Exemple #1
class damage(unittest.TestCase):
    """ Test cases of damage """
    def  setUp(self):
        """ Build the Pkmn and Delegate for the test """
        self.user = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper()
        self.target = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper()
        attack = AttackFactory.getAttackAsNew("TACKLE")
        self.hp = 100
        self.delegate = OneHitDelegate(attack, 1)
    def oneHitKO(self):
        """ Test that the attack is a one-hit KO """
        self.target.pkmn.battleDelegate.types = ["NORMAL"]
        damage, messages = self.delegate.damage(self.user, self.target)
        assert damage == self.hp, "The damage should be the targets health"
        assert len(messages) == 1, "Should only get one message"
        assert messages[0] == OneHitDelegate.message, "Should get the One Hit KO message"
    def noDamage(self):
        """ Test that the attack does no damage when the effectiveness is 0 """
        self.target.pkmn.battleDelegate.types = ["GHOST"]
        damage, messages = self.delegate.damage(self.user, self.target)
        assert damage == 0, "The damage should be zero"
class cantHandle(unittest.TestCase):
    """ Test cases of cantHandle """
    def  setUp(self):
        """ Build the FaintDelegate for the test """
        self.handler = AffectUserFaintDelegate()
        self.user = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper()
        self.target = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper()
        self.effect = BuildEffectDelegate()
    def userFainted(self):
        """ Test that it can't handle the user fainting """
        self.effect.affectUser = 1
        cantHandle = self.handler.cantHandle(user = self.user, effect = self.effect)
        assert cantHandle, "Shouldn't handle when the user is fainted"
    def userNotFainted(self):
        """ Test that it can handle when the user is not fainted """
        self.effect.affectUser = 1
        cantHandle = self.handler.cantHandle(user = self.user, effect = self.effect)
        assert not cantHandle, "Should handle when the user is not fainted"
    def targetFainted(self):
        """ Test that it can't handle the target fainting """
        self.effect.affectUser = 0
        cantHandle = self.handler.cantHandle(target = self.target, effect = self.effect)
        assert cantHandle, "Shouldn't handle when the target is fainted"
    def targetNotFainted(self):
        """ Test that it can handle when the target is not fainted """
        self.effect.affectUser = 0
        cantHandle = self.handler.cantHandle(target = self.target, effect = self.effect)
        assert not cantHandle, "Should handle when the target is not fainted"
class calcDamage(unittest.TestCase):
    """ Test cases of calcDamage """
    def  setUp(self):
        """ Build the Pkmn and Delegate for the test """
        self.user = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper()
        self.target = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper()
        self.delegate = HalfHealthDelegate(None, 1)
    def halfHealth(self):
        """ Test that the damage is Half the Health of the target """
        hp = 100
        damage = self.delegate.calcDamage(self.user, self.target)
        assert damage == hp/2, "Damage should be half the targets health"
    def halfHealthNotFloored(self):
        """ Test that the damage is Half the Health of the target """
        hp = 101
        damage = self.delegate.calcDamage(self.user, self.target)
        assert damage == hp/2.0, "Damage should be half the targets health, not floored"
class applyEffect(unittest.TestCase):
    """ Test cases of applyEffect """
    def  setUp(self):
        """ Build the Pkmn and Delegate for the test """
        self.user = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper()
        self.target = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper()
        self.delegate = ConfuseDelegate(1)
    def alreadyConfused(self):
        """ Test that confusion is not applied when the target is already confused """
        self.user.secondaryEffects = [Confusion()]
        message = self.user.getHeader() + Confusion.already
        messages = self.delegate.applyEffect(self.user, self.target, None)
        assert len(messages) == 1, "Should get one message"
        assert messages[0]  == message, "Should say that the Pkmn is already confused"
        assert len(self.user.secondaryEffects) == 1, "Pkmn should not get another confusion effect"
    def notConfused(self):
        """ Test that confusion is applied when the target is not confused """
        self.user.secondaryEffects = []
        message = self.user.getHeader() + Confusion.start
        messages = self.delegate.applyEffect(self.user, self.target, None)
        assert len(messages) == 1, "Should get one message"
        assert messages[0]  == message, "Should say that the Pkmn is now confused"
        assert len(self.user.secondaryEffects) == 1, "Pkmn should get a confusion effect"
        assert self.delegate.isConfused(self.user), "The Pkmn should now be confused"
Exemple #5
class hit(unittest.TestCase):
    """ Test cases of hit """
    def  setUp(self):
        """ Build the Pkmn and Delegate for the test """
        self.attack = BuildAttack()
        self.user = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper()
        self.target = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper()
        self.environment = BattleEnvironment()
        self.toHit = 100.0
        self.delegate = HitDelegate(self.attack, self.toHit)
    def fainted(self):
        """ Test that if the target is fainted the attack misses """
        hit, message = self.delegate.hit(self.user, self.target, self.environment)
        assert not hit, "Should miss if the target is fainted"
    def dodging(self):
        """ Test that if the target is dodging the attack misses """
        self.target.dodge = "DIG"
        hit, message = self.delegate.hit(self.user, self.target, self.environment)
        assert not hit, "Should miss if the target is dodging"
    def otherwise(self):
        """ Test that the attack hits if the target is not dodging or fainted """
        hit, message = self.delegate.hit(self.user, self.target, self.environment)
        assert hit, "Should hit otherwise"
Exemple #6
 def hasStab(self):
     """ Test that it correctly returns STAB modifier """
     pkmn = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper("CHARMANDER")
     stab = self.delegate.getStab(pkmn)
     assert stab == 1.5, "Should return with STAB modifier"
Exemple #7
 def setUp(self):
     """ Build the Pkmn and Delegate for the test """
     self.pkmn = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper()
     self.delegate = ConfuseDelegate(1)
 def setUp(self):
     """ Build the Pkmn and AfterTurnEffect for the test """
     self.effect = AfterTurnEffect()
     self.effect.faintHandler = BuildFaintHandler("USER")
     self.pkmn = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper()
 def setUp(self):
     """ Builds the delegate and pkmn for use in the tests """
     self.pkmn = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper()
     self.delegate = PeriodicHealDelegate("", "")
     self.heal = PeriodicHeal("")
 def setUp(self):
     """ Builds the ability """
     self.pkmn = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper()
     self.ability = Ability(None)
Exemple #11
 def setUp(self):
     """ Build the FaintDelegate for the test """
     self.handler = UserFaintDelegate()
     self.user = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper()
 def  setUp(self):
     """ Build the FaintDelegate for the test """
     self.handler = TargetFaintDelegate()
     self.target = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper()
 def  setUp(self):
     """ Build the Pkmn and Effect for the test """
     self.delegate = EffectDelegate()
     self.user = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper()
     self.target = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper()
 def getPkmnWithTypes(self, types):
     """ Returns a Pokemon Battle Wrapper with the given types """
     pkmn = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper()
     return pkmn
Exemple #15
 def setUp(self):
     """ Build the Pkmn """
     self.stat = "ATK"
     self.battlePkmn = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper()
     self.pkmn = self.battlePkmn.pkmn
Exemple #16
 def noStab(self):
     """ Test that it correctly returns STAB modifier """
     pkmn = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper("BULBASAUR")
     stab = self.delegate.getStab(pkmn)
     assert stab == 1, "Should return with modifier of 1"
Exemple #17
 def setUp(self):
     """ Grabs the message dictionary from StatModDelegate """
     self.environment = BattleEnvironment()
     self.pkmn = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper()
     self.delegate = ChargeDelegate(2, 0, "")
 def setUp(self):
     """ Builds the delegate and side for use in the tests """
     self.pkmn = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper()
     self.attacker = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper()
     self.ability = Ability(None)
 def setUp(self):
     """ Builds the ability """
     self.name = "Some Name"
     self.pkmn = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper()
     self.ability = ConfusionImmunityAbility(self.name)
Exemple #20
 def setUp(self):
     """ Builds the Pkmn and Leech """
     self.pkmn = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper()
     self.pkmn2 = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper()
     self.leech = Leech(self.pkmn2, "")
     self.hp = 32
Exemple #21
 def  setUp(self):
     """ Build the Trainer and Pokemon lists for use in tests """
     self.trainer = Trainer()
     self.pkmnWithHealth = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper()
     self.pkmnWithoutHealth = BuildPokemon(pkmn = "CHARMANDER")
     self.pkmnWithoutHealth.battleDelegate.currHP = 0
Exemple #22
 def setUp(self):
     """ Builds the delegate and pkmn for use in the tests """
     self.wrapper = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper()
     self.delegate = LeechDelegate("", "", "FIRE")
     self.leech = Leech(None, "")
     self.otherLeech = Leech(None, "other.")
 def setUp(self):
     """ Build the Pkmn and Delegate for the test """
     self.pkmn = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper()
     self.delegate = HealByRatioDelegate(2)
Exemple #24
 def setUp(self):
     """ Setup the attack and Pokemon to use the attack """
     self.pkmn = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper()
     self.delegate = DamageScaleDelegate(None, 50, 1, 1, 5)
Exemple #25
 def  setUp(self):
     """ Build the Pkmn and Delegate for the test """
     self.target = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper()
     self.turns = 3
     self.delegate = ApplyLockDelegate(self.turns, 0)
Exemple #26
 def setUp(self):
     """ Build Pkmn and Delegate for use in test cases """
     self.pkmn =  BuildPokemonBattleWrapper()
     self.delegate = HitDelegate(None, 100)
 def setUp(self):
     """ Build side for use in test cases """
     self.pkmn = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper()
     self.parent = Attack()
     self.parent.type = "NORMAL"
Exemple #28
 def  setUp(self):
     """ Build the Pkmn and Delegate for the test """
     self.user = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper()
     self.target = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper()
     self.delegate = HitDelegate(None, 100)
 def setUp(self):
     """ Build the Pkmn and Delegate for the test """
     self.target = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper()
     self.delegate = FlinchDelegate()
Exemple #30
 def setUp(self):
     """ Builds the Sleep status"""
     self.status = Sleep()
     self.pkmn = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper()
     self.turns = 1
Exemple #31
 def setUp(self):
     """ Build the Damage Delegate """
     self.target = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper()
     self.delegate = DamageDelegate(None, 0, 1)
Exemple #32
 def setUp(self):
     """ Builds the BattleSide """
     self.stat = "ATK"
     self.pkmn = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper()
 def  setUp(self):
     """ Build the Confusion for the test """
     self.user = BuildPokemonBattleWrapper()
     self.confusion = Confusion()
     self.turns = 2