class UFGraphBasedSegment:
    def __init__(self, size, tau_k, root_dict):
        self.uf = UnionFind(size, root_dict)
        self.tau_k = tau_k

  Merge two components.
  @param id1 : component id to merge
  @param id2 : component id to merge
  @param edge_value : difference value of intertested edge
  @return bool : TRUE if merging two components, else FALSE

    def merge(self, id1, id2, edge_value):
        root_node1 = self.uf.get_root(id1)
        root_node2 = self.uf.get_root(id2)
        if edge_value <, root_node2):
            self.uf.union(id1=id1, id2=id2, edge_value=edge_value)

  Calculate the minimum internal difference between two components.
  @param id1 : One of two components to calculate minimum internal difference of boundary
  @param id2 : One of two components to calculate minimum internal difference of boundary
  @param mcl : Merged Component List
  @return float : minimum internal difference between two components

    def mint(self, r1, r2):
        return min(r1.get_min_dif() + self.tau(r1),
                   r2.get_min_dif() + self.tau(r2))

  Calculate threashold based on the size of the component.
  @param mc : merged component to calculate the threashold
  @return float : threashold based on the size of the component

    def tau(self, root):
        return float(self.tau_k / root.get_size())

  Get union find.
  @return UnionFind : union find tree

    def get_union_find(self):
        return self.uf
class UFGraphBasedSegment:

  def __init__(self, size, tau_k, root_dict):
    self.uf = UnionFind(size, root_dict)
    self.tau_k = tau_k

  Merge two components.
  @param id1 : component id to merge
  @param id2 : component id to merge
  @param edge_value : difference value of intertested edge
  @return bool : TRUE if merging two components, else FALSE
  def merge(self, id1, id2, edge_value):
    root_node1 = self.uf.get_root(id1)
    root_node2 = self.uf.get_root(id2)
    if edge_value <, root_node2):
      self.uf.union(id1=id1, id2=id2, edge_value=edge_value)

  Calculate the minimum internal difference between two components.
  @param id1 : One of two components to calculate minimum internal difference of boundary
  @param id2 : One of two components to calculate minimum internal difference of boundary
  @param mcl : Merged Component List
  @return float : minimum internal difference between two components
  def mint(self, r1, r2):
    return min(r1.get_min_dif()+self.tau(r1), r2.get_min_dif()+self.tau(r2))

  Calculate threashold based on the size of the component.
  @param mc : merged component to calculate the threashold
  @return float : threashold based on the size of the component
  def tau(self, root):
    return float(self.tau_k / root.get_size())

  Get union find.
  @return UnionFind : union find tree
  def get_union_find(self):
    return self.uf