def get_torque(self): # Get angle to rotate ang_to_rot = vector2angle(self.get_rel_position(self.taget_entity_id)) -\ self.get_heading(self.entity_id) # Estimate torque torque = - P * ang_to_rot #Return the torque return self.check_torque(torque)
def __init__(self, event_handler, world, screen, mouse, spinner, keyboard): self.event_handler = event_handler = world self.screen = screen self.mouse = mouse self.spinner = spinner self.keyboard = keyboard self.steering_entities = [] self.entity_list = [] # SVG Parser self.SVGdata = SVGParser() player_file = os.path.join(filepath, 'GameData', 'Player_demo.svg') parse(player_file, self.SVGdata) # View realted information avatar = os.path.join(filepath, 'GameData', self.SVGdata.view["avatar"]) fwdvector = self.SVGdata.view["fwd_dir"] ##### # Model Related information # Physical properties mass = self.SVGdata.model["mass"][0] masunits = self.SVGdata.model["mass"][1] ##### # Kinematical information # Initial velocity # TODO: Comes from SVG. Where (Intelligence?)?? v = (50.0, 0) # Initial position # TODO: Comes from SVG, Map p = (300, 300) # Initial angle # TODO: Comes from SVG, Where (Intelligence?)?? # Rotate the unit such that tangential velocity an dforward vetor match angle = vector2angle(fwdvector, v) # Initial angular speed # TODO: Comes from SVG, Where (Intelligence?)?? angspeed = 0.0 ##### # Add circling entity # This comes from the Scale of the Game. # TODO: Comes form SVG, Map (??) scale = 0.6 self.entity_list.append(, velocity=v, ang=0.0, angspeed=angspeed, mass=mass)) self.screen.add_entity(self.entity_list[0], trace=False, image=avatar, angle=angle, size=scale) f = 20.0 # Angular velocity to match spin with orbit w = f / (mass * sqrt(dot(v, v)))[0], pi / 2, f)[0], w) #Left click ends app event_handler.bind(self.on_mouse_left_up, mouse.MOUSE_BTN3_UP) # Space pauses event_handler.bind(self.on_pause, keyboard.register_event_type('Space', 'UP')) # Debug information event_handler.bind(self.on_toggle_id, keyboard.register_event_type('i', 'UP')) # Drag and Drop self.grabbed = None event_handler.bind(self.on_mouse_down, mouse.MOUSE_BTN1_DOWN) event_handler.bind(self.on_mouse_up, mouse.MOUSE_BTN1_UP) event_handler.bind(self.on_mouse_move, mouse.MOUSE_MOVE) for listener_obj in \ [self.mouse,, self.screen, self.keyboard]: event_handler.bind(listener_obj.on_update, self.spinner.TICK)
def precalculate(self, ent_id): ''' Calculates averages for all entities in sensor range of the given entity. DO NOT CALL DIRECTLY ''' radius, aperture=self.sensors[ent_id] position=self.entities[ent_id].position in_range=set() to_average=list() angle=self.entities[ent_id].ang lower_angle=-aperture higher_angle=aperture sin_ang=sin(angle) cos_ang=cos(angle) for ent in self.entities: if continue rel_position=ent.position-position dx=rel_position[0] dy=rel_position[1] #Skip if entity is outside a box that contains the circle of radius radius if dx>radius or dx<-radius or dy>radius or dy<-radius: continue #Skip if outside the circle of radius radius distance2=dx*dx+dy*dy if distance2>radius*radius: continue # Rotate the relative position vector to have 0 angle at entity direction rot_rel_pos=array((rel_position[0]*cos_ang+rel_position[1]*sin_ang, \ -rel_position[0]*sin_ang +rel_position[1]*cos_ang )) # If unit is in sensor area add to do avergae rot_rel_ang=vector2angle(rot_rel_pos) if lower_angle<=rot_rel_ang<=higher_angle: to_average.append(concatenate(\ (ent.position, array((cos(ent.ang), sin(ent.ang))),ent.velocity))) in_range.add( # Perform the averaging try: average=reduce(add, to_average,0)*1.0/len(to_average) except ZeroDivisionError: average=array([0.0, 0.0, cos_ang, sin_ang, cos_ang, sin_ang]) self._centroid[ent_id]=average[0:2] heading=average[2:4] heading=heading/sqrt(dot(heading, heading)) self._heading[ent_id]=heading direction=average[4:6] try: direction=direction/sqrt(dot(direction, direction)) except FloatingPointError: pass self._direction[ent_id]=direction
def __init__(self, event_handler, world, screen, mouse, spinner, keyboard): self.event_handler=event_handler self.screen=screen self.mouse=mouse self.spinner=spinner self.keyboard=keyboard self.steering_entities=[] self.entity_list=[] # SVG Parser self.SVGdata=SVGParser() player_file=os.path.join(filepath,'GameData','Player_demo.svg') parse(player_file,self.SVGdata) # View realted information avatar=os.path.join(filepath,'GameData',self.SVGdata.view["avatar"]) fwdvector=self.SVGdata.view["fwd_dir"] ##### # Model Related information # Physical properties mass=self.SVGdata.model["mass"][0] masunits=self.SVGdata.model["mass"][1] ##### # Kinematical information # Initial velocity # TODO: Comes from SVG. Where (Intelligence?)?? v=(50.0,0) # Initial position # TODO: Comes from SVG, Map p=(300,300) # Initial angle # TODO: Comes from SVG, Where (Intelligence?)?? # Rotate the unit such that tangential velocity an dforward vetor match angle = vector2angle(fwdvector,v) # Initial angular speed # TODO: Comes from SVG, Where (Intelligence?)?? angspeed=0.0 ##### # Add circling entity # This comes from the Scale of the Game. # TODO: Comes form SVG, Map (??) scale=0.6 self.entity_list.append(, velocity=v, ang=0.0, angspeed=angspeed, mass=mass)) self.screen.add_entity(self.entity_list[0],trace=False, image=avatar, angle=angle,size=scale) f=20.0 # Angular velocity to match spin with orbit w=f/(mass*sqrt(dot(v,v)))[0], pi/2, f)[0], w) #Left click ends app event_handler.bind(self.on_mouse_left_up, mouse.MOUSE_BTN3_UP) # Space pauses event_handler.bind(self.on_pause, keyboard.register_event_type('Space', 'UP')) # Debug information event_handler.bind(self.on_toggle_id, keyboard.register_event_type('i', 'UP')) # Drag and Drop self.grabbed=None event_handler.bind(self.on_mouse_down, mouse.MOUSE_BTN1_DOWN) event_handler.bind(self.on_mouse_up, mouse.MOUSE_BTN1_UP) event_handler.bind(self.on_mouse_move, mouse.MOUSE_MOVE) for listener_obj in \ [self.mouse,, self.screen, self.keyboard]: event_handler.bind(listener_obj.on_update, self.spinner.TICK)
def ERM_step(ent): ''' Euler-Richardson Method step "Numerical integration of Newton's equations including velocity dependent forces". Ian R. Gatland. Am. J. Phys., Vol. 62, No. 3, March 1994 ''' # There are three frames of reference: # Global: # X axis horizontal pointing right, # Y axis vertical pointing down # LocalVel (or LocalCourse): # X axis parallel to velocity, # Y axis perpendicular to velocity # LocalHeading: # X axis parallel to the direction the unit is # pointing, # Y axis perpendicular to that (defines the left of # the entity) # We could define a transfrom in the model too using what is # in # WARNING: The follwoing computation assumes relatives forces are # ginven in LocalCourse frame ang = vector2angle(ent.velocity) R = rotv(array((0,0,1)), ang)[0:2,0:2] rel2global_f =, ent.total_relative_force) # Update the total force force = (ent.total_force + rel2global_f) - DAMPING*ent.velocity # Update total torque # TODO: A factor accounting for the effective radius of the entity # is missing in the damping factor torque = ent.total_torque - DAMPING*ent.angspeed # Update vel(t+1/2) and position pos(t+1/2) v_2 = ent.velocity + force*dt_2/ent.mass w_2 = ent.angspeed + torque*dt_2/ent.inertia_moment # Commented out. Used when forces depend on position and angle explicitly. Not programmed yet. # p_2 = ent.position + v_2*dt_2 # a_2 = ent.ang + w_2*dt_2 # Update forces # ang = ent.ang = vector2angle(v_2) ang = vector2angle(v_2) R = rotv(array((0,0,1)), ang)[0:2,0:2] rel2global_f =, ent.total_relative_force) force = (ent.total_force + rel2global_f) - DAMPING*v_2 # Update total torque # TODO: A factor accounting for the effective radius of the entity # is missing in the damping factor torque = ent.total_torque - DAMPING*w_2 # Update vel(t+1) ent.velocity = ent.velocity + force*dt_sec/ent.mass ent.angspeed = ent.angspeed + torque*dt_sec/ent.inertia_moment ent.position = ent.position + v_2*dt_sec
def verletV_step(ent): ''' Perform one step of the verlet velocity algorithm Not vectorized ''' # Put the forces given in the entity frame into the global frame # TODO: Put this in a function. Soon the entties wont be points # anymore and more projections/rotations will be needed. # There are three frames of reference: # Global: # X axis horizontal pointing right, # Y axis vertical pointing down # LocalVel (or LocalCourse): # X axis parallel to velocity, # Y axis perpendicular to velocity # LocalHeading: # X axis parallel to the direction the unit is # pointing, # Y axis perpendicular to that (defines the left of # the entity) # We could define a transfrom in the model too using what is # in # WARNING: The follwoing computation assumes relatives forces are # ginven in LocalCourse frame ang = vector2angle(ent.velocity) R = rotv(array((0,0,1)), ang)[0:2,0:2] rel2global_f =, ent.total_relative_force) # Update the total force force = (ent.total_force + rel2global_f) - DAMPING*ent.velocity # Update total torque # TODO: A factor accounting for the effective radius of the entity # is missing in the dmaping factor torque = ent.total_torque - DAMPING*ent.angspeed # Update vel(t+1/2) and position pos(t+1) v_2 = ent.velocity + force*dt_2/ent.mass ent.position = ent.position + v_2*dt_sec w_2 = ent.angspeed + torque*dt_2/ent.inertia_moment ent.ang = ent.ang + w_2*dt_sec # Update forces #ang = ent.ang = vector2angle(v_2) ang = vector2angle(v_2) R = rotv(array((0,0,1)), ang)[0:2,0:2] rel2global_f =, ent.total_relative_force) force = (ent.total_force + rel2global_f) - DAMPING*v_2 # Update total torque # TODO: A factor accounting for the effective radius of the entity # is missing in the dmaping factor torque = ent.total_torque - DAMPING*w_2 # Update vel(t+1) ent.velocity = v_2 + force*dt_2/ent.mass
def precalculate(self, ent_id): ''' Calculates averages for all entities in sensor range of the given entity. DO NOT CALL DIRECTLY ''' radius, aperture = self.sensors[ent_id] position = self.entities[ent_id].position in_range = set() to_average = list() angle = self.entities[ent_id].ang lower_angle = -aperture higher_angle = aperture sin_ang = sin(angle) cos_ang = cos(angle) for ent in self.entities: if == ent_id: continue rel_position = ent.position - position dx = rel_position[0] dy = rel_position[1] #Skip if entity is outside a box that contains the circle of radius radius if dx > radius or dx < -radius or dy > radius or dy < -radius: continue #Skip if outside the circle of radius radius distance2 = dx * dx + dy * dy if distance2 > radius * radius: continue # Rotate the relative position vector to have 0 angle at entity direction rot_rel_pos=array((rel_position[0]*cos_ang+rel_position[1]*sin_ang, \ -rel_position[0]*sin_ang +rel_position[1]*cos_ang )) # If unit is in sensor area add to do avergae rot_rel_ang = vector2angle(rot_rel_pos) if lower_angle <= rot_rel_ang <= higher_angle: to_average.append(concatenate(\ (ent.position, array((cos(ent.ang), sin(ent.ang))),ent.velocity))) in_range.add( # Perform the averaging try: average = reduce(add, to_average, 0) * 1.0 / len(to_average) except ZeroDivisionError: average = array([0.0, 0.0, cos_ang, sin_ang, cos_ang, sin_ang]) self._centroid[ent_id] = average[0:2] heading = average[2:4] heading = heading / sqrt(dot(heading, heading)) self._heading[ent_id] = heading direction = average[4:6] try: direction = direction / sqrt(dot(direction, direction)) except FloatingPointError: pass self._direction[ent_id] = direction self._neighbours[ent_id] = in_range
def ERM_step(ent): ''' Euler-Richardson Method step "Numerical integration of Newton's equations including velocity dependent forces". Ian R. Gatland. Am. J. Phys., Vol. 62, No. 3, March 1994 ''' # There are three frames of reference: # Global: # X axis horizontal pointing right, # Y axis vertical pointing down # LocalVel (or LocalCourse): # X axis parallel to velocity, # Y axis perpendicular to velocity # LocalHeading: # X axis parallel to the direction the unit is # pointing, # Y axis perpendicular to that (defines the left of # the entity) # We could define a transfrom in the model too using what is # in # WARNING: The follwoing computation assumes relatives forces are # ginven in LocalCourse frame ang = vector2angle(ent.velocity) R = rotv(array((0, 0, 1)), ang)[0:2, 0:2] rel2global_f =, ent.total_relative_force) # Update the total force force = (ent.total_force + rel2global_f) - DAMPING * ent.velocity # Update total torque # TODO: A factor accounting for the effective radius of the entity # is missing in the damping factor torque = ent.total_torque - DAMPING * ent.angspeed # Update vel(t+1/2) and position pos(t+1/2) v_2 = ent.velocity + force * dt_2 / ent.mass w_2 = ent.angspeed + torque * dt_2 / ent.inertia_moment # Commented out. Used when forces depend on position and angle explicitly. Not programmed yet. # p_2 = ent.position + v_2*dt_2 # a_2 = ent.ang + w_2*dt_2 # Update forces # ang = ent.ang = vector2angle(v_2) ang = vector2angle(v_2) R = rotv(array((0, 0, 1)), ang)[0:2, 0:2] rel2global_f =, ent.total_relative_force) force = (ent.total_force + rel2global_f) - DAMPING * v_2 # Update total torque # TODO: A factor accounting for the effective radius of the entity # is missing in the damping factor torque = ent.total_torque - DAMPING * w_2 # Update vel(t+1) ent.velocity = ent.velocity + force * dt_sec / ent.mass ent.angspeed = ent.angspeed + torque * dt_sec / ent.inertia_moment ent.position = ent.position + v_2 * dt_sec ent.ang = ent.ang + w_2 * dt_sec
def verletV_step(ent): ''' Perform one step of the verlet velocity algorithm Not vectorized ''' # Put the forces given in the entity frame into the global frame # TODO: Put this in a function. Soon the entties wont be points # anymore and more projections/rotations will be needed. # There are three frames of reference: # Global: # X axis horizontal pointing right, # Y axis vertical pointing down # LocalVel (or LocalCourse): # X axis parallel to velocity, # Y axis perpendicular to velocity # LocalHeading: # X axis parallel to the direction the unit is # pointing, # Y axis perpendicular to that (defines the left of # the entity) # We could define a transfrom in the model too using what is # in # WARNING: The follwoing computation assumes relatives forces are # ginven in LocalCourse frame ang = vector2angle(ent.velocity) R = rotv(array((0, 0, 1)), ang)[0:2, 0:2] rel2global_f =, ent.total_relative_force) # Update the total force force = (ent.total_force + rel2global_f) - DAMPING * ent.velocity # Update total torque # TODO: A factor accounting for the effective radius of the entity # is missing in the dmaping factor torque = ent.total_torque - DAMPING * ent.angspeed # Update vel(t+1/2) and position pos(t+1) v_2 = ent.velocity + force * dt_2 / ent.mass ent.position = ent.position + v_2 * dt_sec w_2 = ent.angspeed + torque * dt_2 / ent.inertia_moment ent.ang = ent.ang + w_2 * dt_sec # Update forces #ang = ent.ang = vector2angle(v_2) ang = vector2angle(v_2) R = rotv(array((0, 0, 1)), ang)[0:2, 0:2] rel2global_f =, ent.total_relative_force) force = (ent.total_force + rel2global_f) - DAMPING * v_2 # Update total torque # TODO: A factor accounting for the effective radius of the entity # is missing in the dmaping factor torque = ent.total_torque - DAMPING * w_2 # Update vel(t+1) ent.velocity = v_2 + force * dt_2 / ent.mass ent.angspeed = w_2 + torque * dt_2 / ent.inertia_moment