Exemple #1
	def categorize_residential_building(self):
		Categorizes building according to TABULA typologies. 
		Construction year class and building type are calculated by comparing the residential
		building ground floor area (gfa) with the GFA of typical buildings (from TABULA).
		Values are adapted to building stock statistics.
			self.class_year	  <tuple>	(int, str)
			self.btype		  <tuple>	(int, str)
		gfa = self.env_areas[2]
		# get size of GFA matrix
		rows 			= len(self.GFA)		# construction year class
		cols 			= len(self.GFA[0])	# building type
		# initialize distance vectors
		distance        = np.zeros(rows * cols)
		distance_inv    = np.zeros(rows * cols)
		row_col 	    = [[] for _ in range(rows * cols)]
		t_distance_inv  = 0
		kkk 		    = 0
		# calculate inverse of distances
		# 1/d is used so that the minimum distance has a higher probability
		for iii in range(0, rows):
			for jjj in range(0, cols):
				distance[kkk]     = abs(self.GFA[iii][jjj] - gfa) + 0.01 # "+ 0.001" to avoid having x/0
				distance_inv[kkk] = (1.0 / distance[kkk]) * self.STOCK_RES[iii, jjj]
				row_col[kkk] 	  = [iii, jjj]
				t_distance_inv   += distance_inv[kkk] 
				kkk              += 1
		# normalize inverse distance
		norm_distance   = distance_inv / t_distance_inv

		# get cumulative density function
		cdf             = np.cumsum(norm_distance)

		# generate random number
		rnd       	    = np.random.uniform(0, 1, 1)

		# check random number with cdf
		index 			= np.argmax(rnd < cdf)
		# Construction year class
		self.year_class = UrbanHeatPro.year_class_to_tuple(self.use[0], row_col[index][0])
		# Building type
		self.btype 		= UrbanHeatPro.building_type_to_tuple(self.use[0], row_col[index][1])
Exemple #2
	def categorize_non_residential_building(self):
		int	construction year class
		0	< 1918
		1	1919 - 1976
		2	1977 - 1983
		3	1984 - 1994
		4	> 1995

		>>> Statistics on the non-residential buildings stock are missing
		# assign random construction year class
		year_class_int = randint(0, 4)
		self.year_class = UrbanHeatPro.year_class_to_tuple(self.use[0], year_class_int)
		self.btype		= UrbanHeatPro.building_type_to_tuple(self.use[0], self.btype_int)
Exemple #3
	def calculate_building_envelope_areas(self):
		Calculates building envelope areas (wall, roof and window) depending on the 
		building use: 
		Residential: areas are calculated according to building typologies in TABULA.
					 To obtain the typology (construction year class and building type)
					 the gfa is matched to the typology GFA.
		Non-residential: number of floors and window-to-wall ratio are
					 derived from statistics and used to calculate the building areas.
					 Construction year class is also derived from statistics.
		An area_correction_factor is included since not the whole floor area is heated.
		From VDI 3807-2.
			self.env_areas		<list>		[Roof, Walls, Floor (gfa), Window] in m2
			self.heated_area 	<float>		Total building heated area
		if (self.use[0] == 3): # RESIDENTIAL
			# Area correction factor for calculating heated areas
			area_correction_factor = 0.85
			# Conditioned (heated) GFA
			self.gfa_h = self.env_areas[2] * area_correction_factor
			# check if building typology is given
			if self.building_typology:			
				self.year_class           = UrbanHeatPro.year_class_to_tuple(self.use[0], self.year_class_int) # Construction year class (int, str)
				self.btype				  = UrbanHeatPro.building_type_to_tuple(self.use[0], self.btype_int)	    # Building type (int, str)
				# assign building typology from statistics	
				# check that the building data exists as C-values are not available for all buildings
				building_exists = False
				while building_exists == False:
					a = self.C_RES[2][self.year_class[0]][self.btype[0]] # C_floor value
					b = self.GFA[self.year_class[0]][self.btype[0]]
					if (a > 0.0 and b > 0.0):
						building_exists = True
			# Floor-to-floor height
			# from http://www.ctbuh.org/HighRiseInfo/TallestDatabase/Criteria/HeightCalculator/tabid/1007/language/en-GB/Default.aspx
			# self.f2f_height = (randint(30, 32) / 10.0) # m
			# from TABULA
			self.f2f_height = 2.5 # m
			# Number of floors
			self.floors 	= self.FLOORS[self.year_class[0]][self.btype[0]] * (1 + (1 - area_correction_factor))

			# Building areas
			### Roof
			self.env_areas[0] 	= self.ARATIO[0][self.year_class[0]][self.btype[0]] * self.gfa_h
			### Wall
			self.env_areas[1]	= self.ARATIO[1][self.year_class[0]][self.btype[0]] * self.gfa_h * self.free_walls					
			### Window
			self.env_areas[3] 	= self.ARATIO[2][self.year_class[0]][self.btype[0]] * self.gfa_h
			for j in range(4):
				self.window_areas[j] = self.env_areas[3] * self.WRATIO_ORIENTATION[5 * j + self.btype[0]]

			# Area correction factor for calculating heated areas
			area_correction_factor = (randint(6, 8) / 10.0)
			# Conditioned (heated) GFA
			self.gfa_h = self.env_areas[2] * area_correction_factor
			# Construction year class
			# Floor-to-floor height
			# from http://www.ctbuh.org/HighRiseInfo/TallestDatabase/Criteria/HeightCalculator/tabid/1007/language/en-GB/Default.aspx
			self.f2f_height = (randint(30, 39) / 10.0) # m
			# Number of floors
			# >>> Source missing
			lower_limit     = 1
			upper_limit     = 3
			self.calculate_number_of_floors(lower_limit, upper_limit)
			# Building areas
			### Roof
			self.env_areas[0]   = self.gfa_h
			### Wall
			width 				= np.sqrt(self.gfa_h) # [m] building is assumed to be a cube
			self.env_areas[1]   = self.free_walls * self.floors * self.f2f_height * width
			### Window
			# >>> Add Window-to-Wall ratio for the different building types
			# >>> Source missing
			self.env_areas[3]   = (randint(1, 4) / 10.0) * self.env_areas[1]

			# Window areas oriented to [east, south, west, north]
			for j in range(4):
				self.window_areas[j] = self.env_areas[3] * self.WRATIO_ORIENTATION[5 * j + 4]			
		# Total heated area (reference area in TABULA) in m2
		self.heated_area = self.gfa_h * self.floors
		# Total living space
		self.living_area = self.gfa_h * self.floors * (1 + (1 - area_correction_factor))