def handle_plot(tweet):
    Gets name of user who tweeted the COMMAND
        - Generates word cloud
        - Sends out tweet
    @param tweet
        - The tweet object that tweeted the COMMAND
    twitter = Twitter(tweet['user']['screen_name'])
    tweets = twitter.get_last_month_tweets_for_user()
    # Make sure the user tweeted the previous month
    if len(tweets) == 0: return
    words = twitter.get_words(tweets)
    user = tweets[0]['user']
    month = tweets[0]['created_at'].strftime('%B')
    tweet_text = f"""
@{user} here are the most common words you tweeted for the month of {month}.
#visualization #wordcloud #automation #AWS #Lambda #{month}
    twitter.send_tweet(tweet_text, IMG_PATH)