Exemple #1
def unclosed_env_handler(src, expr, end):
    """Handle unclosed environments.

    Currently raises an end-of-file error. In the future, this can be the hub
    for unclosed-environment fault tolerance.

    :param Buffer src: a buffer of tokens
    :param TexExpr expr: expression for the environment
    :param int tolerance: error tolerance level (only supports 0 or 1)
    :param end str: Actual end token (as opposed to expected)
    clo = CharToLineOffset(str(src))
    explanation = 'Instead got %s' % end if end else 'Reached end of file.'
    line, offset = clo(src.position)
    raise EOFError('[Line: %d, Offset: %d] "%s" env expecting %s. %s' %
                   (line, offset, expr.name, expr.end, explanation))
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self, expr, src=None):
        """Creates TexNode object.

        :param TexExpr expr: a LaTeX expression, either a singleton
            command or an environment containing other commands
        :param str src: LaTeX source string
        assert isinstance(expr, TexExpr), \
            'Expression given to node must be a valid TexExpr'
        self.expr = expr
        self.parent = None
        if src is not None:
            self.char_to_line = CharToLineOffset(src)
            self.char_to_line = None
Exemple #3
def read_arg(src, c, tolerance=0, mode=MODE_NON_MATH):
    r"""Read the argument from buffer.

    Advances buffer until right before the end of the argument.

    :param Buffer src: a buffer of tokens
    :param str c: argument token (starting token)
    :param int tolerance: error tolerance level (only supports 0 or 1)
    :param str mode: math or not math mode
    :return: the parsed argument
    :rtype: TexGroup

    >>> from TexSoup.category import categorize
    >>> from TexSoup.tokens import tokenize
    >>> s = r'''{\item\abovedisplayskip=2pt\abovedisplayshortskip=0pt~\vspace*{-\baselineskip}}'''
    >>> buf = tokenize(categorize(s))
    >>> read_arg(buf, next(buf))
    >>> buf = tokenize(categorize(r'{\incomplete! [complete]'))
    >>> read_arg(buf, next(buf), tolerance=1)
    BraceGroup(TexCmd('incomplete'), '! ', '[', 'complete', ']')
    content = [c]
    arg = ARG_BEGIN_TO_ENV[c.category]
    while src.hasNext():
        if src.peek().category == arg.token_end:
            return arg(*content[1:], position=c.position)
            content.append(read_expr(src, tolerance=tolerance, mode=mode))

    if tolerance == 0:
        clo = CharToLineOffset(str(src))
        line, offset = clo(c.position)
        raise TypeError(
            '[Line: %d, Offset %d] Malformed argument. First and last elements '
            'must match a valid argument format. In this case, TexSoup'
            ' could not find matching punctuation for: %s.\n'
            'Just finished parsing: %s' % (line, offset, c, content))
    return arg(*content[1:], position=c.position)