Exemple #1
def copyModuleIndex(srcRoot, dstRoot):
        Copies all <srcDIT>/Modules/Index/*.def and <srcDIT>/Modules/Index/*.py files to

    srcDir = os.path.join(srcRoot, 'Modules', 'Index')
    dstDir = os.path.join(dstRoot, 'Modules', 'Index')

    # For the case that srcRoot is an SIT proxy: Some people do not have
    # any files in their Index directory, furthermore the directory could
    # be entirely missing if never a BBCM had been installed into the
    # user's proxy
    # Any.requireIsDirNonEmpty( srcDir )

    for srcFile in FastScript.getFilesInDir(srcDir):
        if srcFile.endswith(".def") or srcFile.endswith(".py"):

            fileName = os.path.basename(srcFile)
            srcPath = os.path.join(srcDir, fileName)
            dstPath = os.path.join(dstDir, fileName)

            FastScript.copy(srcPath, dstPath)
    def run(self):
        if not 'category' in self.values:
            self.values['category'] = 'External'

        if not 'buildRules' in self.values:
                'buildRules'] = '''# This is a dummy file needed by various aux. scripts.
# The actual build instructions can be found in the compile.sh.


        srcDir = os.path.join(self.templateDir, 'External_without_compilation')
        dstDir = self.dstDir

        for fileName in FastScript.getFilesInDir(srcDir, '.php'):
            srcFile = os.path.join(srcDir, fileName)
            dstFile = os.path.join(dstDir, fileName)
            self.copyVerbatim(srcFile, dstFile)

        self.copyVerbatim(os.path.join(srcDir, 'pkgInfo.py'),
                          os.path.join(dstDir, 'pkgInfo.py'))

        FastScript.remove(os.path.join(dstDir, 'unittest.sh'))

        # create exemplarily (fake-)tarball file, and interface-symlink to it
        tarball = os.path.join(dstDir, 'src',
        symlink = os.path.join(dstDir, 'src', 'package.tar.bz2')

        logging.info('processing %s' % tarball)
        FastScript.setFileContent(tarball, '')

        logging.info('processing %s' % symlink)
        os.symlink('Example-1.0-precompiled.tar.bz2', symlink)

        # create basic packageVar.cmake
        # Note: for some reason calling FastScript.changeDirectory() with rel. path failed,
        # continuing with absolute path as workaround
        dstDir = os.path.abspath(dstDir)

        details = PackageDetector(dstDir)

        fileName = os.path.join(dstDir, 'packageVar.cmake')
    def run(self):
        if not 'category' in self.values:
            self.values['category'] = 'External'


        srcDir = os.path.join(self.templateDir,
        dstDir = self.dstDir

        for fileName in FastScript.getFilesInDir(srcDir, '.php'):
            srcFile = os.path.join(srcDir, fileName)
            dstFile = os.path.join(dstDir, fileName)
            self.copyVerbatim(srcFile, dstFile)

        self.copyVerbatim(os.path.join(srcDir, 'pkgInfo.py'),
                          os.path.join(dstDir, 'pkgInfo.py'))

        FastScript.remove(os.path.join(dstDir, 'unittest.sh'))

        # create exemplarily (fake-)tarball file, and interface-symlink to it
        tarball = os.path.join(dstDir, 'src', 'Example-1.0-src.tar.bz2')
        symlink = os.path.join(dstDir, 'src', 'sources.tar.bz2')

        logging.info('processing %s' % tarball)
        FastScript.setFileContent(tarball, '')

        logging.info('processing %s' % symlink)
        os.symlink('Example-1.0-src.tar.bz2', symlink)

        # create basic packageVar.cmake
        # Note: for some reason calling FastScript.changeDirectory() with rel. path failed,
        # continuing with absolute path as workaround
        dstDir = os.path.abspath(dstDir)

        details = PackageDetector(dstDir)

        fileName = os.path.join(dstDir, 'packageVar.cmake')
    def _patchCIA989( self, dryRun=False ):
            Removes legacy ANY_DEF_*_TAG macros.
        if self.details.canonicalPath.find( 'DevelopmentTools/ToolBOS' ) == -1 and \
           self.details.canonicalPath.find( 'Libraries/ToolBOSLib'     ) == -1 and \
           self.details.canonicalPath.find( 'Applications/ToolBOS'     ) == -1:

            result = []
            ticket = 'CIA-989'

            pkgNameUpper  = self.details.packageName.upper()
            srcTagPattern = re.compile( '(ANY_DEF_SRCTAG\s?\(.*?\);)', re.DOTALL )

            for fileName in FastScript.getFilesInDir( 'src' ):
                fileName = os.path.join( 'src', fileName )
                modified = False
                new      = ''

                old = 'ANY_DEF_BINTAG;\n'
                if self._replace( fileName, old, old, new, ticket, dryRun ):
                    modified |= True

                old = '/* File tag */\n'
                if self._replace( fileName, old, old, new, ticket, dryRun ):
                    modified |= True

                old = '/*---------------------------------------------*/\n' + \
                      '/* File tag                                    */\n' + \
                if self._replace( fileName, old, old, new, ticket, dryRun ):
                    modified |= True

                old = '#define %s_C_SRCTAG\n' % pkgNameUpper
                if self._replace( fileName, old, old, new, ticket, dryRun ):
                    modified |= True

                old = '#undef %s_C_SRCTAG\n' % pkgNameUpper
                if self._replace( fileName, old, old, new, ticket, dryRun ):
                    modified |= True

                content = FastScript.getFileContent( fileName )

                tmp = srcTagPattern.search( content )

                if tmp:
                    old = tmp.group(1)
                    if self._replace( fileName, old, old, new, ticket, dryRun ):
                        modified |= True

                # use the occasion and replace some more clutter
                old = '/* Temporary solution for a local debug level */\n'
                if self._replace( fileName, old, old, new, ticket, dryRun ):
                    modified |= True

                # remove too many empty lines left-over from previous replacements
                if modified:
                    old = '\n\n\n\n\n'
                    new = '\n\n'
                    self._replace( fileName, old, old, new, ticket, dryRun )

                    result.append( fileName )


            logging.info( 'skipping ToolBOS packages to not patch backward-compatibility layers' )

            return []
def addMainPackage( index, canonicalPath ):
        LibIndex filter function similar to addLibraries(), but will also
        add the "bin" directory.

        It keeps the original directory structure.
    Any.requireIsTextNonEmpty( canonicalPath )
    Any.requireIsList( index.platforms )

    if canonicalPath in index.pkgList:
        logging.debug( 'skipping %s (already added)' % canonicalPath )
        logging.debug( 'adding %s' % canonicalPath )
        index.pkgList.append( canonicalPath )

    installRoot = index.sitPath + os.sep + canonicalPath

    Any.requireMsg( os.path.exists( installRoot ),
                       "%s: No such package in SIT" % installRoot )

    linkAll_fileName = installRoot + os.sep + 'LinkAllLibraries'
    linkAll          = os.path.exists( linkAll_fileName )
    match            = fnmatch.fnmatch

    if linkAll:
        logging.debug( "%s: LinkAllLibraries found" % canonicalPath )

    for platform in index.platforms:
        tail     = 'lib'       + os.sep + platform
        libDir   = installRoot + os.sep + tail
        fileList = FastScript.getFilesInDir( libDir )

        for fileName in fileList:

            filePath = libDir + os.sep + fileName

            if ( linkAll                           == True ) or \
               ( match( fileName, '*.so.*.*'   ) == True ) or \
               ( match( fileName, '*.dll*' ) == True ) or \
               ( match( fileName, '*.so*'      ) == True and os.path.islink( filePath ) == False ) or \
               ( match( fileName, '*.lib*'     ) == True and os.path.islink( filePath ) == False ):

                srcFile_abs = filePath
                dstFile_rel = tail + os.sep + fileName

                if srcFile_abs not in index.fileDict.keys():
                    index.addFile( srcFile_abs, dstFile_rel )

        tail     = 'bin'       + os.sep + platform
        binDir   = installRoot + os.sep + tail
        fileList = FastScript.getFilesInDir( binDir )

        for fileName in fileList:

            srcFile_abs = binDir + os.sep + fileName
            dstFile_rel = tail   + os.sep + fileName

            if srcFile_abs not in index.fileDict.keys():
                index.addFile( srcFile_abs, dstFile_rel )
def fuseIntoSingleDirectory( index, canonicalPath ):
        This LibIndex filter function differs from the RTBOS LibIndex
        filter function in the following way:

        *All* regular files and symlinks from the lib directories
        (in both normal and inverse directory layout style) get fused into
        the same single output directory.

        This implies that Matlab Mexfiles are included, too.
        Note that Python *.egg files are excluded for now (no need).

        The files skipLibIndex and linkAllLibraries are not considered.
    Any.requireIsTextNonEmpty( canonicalPath )
    Any.requireIsList( index.platforms )

    if canonicalPath in index.pkgList:
        logging.debug( 'skipping %s (already added)' % canonicalPath )
        logging.debug( 'adding %s' % canonicalPath )
        index.pkgList.append( canonicalPath )

    installRoot = index.sitPath + os.sep + canonicalPath

    Any.requireMsg( os.path.exists( installRoot ),
                       "%s: No such package in SIT" % installRoot )

    #--- above this line it is equal to addLibraries(), below is specific ---

    # standard directory layout (lib/<platform>)

    for platform in index.platforms:
        tail     = 'lib'       + os.sep + platform
        libDir   = installRoot + os.sep + tail
        fileList = FastScript.getFilesInDir( libDir )

        for fileName in fileList:
            srcFile_abs = libDir   + os.sep + fileName
            dstFile_rel = platform + os.sep + fileName

            if not fileName.endswith( '.egg-info' )      and \
               not fileName.endswith( '.py' )            and \
               not fileName.endswith( '.pth' )           and \
               srcFile_abs not in index.fileDict.keys():

                index.addFile( srcFile_abs, dstFile_rel )

    # reversed directory layout (<platform>/lib), as in OpenCV or Python

    for platform in index.platforms:
        tail     = platform    + os.sep + 'lib'
        libDir   = installRoot + os.sep + tail
        fileList = FastScript.getFilesInDir( libDir )

        for fileName in fileList:
            srcFile_abs = libDir   + os.sep + fileName
            dstFile_rel = platform + os.sep + fileName

            if not fileName.endswith( '.egg-info' )      and \
               not fileName.endswith( '.py' )            and \
               not fileName.endswith( '.pth' )           and \
               srcFile_abs not in index.fileDict.keys():

                index.addFile( srcFile_abs, dstFile_rel )

    # main programs

    for platform in index.platforms:
        tail     = 'bin'       + os.sep + platform
        libDir   = installRoot + os.sep + tail
        fileList = FastScript.getFilesInDir( libDir )

        for fileName in fileList:
            srcFile_abs = libDir   + os.sep + fileName
            dstFile_rel = platform + os.sep + fileName

            if srcFile_abs not in index.fileDict.keys():
                index.addFile( srcFile_abs, dstFile_rel )
def addLibraries( index, canonicalPath ):
        LibIndex filter function which will generate an RTBOS-compatible
        index directory. It searches for:

          * <canonicalPath>/lib/${MAKEFILE_PLATFORM}
          * <canonicalPath>/${MAKEFILE_PLATFORM}/lib

        If a file <canonicalPath>/SkipLibIndex exists, this package will
        be ignored.

        If a file <canonicalPath>/LinkAllLibraries exists, all libraries
        in the above directories will be indexed. By default it will only
        search for a "libMyPackage.1.0.so" (package name / version).

        It will keep the original directory structure.
    Any.requireIsTextNonEmpty( canonicalPath )
    Any.requireIsList( index.platforms )

    if canonicalPath in index.pkgList:
        logging.debug( 'skipping %s (already added)' % canonicalPath )
        logging.debug( 'adding %s' % canonicalPath )
        index.pkgList.append( canonicalPath )

    installRoot = index.sitPath + os.sep + canonicalPath

    Any.requireMsg( os.path.exists( installRoot ),
                       "%s: No such package in SIT" % installRoot )

    linkAll_fileName = installRoot + os.sep + 'LinkAllLibraries'
    linkAll          = os.path.exists( linkAll_fileName )

    if linkAll:
        logging.debug( "%s: LinkAllLibraries found" % canonicalPath )

    # standard directory layout (lib/<platform>)

    match = fnmatch.fnmatch

    for platform in index.platforms:
        tail     = 'lib'       + os.sep + platform
        libDir   = installRoot + os.sep + tail
        fileList = FastScript.getFilesInDir( libDir )

        for fileName in fileList:

            filePath = libDir + os.sep + fileName

            if ( linkAll                       == True ) or \
               ( match( fileName, '*.so.*.*' ) == True ) or \
               ( match( fileName, '*.syms'   ) == True ) or \
               ( match( fileName, '*.dll*'   ) == True ) or \
               ( match( fileName, '*.so*'    ) == True and os.path.islink( filePath ) == False ) or \
               ( match( fileName, '*.lib*'   ) == True and os.path.islink( filePath ) == False ):

                srcFile_abs = filePath
                dstFile_rel = tail + os.sep + fileName

                if srcFile_abs not in index.fileDict.keys():
                    index.addFile( srcFile_abs, dstFile_rel )

    # reversed directory layout (<platform>/lib), as in OpenCV or Python

    for platform in index.platforms:
        tail     = platform    + os.sep + 'lib'
        libDir   = installRoot + os.sep + tail
        fileList = FastScript.getFilesInDir( libDir )

        for fileName in fileList:

            filePath = libDir + os.sep + fileName

            # the filename patterns below have been taken 1:1 from original
            # PHP implementation

            if ( linkAll                           == True ) or \
               ( match( fileName, '*.so.*.*'   ) == True ) or \
               ( match( fileName, '*.dll*'     ) == True ) or \
               ( match( fileName, '*.so*'      ) == True and os.path.islink( filePath ) == False ) or \
               ( match( fileName, '*.lib*'     ) == True and os.path.islink( filePath ) == False ):

                srcFile_abs = filePath
                dstFile_rel = tail + os.sep + fileName

                if srcFile_abs not in index.fileDict.keys():
                    index.addFile( srcFile_abs, dstFile_rel )