Exemple #1
def user():

    next = 0
    action = True
    while action:  # loop to quitting the program
            "Please print in the format of the two digits like 44 for 4d, 3d for 44, 11 for 1a \n"
        value = input(
            "Enter the value of the function\nstart: 1 \nposition: "  # prompt of choice
            "2\nundo: 3\nsave: 4\nrestore: 5\nquit: 6\n")

        if value == "1":  # clear                                                           # start
            position = input(
                "Please type the positon of the knight on the chess board:  ")
            assert 11 <= int(position) <= 88 and int(
                position) % 10 != 0, "Not a valid position"  # condition

            t = Tour(position)  # initializing the class
            next = t.next_moves(position)
            chess_board = t.chess_board()
            print("\nValid Next movements:  ")  # Giving direction for the
            print(next[1])  # first time to the user

            # new_chess = t.show_move()
            # for i in range ((new_chess[0])):
            #    print(new_chess[1][i][1])

        elif (value == "2"):  # position
            stop = False
            while not stop:  # Loop till valid point by user

                    "Please print in the format of the two digits like 44 for 4d, 3d for 44, 11 for 1a \n"
                position = input(
                    "Please print the positon of the knight on the chess board:  "
                assert 11 <= int(position) <= 88 and int(position) and int(
                    position) % 10 != 0, "Not a valid position"

                if next == None:  # No next move
                    print("Please execute start")
                # print(next)

                # checking for the valid move for knight
                bool = t.valid_moves(position,
                                     next)  # checking next move is valid

                if bool:

                    # print("Valid Position\n")

                    # generating new chess board with positon of the knight

                    next = t.next_moves(position)

                    stop = True
                    print("Not valid point. Retry please!")

        elif value == "3":  # undo
                pos = t.undo()
                next = t.next_moves(
                )  # recalculating the moves of knight from the undo position
                print("Move the knight, can't Undo now")

        elif value == "4":

        elif value == "5":
            pos = t.restore()
            next = t.next_moves(
            )  # recalculating the position of the knight from the restore copy
        elif value == "6":
            action = False