def fastReplot (self,*dum): """Fast replot -- called when flipping images or slices. Uses the plot cache, if possible."""; if self._plot: self.resetDrawKey(); dprint(2,"calling replot",time.time()%60); self._plot.replot(); dprint(2,"replot done",time.time()%60);
def _createImageController (self,image,name,basename,model=False,save=False): dprint(2,"creating ImageController for",name); ic = ImageController(image,self,self,name,save=save); ic.setNumber(len(self._imagecons)); self._imagecons.insert(0,ic); self._imagecon_loadorder.append(ic); if model: self._model_imagecons.add(id(ic)); self._lo.addWidget(ic); if self._border_pen: ic.addPlotBorder(self._border_pen,basename,self._label_color,self._label_bg_brush); # attach appropriate signals image.connect(SIGNAL("slice"),self.fastReplot); image.connect(SIGNAL("repaint"),self.replot); image.connect(SIGNAL("raise"),self._currier.curry(self.raiseImage,ic)); image.connect(SIGNAL("unload"),self._currier.curry(self.unloadImage,ic)); image.connect(SIGNAL("center"),self._currier.curry(self.centerImage,ic)); QObject.connect(ic.renderControl(),SIGNAL("displayRangeChanged"),self._currier.curry(self._updateDisplayRange,ic.renderControl())); QObject.connect(ic.renderControl(),SIGNAL("displayRangeLocked"),self._currier.curry(self._lockDisplayRange,ic.renderControl())); self._plot = None; # add to menus dprint(2,"repopulating menus"); self._repopulateMenu(); # center and raise to top of stack self.raiseImage(ic); if not self._center_image: self.centerImage(ic,emit=False); else: ic.setPlotProjection(self._center_image.projection); # signal self.emit(SIGNAL("imagesChanged")); return ic;
def loadImage (self,filename=None,duplicate=True,to_top=True,model=None): """Loads image. Returns ImageControlBar object. If image is already loaded: returns old ICB if duplicate=False (raises to top if to_top=True), or else makes a new control bar. If model is set to a source name, marks the image as associated with a model source. These can be unloaded en masse by calling unloadModelImages(). """; if filename is None: if not self._load_image_dialog: dialog = self._load_image_dialog = QFileDialog(self,"Load FITS image",".","FITS images (%s);;All files (*)"%(" ".join(["*"+ext for ext in FITS_ExtensionList]))); dialog.setFileMode(QFileDialog.ExistingFile); dialog.setModal(True); QObject.connect(dialog,SIGNAL("filesSelected(const QStringList &)"),self.loadImage); self._load_image_dialog.exec_(); return None; if isinstance(filename,QStringList): filename = filename[0]; filename = str(filename); # report error if image does not exist if not os.path.exists(filename): self.showErrorMessage("""FITS image %s does not exist."""%filename); return None; # see if image is already loaded if not duplicate: for ic in self._imagecons: if ic.getFilename() and os.path.samefile(filename,ic.getFilename()): if to_top: self.raiseImage(ic); if model: self._model_imagecons.add(id(ic)); return ic; # load the FITS image busy = BusyIndicator(); dprint(2,"reading FITS image",filename); self.showMessage("""Reading FITS image %s"""%filename,3000); QApplication.flush(); try: image = SkyImage.FITSImagePlotItem(str(filename)); except KeyboardInterrupt: raise; except: busy = None; traceback.print_exc(); self.showErrorMessage("""<P>Error loading FITS image %s: %s. This may be due to a bug in Tigger; if the FITS file loads fine in another viewer, please send the FITS file, along with a copy of any error messages from the text console, to [email protected].</P>"""%(filename,str(sys.exc_info()[1]))); return None; # create control bar, add to widget stack ic = self._createImageController(image,"model source '%s'"%model if model else filename,model or,model=model); self.showMessage("""Loaded FITS image %s"""%filename,3000); dprint(2,"image loaded"); return ic;
def close (self): dprint(1,"closing Manager"); self._closing = True; for ic in self._imagecons: ic.close();
# (for the where-to-save hint) template = arglist[0][1]; # if all images in arglist have the same projection, then it doesn't matter what we use # else ask if len([x for x in arglist[1:] if x[1].projection == template.projection]) != len(arglist)-1: options = [ x[0] for x in arglist ]; (which,ok) = QInputDialog.getItem(self,"Compute image","Coordinate system to use for the result of \"%s\":"%expression,options,0,False); if not ok: return None; try: template = arglist[options.index(which)][1]; except: pass; # create a FITS image busy = BusyIndicator(); dprint(2,"creating FITS image",expression); self.showMessage("""Creating image for %s"""%expression,3000); QApplication.flush(); try: hdu = pyfits.PrimaryHDU(result.transpose(),template.fits_header); skyimage = SkyImage.FITSImagePlotItem(name=expression,filename=None,hdu=hdu); except: busy = None; traceback.print_exc(); self.showErrorMessage("""Error creating FITS image %s: %s"""%(expression,str(sys.exc_info()[1]))); return None; # get directory name for save-to hint dirname = getattr(template,'filename',None); if not dirname: dirnames = [ getattr(img,'filename') for x,img in arglist if hasattr(img,'filename') ]; dirname = dirnames[0] if dirnames else None;