def fibonacci(): num = raw_input("Enter the item Number: ") num = int(num) # num = 5 num_index = num - 1 first_num = 0 second_num = 1 fib = [first_num, second_num] next_num = 0 while num <= 2: next_num = fib[num_index] # print (next_num) break for i in fib: ind = (j for j, x in enumerate(fib) if x == i) for j in ind: # print(i) #the number in the list # print(j) #the index position of the number n the list (i) while len(fib) - 2 < j < num_index: last_num = fib[j] # print(last_num) second_last_num = fib[j - 1] # print(last_num) next_num = last_num + second_last_num fib += [next_num] print(fib) print(next_num)
def set_league_skills(self, user_input): header = "Please Enter the skills of the " + user_input + \ " using the format and order below: (eg Agile Animal Clever)" if user_input == "leader": print(header) result = raw_input("1st_Skill 2nd_Skill 3rd_Skill \n") elif user_input == "sidekick": print(header) result = raw_input("1st_Skill 2nd_Skill \n") elif user_input == "ally": result = raw_input("Please Enter the level 1 or level 2 " "skill for Ally: \n") elif user_input == "follower": result = raw_input("Please Enter the level 1 skill " "for Follower: \n") print(result) return result.rstrip('\n')
from Tools.Scripts.treesync import raw_input #from __future__ import division __author__ = 'Ehelepola' a=int(raw_input("")) for i in range(0,a): print(pow(i,2))
from Tools.Scripts.treesync import raw_input __author__ = 'luchenhua' x = int(raw_input('Enter an integer: ')) ans = 0 while ans * ans * ans < abs(x): ans += 1 print('Current guess =', ans) if ans * ans * ans != abs(x): print(x, 'is not a perfect cube') else: if x < 0: ans = -ans print('Cube root of ' + str(x) + ' is ' + str(ans)) x = int(raw_input('Enter an integer: ')) for ans in range(0, abs(x) + 1): if ans ** 3 == abs(x): break if ans ** 3 != abs(x): print(x, 'is not a perfect cube') else: if x < 0: ans = -ans print('Cube root of ' + str(x) + ' is ' + str(ans)) x = 25 epsilon = 0.01 numGuesses = 0 ans = 0.0
from Tools.Scripts.treesync import raw_input #from __future__ import division __author__ = 'Ehelepola' a=int(raw_input("")) b=int(raw_input("")) c=int(raw_input("")) print(pow(a,b)) print(pow(a,b,c))
""" 题目:输入某年某月某日,判断这一天是这一年的第几天? 程序分析:以3月5日为例,应该先把前两个月的加起来,然后再加上5天即本年的第几天,特殊 情况,闰年且输入月份大于3时需考虑多加一天: """ #!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- from Tools.Scripts.treesync import raw_input year = int(raw_input('year:\n')) month = int(raw_input('month:\n')) day = int(raw_input('day:\n')) months = (0,31,59,90,120,151,181,212,243,273,304,334) if 0 <= month <= 12: sum = months[month - 1] else: print('data error') sum += day leap = 0 if (year % 400 == 0) or ((year % 4 == 0) and (year % 100 != 0)): leap = 1 if (leap == 1) and (month > 2): sum += 1 print( 'it is the %dth day.' % sum)
from Tools.Scripts.treesync import raw_input __author__ = 'luchenhua' x = 3 x *= x print(x) y = raw_input('Enter a number: ') print(type(y)) print(y) y = float(raw_input('Enter a number: ')) print(type(y)) print(y) print(y * y) x = int(raw_input('Enter an integer: ')) if x % 2 == 0: print('Even') else: print('Odd') if x % 3 != 0: print('And not divisible by 3') x = int(raw_input('Enter x: ')) y = int(raw_input('Enter y: ')) z = int(raw_input('Enter z: ')) if x < y: if x < z:
from Tools.Scripts.treesync import raw_input # from __future__ import division __author__ = "Ehelepola" firstName = raw_input("") lastName = raw_input("") print("Hello " + firstName + " " + lastName + "! You just delved into python.")
def main(): row = 0 col = 0 display_mines = False game_state = Status.INPROGRESS print("!!!!!WELCOME TO THE MINESWEEPER GAME!!!!!\n") size = get_board_size() # declare 2D array of cells board = [[' ' for i in range(size)] for i in range(size)] init_board(size, board) # determine number of mine to place on the board nbr_mines = int((size * size * (get_percent_mines() / 100.0))) # place mines randomly on the board place_mines_on_board(size, board, nbr_mines) # For each non-mine cell, sets the neighboring mine count fill_in_mine_count_for_non_mine_cells(size, board) display_board(size, board, display_mines) while True: command = input("Enter command (m/M for command menu): ") if (command == "m") or (command == "M"): display_menu() elif (command == "c") or (command == "C"): while (row < 1) or (row > size) or (col < 1) or (col > size): row, col = raw_input("Enter row and col of cell: ").split() row, col = [int(row), int(col)] if (row < 1) or (row > size) or (col < 1) or (col > size): print("Invalid row or column values. Try again.") row -= 1 col -= 1 game_state = select_cell(row, col, size, board) display_board(size, board, display_mines) elif (command == "s") or (command == "S"): display_mines = True display_board(size, board, display_mines) elif (command == "h") or (command == "H"): display_mines = False display_board(size, board, display_mines) elif (command == "b") or (command == "B"): display_board(size, board, display_mines) elif (command == "q") or (command == "Q"): print("Bye.") return 0 else: print("Invalid command. Try again.") if game_state == Status.WON: print("You found all the mines. Congratulations. Bye.") return 0 elif game_state == Status.LOST: print("Oops. Sorry, you landed on a mine. Bye") return 0 return 0
from Tools.Scripts.treesync import raw_input __author__ = 'Bartek' while True: value = raw_input("Podaj wartosc: ") if value == "stop\n": break try: intValue = int(value) except ValueError: print("Wyglada na to, ze podana wartosc nie jest wartoscia typu integer!") continue print("x: " + value + "x^3: " + str(pow(intValue, 3)))
from Tools.Scripts.treesync import raw_input #from __future__ import division __author__ = 'Ehelepola' firstName = (raw_input("")) lastName = (raw_input("")) print("Hello " + firstName + " " + lastName + "! You just delved into python.")