Exemple #1
 def get_trips() -> List[Trip]:
     conn = get_db()
     res = conn.execute(
         'SELECT * FROM position ORDER BY Timestamp').fetchall()
     trips = []
     if len(res) > 1:
         start = res[0]
         end = res[1]
         tr = Trip()
         #res = list(map(dict,res))
         for x in range(0, len(res) - 2):
             next_el = res[x + 2]
             if end["mileage"] - start["mileage"] == 0 or \
                     (end["Timestamp"] - start["Timestamp"]).total_seconds() / 3600 > 3:
                 start = end
                 tr = Trip()
                 distance = next_el["mileage"] - end["mileage"]  # km
                 duration = (next_el["Timestamp"] -
                             end["Timestamp"]).total_seconds() / 3600
                 if (
                         distance == 0 and duration > 0.08
                 ) or duration > 2:  # check the speed to handle missing point
                     tr.distance = end["mileage"] - start["mileage"]  # km
                     if tr.distance > 0:
                         tr.start_at = start["Timestamp"]
                         tr.end_at = end["Timestamp"]
                         tr.add_points(end["longitude"], end["latitude"])
                         tr.duration = (
                             end["Timestamp"] -
                             start["Timestamp"]).total_seconds() / 3600
                         tr.speed_average = tr.distance / tr.duration
                         diff_level = start["level"] - end["level"]
                         tr.consumption = diff_level / 100 * BATTERY_POWER  # kw
                         tr.consumption_km = 100 * tr.consumption / tr.distance  # kw/100 km
                         #  logger.debug(
                         #     f"Trip: {start['Timestamp']}  {tr.distance:.1f}km {tr.duration:.2f}h {tr.speed_average:.2f} km/h {tr.consumption:.2f} kw {tr.consumption_km:.2f}kw/100km")
                         # filter bad value
                         if tr.consumption_km < 70:
                     start = next_el
                     tr = Trip()
                     tr.add_points(end["longitude"], end["latitude"])
             end = next_el
     return trips