Exemple #1
    def test_on_metadata_received_alert(self):
        Testing whether the right operations happen when we receive metadata
        test_deferred = Deferred()

        def mocked_checkpoint():

        mocked_file = MockObject()
        mocked_file.path = 'test'

        self.libtorrent_download_impl.handle.trackers = lambda: []
        self.libtorrent_download_impl.handle.save_resume_data = lambda: None
        torrent_dict = {'name': 'test', 'piece length': 42, 'pieces': '', 'files': []}
        get_info_from_handle(self.libtorrent_download_impl.handle).metadata = lambda: lt.bencode(torrent_dict)
        get_info_from_handle(self.libtorrent_download_impl.handle).files = lambda: [mocked_file]

        self.libtorrent_download_impl.checkpoint = mocked_checkpoint
        self.libtorrent_download_impl.session = MockObject()
        self.libtorrent_download_impl.session.lm = MockObject()
        self.libtorrent_download_impl.session.lm.rtorrent_handler = None
        self.libtorrent_download_impl.session.lm.torrent_db = None
        self.libtorrent_download_impl.handle.save_path = lambda: None
        self.libtorrent_download_impl.handle.prioritize_files = lambda _: None
        self.libtorrent_download_impl.get_save_path = lambda: ''
        self.libtorrent_download_impl.get_share_mode = lambda: False

        return test_deferred
    def test_metadata_received_invalid_torrent_with_value_error(self):
        Testing whether the right operations happen when we receive metadata but the torrent info is invalid and throws
        Value Error
        def mocked_checkpoint():
            raise RuntimeError("This code should not be reached!")

        mocked_file = MockObject()
        mocked_file.path = 'test'

        # The line below should trigger Value Error
        self.libtorrent_download_impl.handle.trackers = lambda: [{

        torrent_dict = {
            'name': 'test',
            'piece length': 42,
            'pieces': '',
            'files': []
                             ).metadata = lambda: lt.bencode(torrent_dict)
                             ).files = lambda: [mocked_file]

        self.libtorrent_download_impl.checkpoint = mocked_checkpoint
    def test_on_metadata_received_alert(self):
        Testing whether the right operations happen when we receive metadata
        test_deferred = Deferred()

        def mocked_checkpoint():

        mocked_file = MockObject()
        mocked_file.path = 'test'

        self.libtorrent_download_impl.handle.trackers = lambda: []
        self.libtorrent_download_impl.handle.save_resume_data = lambda: None
        self.libtorrent_download_impl.handle.rename_file = lambda *_: None
        with open(os.path.join(TESTS_DATA_DIR, "bak_single.torrent"), mode='rb') as torrent_file:
            encoded_metainfo = torrent_file.read()
        decoded_metainfo = bdecode(encoded_metainfo)
        get_info_from_handle(self.libtorrent_download_impl.handle).metadata = lambda: bencode(decoded_metainfo['info'])
        get_info_from_handle(self.libtorrent_download_impl.handle).files = lambda: [mocked_file]

        self.libtorrent_download_impl.checkpoint = mocked_checkpoint
        self.libtorrent_download_impl.session = MockObject()
        self.libtorrent_download_impl.session.lm = MockObject()
        self.libtorrent_download_impl.session.lm.torrent_db = None
        self.libtorrent_download_impl.handle.save_path = lambda: None
        self.libtorrent_download_impl.handle.prioritize_files = lambda _: None
        self.libtorrent_download_impl.get_save_path = lambda: ''
        self.libtorrent_download_impl.get_share_mode = lambda: False

        return test_deferred
Exemple #4
    def got_metainfo(self, infohash, timeout=False):
        with self.metainfo_lock:
            infohash_bin = binascii.unhexlify(infohash)

            if infohash in self.metainfo_requests:
                request_dict = self.metainfo_requests.pop(infohash)
                handle = request_dict['handle']
                callbacks = request_dict['callbacks']
                timeout_callbacks = request_dict['timeout_callbacks']
                notify = request_dict['notify']

                self._logger.debug('got_metainfo %s %s %s', infohash, handle, timeout)

                assert handle
                if handle:
                    if callbacks and not timeout:
                        metainfo = {"info": lt.bdecode(get_info_from_handle(handle).metadata())}
                        trackers = [tracker.url for tracker in get_info_from_handle(handle).trackers()]
                        peers = []
                        leechers = 0
                        seeders = 0
                        for peer in handle.get_peer_info():
                            if peer.progress == 1:
                                seeders += 1
                                leechers += 1

                        if trackers:
                            if len(trackers) > 1:
                                metainfo["announce-list"] = [trackers]
                            metainfo["announce"] = trackers[0]
                            metainfo["nodes"] = []
                        if peers and notify:
                            self.notifier.notify(NTFY_TORRENTS, NTFY_MAGNET_GOT_PEERS, infohash_bin, len(peers))
                        metainfo["initial peers"] = peers
                        metainfo["leechers"] = leechers
                        metainfo["seeders"] = seeders

                        self._add_cached_metainfo(infohash, metainfo)

                        for callback in callbacks:

                        # let's not print the hashes of the pieces
                        debuginfo = deepcopy(metainfo)
                        del debuginfo['info']['pieces']
                        self._logger.debug('got_metainfo result %s', debuginfo)

                    elif timeout_callbacks and timeout:
                        for callback in timeout_callbacks:

                if handle:
                    self.get_session().remove_torrent(handle, 1)
                    if notify:
                        self.notifier.notify(NTFY_TORRENTS, NTFY_MAGNET_CLOSE, infohash_bin)
Exemple #5
    def got_metainfo(self, infohash, timeout=False):
        with self.metainfo_lock:
            infohash_bin = unhexlify(infohash)

            if infohash in self.metainfo_requests:
                request_dict = self.metainfo_requests.pop(infohash)
                handle = request_dict['handle']
                callbacks = request_dict['callbacks']
                timeout_callbacks = request_dict['timeout_callbacks']
                notify = request_dict['notify']

                self._logger.debug('got_metainfo %s %s %s', infohash, handle, timeout)

                assert handle
                if handle:
                    if callbacks and not timeout:
                        metainfo = {"info": lt.bdecode(get_info_from_handle(handle).metadata())}
                        trackers = [tracker.url for tracker in get_info_from_handle(handle).trackers()]
                        peers = []
                        leechers = 0
                        seeders = 0
                        for peer in handle.get_peer_info():
                            if peer.progress == 1:
                                seeders += 1
                                leechers += 1

                        if trackers:
                            if len(trackers) > 1:
                                metainfo["announce-list"] = [trackers]
                            metainfo["announce"] = trackers[0]
                            metainfo["nodes"] = []
                        if peers and notify:
                            self.notifier.notify(NTFY_TORRENTS, NTFY_MAGNET_GOT_PEERS, infohash_bin, len(peers))
                        metainfo["initial peers"] = peers
                        metainfo["leechers"] = leechers
                        metainfo["seeders"] = seeders

                        self._add_cached_metainfo(infohash, metainfo)

                        for callback in callbacks:

                        # let's not print the hashes of the pieces
                        debuginfo = deepcopy(metainfo)
                        del debuginfo['info']['pieces']
                        self._logger.debug('got_metainfo result %s', debuginfo)

                    elif timeout_callbacks and timeout:
                        for callback in timeout_callbacks:

                if handle:
                    self.ltsession_metainfo.remove_torrent(handle, 1)
                    if notify:
                        self.notifier.notify(NTFY_TORRENTS, NTFY_MAGNET_CLOSE, infohash_bin)
    def __init__(self, f, d):
        self._logger = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__)

        self._file = f
        self._download = d

        pieces = self._download.tdef.get_pieces()
        self.pieces = [pieces[x:x + 20]for x in xrange(0, len(pieces), 20)]
        self.piecesize = self._download.tdef.get_piece_length()

        self.startpiece = get_info_from_handle(self._download.handle).map_file(
            self._download.get_vod_fileindex(), 0, 0)
        self.endpiece = get_info_from_handle(self._download.handle).map_file(
            self._download.get_vod_fileindex(), self._download.get_vod_filesize(), 0)
    def __init__(self, f, d):
        self._logger = logging.getLogger(self.__class__.__name__)

        self._file = f
        self._download = d

        pieces = self._download.tdef.get_pieces()
        self.pieces = [pieces[x:x + 20]for x in xrange(0, len(pieces), 20)]
        self.piecesize = self._download.tdef.get_piece_length()

        self.startpiece = get_info_from_handle(self._download.handle).map_file(
            self._download.get_vod_fileindex(), 0, 0)
        self.endpiece = get_info_from_handle(self._download.handle).map_file(
            self._download.get_vod_fileindex(), self._download.get_vod_filesize(), 0)
Exemple #8
    def on_metadata_received_alert(self, alert):
        torrent_info = get_info_from_handle(self.handle)
        if not torrent_info:

        metadata = {'info': lt.bdecode(torrent_info.metadata())}

        trackers = [tracker['url'] for tracker in self.handle.trackers()]
        if trackers:
            if len(trackers) > 1:
                metadata["announce-list"] = [trackers]
                metadata["announce"] = trackers[0]

            self.tdef = TorrentDef.load_from_dict(metadata)
        except ValueError as ve:

            torrent_files = lt.torrent_info(metadata).files()
        except RuntimeError:
            self._logger.warning("Torrent contains no files!")
            torrent_files = []

        self.orig_files = [torrent_file.path.decode('utf-8') for torrent_file in torrent_files]

Exemple #9
 def get_vod_filesize(self):
     fileindex = self.get_vod_fileindex()
     torrent_info = get_info_from_handle(self.handle)
     if fileindex >= 0 and torrent_info:
         file_entry = torrent_info.file_at(fileindex)
         return file_entry.size
     return 0
Exemple #10
    def set_byte_priority(self, byteranges, priority):
        pieces = []
        torrent_info = get_info_from_handle(self.handle)
        if not torrent_info:
            self._logger.info("LibtorrentDownloadImpl: could not get info from download handle")

        for fileindex, bytes_begin, bytes_end in byteranges:
            if fileindex >= 0 and torrent_info:
                # Ensure the we remain within the file's boundaries
                file_entry = torrent_info.file_at(fileindex)
                bytes_begin = min(
                    file_entry.size, bytes_begin) if bytes_begin >= 0 else file_entry.size + (bytes_begin + 1)
                bytes_end = min(file_entry.size, bytes_end) if bytes_end >= 0 else file_entry.size + (bytes_end + 1)

                startpiece = torrent_info.map_file(fileindex, bytes_begin, 0).piece
                endpiece = torrent_info.map_file(fileindex, bytes_end, 0).piece + 1
                startpiece = max(startpiece, 0)
                endpiece = min(endpiece, torrent_info.num_pieces())

                pieces += range(startpiece, endpiece)
                self._logger.info("LibtorrentDownloadImpl: could not set priority for incorrect fileindex")

        if pieces:
            pieces = list(set(pieces))
            self.set_piece_priority(pieces, priority)
Exemple #11
    def render_GET(self, request):
        .. http:get:: /download/(string: infohash)/torrent

        A GET request to this endpoint returns the .torrent file associated with the specified download.

            **Example request**:

                .. sourcecode:: none

                    curl -X GET http://localhost:8085/downloads/4344503b7e797ebf31582327a5baae35b11bda01/torrent

            **Example response**:

            The contents of the .torrent file.
        download = self.session.get_download(self.infohash)
        if not download:
            return DownloadSpecificEndpoint.return_404(request)

        if not download.handle or not download.handle.is_valid() or not download.handle.has_metadata():
            return DownloadSpecificEndpoint.return_404(request)

        torrent_info = get_info_from_handle(download.handle)
        t = create_torrent(torrent_info)
        torrent = t.generate()
        bencoded_torrent = bencode(torrent)

        request.setHeader(b'content-type', 'application/x-bittorrent')
        request.setHeader(b'Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename=%s.torrent' % hexlify(self.infohash))
        return bencoded_torrent
Exemple #12
    def render_GET(self, request):
        .. http:get:: /download/(string: infohash)/torrent

        A GET request to this endpoint returns the .torrent file associated with the specified download.

            **Example request**:

                .. sourcecode:: none

                    curl -X GET http://localhost:8085/downloads/4344503b7e797ebf31582327a5baae35b11bda01/torrent

            **Example response**:

            The contents of the .torrent file.
        download = self.session.get_download(self.infohash)
        if not download:
            return DownloadSpecificEndpoint.return_404(request)

        if not download.handle or not download.handle.is_valid(
        ) or not download.handle.has_metadata():
            return DownloadSpecificEndpoint.return_404(request)

        torrent_info = get_info_from_handle(download.handle)
        t = create_torrent(torrent_info)
        torrent = t.generate()
        bencoded_torrent = bencode(torrent)

        request.setHeader(b'content-type', 'application/x-bittorrent')
            'attachment; filename=%s.torrent' % hexlify(self.infohash))
        return bencoded_torrent
Exemple #13
    def test_get_info_from_handle(self):
        mock_handle = MockObject()

        def mock_get_torrent_file():
            raise RuntimeError

        mock_handle.torrent_file = mock_get_torrent_file
    def test_get_info_from_handle(self):
        mock_handle = MockObject()

        def mock_get_torrent_file():
            raise RuntimeError

        mock_handle.torrent_file = mock_get_torrent_file
    def set_selected_files(self, selected_files=None):
        if not isinstance(self.tdef, TorrentDefNoMetainfo):

            if selected_files is None:
                selected_files = self.get_selected_files()
                DownloadConfigInterface.set_selected_files(self, selected_files)

            is_multifile = len(self.orig_files) > 1
            commonprefix = os.path.commonprefix(self.orig_files) if is_multifile else u''
            swarmname = commonprefix.partition(os.path.sep)[0]
            unwanteddir = os.path.join(swarmname, u'.unwanted')
            unwanteddir_abs = os.path.join(self.get_save_path().decode('utf-8'), unwanteddir)

            filepriorities = []
            torrent_storage = get_info_from_handle(self.handle).files()

            for index, orig_path in enumerate(self.orig_files):
                filename = orig_path[len(swarmname) + 1:] if swarmname else orig_path

                if filename in selected_files or not selected_files:
                    new_path = orig_path
                    new_path = os.path.join(unwanteddir, '%s%d' % (hexlify(self.tdef.get_infohash()), index))

                # as from libtorrent 1.0, files returning file_storage (lazy-iterable)
                if hasattr(lt, 'file_storage') and isinstance(torrent_storage, lt.file_storage):
                    cur_path = torrent_storage.at(index).path.decode('utf-8')
                    cur_path = torrent_storage[index].path.decode('utf-8')

                if cur_path != new_path:
                    if not os.path.exists(unwanteddir_abs) and unwanteddir in new_path:
                            if sys.platform == "win32":
                                    unwanteddir_abs, 2)  # 2 = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN
                        except OSError:
                            self._logger.error("LibtorrentDownloadImpl: could not create %s" % unwanteddir_abs)
                            # Note: If the destination directory can't be accessed, libtorrent will not be able to store the files.
                            # This will result in a DLSTATUS_STOPPED_ON_ERROR.

                    # Path should be unicode if Libtorrent is using std::wstring (on Windows),
                    # else we use str (on Linux).
                        self.handle.rename_file(index, new_path)
                    except TypeError:
                        self.handle.rename_file(index, new_path.encode("utf-8"))

            # if in share mode, don't change priority of the file
            if not self.get_share_mode():

            self.unwanteddir_abs = unwanteddir_abs
    def set_selected_files(self, selected_files=None):
        if not isinstance(self.tdef, TorrentDefNoMetainfo):

            if selected_files is None:
                selected_files = self.get_selected_files()
                DownloadConfigInterface.set_selected_files(self, selected_files)

            is_multifile = len(self.orig_files) > 1
            commonprefix = os.path.commonprefix(self.orig_files) if is_multifile else u''
            swarmname = commonprefix.partition(os.path.sep)[0]
            unwanteddir = os.path.join(swarmname, u'.unwanted')
            unwanteddir_abs = os.path.join(self.get_save_path().decode('utf-8'), unwanteddir)

            filepriorities = []
            torrent_storage = get_info_from_handle(self.handle).files()

            for index, orig_path in enumerate(self.orig_files):
                filename = orig_path[len(swarmname) + 1:] if swarmname else orig_path

                if filename in selected_files or not selected_files:
                    new_path = orig_path
                    new_path = os.path.join(unwanteddir, '%s%d' % (hexlify(self.tdef.get_infohash()), index))

                # as from libtorrent 1.0, files returning file_storage (lazy-iterable)
                if hasattr(lt, 'file_storage') and isinstance(torrent_storage, lt.file_storage):
                    cur_path = torrent_storage.at(index).path.decode('utf-8')
                    cur_path = torrent_storage[index].path.decode('utf-8')

                if cur_path != new_path:
                    if not os.path.exists(unwanteddir_abs) and unwanteddir in new_path:
                            if sys.platform == "win32":
                                    unwanteddir_abs, 2)  # 2 = FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN
                        except OSError:
                            self._logger.error("LibtorrentDownloadImpl: could not create %s" % unwanteddir_abs)
                            # Note: If the destination directory can't be accessed, libtorrent will not be able to store the files.
                            # This will result in a DLSTATUS_STOPPED_ON_ERROR.

                    # Path should be unicode if Libtorrent is using std::wstring (on Windows),
                    # else we use str (on Linux).
                        self.handle.rename_file(index, new_path)
                    except TypeError:
                        self.handle.rename_file(index, new_path.encode("utf-8"))

            # if in share mode, don't change priority of the file
            if not self.get_share_mode():

            self.unwanteddir_abs = unwanteddir_abs
    def test_metadata_received_invalid_torrent_with_value_error(self):
        Testing whether the right operations happen when we receive metadata but the torrent info is invalid and throws
        Value Error
        def mocked_checkpoint():
            raise RuntimeError("This code should not be reached!")

        mocked_file = MockObject()
        mocked_file.path = 'test'

        # The line below should trigger Value Error
        self.libtorrent_download_impl.handle.trackers = lambda: [{'url': 'no-DHT'}]

        get_info_from_handle(self.libtorrent_download_impl.handle).metadata = lambda: lt.bencode({})
        get_info_from_handle(self.libtorrent_download_impl.handle).files = lambda: [mocked_file]

        self.libtorrent_download_impl.checkpoint = mocked_checkpoint
    def get_byte_progress(self, byteranges, consecutive=False):
        pieces = []
        for fileindex, bytes_begin, bytes_end in byteranges:
            if fileindex >= 0:
                # Ensure the we remain within the file's boundaries
                file_entry = get_info_from_handle(self.handle).file_at(fileindex)
                bytes_begin = min(
                    file_entry.size, bytes_begin) if bytes_begin >= 0 else file_entry.size + (bytes_begin + 1)
                bytes_end = min(file_entry.size, bytes_end) if bytes_end >= 0 else file_entry.size + (bytes_end + 1)

                startpiece = get_info_from_handle(self.handle).map_file(fileindex, bytes_begin, 0).piece
                endpiece = get_info_from_handle(self.handle).map_file(fileindex, bytes_end, 0).piece + 1
                startpiece = max(startpiece, 0)
                endpiece = min(endpiece, get_info_from_handle(self.handle).num_pieces())

                pieces += range(startpiece, endpiece)
                self._logger.info("LibtorrentDownloadImpl: could not get progress for incorrect fileindex")

        pieces = list(set(pieces))
        return self.get_piece_progress(pieces, consecutive)
    def get_byte_progress(self, byteranges, consecutive=False):
        pieces = []
        for fileindex, bytes_begin, bytes_end in byteranges:
            if fileindex >= 0:
                # Ensure the we remain within the file's boundaries
                file_entry = get_info_from_handle(self.handle).file_at(fileindex)
                bytes_begin = min(
                    file_entry.size, bytes_begin) if bytes_begin >= 0 else file_entry.size + (bytes_begin + 1)
                bytes_end = min(file_entry.size, bytes_end) if bytes_end >= 0 else file_entry.size + (bytes_end + 1)

                startpiece = get_info_from_handle(self.handle).map_file(fileindex, bytes_begin, 0).piece
                endpiece = get_info_from_handle(self.handle).map_file(fileindex, bytes_end, 0).piece + 1
                startpiece = max(startpiece, 0)
                endpiece = min(endpiece, get_info_from_handle(self.handle).num_pieces())

                pieces += range(startpiece, endpiece)
                self._logger.info("LibtorrentDownloadImpl: could not get progress for incorrect fileindex")

        pieces = list(set(pieces))
        return self.get_piece_progress(pieces, consecutive)
    def get_dest_files(self, exts=None):
        You can give a list of extensions to return. If None: return all dest_files
        @return list of (torrent,disk) filename tuples.

        dest_files = []

        for index, file_entry in enumerate(get_info_from_handle(self.handle).files()):
            if self.handle.file_priority(index) > 0:
                filename = file_entry.path
                ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1].lstrip('.')
                if exts is None or ext in exts:
                    dest_files.append((filename, os.path.join(self.get_dest_dir(), filename.decode('utf-8'))))
        return dest_files
    def get_dest_files(self, exts=None):
        You can give a list of extensions to return. If None: return all dest_files
        @return list of (torrent,disk) filename tuples.

        dest_files = []

        for index, file_entry in enumerate(get_info_from_handle(self.handle).files()):
            if self.handle.file_priority(index) > 0:
                filename = file_entry.path
                ext = os.path.splitext(filename)[1].lstrip('.')
                if exts is None or ext in exts:
                    dest_files.append((filename, os.path.join(self.get_dest_dir(), filename.decode('utf-8'))))
        return dest_files
 def get_vod_filesize(self):
     fileindex = self.get_vod_fileindex()
     if fileindex >= 0:
         file_entry = get_info_from_handle(self.handle).file_at(fileindex)
         return file_entry.size
     return 0
 def get_vod_filesize(self):
     fileindex = self.get_vod_fileindex()
     if fileindex >= 0:
         file_entry = get_info_from_handle(self.handle).file_at(fileindex)
         return file_entry.size
     return 0