def preload_chart(chart, file_path, allow_time_gap_in_sec=90):
    loaded_bar = {}
    for line in open(file_path):
        line = line.strip()
        if len(line) == 0: continue

        data = line.split(",")

        start_date = dateutil.parser.parse(data[0])
        begin = float(data[1])
        end = float(data[2])
        low = float(data[3])
        high = float(data[4])

        timestamp = TimeUtil.timestamp_utc(start_date)

        loaded_bar[timestamp] = (begin, end, low, high)

    keys = sorted(loaded_bar.keys())

    latest_date = keys[-1]
    if (TimeUtil.now_timestamp_utc() - latest_date) > allow_time_gap_in_sec:
        print("Cannot load preloaded chart due to timegap: ",
              (TimeUtil.now_timestamp_utc() - latest_date))

    one_sec = 1
    for timestamp in keys:
        begin, end, low, high = loaded_bar[timestamp]
        chart.add_new_data(timestamp + one_sec, begin)
        chart.add_new_data(timestamp + one_sec, low)
        chart.add_new_data(timestamp + one_sec, high)
        chart.add_new_data(timestamp + one_sec, end)

    print("Load preloaded chart!!")
    def on_message(self, ws, msg):
        now = TimeUtil.now_timestamp_utc()

        received_data = json.loads(msg)

        if not isinstance(received_data, list):
            print("error: recieved data is not array: " + str(msg))

        if len(received_data) < 5:
            print("error: recieved array length is less than 5: " +

        msg_id = received_data[0]
        pair = received_data[1]
        price = float(received_data[2])
        amount = float(received_data[3])
        trade_type = received_data[4]

        update_only_high_or_low = False
        if self.last_received_id is not None and msg_id < self.last_received_id:
            # this is not clever solution!!!
            #  because old message possibly update (high&low)
            #  but I ignore it. my algorithm cannot handle high & low value
            #print("old message recieved (latest:%d, received:%d)" % (self.last_received_id, msg_id,))
            update_only_high_or_low = True

        if pair != "btc_jpy":
            print("received data is not btc_jpy data: " + str(pair))

        self.last_received_id = max(msg_id, self.last_received_id)

        # update chart
        self.chart.add_new_data(now, price, update_only_high_or_low)

        # callback after update
        if self.callback_on_update is not None: