def split_tab(self, nblock): """Split the text to extract the 'nblock'-th block.""" expr = re.escape(self.idt_deb) + '(.*?)' + re.escape(self.idt_fin) re_split_tab = re.compile(expr, re.MULTILINE | re.DOTALL) l_txttab = re_split_tab.findall(self.text) nbtab = len(l_txttab) if nblock > nbtab: raise error('TABLE0_10', None, (nblock, nbtab)) self.text = l_txttab[nblock - 1] _printDBG("TEXT:", self.text)
def read_line_i(self, i, line): """Read a line.""" para = mat =, line) _printDBG(line, len(para), mat) if mat is None or len(para) != len(mat.groups()): lerr = [error('TABLE0_11', vali=i + 1), error('TABLE0_13', vali=len(para))] if mat is not None: lerr.append(error('TABLE0_12', vali=len(mat.groups()))) else: lerr.append(error('TABLE0_15', valk=(line, self.re_line))) raise error(lerr) return mat.groups()
def split_tab(self, nblock): """Split the text to extract the 'nblock'-th block.""" all_lines = [ line for line in self.text.splitlines() if line.strip() != ''] stat = [[], ] nbcol = 0 curblock = 0 _printDBG("NB: Les lignes sont numérotées après la suppression " "des lignes vides.") _printDBG("Début de la table {} à la ligne {}".format(curblock+1, 1) ) curblock_hasvalue = False for i, line in enumerate(all_lines): cur = len(msplit(line, self.sep)) if self.is_comment(line) and not curblock_hasvalue: # only comments in this block cur = 0 elif nbcol > 1 and cur < nbcol: # less fields = new block _printDBG("Début de la table {} à la ligne {}".format(curblock+2, i+1) ) if curblock >= nblock and not self.debug: break curblock += 1 curblock_hasvalue = False stat.append([]) nbcol = cur stat[curblock].append((nbcol, line)) if not self.is_comment(line): curblock_hasvalue = True nbtab = len(stat) _printDBG("Nombre de blocs lus :", nbtab, pformat(stat)) if nblock > nbtab: raise error('TABLE0_10', None, (nblock, nbtab)) return stat[nblock - 1]
def extract_lines(self, stat): """First global parsing to separate lines and title.""" nbcol = max([i[0] for i in stat]) self.lines = [] ltit = [] for i, line in stat: if i == nbcol and not self.is_comment(line): self.lines.append(line) else: ltit.append(line) ltit = cut_long_lines(os.linesep.join(ltit), 80) self.title = os.linesep.join( maximize_lines(ltit.splitlines(), 80, ' ')) _printDBG("TITLE:", self.title) _printDBG("LINES:", '\n', self.lines) return nbcol
def read(self, nblock=None, check_para=None): """Read and create the Table. 'check_para' is a function to check the list of the parameters.""" block_stat = self.split_tab(nblock) nbcol = self.extract_lines(block_stat) line_para = self.lines.pop(0) para = msplit(line_para, self.sep) if len(para) != nbcol: raise error('TABLE0_43', line_para, nbcol) # if sep != ' ', parameter may contain a space (not valid in Table) para = [p.replace(' ', '_') for p in para] if callable(check_para): para = check_para(para) _printDBG("PARAMS:", para) = Table(para=para, titr=self.title) self.read_all_lines() return
def lire_nb_valeurs(file_object, nb, extend_to, conversion, nb_bloc=1, nb_ignore=0, max_per_line=-1, regexp_label=None): """Lit nb valeurs dans file_object et les ajoute à extend_to après les avoir converties en utilisant la fonction conversion. Ignore nb_ignore lignes pour chacun des nb_bloc lus et lit au maximum max_per_line valeurs par ligne. Retourne le nombre de lignes lues.""" if max_per_line < 0: max_per_line = nb ln = 0 _printDBG("LIRE_NB_VALEURS nb=", nb, ", nb_bloc=", nb_bloc, ", nb_ignore=", nb_ignore) for i in range(nb_bloc): val = [] j = 0 label = [] while j < nb_ignore: ln += 1 line = file_object.readline() if line.strip() == '': continue j += 1 label.append(line) if nb_ignore: _printDBG("IGNORE", label) slabel = ''.join(label) if regexp_label: mat =, slabel, re.M) if mat is None: _printDBG("LABEL", regexp_label, "non trouve, recule de", nb_ignore, "lignes.", i, "bloc(s) lu(s).") curpos = file_object.tell() - len(slabel)) return 0 while len(val) < nb: ln += 1 line = file_object.readline() if line.strip() == '': continue add = [conversion(v) for v in line.split()[:max_per_line]] val.extend(add) ASSERT( len(val) == nb, "%d valeurs attendues, %d valeurs lues" % (nb, len(val))) extend_to.extend(val) _printDBG("BLOC", i, ",", nb, "valeurs lues, debut :", repr(val[:3])) return ln
def read(self, nblock, check_para=None): """Read and create the Table. 'check_para' is a function to check the list of the parameters.""" self.split_tab(nblock) self.set_title() self.extract_lines() # ligne des paramètres et des types para = msplit(self.lines.pop(0), self.sep) types = msplit(self.lines.pop(0), self.sep) if callable(check_para): para = check_para(para) _printDBG("PARAMS:", para) _printDBG("TYPES:", types) = Table(para=para, typ=types, titr=self.title) lfmt = [FMT[typ[0]] % {'len': typ[1:]} for typ in types] self.re_line = ('%s+' % re.escape(self.sep)).join(lfmt) _printDBG("REGEXP:", self.re_line) self.read_all_lines() return
def extract_lines(self): """Extract the text of the lines""" self.lines = [line for line in self.text.splitlines() if line.strip(self.sep) != '' and not line.startswith(self.idt_tit)] _printDBG("LINES:", '\n', self.lines)
def set_title(self): """Extract the title""" exp = re.compile(re.escape(self.idt_tit) + '(.*)$', re.M) self.title = os.linesep.join( [s.strip(self.sep) for s in exp.findall(self.text)]) _printDBG("TITLE:", self.title)