def slideWindow(self, distance): if self.waveStart + distance < 0 or self.waveEnd + distance > self.waveLength or distance == 0: return else: self.waveStart = self.waveStart + distance if distance > 0: self.oldX = self.x[:distance] self.oldY = self.y[:distance] (self.newX, self.newY) = tde.slidePhaseSpace(self.wave, self.waveEnd + 44, distance, self.tauX) self.x = np.concatenate((self.x[distance:], self.newX)) self.y = np.concatenate((self.y[distance:], self.newY)) newPts = ou.getPointObjects(self.newX, self.newY) self.oct.appendPoints(newPts) else: self.oldX = self.x[distance:] self.oldY = self.y[distance:] (self.newX, self.newY) = tde.slidePhaseSpace(self.wave, self.waveStart, distance, self.tauX) self.x = np.concatenate((self.newX, self.x[:distance])) self.y = np.concatenate((self.newY, self.y[:distance])) newPts = ou.getPointObjects(self.newX, self.newY) self.oct.prependPoints(newPts) self.waveEnd = self.waveEnd + distance
def killTrajectory(self, anyBin): ou.removeTraj(self.front,self.back) self.front.removeTrajectory(self) self.back.removeTrajectory(self) if self.tempPoints is not None: for tempPoint in self.tempPoints: closestRelative = tempPoint.findClosestRelative([self.front,self.back]) ou.removeTempPt(tempPoint,closestRelative) tempPoint.removeTrajectory(self)
def createTrajectories(self,lastPoint,points,isSyncWithBin): for point in points: if isSyncWithBin: ou.syncNewPointWithBin(point,self.firstLevel,lastPoint) bin1 = lastPoint.lowestBin bin2 = point.lowestBin if bin1 != bin2: ou.addTrajectory(lastPoint, point,bin1,bin2) self.splitBin(bin2) lastPoint=point
def killPoints(self, removal): for point in removal: for traj in point.trajectories: traj.killTrajectory(self.firstLevel) editBin = ou.getBin(self.firstLevel, point.binPath) editBin.removePoint(point) self.manageBinMerge(editBin)
def drawOctree(self):[self.minX, self.minX, self.maxX, self.maxX], [self.minY, self.maxY, self.minY, self.maxY], color='w', s=1) binFacts, checkExtendedFamily = self.oct.getDualScaleBins( self.oct.firstLevel) shiftFacts = ou.getExtendedFamilyShifts(checkExtendedFamily) if shiftFacts is not None: binFacts.extend(shiftFacts) for bounds, intensity, isKey in binFacts: if isKey: patches.Rectangle((bounds.minX, bounds.minY), bounds.maxX - bounds.minX, bounds.maxY - bounds.minY, alpha=0.7, color='c', ec='k', zorder=3)) else: patches.Rectangle((bounds.minX, bounds.minY), bounds.maxX - bounds.minX, bounds.maxY - bounds.minY, alpha=0.1, color='w', ec='k'))
def getBoundsCreatePoints(self, xList, yList): self.maxX = float("-inf") self.maxY = float("-inf") self.minX = float("inf") self.minY = float("inf") prev_pt = None for idx, x in enumerate(xList): x = float(xList[idx]) if math.isnan(x): prev_pt = None else: y = float(yList[idx]) if y > self.maxY: self.maxY = y if y < self.minY: self.minY = y if x > self.maxX: self.maxX = x if x < self.minX: self.minX = x newPt = ou.getPointObject(x, y, 0, prevPt=prev_pt) if prev_pt != None: prev_pt.setNext(newPt) self.points.append(newPt) self.x.append(x) self.y.append(y) prev_pt = newPt midX = (self.maxX + self.minX) / 2 midY = (self.maxY + self.minY) / 2 halfSide = max(self.maxX - midX, self.maxY - midY) * 1.05 return Bounds.Bounds(midX - halfSide, midY - halfSide, -1, midX + halfSide, midY + halfSide, 1)
def getKdSubsampling(bounds,points): pointObjs = [] for point in points: pointObjs.append( ou.getPointObjects(point[0],point[1])) myOctree = oct.Octree(5) myOctree.createOctree(pointObjs, True) return myOctree.getKdSubsamplePoints()
def manageBinMerge(self, editedBin): editedParent = editedBin.parent if (editedParent.trajCt < self.trajThreshold or not editedParent.checkAncestorsTraj(self.trajThreshold)) and editedBin.depth>=self.trajThreshold: siblingPts = ou.getChildPtCount(editedParent) if self.splitPtThresh>(siblingPts/len(self.points)): editedParent.mergeChildren() self.manageBinMerge(editedParent)
def test(self, octDyn, pts, newPts): pts[len(newPts):].extend(newPts) staticPts = ou.copyPointObjects(pts) octStatic = Octree.Octree(8, octDyn.bounds, 35, 100) octStatic.createOctree(staticPts, True) isEqual = print(isEqual) isEqual = True return pts, isEqual
def divide(self): for i in range(8): childBound = self.bounds.getChild(i) pts = [] newChild = OctreeBin(self, pts, childBound, self.depth + 1, 0) self.children.append(newChild) if not self.arePointsSorted: self.sortPoints() prevPointId = -10 firstLvl = ou.getFirstLevelBin(self) for ptIdx, point in enumerate(self.points): if point.pointId - prevPointId == 1: bin2, newBinPath = ou.getRelaxedBinAndBinPath( firstLvl, point, self.points[ptIdx - 1]) point.addToBinPath([newBinPath[-1]]) bin2.addPoints([point]) bin1 = ou.getBin(firstLvl, self.points[ptIdx - 1].binPath) notContainedinTraj = True #if the point contains a traj, check to see if other point is in traj. #if so, then don't create a new one, just increment point's bin's ct if point.trajectories: for traj in point.trajectories: if traj.contains(self.points[ptIdx - 1]): notContainedinTraj = False bin2.incrementTrajectoryCount() for extraPt in traj.tempPoints: exBin = ou.incrementExtraPointBins( extraPt, firstLvl, [point, self.points[ptIdx - 1]]) if bin1 != bin2 and notContainedinTraj: ou.addTrajectory(self.points[ptIdx - 1], point, bin1, bin2) #the point has to have a neighbor in another binset else: binIdx = self.findIndex(point) self.children[binIdx].addPoints([point]) point.addToBinPath([binIdx]) for traj in point.trajectories: for extraPt in traj.tempPoints: if extraPt.binPath[:self.depth - 1] == point.binPath[:self.depth - 1]: exBin = ou.incrementExtraPointBins( extraPt, firstLvl, [point, self.points[ptIdx - 1]]) myBin = ou.getBin(firstLvl, point.binPath) myBin.incrementTrajectoryCount() prevPointId = point.pointId self.points = []
def initActivityRecognition(self, sub_idx): #testortrain = ['test','train'] testortrain = ['test'] #iterations = ['1','2','3','4'] iterations = ['1'] self.runtime = 0 self.tot_run = 0 for tot in testortrain: for iteration in iterations: saveLocation = '.\\Data\\Subject' + sub_idx + '\\Subsamples_' + tot + '\\It_' + iteration + '\\' = ss.getWindowedPoints(sub_idx, iteration, tot) i = 0 for window in self.wave = window self.waveStart = 0 self.waveEnd = tde.getWaveEnd(self.waveStart) self.x = [float(i[0]) for i in self.wave] self.y = [float(i[1]) for i in self.wave] self.z = [float(i[2]) for i in self.wave] self.x = np.array(self.x) self.y = np.array(self.y) self.z = np.array(self.z) self.points = ou.getPointObjects(self.x, self.y, self.z) binThreshold = math.ceil(1000 / len(self.points)) binThreshold = min(3, binThreshold) bounds = self.getBoundsThree(self.points) self.oct = Octree.Octree(4, bounds, binThreshold, 10) start = time.perf_counter() self.oct.createOctree(self.points, True) self.runtime += time.perf_counter() - start self.tot_run += 1 # sample = self.oct.getKdSubsamplePoints() # while len(sample) < 3 and self.oct.trajThreshold > 1: # self.oct.decreaseThreshold() # sample = self.oct.getKdSubsamplePoints() # if not os.path.exists(saveLocation): # os.makedirs(saveLocation) # with open(saveLocation + 'joint'+str((i%6)+1)+'window'+str((i//6)+1)+'.csv','w',newline='') as outFile: # writer = csv.writer(outFile) # for point in sample: # writer.writerow(point) # i+=1 # plt.cla() del self.oct
def __init__(self,fig,ax): self.fig = fig = ax self.wave = np.array(Startup()) self.waveStart = 0 self.waveEnd = tde.getWaveEnd(self.waveStart) self.waveLength = self.wave.size [self.x,self.y, self.tauX] = tde.getPhaseData(self.wave, self.waveStart, self.waveEnd) self.oldX = [] self.oldY = [] self.newX = [] self.newY = [] self.points = ou.getPointObjects(self.x,self.y) self.oct = Octree.Octree(5) start = time.perf_counter() self.oct.createOctree(self.points,True) self.drawScatter() self.drawOctree() self.fig.canvas.draw() print(time.perf_counter()-start)
def initMisc(self): self.wave = ss.getPointsFromFile() self.waveStart = 0 self.waveEnd = tde.getWaveEnd(self.waveStart) self.x = [float(i[0]) for i in self.wave] self.y = [float(i[1]) for i in self.wave] self.z = [float(i[2]) for i in self.wave] self.x = np.array(self.x) self.y = np.array(self.y) self.z = np.array(self.z) self.points = ou.getPointObjects(self.x, self.y, self.z) binThreshold = 2 bounds = self.getBoundsThree(self.points) self.oct = Octree.Octree(4, bounds, binThreshold, 10) start = time.perf_counter() self.oct.createOctree(self.points, True) self.visualizePaths() self.drawOctree() sample = self.oct.getKdSubsamplePoints() print(time.perf_counter() - start)
def divide(self): for i in range(8): childBound = self.bounds.getChild(i) pts=[] newChild = OctreeBin(self,pts,childBound, self.depth+1,0) self.children.append(newChild) prevPoint=None for ptIdx,point in enumerate(self.points): if point.prev==prevPoint and prevPoint!=None: bin2 = ou.getRelaxedBin(point,prevPoint) point.lowestBin = bin2 bin2.addPoints([point]) bin1 = prevPoint.lowestBin notContainedinTraj = True #if the point contains a traj, check to see if other point is in traj. #if so, then don't create a new one, just increment point's bin's ct if point.trajectories: for traj in point.trajectories: if traj.contains(prevPoint): notContainedinTraj=False bin2.incrementTrajectoryCount() for extraPt in traj.tempPoints: ou.incrementExtraPointBins(extraPt) if bin1 != bin2 and notContainedinTraj: ou.introduceTrajectory(prevPoint,point,bin1,bin2) #the point has to have a neighbor in another binset else: binIdx = self.findIndex(point) receivingBin = self.children[binIdx] receivingBin.addPoints([point]) point.updateBin(receivingBin) for traj in point.trajectories: for extraPt in traj.tempPoints: if extraPt.lowestBin == point.lowestBin.parent: ou.incrementExtraPointBins(extraPt) myBin = point.lowestBin myBin.incrementTrajectoryCount() prevPoint=point self.points=[]
def preprocessData(self, bounds, binDepth): min_dist = max((bounds.maxX - bounds.minX), (bounds.maxY - bounds.minY)) / (2**binDepth) new_points = [] for idx, pt in enumerate(self.points): prevPt = pt.prev if prevPt != None: max_coord_dist = max(abs(pt.X - prevPt.X), abs(pt.Y - prevPt.Y)) if max_coord_dist > min_dist: num_points = math.ceil(max_coord_dist / min_dist) dist_added_x = (pt.X - prevPt.X) / num_points dist_added_y = (pt.Y - prevPt.Y) / num_points dist_added_z = (pt.Z - prevPt.Z) / num_points add_pts = [] for sub_idx in range(num_points): xval = prevPt.X + dist_added_x * (sub_idx + 1) yval = prevPt.Y + dist_added_y * (sub_idx + 1) zval = prevPt.Z + dist_added_z * (sub_idx + 1) add_pts.append((xval, yval, zval, idx)) new_points.append(add_pts) for point_list in new_points: first_pt = point_list[0] append_prev = self.points[first_pt[3]] append_last = append_prev.nxt for point in point_list: new_pt = ou.getPointObject(point[0], point[1], point[2], prevPt=append_prev) append_prev.setNext(new_pt) append_prev = new_pt self.points.append(new_pt) append_prev.setNext(append_last) if append_last: append_last.setPrev(append_prev)
overlap = 500 newPts = dim[(i*overlap)+windowSize:((i+1)*overlap)+windowSize] return newPts def getWindow(dim, i): windowSize = 1000 overlap = 500 newPts = dim[(i*overlap)+windowSize:((i+1)*overlap)+windowSize] return newPts if __name__ == '__main__': windowSize = 1000 overlap = 500 dataStream = getPointsFromFile() points = ou.getPointObsFromSingleSrc(dataStream) myOctree = oct.Octree(5) baseSet = points[0:windowSize] myOctree.createOctree(baseSet,True) iterations = floor((len(points)-len(baseSet))/(windowSize-overlap)) sampling = [] for i in range(iterations): newPts = points[(i*overlap)+windowSize:((i+1)*overlap)+windowSize] myOctree.appendPoints(newPts) sample = myOctree.getKdSubsamplePoints() sampling.append(sample) with open('sampling.csv', 'w', newline='') as outFile: writer = csv.writer(outFile) i=0 for line in sampling: i=i+1