def buildNetwork(self): global startingPort # Create Bootstrap port = 12345 bootstrapNodeLocation = NodeLocation(None, self.myIP, port) self.allNodeObservers = [] self.allNetworkAPIs = [] self.allClientAPIs = [] # Start a bootstrap node log.msg("building BS node...") (status, clientAPI, networkAPI) = yield TestUtils.startNodeUsingAPI(self.myIP, port, None, 'theEnclave', False, True) self.assertTrue(status, 'Could not build bootstrap node') node = networkAPI.chordNode # This is very highly coupled -- bad MetricsMessageObserver(node) = TestMessageObserver(node, networkAPI) self.bsNode = node log.msg("building client nodes...") # Add X nodes to each enclave for _ in range(numNodes): # Add a node to the enclave (status, clientAPI, networkAPI) = yield TestUtils.startNodeUsingAPI(self.myIP, startingPort, bootstrapNodeLocation, 'theEnclave', False, False) self.assertTrue(status, 'Could not startupClientNode') node = networkAPI.chordNode # This is very highly coupled -- bad MetricsMessageObserver(node) observer = TestMessageObserver(node, networkAPI) startingPort += 1 self.allNetworkAPIs.append(networkAPI) self.allNodeObservers.append(observer) self.allClientAPIs.append(clientAPI) # Wait for flooding to reach all the nodes waiter = ConnectivityCounter() yield waiter.waitForConnectivity(numNodes+1, self.bsNode) # Does count bsNode itself. defer.returnValue(True)
class AggregationMessageTest(unittest.TestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super(AggregationMessageTest, cls).setUpClass() AggregationMessageTest.logObs = log.startLogging(sys.stdout) @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): super(AggregationMessageTest, cls).tearDownClass() if AggregationMessageTest.logObs is not None: AggregationMessageTest.logObs.stop() def setUp(self): '''Start the reactor so we don't have to do it in the nodes.''' # Turn off warning Config.WARN_NO_MESSAGE_AUTHENTICATOR = False Config.ALLOW_NO_AUTHENTICATOR = True # This is the IP of the node. Note: This MUST be # an external ID or the code won't work! self.myIP = NetworkUtils.getNonLoopbackIP (None, None) log.msg('Got IP: %s:%s' % (self.myIP, type(self.myIP))) # Set the timeout relative to total messages we're going to send. self.timeout = max(60,(numNodes * numMessages * numNodes) / 3) # Seconds d = self.buildNetwork() return d @defer.inlineCallbacks def buildNetwork(self): global startingPort # Create Bootstrap port = 12345 bootstrapNodeLocation = NodeLocation(None, self.myIP, port) self.allNodeObservers = [] self.allNetworkAPIs = [] self.allClientAPIs = [] # Start a bootstrap node log.msg("building BS node...") (status, clientAPI, networkAPI) = yield TestUtils.startNodeUsingAPI(self.myIP, port, None, 'theEnclave', False, True) self.assertTrue(status, 'Could not build bootstrap node') node = networkAPI.chordNode # This is very highly coupled -- bad MetricsMessageObserver(node) = TestMessageObserver(node, networkAPI) self.bsNode = node log.msg("building client nodes...") # Add X nodes to each enclave for _ in range(numNodes): # Add a node to the enclave (status, clientAPI, networkAPI) = yield TestUtils.startNodeUsingAPI(self.myIP, startingPort, bootstrapNodeLocation, 'theEnclave', False, False) self.assertTrue(status, 'Could not startupClientNode') node = networkAPI.chordNode # This is very highly coupled -- bad MetricsMessageObserver(node) observer = TestMessageObserver(node, networkAPI) startingPort += 1 self.allNetworkAPIs.append(networkAPI) self.allNodeObservers.append(observer) self.allClientAPIs.append(clientAPI) # Wait for flooding to reach all the nodes waiter = ConnectivityCounter() yield waiter.waitForConnectivity(numNodes+1, self.bsNode) # Does count bsNode itself. defer.returnValue(True) @defer.inlineCallbacks def doTearDown(self): '''Tear down the network created during setup.''' log.msg("tearDown begins...") # Stop everything for networkAPI in self.allNetworkAPIs: yield networkAPI.disconnect() yield self.bsNode.leave() # Wait for all network timeouts to finish #self.flushLoggedErrors() if Config.USE_CONNECTION_CACHE: yield TestUtils.wait(Config.CONNECTION_CACHE_DELAY + 2) else: yield TestUtils.defWait(3) defer.returnValue(True) @defer.inlineCallbacks def testAggregationMessage(self): ''' Send flooding message and ask for aggregation response. ''' print("testAggregationMessage method starting...") counter = 1 try: d = defer.Deferred() messageNum = random.randint(1,9999999) # Reset message count = True aggMax = numNodes + 2 #aggNumber = 3 for aggNumber in range(1, aggMax+1): #if aggNumber == aggNumber: # Flood from bootstrap to all nodes for i in range(numMessages): #d.addCallback(self.sendFlood, self.bsNode,messageNum+i,'theEnclave', data="SEND_AGG_RESPONSE:%d" % aggNumber) yield self.sendFlood(None, self.bsNode,messageNum+i,'theEnclave', data="SEND_AGG_RESPONSE:%d" % aggNumber) print("sending message %d", counter) counter += 1 d.callback(True) yield d # Wait a few seconds yield TestUtils.wait(5) print("testAggregationMessage check results...") # Now check the results yield self.checkResults(aggMax) except Exception, e: self.anError(e) finally: