[DT.idxfold(nrows,T_idx[0]),DT.idxfold(ncols,T_idx[1])]))
        nfail += 1

    Dd_norm = npla.norm(Dd,ord='fro')
    TT_svd_norm = mla.norm(TT_svd,ord='fro')
    if np.abs(Dd_norm - TT_svd_norm) < eps * Dd_norm:
        print_ok("0.7 Weighted Tensor Test: Frobenius norm FULL, TT-svd-kron")
        nsucc += 1
        print_fail("0.7 Weighted Tensor Test: Frobenius norm FULL, TT-svd-kron",
                   "                  T          TT_svd\n"\
                       "Frobenius norm  %.5f         %.5f" % (npla.norm(Dd,ord='fro'), mla.norm(TT_svd,ord='fro')))
        nfail += 1

    # Check TT-rounding
    TT_round = TT.copy()
    eps = 0.001

    if np.abs(TT_round[DT.idxfold(nrows,T_idx[0]),DT.idxfold(ncols,T_idx[1])] - TT_svd[DT.idxfold(nrows,T_idx[0]),DT.idxfold(ncols,T_idx[1])]) < d * 100.*np.spacing(1):
        print_ok("0.8 Weighted Tensor Test: Entry comparison (post-rounding) TT-svd, TT-round")
        nsucc += 1
        print_fail("0.8 Weighted Tensor Test: Entry comparison  (post-rounding) TT-svd, TT-round",
               "  T-svd - TT-round = %e" % np.abs(TT_svd[DT.idxfold(nrows,T_idx[0]),DT.idxfold(ncols,T_idx[1])] - TT_round[DT.idxfold(nrows,T_idx[0]),DT.idxfold(ncols,T_idx[1])]))
        nfail += 1

    Dd_norm = npla.norm(Dd,ord='fro')
    TT_svd_norm = mla.norm(TT_svd,ord='fro')
    TT_round_norm = mla.norm(TT_round,ord='fro')
    if np.abs(Dd_norm - TT_svd_norm) < eps * Dd_norm and np.abs(TT_svd_norm - TT_round_norm) < eps * Dd_norm:
        print_ok("0.8 Weighted Tensor Test: Frobenius norm (post-rounding) FULL, TT-svd, TT-round")
        nsucc += 1
        print_fail("0.8 Weighted Tensor Test: Frobenius norm (post-rounding) FULL, TT-svd, TT-round",
                   "                  T          TT_svd         TT_rounding\n"\
                       "Frobenius norm  %.5f         %.5f           %.5f" % (Dd_norm, TT_svd_norm, TT_round_norm))
        nfail += 1

    print_summary("WTT Algebra", nsucc, nfail)
    return (nsucc,nfail)
def run(maxprocs, PLOTTING=False, loglev=logging.WARNING):


    import numpy as np
    import numpy.linalg as npla
    import itertools
    import time

    import TensorToolbox as DT
    import TensorToolbox.multilinalg as mla

    if PLOTTING:
        from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

    nsucc = 0
    nfail = 0

    # Test matrix-vector product by computing the matrix-vector product
    span = np.array([0.,1.])
    d = 2
    N = 16
    h = 1/float(N-1)
    eps = 1e-10

    # sys.stdout.write("Matrix-vector: Laplace  N=%4d   , d=%3d      [START] \n" % (N,d))
    # sys.stdout.flush()

    # Construct 2D Laplace (with 2nd order finite diff)
    D = -1./h**2. * ( np.diag(np.ones((N-1)),-1) + np.diag(np.ones((N-1)),1) + np.diag(-2.*np.ones((N)),0) )
    D[0,0:3] = np.array([1./(3.*h**2.),-2./(3.*h**2.),1./(3.*h**2.)])
    D[-1,-3:] = -np.array([1./(3.*h**2.),-2./(3.*h**2.),1./(3.*h**2.)])
    I = np.eye(N)
    FULL_LAP = np.zeros((N**d,N**d))
    for i in range(d):
        tmp = np.array([[1.]])
        for j in range(d):
            if i != j: tmp = np.kron(tmp,I)
            else: tmp = np.kron(tmp,D)
        FULL_LAP += tmp

    # Construction of TT Laplace operator
    CPtmp = []
    # D = -1./h**2. * ( np.diag(np.ones((N-1)),-1) + np.diag(np.ones((N-1)),1) + np.diag(-2.*np.ones((N)),0) )
    # I = np.eye(N)
    D_flat = D.flatten()
    I_flat = I.flatten()
    for i in range(d):
        CPi = np.empty((d,N**2))
        for alpha in range(d):
            if i != alpha:
                CPi[alpha,:] = I_flat
                CPi[alpha,:] = D_flat

    CP_lap = DT.Candecomp(CPtmp)
    TT_LAP = DT.TTmat(CP_lap,nrows=N,ncols=N)
    CPtmp = None
    CP_lap = None

    # Construct input vector
    X = np.linspace(span[0],span[1],N)
    SIN = np.sin(X)
    I = np.ones((N))
    FULL_SIN = np.zeros((N**d))
    for i in range(d):
        tmp = np.array([1.])
        for j in range(d):
            if i != j: tmp = np.kron(tmp,I)
            else: tmp = np.kron(tmp,SIN)
        FULL_SIN += tmp

    if PLOTTING:
        from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
        from matplotlib import cm
        (XX,YY) = np.meshgrid(X,X)
        fig = plt.figure()
        if d == 2:
            # Plot function
            ax = fig.add_subplot(221,projection='3d')
            ax.plot_surface(XX,YY,FULL_SIN.reshape((N,N)),rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=cm.coolwarm,
                            linewidth=0, antialiased=False)

    # Construct TT input vector
    CPtmp = []
    for i in range(d):
        CPi = np.empty((d,N))
        for alpha in range(d):
            if i != alpha: CPi[alpha,:] = I
            else: CPi[alpha,:] = SIN

    CP_SIN = DT.Candecomp(CPtmp)
    TT_SIN = DT.TTvec(CP_SIN)

    if PLOTTING and d == 2:
        # Plot function
        ax = fig.add_subplot(222,projection='3d')
        ax.plot_surface(XX,YY,TT_SIN.to_tensor(),rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=cm.coolwarm,
                        linewidth=0, antialiased=False)

    # Apply full laplacian
    if PLOTTING and d == 2:
        # Plot function
        ax = fig.add_subplot(223,projection='3d')
        ax.plot_surface(XX,YY,FULL_RES.reshape((N,N)),rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=cm.coolwarm,
                        linewidth=0, antialiased=False)

    # Apply TT laplacian
    TT_RES = mla.dot(TT_LAP,TT_SIN)
    if PLOTTING and d == 2:
        # Plot function
        ax = fig.add_subplot(224,projection='3d')
        ax.plot_surface(XX,YY,TT_RES.to_tensor(),rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=cm.coolwarm,
                        linewidth=0, antialiased=False)

    # Check results
    if not np.allclose(FULL_RES,TT_RES.to_tensor().flatten()):
        print_fail("2.1 Matrix-vector: Laplace  N=%4d   , d=%3d" % (N,d))
        nfail += 1
        print_ok("2.1 Matrix-vector: Laplace  N=%4d   , d=%3d" % (N,d))
        nsucc += 1

    # Test matrix-vector product by computing the matrix-vector product of randomly generated input
    span = np.array([0.,1.])
    d = 3
    nrows = [16,20,24]
    ncols = [16,12,14]
    if isinstance(nrows,int): nrows = [nrows for i in range(d)]
    if isinstance(ncols,int): ncols = [ncols for i in range(d)]
    eps = 1e-10

    # sys.stdout.write("Matrix-vector: Random\n  nrows=[%s],\n  ncols=[%s],  d=%3d      [START] \n" % (','.join(map(str,nrows)),','.join(map(str,ncols)),d))
    # sys.stdout.flush()

    # Construction of TT random matrix
    TT_RAND = DT.randmat(d,nrows,ncols)

    # Construct FULL random tensor
    FULL_RAND = TT_RAND.to_tensor()
    import itertools
    rowcol = list(itertools.chain(*[[ri,ci] for (ri,ci) in zip(nrows,ncols)]))
    FULL_RAND = np.reshape(FULL_RAND,rowcol)
    idxswap = list(range(0,2*d,2))
    FULL_RAND = np.transpose(FULL_RAND,axes=idxswap)
    FULL_RAND = np.reshape(FULL_RAND,(np.prod(nrows),np.prod(ncols)))

    # Construct TT random vector
    TT_VEC = DT.randvec(d,ncols)

    # Construct FULL random vector
    FULL_VEC = TT_VEC.to_tensor().flatten()

    # Apply TT
    TT_RES = mla.dot(TT_RAND,TT_VEC)

    # Apply FULL

    # Check results
    if not np.allclose(FULL_RES,TT_RES.to_tensor().flatten()):
        print_fail("2.2 Matrix-vector: Random  N=%4d   , d=%3d" % (N,d),'')
        nfail += 1
        print_ok("2.2 Matrix-vector: Random  N=%4d   , d=%3d" % (N,d))
        nsucc += 1

    print_summary("TT Matrix-Vector", nsucc, nfail)
    return (nsucc,nfail)
Exemple #13
def run(maxprocs, PLOTTING=False, loglev=logging.WARNING):

    import numpy.linalg as npla


    if PLOTTING:
        from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

    nsucc = 0
    nfail = 0

    ################ TEST 1 ###########################
    # Test folding/unfolding index function
    sys.stdout.write("Test folding/unfolding index function\r")

    dlist = (4, 2, 8)
    base = 2
    dfold = [base for i in range(int(np.log(np.prod(dlist)) / np.log(base)))]
    A = np.arange(64).reshape(dlist)
    Aflat = A.flatten()
    Arsh = A.reshape(dfold)
    test = True
    err = []
    for i in range(dlist[0]):
        for j in range(dlist[1]):
            for k in range(dlist[2]):
                idxs = (i, j, k)
                val = (A[idxs] == Aflat[DT.idxunfold(dlist, idxs)]
                       and A[idxs] == Arsh[DT.idxfold(
                           dfold, DT.idxunfold(dlist, idxs))])
                if not val:
                    test = False

    if test:
        print_ok("Test folding/unfolding index function")
        nsucc += 1
        print_fail("Test folding/unfolding index function")
        nfail += 1

    ################ TEST 2.1 ###########################
    # Test exponential N-dimensional vector (2^6 points)
    sys.stdout.write("Test exponential N-dimensional vector (2^6 points)\r")

    z = 2.
    q = 2
    L = 6
    N = q**L
    X = z**np.arange(N)

    TT = DT.QTTvec(X)

    if TT.ranks() == [1 for i in range(L + 1)]:
        print_ok("Test exponential N-dimensional vector (2^6 points)")
        nsucc += 1
        print_fail("Test exponential N-dimensional vector (2^6 points)")
        nfail += 1

    ################ TEST 2.1b ###########################
    # Test exponential N-dimensional vector (28 points)
    sys.stdout.write("Test exponential N-dimensional vector (28 points)\r")

    z = 2.
    N = 28
    X = z**np.arange(N)
    eps = 1e-6

    TT = DT.QTTvec(X)

    L2err = npla.norm(TT.to_tensor() - X)
    if L2err <= eps:
        print_ok("Test exponential N-dimensional vector (28 points)")
        nsucc += 1
            "Test exponential N-dimensional vector (28 points): L2err=%e" %
        nfail += 1

    ################ TEST 2.2 ###########################
    # Test sum of exponential N-dimensional vector
    sys.stdout.write("Test sum of exponential N-dimensional vector\r")

    import numpy.random as npr
    R = 3
    z = npr.rand(R)
    c = npr.rand(R)
    q = 2
    L = 8
    N = q**L
    X = np.dot(c, np.tile(z, (N, 1)).T**np.tile(np.arange(N), (R, 1)))

    TT = DT.QTTvec(X)

    if np.max(TT.ranks()) <= R:
        print_ok("Test sum of exponential N-dimensional vector")
        nsucc += 1
        print_fail("Test sum of exponential N-dimensional vector")
        nfail += 1

    ################ TEST 2.3 ###########################
    # Test sum of trigonometric N-dimensional vector
    sys.stdout.write("Test sum of trigonometric N-dimensional vector\r")

    import numpy.random as npr
    R = 3
    a = npr.rand(R)
    c = npr.rand(R)
    q = 2
    L = 8
    N = q**L
    X = np.dot(c, np.sin(np.tile(z, (N, 1)).T * np.tile(np.arange(N), (R, 1))))

    TT = DT.QTTvec(X)

    if np.max(TT.ranks()) <= 2 * R:
        print_ok("Test sum of trigonometric N-dimensional vector")
        nsucc += 1
        print_fail("Test sum of trigonometric N-dimensional vector")
        nfail += 1

    ################ TEST 2.4 ###########################
    # Test sum of exponential-trigonometric N-dimensional vector
        "Test sum of exponential-trigonometric N-dimensional vector\r")

    import numpy.random as npr
    R = 3
    a = npr.rand(R)
    z = npr.rand(R)
    c = npr.rand(R)
    q = 2
    L = 8
    N = q**L
    X1 = np.tile(z, (N, 1)).T**np.tile(np.arange(N), (R, 1))
    X2 = np.sin(np.tile(z, (N, 1)).T * np.tile(np.arange(N), (R, 1)))
    X = np.dot(c, X1 * X2)

    TT = DT.QTTvec(X)

    if np.max(TT.ranks()) <= 2 * R:
        print_ok("Test sum of exponential-trigonometric N-dimensional vector")
        nsucc += 1
            "Test sum of exponential-trigonometric N-dimensional vector")
        nfail += 1

    ################ TEST 2.4 ###########################
    # Test sum of exponential-trigonometric N-dimensional vector
    sys.stdout.write("Test Chebyshev polynomial vector\r")

    from SpectralToolbox import Spectral1D as S1D
    P = S1D.Poly1D(S1D.JACOBI, [-0.5, -0.5])
    q = 2
    L = 8
    N = q**L
    (x, w) = P.GaussQuadrature(N - 1)
    X = P.GradEvaluate(x, N - 1, 0).flatten()

    TT = DT.QTTvec(X)

    if np.max(TT.ranks()) <= 2:
        print_ok("Test Chebyshev polynomial vector")
        nsucc += 1
        print_fail("Test Chebyshev polynomial vector")
        nfail += 1

    ################ TEST 2.5 ###########################
    # Test N-dimensional vector
    sys.stdout.write("Test generic polynomial equidistant vector\r")

    from SpectralToolbox import Spectral1D as S1D
    import numpy.random as npr
    R = 100
    c = npr.rand(R + 1) - 0.5
    q = 2
    L = 16
    N = q**L
    x = np.linspace(-1, 1, N)

    X = np.dot(c, np.tile(x, (R + 1, 1))**np.tile(np.arange(R + 1), (N, 1)).T)

    TT = DT.QTTvec(X)

    if np.max(TT.ranks()) <= R + 1:
        print_ok("Test generic polynomial (ord=%d) equidistant vector" % R)
        nsucc += 1
        print_fail("Test generic polynomial (ord=%d) equidistant vector" % R)
        nfail += 1

    ################ TEST 2.6 ###########################
    # Test N-dimensional vector
    sys.stdout.write("Test 1/(1+25x^2) Cheb vector\r")

    TT_eps = 1e-6
    from SpectralToolbox import Spectral1D as S1D
    P = S1D.Poly1D(S1D.JACOBI, [-0.5, -0.5])
    q = 2
    L = 16
    N = q**L
    (x, w) = P.GaussQuadrature(N - 1)
    X = 1. / (1. + 25. * x**2.)

    TT = DT.QTTvec(X)

    import numpy.linalg as npla
    V = P.GradVandermonde1D(x, 60, 0)
    (xhat, res, rnk, s) = npla.lstsq(V,
                                     X)  # Polynomial approximation is better

        "Test 1/(1+25x^2) Cheb vector: Max-rank = %d, Size = %d, Poly-int res = %e"
        % (np.max(TT.ranks()), TT.size(), res))
    nsucc += 1

    # ################ TEST 2.7 ###########################
    # # Test discontinuos function N-dimensional vector
    # sys.stdout.write("Test discontinuous vector\r")
    # sys.stdout.flush()

    # TT_eps = 1e-6
    # from SpectralToolbox import Spectral1D as S1D
    # P = S1D.Poly1D(S1D.JACOBI,[-0.5,-0.5])
    # q = 2
    # L = 16
    # N = q**L
    # (x,w) = P.GaussQuadrature(N-1)
    # X = (x<-0.1).astype(float) - (x>0.1).astype(float)

    # TT = DT.QTTvec(X,q,eps=1e-6)

    # import numpy.linalg as npla
    # V = P.GradVandermonde1D(x,TT.size(),0)
    # (xhat,res,rnk,s) = npla.lstsq(V,X) # Polynomial approximation is better

    # print_ok("Test discontinuous vector: Max-rank = %d, Size = %d, Eps = %e, Poly-int res = %e" % (np.max(TT.ranks()),TT.size(),TT_eps,res))

    ################# TEST 3.1 ##########################
    # Test d-dimensional Laplace operator
    # Scaling of storage for d-dimensional Laplace operator:
    # 1) Full tensor product: N^(2d)
    # 2) Sparse tensor product: ~ (3N)^d
    # 3) QTT format: 1D -> max-rank = 3: ~ 3*4*3*log2(N)
    #                dD -> max-rank = 4: ~ d*4*4*4*log2(N)

    d = 4
    span = np.array([0., 1.])
    q = 2
    L = 5
    N = q**L
    h = 1 / float(N - 1)
    TT_round = 1e-13

    D = -1. / h**2. * (np.diag(np.ones(
        (N - 1)), -1) + np.diag(np.ones(
            (N - 1)), 1) + np.diag(-2. * np.ones((N)), 0))
    #D[0,0:2] = np.array([1.,0.])
    #D[-1,-2:] = np.array([0.,1.])

    D_tensor = DT.matkron_to_mattensor(D, nrows=N, ncols=N)
    TT_D = DT.QTTmat(D_tensor, base=q, nrows=N, ncols=N)

    I = np.eye(N)
    I_tensor = DT.matkron_to_mattensor(I, nrows=N, ncols=N)
    TT_I = DT.QTTmat(I_tensor, base=q, nrows=N, ncols=N)

    tt_list = []
    for i in range(d):
        if i == 0: tmp = TT_D.copy()
        else: tmp = TT_I.copy()
        for j in range(1, d):
            if i == j: tmp.kron(TT_D)
            else: tmp.kron(TT_I)

    TT_Dxy = np.sum(tt_list).rounding(TT_round)

    if d == 2 and N <= 8:
        sys.stdout.write("Test 2-dimensional laplace from kron of 1D QTTmat\r")

        Dd = np.zeros((N**d, N**d))
        for i in range(d):
            tmp = np.array([1])
            for j in range(d):
                if i != j:
                    tmp = np.kron(tmp, I)
                    tmp = np.kron(tmp, D)
            Dd += tmp

        # Check equality with Dd
        nrows = [N for i in range(d)]
        ncols = [N for i in range(d)]
        err = []
        test = True
        for i in range(N**d):
            for j in range(N**d):
                sys.stdout.write("i = %d, j = %d \r" % (i, j))
                if np.abs(Dd[i, j] - TT_Dxy[DT.idxfold(nrows, i),
                                            DT.idxfold(ncols, j)]) > TT_round:
                    err.append((i, j))
                    test = False

        if test:
            print_ok("Test 2-dimensional laplace from kron of 1D QTTmat")
            nsucc += 1
            print_fail("Test 2-dimensional laplace from kron of 1D QTTmat")
            nfail += 1

    ################# TEST 3.2 ######################################
    # Test 2-dimensional Laplace operator from full tensor product

    if d == 2 and N <= 8:
        sys.stdout.write("Test 2-dimensional laplace from full kron product\r")

        Dd = np.zeros((N**d, N**d))
        for i in range(d):
            tmp = np.array([1])
            for j in range(d):
                if i != j:
                    tmp = np.kron(tmp, I)
                    tmp = np.kron(tmp, D)
            Dd += tmp

        Dd_tensor = DT.matkron_to_mattensor(Dd,
                                            nrows=[N for i in range(d)],
                                            ncols=[N for i in range(d)])
        TT_Dxykron = DT.QTTmat(Dd_tensor,
                               nrows=[N for i in range(d)],
                               ncols=[N for i in range(d)])

        # Check equality with Dd
        nrows = [N for i in range(d)]
        ncols = [N for i in range(d)]
        err = []
        test = True
        for i in range(N**d):
            for j in range(N**d):
                sys.stdout.write("i = %d, j = %d \r" % (i, j))
                if np.abs(Dd[i, j] -
                          TT_Dxykron[DT.idxfold(nrows, i),
                                     DT.idxfold(ncols, j)]) > TT_round:
                    err.append((i, j))
                    test = False

        if test:
            print_ok("Test 2-dimensional laplace from full kron product")
            nsucc += 1
            print_fail("Test 2-dimensional laplace from full kron product")
            nfail += 1

    ################# TEST 4.0 #########################################
    # Solve the d-dimensional Dirichlet-Poisson equation using full matrices
    # Use Conjugate-Gradient method

    d = 3
    span = np.array([0., 1.])
    q = 2
    L = 4
    N = q**L
    h = 1 / float(N - 1)
    X = np.linspace(span[0], span[1], N)
    eps_cg = 1e-13

    sys.stdout.write("%d-dim Dirichlet-Poisson problem FULL with CG\r" % d)

        # Construct d-D Laplace (with 2nd order finite diff)
        D = -1. / h**2. * (np.diag(np.ones(
            (N - 1)), -1) + np.diag(np.ones(
                (N - 1)), 1) + np.diag(-2. * np.ones((N)), 0))
        D[0, 0:2] = np.array([1., 0.])
        D[-1, -2:] = np.array([0., 1.])
        D_sp = sp.coo_matrix(D)
        I_sp = sp.identity(N)
        I = np.eye(N)
        FULL_LAP = sp.coo_matrix((N**d, N**d))
        for i in range(d):
            tmp = sp.identity((1))
            for j in range(d):
                if i != j: tmp = sp.kron(tmp, I_sp)
                else: tmp = sp.kron(tmp, D_sp)
            FULL_LAP = FULL_LAP + tmp
    except MemoryError:
        print("FULL CG: Memory Error")
        dofull = False

    # Construct Right hand-side (b=1, Dirichlet BC = 0)
    b1D = np.ones(N)
    b1D[0] = 0.
    b1D[-1] = 0.
    tmp = np.array([1.])
    for j in range(d):
        tmp = np.kron(tmp, b1D)
    FULL_b = tmp

    # Solve full system using npla.solve
    (FULL_RES, FULL_CONV) = spla.cg(FULL_LAP, FULL_b, tol=eps_cg)

    if PLOTTING and d == 2:
        from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D
        from matplotlib import cm
        X = np.linspace(span[0], span[1], N)
        (XX, YY) = np.meshgrid(X, X)
        fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14, 10))

    ################# TEST 4.1 #########################################
    # Solve the 2-dimensional Dirichlet-Poisson equation using QTTmat and QTTvec
    # Use Conjugate-Gradient method

        "%d-dim Dirichlet-Poisson problem QTTmat,QTTvec with CG\r" % d)

    TT_round = 1e-8
    eps_cg = 1e-3

    # Laplace operator
    D = -1. / h**2. * (np.diag(np.ones(
        (N - 1)), -1) + np.diag(np.ones(
            (N - 1)), 1) + np.diag(-2. * np.ones((N)), 0))
    D[0, 0:2] = np.array([1., 0.])
    D[-1, -2:] = np.array([0., 1.])

    D_tensor = DT.matkron_to_mattensor(D, nrows=N, ncols=N)
    TT_D = DT.QTTmat(D_tensor, base=q, nrows=N, ncols=N)

    I = np.eye(N)
    I_tensor = DT.matkron_to_mattensor(I, nrows=N, ncols=N)
    TT_I = DT.QTTmat(I_tensor, base=q, nrows=N, ncols=N)

    tt_list = []
    for i in range(d):
        if i == 0: tmp = TT_D.copy()
        else: tmp = TT_I.copy()
        for j in range(1, d):
            if i == j: tmp.kron(TT_D)
            else: tmp.kron(TT_I)

    TT_Dxy = np.sum(tt_list).rounding(TT_round)

    # Right hand side
    b1D = np.ones(N)
    b1D[0] = 0.
    b1D[-1] = 0.

    B = np.array([1.])
    for j in range(d):
        B = np.kron(B, b1D)
    B = np.reshape(B, [N for i in range(d)])

    TT_B = DT.QTTvec(B)

    # Solve QTT cg
    x0 = DT.QTTzerosvec(d=d, N=N, base=q)

    cg_start = time.clock()
    (TT_RES, TT_conv, TT_info) = mla.cg(TT_Dxy,
    cg_stop = time.clock()

    L2err = mla.norm(
        TT_RES.to_tensor().reshape([N for i in range(d)]) -
        FULL_RES.reshape([N for i in range(d)]), 'fro')
    if L2err < eps_cg:
            "%d-dim Dirichlet-Poisson problem QTTmat,QTTvec with CG      [PASSED] Time: %.10f\n"
            % (d, cg_stop - cg_start))
        nsucc += 1
            "%d-dim Dirichlet-Poisson problem QTTmat,QTTvec with CG      [FAILED] L2err: %.e\n"
            % (d, L2err))
        nfail += 1

    if PLOTTING and d == 2:
        # Plot function
        ax = fig.add_subplot(321, projection='3d')
                        TT_RES.to_tensor().reshape((N, N)),
        ax = fig.add_subplot(322, projection='3d')
                        np.abs(TT_RES.to_tensor().reshape((N, N)) -
                               FULL_RES.reshape((N, N))),

    ################# TEST 4.2 #########################################
    # Solve the 2-dimensional Dirichlet-Poisson equation using QTTmat and np.ndarray
    # Use Conjugate-Gradient method

        "%d-dim Dirichlet-Poisson problem QTTmat,ndarray with CG\r" % d)

    TT_round = 1e-8
    eps_cg = 1e-3

    # Laplace operator
    D = -1. / h**2. * (np.diag(np.ones(
        (N - 1)), -1) + np.diag(np.ones(
            (N - 1)), 1) + np.diag(-2. * np.ones((N)), 0))
    D[0, 0:2] = np.array([1., 0.])
    D[-1, -2:] = np.array([0., 1.])

    D_tensor = DT.matkron_to_mattensor(D, nrows=N, ncols=N)
    TT_D = DT.QTTmat(D_tensor, base=q, nrows=N, ncols=N)

    I = np.eye(N)
    I_tensor = DT.matkron_to_mattensor(I, nrows=N, ncols=N)
    TT_I = DT.QTTmat(I_tensor, base=q, nrows=N, ncols=N)

    tt_list = []
    for i in range(d):
        if i == 0: tmp = TT_D.copy()
        else: tmp = TT_I.copy()
        for j in range(1, d):
            if i == j: tmp.kron(TT_D)
            else: tmp.kron(TT_I)

    TT_Dxy = np.sum(tt_list).rounding(TT_round)

    # Right hand side
    b1D = np.ones(N)
    b1D[0] = 0.
    b1D[-1] = 0.

    B = np.array([1.])
    for j in range(d):
        B = np.kron(B, b1D)
    B = np.reshape(B, [N for i in range(d)])
    B = np.reshape(B, [q for i in range(d * L)])

    # Solve QTT cg
    x0 = np.zeros([q for i in range(d * L)])

    cg_start = time.clock()
    (ARR_RES, TT_conv, TT_info1) = mla.cg(TT_Dxy,
    cg_stop = time.clock()

    L2err = mla.norm(
        ARR_RES.reshape([N for i in range(d)]) -
        FULL_RES.reshape([N for i in range(d)]), 'fro')
    if L2err < eps_cg:
            "%d-dim Dirichlet-Poisson problem QTTmat,ndarray with CG     [PASSED] Time: %.10f"
            % (d, cg_stop - cg_start))
        nsucc += 1
            "%d-dim Dirichlet-Poisson problem QTTmat,ndarray with CG     [FAILED] L2err: %.e"
            % (d, L2err))
        nfail += 1

    if PLOTTING and d == 2:
        # Plot function
        ax = fig.add_subplot(323, projection='3d')
                        ARR_RES.reshape((N, N)),
        ax = fig.add_subplot(324, projection='3d')
            np.abs(ARR_RES.reshape((N, N)) - FULL_RES.reshape((N, N))),

    # ################# TEST 4.3 #########################################
    # # Solve the 2-dimensional Dirichlet-Poisson equation using QTTmat and np.ndarray
    # # Use Preconditioned Conjugate-Gradient method

    # sys.stdout.write("%d-dim Dirichlet-Poisson problem QTTmat,ndarray with Prec-CG\r" % d)
    # sys.stdout.flush()

    # TT_round = 1e-8
    # eps_cg = 1e-3

    # # Laplace operator
    # D = -1./h**2. * ( np.diag(np.ones((N-1)),-1) + np.diag(np.ones((N-1)),1) + np.diag(-2.*np.ones((N)),0) )
    # D[0,0:2] = np.array([1.,0.])
    # D[-1,-2:] = np.array([0.,1.])

    # D_tensor = DT.matkron_to_mattensor(D,nrows=N,ncols=N)
    # TT_D = DT.QTTmat(D_tensor, base=q,nrows=N,ncols=N,eps=TT_round)

    # I = np.eye(N)
    # I_tensor = DT.matkron_to_mattensor(I,nrows=N,ncols=N)
    # TT_I = DT.QTTmat(I_tensor,base=q,nrows=N,ncols=N,eps=TT_round)

    # tt_list = []
    # for i in range(d):
    #     if i == 0: tmp = TT_D.copy()
    #     else: tmp = TT_I.copy()
    #     for j in range(1,d):
    #         if i == j: tmp.kron(TT_D)
    #         else: tmp.kron(TT_I)
    #     tt_list.append(tmp)

    # TT_Dxy = np.sum(tt_list).rounding(TT_round)

    # # Construct Preconditioner using Newton-iterations
    # TT_II = TT_I.copy()
    # for j in range(1,d): TT_II.kron(TT_I)
    # alpha = 1e-6
    # TT_Pround = 1e-4
    # TT_P = alpha*TT_II
    # eps = mla.norm(TT_II-mla.dot(TT_Dxy,TT_P),'fro')/mla.norm(TT_II,'fro')
    # i = 0
    # while eps > 5.*1e-1:
    #     i += 1
    #     TT_P  = (2. * TT_P - mla.dot(TT_P,mla.dot(TT_Dxy,TT_P).rounding(TT_Pround)).rounding(TT_Pround)).rounding(TT_Pround)
    #     eps = mla.norm(TT_II-mla.dot(TT_Dxy,TT_P),'fro')/mla.norm(TT_II,'fro')
    #     sys.stdout.write("\033[K")
    #     sys.stdout.write("Prec: err=%e, iter=%d\r" % (eps,i))
    #     sys.stdout.flush()

    # # Right hand side
    # b1D = np.ones(N)
    # b1D[0] = 0.
    # b1D[-1] = 0.

    # B = np.array([1.])
    # for j in range(d):
    #     B = np.kron(B,b1D)
    # B = np.reshape(B,[N for i in range(d)])
    # B = np.reshape(B,[q for i in range(d*L)])

    # # Solve QTT cg
    # x0 = np.zeros([q for i in range(d*L)])

    # # Precondition
    # TT_DP = mla.dot(TT_P,TT_Dxy).rounding(TT_round)
    # BP = mla.dot(TT_P,B)

    # cg_start = time.clock()
    # (ARR_RES,TT_conv,TT_info) = mla.cg(TT_DP,BP,x0=x0,eps=eps_cg,ext_info=True,eps_round=TT_round)
    # cg_stop = time.clock()

    # L2err = mla.norm(ARR_RES.reshape([N for i in range(d)])-FULL_RES.reshape([N for i in range(d)]), 'fro')
    # if L2err  < eps_cg:
    #     print_ok("%d-dim Dirichlet-Poisson problem QTTmat,ndarray with Prec-CG [PASSED] Time: %.10f" % (d, cg_stop-cg_start))
    # else:
    #     print_fail("%d-dim Dirichlet-Poisson problem QTTmat,ndarray with Prec-CG [FAILED] L2err: %.e" % (d,L2err))

    # if PLOTTING and d == 2:
    #     # Plot function
    #     ax = fig.add_subplot(325,projection='3d')
    #     ax.plot_surface(XX,YY,ARR_RES.reshape((N,N)),rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=cm.coolwarm,
    #                     linewidth=0, antialiased=False)
    #     ax = fig.add_subplot(326,projection='3d')
    #     ax.plot_surface(XX,YY,np.abs(ARR_RES.reshape((N,N))-FULL_RES.reshape((N,N))),rstride=1, cstride=1, cmap=cm.coolwarm,
    #                     linewidth=0, antialiased=False)
    #     plt.show(block=False)

    print_summary("QTT", nsucc, nfail)

    return (nsucc, nfail)
Exemple #14
def run(maxprocs, PLOTTING=False, loglev=logging.WARNING):


    if PLOTTING:
        import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
        from matplotlib import cm
        from mpl_toolkits.mplot3d import Axes3D

    nsucc = 0
    nfail = 0

    # exp(- |X-X0|^2/2*l^2) Low Rank Approximation
    maxvoleps = 1e-5
    delta = 1e-5
    eps = 1e-10

    d = 2
    size = (32, 32)  # 1024 points

    # Build up the 2d tensor wrapper
    X0 = np.array([0.2, 0.2])
    l = 0.05
    params = {'X0': X0, 'l': l}

    def f(X, params):
        return np.exp(-np.sum((X - params['X0'])**2.) / (2 * params['l']**2.))

    X = [np.linspace(0, 1., size[0]), np.linspace(0, 1., size[1])]
    TW = DT.TensorWrapper(f, X, params)

    # Compute low rank approx
    TTapprox = DT.QTTvec(TW)
    TTapprox.build(method='ttdmrg', eps=eps, mv_eps=maxvoleps)
    fill = TW.get_fill_level()
    crossRanks = TTapprox.ranks()
    PassedRanks = all(
        map(operator.eq, crossRanks[1:-1],

    A = TW.copy()[tuple([slice(None, None, None) for i in range(len(size))])]
    FroErr = mla.norm(TTapprox.to_tensor() - A, 'fro')
    kappa = np.max(A) / np.min(
        A)  # This is slightly off with respect to the analysis
    r = np.max(TTapprox.ranks())
    epsTarget = (2. * r + kappa * r + 1.)**(np.log2(d)) * (r + 1.) * eps
    if FroErr < epsTarget:
            'QTTdmrg: exp(- |X-X0|^2/2*l^2) Low Rank Approx - (32x32) - (FroErr=%e, Fill=%.2f%%)'
            % (FroErr, 100. * np.float(fill) / np.float(TW.get_global_size())))
        nsucc += 1
            'QTTdmrg: exp(- |X-X0|^2/2*l^2) Low Rank Approx - (32x32) - (FroErr=%e, Fill=%.2f%%)'
            % (FroErr, 100. * np.float(fill) / np.float(TW.get_global_size())))
        nfail += 1

    if PLOTTING:
        # Get filled idxs
        fill_idxs = np.array(TW.get_fill_idxs())
        last_idxs = TTapprox.get_ttdmrg_eval_idxs()
        plt.imshow(A.astype(float), origin='lower')
        plt.plot(fill_idxs[:, 0], fill_idxs[:, 1], 'wo')
        plt.plot(last_idxs[:, 0], last_idxs[:, 1], 'ro')
        plt.title("exp(- |X-X0|^2/2*l^2) - 32x32")


    # exp(- |X-X0|^2/2*l^2) Low Rank Approximation (Not power of 2)
    maxvoleps = 1e-5
    delta = 1e-5
    eps = 1e-10

    d = 2
    size = (54, 54)

    # Build up the 2d tensor wrapper
    X0 = np.array([0.2, 0.2])
    l = 0.05
    params = {'X0': X0, 'l': l}

    def f(X, params):
        return np.exp(-np.sum((X - params['X0'])**2.) / (2 * params['l']**2.))

    X = [np.linspace(0, 1., size[0]), np.linspace(0, 1., size[1])]
    TW = DT.TensorWrapper(f, X, params)

    # Compute low rank approx
    TTapprox = DT.QTTvec(TW)
    TTapprox.build(method='ttdmrg', eps=eps, mv_eps=maxvoleps)
    fill = TW.get_fill_level()
    crossRanks = TTapprox.ranks()
    PassedRanks = all(
        map(operator.eq, crossRanks[1:-1],

    A = TW.copy()[tuple([slice(None, None, None) for i in range(len(size))])]
    FroErr = mla.norm(TTapprox.to_tensor() - A, 'fro')
    kappa = np.max(A) / np.min(
        A)  # This is slightly off with respect to the analysis
    r = np.max(TTapprox.ranks())
    epsTarget = (2. * r + kappa * r + 1.)**(np.log2(d)) * (r + 1.) * eps
    if FroErr < epsTarget:
            'QTTdmrg: exp(- |X-X0|^2/2*l^2) Low Rank Approx - (54x54) - (FroErr=%e, Fill=%.2f%%)'
            % (FroErr, 100. * np.float(fill) / np.float(TW.get_global_size())))
        nsucc += 1
            'QTTdmrg: exp(- |X-X0|^2/2*l^2) Low Rank Approx - (54x54) - (FroErr=%e, Fill=%.2f%%)'
            % (FroErr, 100. * np.float(fill) / np.float(TW.get_global_size())))
        nfail += 1

    if PLOTTING:
        # Get filled idxs
        fill_idxs = np.array(TW.get_fill_idxs())
        last_idxs = TTapprox.get_ttdmrg_eval_idxs()
        plt.imshow(A.astype(float), origin='lower')
        plt.plot(fill_idxs[:, 0], fill_idxs[:, 1], 'wo')
        plt.plot(last_idxs[:, 0], last_idxs[:, 1], 'ro')
        plt.title("exp(- |X-X0|^2/2*l^2) - 54x54")


    # 1./(x+y+1) Low Rank Approximation
    maxvoleps = 1e-5
    delta = 1e-5
    eps = 1e-10

    d = 2
    size = (33, 33)  # 1024 points

    # Build up the 2d tensor wrapper
    def f(X, params):
        return 1. / (X[0] + X[1] + 1.)

    X = [
        np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, size[0]),
        np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, size[1])
    TW = DT.TensorWrapper(f, X, None)

    # Compute low rank approx
    TTapprox = DT.QTTvec(TW)
    TTapprox.build(method='ttdmrg', eps=eps, mv_eps=maxvoleps)
    fill = TW.get_fill_level()
    crossRanks = TTapprox.ranks()
    PassedRanks = all(
        map(operator.eq, crossRanks[1:-1],

    A = TW.copy()[tuple([slice(None, None, None) for i in range(len(size))])]
    FroErr = mla.norm(TTapprox.to_tensor() - A, 'fro')
    kappa = np.max(A) / np.min(
        A)  # This is slightly off with respect to the analysis
    r = np.max(TTapprox.ranks())
    epsTarget = (2. * r + kappa * r + 1.)**(np.log2(d)) * (r + 1.) * eps
    if FroErr < epsTarget:
            'QTTdmrg: 1./(x+y+1) Low Rank Approx (FroErr=%e, Fill=%.2f%%)' %
            (FroErr, 100. * np.float(fill) / np.float(TW.get_global_size())))
        nsucc += 1
            'QTTdmrg: 1./(x+y+1) Low Rank Approx (FroErr=%e, Fill=%.2f%%)' %
            (FroErr, 100. * np.float(fill) / np.float(TW.get_global_size())))
        nfail += 1

    if PLOTTING:
        # Get filled idxs
        fill_idxs = np.array(TW.get_fill_idxs())
        plt.plot(fill_idxs[:, 0], fill_idxs[:, 1], 'o')
        plt.title("1./(x+y+1) - 33x33")


    # Sin(sum(x)) TTcross Approximation
    maxvoleps = 1e-5
    delta = 1e-5
    eps = 1e-10

    d = 3
    size = [33] * d

    # Build up the tensor wrapper
    # def f(X,params): return np.sin( X[0] ) * np.sin(X[1])
    def f(X, params):
        return np.sin(np.sum(X))

    # def f(X,params): return 1./( np.sum(X) + 1 )
    X = [np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, size[0])] * d
    TW = DT.TensorWrapper(f, X)

    # Compute low rank approx
    TTapprox = DT.QTTvec(TW)
    TTapprox.build(method='ttdmrg', eps=eps, mv_eps=maxvoleps)
    fill = TW.get_fill_level()
    crossRanks = TTapprox.ranks()
    PassedRanks = all(
        map(operator.eq, crossRanks[1:-1],

    A = TW.copy()[tuple([slice(None, None, None) for i in range(len(size))])]
    FroErr = mla.norm(TTapprox.to_tensor() - A, 'fro')
    kappa = np.max(A) / np.min(
        A)  # This is slightly off with respect to the analysis
    r = np.max(TTapprox.ranks())
    epsTarget = (2. * r + kappa * r + 1.)**(np.log2(d)) * (r + 1.) * eps
    if FroErr < epsTarget:
            'QTTdmrg: sin(sum(x)) Low Rank Approx (FroErr=%e, Fill=%.2f%%)' %
            (FroErr, 100. * np.float(fill) / np.float(TW.get_global_size())))
        nsucc += 1
            'QTTdmrg: sin(sum(x)) Low Rank Approx (FroErr=%e, Fill=%.2f%%)' %
            (FroErr, 100. * np.float(fill) / np.float(TW.get_global_size())))
        nfail += 1

    if PLOTTING and d == 3:
        # Get filled idxs
        fill_idxs = np.array(TW.get_fill_idxs())
        fig = plt.figure()
        ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
        ax.scatter(fill_idxs[:, 0], fill_idxs[:, 1], fill_idxs[:, 2])
        plt.title("Sin(sum(x)) - %s" % str(size))

        # Get last used idxs
        last_idxs = TTapprox.get_ttdmrg_eval_idxs()
        fig = plt.figure()
        ax = fig.add_subplot(111, projection='3d')
        ax.scatter(last_idxs[:, 0], last_idxs[:, 1], last_idxs[:, 2], c='r')
        plt.title("Sin(sum(x)) - %s" % str(size))

    # 1/(sum(x)+1) QTTdmrg Approximation
    maxvoleps = 1e-5
    delta = 1e-5
    eps = 1e-10

    d = 5
    size = [8] * d

    # Build up the 2d tensor wrapper
    def f(X, params):
        return 1. / (np.sum(X) + 1.)

    X = [np.linspace(0, 1, size[i]) for i in range(len(size))]
    TW = DT.TensorWrapper(f, X)

    # Compute low rank approx
    TTapprox = DT.QTTvec(TW)
    TTapprox.build(method='ttdmrg', eps=eps, mv_eps=maxvoleps)
    fill = TW.get_fill_level()
    crossRanks = TTapprox.ranks()
    PassedRanks = all(
        map(operator.eq, crossRanks[1:-1],

    A = TW.copy()[tuple([slice(None, None, None) for i in range(len(size))])]
    FroErr = mla.norm(TTapprox.to_tensor() - A, 'fro')
    MaxErr = np.max(TTapprox.to_tensor() - A)
    kappa = np.max(A) / np.min(
        A)  # This is slightly off with respect to the analysis
    r = np.max(TTapprox.ranks())
    epsTarget = (2. * r + kappa * r + 1.)**(np.log2(d)) * (r + 1.) * eps
    if FroErr < epsTarget:
            'QTTdmrg: 1/(sum(x)+1), d=%d, Low Rank Approx (FroErr=%e, MaxErr=%e, Fill=%.2f%%)'
            % (d, FroErr, MaxErr,
               100. * np.float(fill) / np.float(TW.get_global_size())))
        nsucc += 1
            'QTTdmrg: 1/(sum(x)+1), d=%d, Low Rank Approx (FroErr=%e, FroErr=%e, Fill=%.2f%%)'
            % (d, FroErr, MaxErr,
               100. * np.float(fill) / np.float(TW.get_global_size())))
        nfail += 1

    print_summary("QTTdmrg", nsucc, nfail)

    return (nsucc, nfail)