lightList = [Light(Point(30,30,10), Color(1, 1, 1))]
objectList = [Sphere(Point(2.5,3,-10), 2, redMat),
              Sphere(Point(-2.5,3,-10), 2, greenMat),
              Sphere(Point(0,7,-10), 2, blueMat),
              Triangle(Point(2.5,3,-10), Point(-2.5,3,-10), Point(0,7,-10), triangleMat),
              Plane(Point(0,0,0), Vector(0,1,0), planeMat)]

# Renderfunktion - wird pro Pixel aufgerufen
def render_pix(x, y, color):
    img.put(color.toValidatedHexString(), (x, HEIGHT-y))
    if x%320 == 0:

# Fenster & Canvas aufbauen
mw = Tk()

cFrame = Frame(mw, width=WIDTH, height=HEIGHT)
canvas = Canvas(cFrame, width=WIDTH, height=HEIGHT, bg="white")

# Bild für Pixelunterstützung
img = PhotoImage(width=WIDTH, height=HEIGHT)
canvas.create_image(0, 0, image=img, anchor=NW)

# camera initialisieren
camera = Camera(Point(0,2,10), Vector(0,1,0), Point(0,3,0), FIELD_OF_VIEW)
camera.setScreenSize(WIDTH, HEIGHT)

# Anfangen zu Rendern, nachdem Canvas sichtbar ist
Exemple #2
def main():   
    ImageFile.MAXBLOCK = 4096*2304 # this is only required for older PIL versions, if PILs output buffer is not large enough. see:
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Simple Raytracer by Tilman Ginzel')
    parser.add_argument('-r', '--recursive', help='sets recursive depth, e.g. -r 3 (required)', nargs=1, type=checkPositiveInt, required=True, metavar='')
    parser.add_argument('-s', '--size', help='sets the size, e.g. -s 400 400', nargs=2, default=[400, 400], type=checkPositiveInt, required=False, metavar='')
    parser.add_argument('-v', '--verbose', help='enable live visualization while processing (slower)', required=False, action='store_true')
    parser.add_argument('-m', '--material', help='enable materials', required=False, action='store_true')
    parser.add_argument('-a', '--antialiasing', help='enables 4xSSAA (hence, 4 times slower)', required=False, action='store_true')
    parser.add_argument('-o', '--output', help='saves image to "./saves/"', required=False, action='store_true')
    parser.add_argument('-set', '--setting', help='choose a setting. -set 1 - 3', required=False, nargs=1, default=[1], type=int, metavar='')
    parser.add_argument('-nd', '--no-display', help='this should only be set if the script runs on a server without a $DISPLAY environment variable set!', required=False, action='store_true')
        args = vars(parser.parse_args())

    settingId =  args['setting'][0]
    if settingId == 1: # default setting
        setting = DefaultSetting(width=args['size'][0], height=args['size'][1], recursiveDepth=args['recursive'][0], showMaterial=args['material'])
    elif settingId == 2: # space setting
        setting = SpaceSetting(width=args['size'][0], height=args['size'][1], recursiveDepth=args['recursive'][0], showMaterial=args['material'])
    elif settingId == 3: # room setting
        setting = RoomSetting(width=args['size'][0], height=args['size'][1], recursiveDepth=args['recursive'][0], showMaterial=args['material'])
    else: # default setting
        setting = DefaultSetting(width=args['size'][0], height=args['size'][1], recursiveDepth=args['recursive'][0], showMaterial=args['material'])

    # display is used to set whether you want to have a visual feedback in a graphical user interface.
    display = not args['no_display'] # easier to read and you do not have to negotiate it on every call 

    if display:
        window = Tk()
        window._root().wm_title('Raytracer - Tilman Ginzel (173388)')

        if args['verbose']:
            can = Canvas(window, width=setting.WIDTH, height=setting.HEIGHT)
            frame = Frame(window, width=setting.WIDTH, height=setting.HEIGHT)
            can = Canvas(frame, width=setting.WIDTH, height=setting.HEIGHT)
            frame = Frame(window)

        # photoImage is used to show live changes while processing
        if args['verbose']:
            photoImage = PhotoImage(width=setting.WIDTH, height=setting.HEIGHT)
            can.create_image((setting.WIDTH/2, setting.HEIGHT/2), image=photoImage, state="normal")
    # pilImage is used to save the image after processing or if verbose is deactivated
    pilImage ="RGB", (setting.WIDTH, setting.HEIGHT), (0, 0, 0))
    start = time.clock()
    processor = Processor(setting, display=display, ssaa=args['antialiasing'])
    print 'start processing...'
    for pixel in processor.startProcessing():
        if display and args['verbose']:
            photoImage.put("#%02x%02x%02x" %((pixel[1][0], pixel[1][1], pixel[1][2])), (pixel[0][0], pixel[0][1]))
            if pixel[0][1] == setting.HEIGHT-1: # if y == bottom, update canvas
        pilImage.putpixel((pixel[0][0], pixel[0][1]), ((pixel[1][0], pixel[1][1], pixel[1][2])))
    end = time.clock()
    print 'done'
    print 'duration: %2.2f seconds' %(end-start)
    if display and not args['verbose']:
        tkImage = ImageTk.PhotoImage(pilImage)
        label = Label(image=tkImage)
        label.image = tkImage
    if args['output']:
        saveImage(pilImage, args)
    if display: