Exemple #1
class LandfallDecay:
    Description: Calculates the decay rate of a tropical cyclone after
    it has made landfall.  Based on the work of on the model of Vickery
    & Twisdale (1995) and employed in the Florida Hurricane Loss model
    of Powell et al. (2005). The model is tuned for Florida conditions,
    and so may require some further tuning for the region of interest.

    :param float dt: time step of the generated cyclone tracks

    dt - time step of the generated cyclone tracks
    tol - time the cyclone has been over land (resets to zero if the
          cyclone moves offshore)
    landLon, landLat - array of longitude & latitude of the landmask
    landMask - 2D array of 0/1 indicating ocean/land respectively (any
               positive non-zero value can be used to indicate land

    onLand - Determine if a cyclone centred at (cLon, cLat) is over land
             or not.
    pChange - If the cyclone centre is over land, then this function
              determines the filling as a function of the time elapsed
              since the storm made landfall.

    Internal Methods:

    def __init__(self, configFile, dt):
        Initialise required fields
        self.configFile = configFile

        config = ConfigParser()

        landMaskFile = config.get('Input', 'LandMask')

        self.landMask = SampleGrid(landMaskFile)
        self.tol = 0 # Time over land
        self.dt = dt

    def __doc__(self):
        Documentation on the function of the class:
        return 'Determines the decay rate of a cyclone after it makes landfall.\
        This function is based on the model of Vickery & Twisdale (1995) and employed\
        in the Florida Hurricane Loss model of Powell et al. (2005). The model is tuned\
        for Florida conditions, and so may require some further tuning for the region of interest.'

    def onLand(self, cLon, cLat):
        Determine if a cyclone centred at (cLon, cLat) is over land or not.

        if self.landMask.sampleGrid(cLon, cLat) > 0.0:
            self.tol += self.dt
            log.debug("Storm centre: %6.2f, %6.2f"%(cLon, cLat))
            log.debug("Time over land: %d hours"%self.tol)
            return True
            self.tol = 0
            return False

    def pChange(self, pCentre, pEnv):
        If the cyclone centre is over land, then this function
        determines the filling as a function of the time elapsed since
        the storm made landfall.  a0 and a1 control the filling rate of
        the cyclone. Larger values increase the filling rate (i.e.
        cyclones decay faster). An additional random perturbation is
        applied to induce some additional variability.
        Original (V&T1995 values) for a0=0.006, a1=0.00046,
        deltaP = pEnv - pCentre
        a0 = 0.008
        a1 = 0.0008
        epsilon = np.random.normal(0.0, 0.001)
        alpha = a0 + a1 * deltaP + epsilon
        deltaPnew = deltaP * np.exp(-alpha * self.tol)
        pCentreNew = pEnv - deltaPnew
        return pCentreNew
Exemple #2
class DataProcess(object):
    Processes the database of historical TCs into suitably formatted
    text files.  Data is written to plain text files for ease of
    access (this may be upgraded in future versions to netCDF files).
    Currently extracts fields containing the value of cyclone
    parameters, but no information on the change of parameters.

    :type  configFile: str
    :param configFile: Configuration file containing simulation settings

    :type  progressbar: :class:`progressbar`
    :param progressbar: :attr:`progressbar` object to print progress to

    Internal Methods:
    _lonLat(lon, lat, indicator) Extract longitudes and latitudes
    _bearing(bear, indicator) Extract bearings
    _speed(dist, dt, indicator) Extract speeds
    _pressure(pressure, indicator) Extract pressures
    _pressureRate(pressure, dt, indicator) Extract rate of presssure change
    _speedRate(dist, dt, indicator) Extract the acceleration (rate of change of speed)
    _bearingChange(bear, dt, indicator) Extract the rate of change of bearing
    _windSpeed(vmax, indicator) Extract the maximum sustained wind speed

    def __init__(self, configFile, progressbar=None):

        #CalcTD = CalcTrackDomain(configFile)
        #self.domain = CalcTD.calc()
        self.configFile = configFile
        self.progressbar = progressbar
        self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        self.logger.info("Initialising DataProcess")

        config = ConfigParser()

        self.outputPath = config.get('Output', 'Path')
        self.processPath = pjoin(self.outputPath, 'process')

        # Determine TCRM input directory
        tcrm_dir = pathLocator.getRootDirectory()
        self.tcrm_input_dir = pjoin(tcrm_dir, 'input')

        landmask = config.get('Input', 'LandMask')

        self.landmask = SampleGrid(landmask)

        fmt = config.get('Output', 'Format')

        self.ncflag = False
        if fmt.startswith("nc"):
            self.logger.debug("Output format is netcdf")
            self.ncflag = True
            self.data = {}
            #dimensions = {records}
            # variables = {init_index(records),
            #             genesis_index(records),
            #             non_init_index(records),
            #             lon(records), lat(records),
            #             year(records), month(records),
            #             day(records), hour(records),
            #             minute(records), julianday(records),
            #             bearing(records), speed(records),
            #             pressure(records), lsflag(records), }
            # global_attributes = dict(description=
            #                         source_file=,
            #                         source_file_moddate,
            #                         landmask_file=,
            #                         version=,)
        elif fmt.startswith("txt"):
            self.logger.debug("Output format is text")
            self.origin_year = pjoin(self.processPath, 'origin_year')

    def extractTracks(self, index, lon, lat):
        Extract tracks that only *start* within the pre-defined domain.
        The function returns the indices of the tracks that begin within
        the domain.

        :param index: indicator of initial positions of TCs (1 = new TC,
                      0 = continuation of previous TC).
        :param lon: longitudes of TC positions
        :param lat: latitudes of TC positions

        :type index: `numpy.ndarray`
        :type lon: `numpy.ndarray`
        :type lat: `numpy.ndarray`

        :returns: indices corresponding to all points of all tracks that
                  form within the model domain
        :rtype: `numpy.ndarray`

        outIndex = []
        flag = 0
        for i in xrange(len(index)):
            if index[i] == 1:
                # A new track:
                if (stats.between(lon[i], self.domain['xMin'],
                        & stats.between(lat[i], self.domain['yMin'],
                    # We have a track starting within the spatial domain:
                    flag = 1
                    flag = 0
                if flag == 1:

        return outIndex

    def processData(self, restrictToWindfieldDomain=False):
        Process raw data into ASCII files that can be read by the main
        components of the system

        :param bool restrictToWindfieldDomain: if True, only process data
            within the wind field domain, otherwise, process data from
            across the track generation domain.

        config = ConfigParser()

        self.logger.info("Running {0}".format(flModuleName()))

        if config.has_option('DataProcess', 'InputFile'):
            inputFile = config.get('DataProcess', 'InputFile')

        if config.has_option('DataProcess', 'Source'):
            source = config.get('DataProcess', 'Source')
            self.logger.info('Loading %s dataset', source)
            fn = config.get(source, 'filename')
            path = config.get(source, 'path')
            inputFile = pjoin(path, fn)

        # If input file has no path information, default to tcrm input folder
        if len(os.path.dirname(inputFile)) == 0:
            inputFile = pjoin(self.tcrm_input_dir, inputFile)

        self.logger.info("Processing {0}".format(inputFile))

        self.source = config.get('DataProcess', 'Source')

        inputData = colReadCSV(self.configFile, inputFile, self.source)

        inputSpeedUnits = config.get(self.source, 'SpeedUnits')
        inputPressureUnits = config.get(self.source, 'PressureUnits')
        inputLengthUnits = config.get(self.source, 'LengthUnits')
        startSeason = config.getint('DataProcess', 'StartSeason')

        indicator = loadData.getInitialPositions(inputData)
        lat = np.array(inputData['lat'], 'd')
        lon = np.mod(np.array(inputData['lon'], 'd'), 360)

        if restrictToWindfieldDomain:
            # Filter the input arrays to only retain the tracks that
            # pass through the windfield domain.
            CD = CalcTrackDomain(self.configFile)
            self.domain = CD.calcDomainFromTracks(indicator, lon, lat)
            domainIndex = self.extractTracks(indicator, lon, lat)
            inputData = inputData[domainIndex]
            indicator = indicator[domainIndex]
            lon = lon[domainIndex]
            lat = lat[domainIndex]

        if self.progressbar is not None:

        # Sort date/time information
            dt = np.empty(indicator.size, 'f')
            dt[1:] = np.diff(inputData['age'])
        except (ValueError, KeyError):

                self.logger.info(("Filtering input data by season:"
                                  "season > {0}".format(startSeason)))
                # Find indicies that satisfy minimum season filter
                idx = np.where(inputData['season'] >= startSeason)[0]
                # Filter records:
                inputData = inputData[idx]
                indicator = indicator[idx]
                lon = lon[idx]
                lat = lat[idx]
            except (ValueError, KeyError):

            year, month, day, hour, minute, datetimes \
                = loadData.parseDates(inputData, indicator)

            # Time between observations:
            dt = loadData.getTimeDelta(year, month, day, hour, minute)

            # Calculate julian days:
            jdays = loadData.julianDays(year, month, day, hour, minute)

        delta_lon = np.diff(lon)
        delta_lat = np.diff(lat)

        # Split into separate tracks if large jump occurs (delta_lon >
        # 15 degrees or delta_lat > 5 degrees) This avoids two tracks
        # being accidentally combined when seasons and track numbers
        # match but basins are different as occurs in the IBTrACS
        # dataset.  This problem can also be prevented if the
        # 'tcserialno' column is specified.
        indicator[np.where(delta_lon > 15)[0] + 1] = 1
        indicator[np.where(delta_lat > 5)[0] + 1] = 1

        # Save information required for frequency auto-calculation
            origin_seasonOrYear = np.array(inputData['season'],
            header = 'Season'
        except (ValueError, KeyError):
            origin_seasonOrYear = year.compress(indicator)
            header = 'Year'


        pressure = np.array(inputData['pressure'], 'd')
        novalue_index = np.where(pressure == sys.maxint)
        pressure = metutils.convert(pressure, inputPressureUnits, "hPa")
        pressure[novalue_index] = sys.maxint

        # Convert any non-physical central pressure values to maximum integer
        # This is required because IBTrACS has a mix of missing value codes
        # (i.e. -999, 0, 9999) in the same global dataset.
        pressure = np.where((pressure < 600) | (pressure > 1100), sys.maxint,

        if self.progressbar is not None:

            vmax = np.array(inputData['vmax'], 'd')
        except (ValueError, KeyError):
            self.logger.warning("No max wind speed data")
            vmax = np.empty(indicator.size, 'f')
            novalue_index = np.where(vmax == sys.maxint)
            vmax = metutils.convert(vmax, inputSpeedUnits, "mps")
            vmax[novalue_index] = sys.maxint

        assert lat.size == indicator.size
        assert lon.size == indicator.size
        assert pressure.size == indicator.size
        #assert vmax.size == indicator.size

            rmax = np.array(inputData['rmax'])
            novalue_index = np.where(rmax == sys.maxint)
            rmax = metutils.convert(rmax, inputLengthUnits, "km")
            rmax[novalue_index] = sys.maxint

            self._rmax(rmax, indicator)
            self._rmaxRate(rmax, dt, indicator)
        except (ValueError, KeyError):
            self.logger.warning("No rmax data available")

        if self.ncflag:
            self.data['index'] = indicator

        # ieast : parameter used in latLon2Azi
        # FIXME: should be a config setting describing the input data.
        ieast = 1

        # Determine the index of initial cyclone observations, excluding
        # those cyclones that have only one observation. This is used
        # for calculating initial bearing and speed
        indicator2 = np.where(indicator > 0, 1, 0)
        initIndex = np.concatenate(
            [np.where(np.diff(indicator2) == -1, 1, 0), [0]])

        # Calculate the bearing and distance (km) of every two
        # consecutive records using ll2azi
        bear_, dist_ = maputils.latLon2Azi(lat, lon, ieast, azimuth=0)
        assert bear_.size == indicator.size - 1
        assert dist_.size == indicator.size - 1
        bear = np.empty(indicator.size, 'f')
        bear[1:] = bear_
        dist = np.empty(indicator.size, 'f')
        dist[1:] = dist_

        self._lonLat(lon, lat, indicator, initIndex)
        self._bearing(bear, indicator, initIndex)
        self._bearingRate(bear, dt, indicator)
        if self.progressbar is not None:
        self._speed(dist, dt, indicator, initIndex)
        self._speedRate(dist, dt, indicator)
        self._pressure(pressure, indicator)
        self._pressureRate(pressure, dt, indicator)

            self._frequency(year, indicator)
            self._juliandays(jdays, indicator, year)
        except (ValueError, KeyError):

        self.logger.info("Completed {0}".format(flModuleName()))
        if self.progressbar is not None:

    def _lonLat(self, lon, lat, indicator, initIndex):
        Extract longitudes and latitudes for all obs, initial obs, TC
        origins and determine a land/sea flag indicating if the TC
        position is over land or sea.

        Input: lon - array of TC longitudes
               lat - array of TC latitudes
               indicator - array of ones/zeros representing initial TC
                           observations, including TCs with a single
               initIndex - array of ones/zeros representing initial TC
                           observations, excluding TCs with a single

        Output: None - data is written to file


        self.logger.info('Extracting longitudes and latitudes')
        lsflag = np.zeros(len(lon))
        for i, [x, y] in enumerate(zip(lon, lat)):
            if self.landmask.sampleGrid(x, y) > 0:
                lsflag[i] = 1

        lonOne = lon.compress(indicator)
        latOne = lat.compress(indicator)
        lsflagOne = lsflag.compress(indicator)
        lonInit = lon.compress(initIndex)
        latInit = lat.compress(initIndex)
        lsflagInit = lsflag.compress(initIndex)

        origin_lon_lat = pjoin(self.processPath, 'origin_lon_lat')
        init_lon_lat = pjoin(self.processPath, 'init_lon_lat')
        all_lon_lat = pjoin(self.processPath, 'all_lon_lat')

        # Output the lon & lat of cyclone origins
        self.logger.debug('Outputting data into {0}'.format(init_lon_lat))
        self.logger.debug('Outputting data into {0}'.format(origin_lon_lat))
        self.logger.debug('Outputting data into {0}'.format(all_lon_lat))

        header = 'Longitude, Latitude, LSFlag'
        if self.ncflag:
            self.data['longitude'] = lon
            self.data['latitude'] = lat
            self.data['lsflag'] = lsflag
                       np.transpose([lonOne, latOne, lsflagOne]),
                       np.transpose([lonInit, latInit, lsflagInit]),
                       np.transpose([lon, lat, lsflag]),

            # Output all cyclone positions:
            cyclone_tracks = pjoin(self.processPath, 'cyclone_tracks')
                'Outputting data into {0}'.format(cyclone_tracks))
            header = 'Cyclone Origin,Longitude,Latitude, LSflag'
                       np.transpose([indicator, lon, lat, lsflag]),

    def _bearing(self, bear, indicator, initIndex):
        Extract bearings for all obs, initial obs and TC origins
        Input: bear - array of bearing of TC observations
               indicator - array of ones/zeros representing initial TC
                           observations (including TCs with a single
               initIndex - array of ones/zeros representing initial TC
                           observations (excluding TCs with a single
        Output: None - data is written to file

        self.logger.info('Extracting bearings')

        # extract all bearings
        np.putmask(bear, indicator, sys.maxint)

        # extract initial bearings
        initBearingIndex = np.flatnonzero(initIndex[:-1]) + 1
        initBearing = bear.take(initBearingIndex)

        # extract non-initial bearings
        indicator_ = indicator.copy()
        indicator_.put(initBearingIndex, 1)
        bearingNoInit = bear.compress(indicator_ == 0)

        if self.ncflag:
            self.data['bearing'] = bear
            self.data['init_bearing'] = initBearing
            self.data['bearing_no_init'] = bearingNoInit
            all_bearing = pjoin(self.processPath, 'all_bearing')
            self.logger.debug('Outputting data into {0}'.format(all_bearing))
            header = 'all cyclone bearing in degrees'
            flSaveFile(all_bearing, bear, header, fmt='%6.2f')

            init_bearing = pjoin(self.processPath, 'init_bearing')
            self.logger.debug('Outputting data into {0}'.format(init_bearing))
            header = 'initial cyclone bearing in degrees'
            flSaveFile(init_bearing, initBearing, header, fmt='%6.2f')
            bearing_no_init = pjoin(self.processPath, 'bearing_no_init')
                'Outputting data into {0}'.format(bearing_no_init))
            header = 'cyclone bearings without initial ones in degrees'
            flSaveFile(bearing_no_init, bearingNoInit, header, fmt='%6.2f')

    def _speed(self, dist, dt, indicator, initIndex):
        Extract speeds for all obs, initial obs and TC origins
        Input: dist - array of distances between consecutive TC
               dt - array of times between consecutive TC observations
               indicator - array of ones/zeros representing initial TC
                           observations (including TCs with a single
               initIndex - array of ones/zeros representing initial TC
                           observations (excluding TCs with a single
        Output: None - data is written to file
        self.logger.info('Extracting speeds')
        speed = dist / dt
        # Delete speeds less than 0, greated than 200,
        # or where indicator == 1.
        np.putmask(speed, (speed < 0) | (speed > 200) | indicator, sys.maxint)
        np.putmask(speed, np.isnan(speed), sys.maxint)

        initSpeedIndex = np.flatnonzero(initIndex[:-1]) + 1
        initSpeed = speed.take(initSpeedIndex)
        indicator_ = indicator.copy()
        indicator_.put(initSpeedIndex, 1)
        speedNoInit = speed.compress(indicator_ == 0)

        if self.ncflag:
            self.data['speed'] = speed
            self.data['init_speed'] = initSpeed
            self.data['speed_no_init'] = speedNoInit
            init_speed = pjoin(self.processPath, 'init_speed')
            all_speed = pjoin(self.processPath, 'all_speed')
            speed_no_init = pjoin(self.processPath, 'speed_no_init')
            # Extract all speeds
            self.logger.debug('Outputting data into {0}'.format(all_speed))
            header = 'all cyclone speed in m/s'
            flSaveFile(all_speed, speed, header, fmt='%6.2f')

            # Extract initial speeds
            self.logger.debug('Outputting data into {0}'.format(init_speed))
            header = 'initial cyclone speed in m/s'
            flSaveFile(init_speed, initSpeed, header, fmt='%f')

            # Extract speeds, excluding initial speeds
            self.logger.debug('Outputting data into {0}'.format(speed_no_init))
            header = 'cyclone speed without initial ones in m/s'
            flSaveFile(speed_no_init, speedNoInit, header, fmt='%6.2f')

    def _pressure(self, pressure, indicator):
        """Extract pressure for all obs, initial obs and TC origins
        Input: pressure - array of central pressure observations for TC
               indicator - array of ones/zeros representing initial TC
                           observations (including TCs with a single
               initIndex - array of ones/zeros representing initial TC
                           observations (excluding TCs with a single
        Output: None - data is written to file
        self.logger.info('Extracting pressures')
        initPressure = pressure.compress(indicator)
        pressureNoInit = pressure.compress(indicator == 0)
        pressureNoInit = pressureNoInit.compress(pressureNoInit < sys.maxint)

        if self.ncflag:
            self.data['pressure'] = pressure
            self.data['init_pressure'] = initPressure
            self.data['pressure_no_init'] = pressureNoInit
            init_pressure = pjoin(self.processPath, 'init_pressure')
            all_pressure = pjoin(self.processPath, 'all_pressure')
            pressure_no_init = pjoin(self.processPath, 'pressure_no_init')
            # Extract all pressure
            self.logger.debug('Outputting data into {0}'.format(all_pressure))
            header = 'all cyclone pressure in hPa'
            flSaveFile(all_pressure, pressure, header, fmt='%7.2f')

            # Extract initial pressures
            self.logger.debug('Outputting data into {0}'.format(init_pressure))
            header = 'initial cyclone pressure in hPa'
            flSaveFile(init_pressure, initPressure, header, fmt='%7.2f')

            # Extract pressures, excluding initial times
                'Outputting data into {0}'.format(pressure_no_init))
            header = 'cyclone pressure without initial ones in hPa'
            flSaveFile(pressure_no_init, pressureNoInit, header, fmt='%7.2f')

    def _pressureRate(self, pressure, dt, indicator):
        """Extract the rate of pressure change from the pressure values.

        Entries corresponding to initial cyclone reports are set to
        maxint, as the change in pressure from the previous observation
        is undefined. Entries corresponding to records with no pressure
        observation are also set to maxint.
        Input: pressure - array of central pressure observations for TC
               dt - array of times between consecutive TC observations
               indicator - array of ones/zeros representing initial TC
                           observations (including TCs with a single
        Output: None - data is written to file
        self.logger.info('Extracting the rate of pressure change')

        # Change in pressure:
        pressureChange_ = np.diff(pressure)
        pressureChange = np.empty(indicator.size, 'f')
        pressureChange[1:] = pressureChange_

        # Rate of pressure change:
        pressureRate = pressureChange / dt

        # Mask rates corresponding to initial times, times when
        # the pressure is known to be missing, and when the
        # pressure rate is greater than 10 hPa/hour (a sanity check).
        # The highest rate of intensification on record is
        # Typhoon Forrest (Sept 1983) 100 mb in 24 hrs.

        np.putmask(pressureRate, indicator, sys.maxint)
        np.putmask(pressureRate, pressure >= sys.maxint, sys.maxint)
        np.putmask(pressureRate, np.isnan(pressureRate), sys.maxint)
        np.putmask(pressureRate, np.abs(pressureRate) > 10, sys.maxint)

        if self.ncflag:
            self.data['pressureRate'] = pressureRate
            pressure_rate = pjoin(self.processPath, 'pressure_rate')
            self.logger.debug('Outputting data into {0}'.format(pressure_rate))
            header = 'All pressure change rates (hPa/hr)'
            flSaveFile(pressure_rate, pressureRate, header, fmt='%6.2f')

    def _bearingRate(self, bear, dt, indicator):
        """Extract the rate of bearing change for each cyclone:
        Entries corresponding to initial position reports and the
        second observation are set to maxint. The first entry is set
        to maxint as there is no bearing associated with it and the
        second entry is therefore non-sensical.
        Input: bear - array of bearings between consecutive TC
               dt - array of times between consecutive TC observations
               indicator - array of ones/zeros representing initial TC
                           observations (including TCs with a single
        Output: None - data is written to file
        self.logger.info('Extracting the rate of bearing change')

        bearingChange_ = np.diff(bear)
        ii = np.where((bearingChange_ > 180.))
        jj = np.where((bearingChange_ < -180.))
        bearingChange_[ii] -= 360.
        bearingChange_[jj] += 360.
        bearingChange = np.empty(indicator.size, 'd')
        bearingChange[1:] = bearingChange_

        bearingRate = bearingChange / dt

        np.putmask(bearingRate, indicator, sys.maxint)
        np.putmask(bearingRate[1:], indicator[:-1], sys.maxint)
                   (bearingRate >= sys.maxint) | (bearingRate <= -sys.maxint),

        np.putmask(bearingRate, np.isnan(bearingRate), sys.maxint)

        if self.ncflag:
            self.data['bearingRate'] = bearingRate
            bearing_rate = pjoin(self.processPath, 'bearing_rate')
            self.logger.debug('Outputting data into {0}'.format(bearing_rate))
            header = 'All bearing change rates (degrees/hr)'
            flSaveFile(bearing_rate, bearingRate, header, fmt='%6.2f')

    def _speedRate(self, dist, dt, indicator):
        """Extract the rate of speed change for each cyclone:
        Note this results in some odd values for the accelerations,
        propagated from odd position reports. Entries corresponding to
        initial position reports and the second observation are set to
        maxint. The first entry is set to maxint as there is no speed
        associated with it and the second is therefore non-sensical.
        Input: dist - array of distances between consecutive TC
               dt - array of times between consecutive TC observations
               indicator - array of ones/zeros representing initial TC
                           observations (including TCs with a single
        Output: None - data is written to file
            'Extracting the rate of speed change for each cyclone')

        speed = dist / dt
        speedChange_ = np.diff(speed)
        speedChange = np.empty(indicator.size, 'd')
        speedChange[1:] = speedChange_

        indicator_ = indicator.copy()
        np.putmask(indicator_, (speed < 0) | (speed > 200), 1)

        speedRate = speedChange / dt

        np.putmask(speedRate, indicator_, sys.maxint)
        np.putmask(speedRate[1:], indicator_[:-1], sys.maxint)
                   (speedRate >= sys.maxint) | (speedRate <= -sys.maxint),

        np.putmask(speedRate, np.isnan(speedRate), sys.maxint)

        if self.ncflag:
            self.data['speedRate'] = speedRate
            speed_rate = pjoin(self.processPath, 'speed_rate')
            self.logger.debug('Outputting data into {0}'.format(speed_rate))
            header = 'All speed change rates (km/hr/hr)'
            flSaveFile(speed_rate, speedRate, header, fmt='%6.2f')

    def _windSpeed(self, windSpeed):
        """Extract maximum sustained wind speeds
        Input: windSpeed - array of windspeeds for TC observations

        Output: None - data is written to file
        self.logger.info('Extracting maximum sustained wind speeds')
        np.putmask(windSpeed, windSpeed > 200., sys.maxint)
        if self.ncflag:
            self.data['windspeed'] = windSpeed
            wind_speed = pjoin(self.processPath, 'wind_speed')
            self.logger.debug('Outputting data into {0}'.format(wind_speed))
            header = 'Maximum wind speed (m/s)'
            flSaveFile(wind_speed, windSpeed, header, fmt='%6.2f')

    def _rmax(self, rmax, indicator):
        """Extract radii to maximum wind:
        Input: rmax - array of radii to maximum winds for TC
               indicator - array of ones/zeros representing initial TC
                           observations (including TCs with a single
        Output: None - data is written to file
        self.logger.info("Extracting radii to maximum winds")
        initrmax = rmax.compress(indicator)
        rmaxNoInit = rmax.compress(indicator == 0)
        rmaxNoInit = rmaxNoInit.compress(rmaxNoInit < sys.maxint)
        if self.ncflag:
            self.data['rmax'] = rmax
            self.data['init_rmax'] = initrmax
            self.data['rmax_no_init'] = rmaxNoInit
            init_rmax = pjoin(self.processPath, 'init_rmax')
            all_rmax = pjoin(self.processPath, 'all_rmax')
            rmax_no_init = pjoin(self.processPath, 'rmax_no_init')
            # extract all rmax
            self.logger.debug('Outputting data into {0}'.format(all_rmax))
            header = 'rMax (km)'
            flSaveFile(all_rmax, rmax, header, fmt='%6.2f')

            # extract initial rmax
            self.logger.debug('Outputting data into {0}'.format(init_rmax))
            header = 'initial rmax (km)'
            flSaveFile(init_rmax, initrmax, header, fmt='%6.2f')

            # extract rmax no init
            self.logger.debug('Outputting data into {0}'.format(rmax_no_init))
            header = 'rmax excluding initial ones (km)'
            flSaveFile(rmax_no_init, rmaxNoInit, header, fmt='%6.2f')

    def _rmaxRate(self, rmax, dt, indicator):
        """Extract the rate of size change from the rmax values.

        Entries corresponding to initial cyclone reports are set to
        maxint, as the change in rmax from the previous observation is
        undefined. Entries corresponding to records with no rmax
        observation are also set to maxint.
        Input: rmax - array of radii to maximum winds for TC
               dt - array of times between consecutive TC observations
               indicator - array of ones/zeros representing initial TC
                           observations (including TCs with a single
        Output: None - data is written to file

        self.logger.info('Extracting the rate of size change')

        # Change in rmax:
        rmaxChange_ = np.diff(rmax)
        rmaxChange = np.empty(indicator.size, 'f')
        rmaxChange[1:] = rmaxChange_

        # Rate of rmax change:
        rmaxRate = rmaxChange / dt

        # Mask rates corresponding to initial times and times when
        # the rmax is known to be missing.
        self.logger.debug('Outputting data into {0}'.format(
            pjoin(self.processPath, 'rmax_rate')))
        np.putmask(rmaxRate, indicator, sys.maxint)
        np.putmask(rmaxRate, rmax >= sys.maxint, sys.maxint)
                   (rmaxRate >= sys.maxint) | (rmaxRate <= -sys.maxint),
        np.putmask(rmaxRate, np.isnan(rmaxRate), sys.maxint)

        if self.ncflag:
            self.data['rmaxRate'] = rmaxRate
            rmax_rate = pjoin(self.processPath, 'rmax_rate')
            header = 'All rmax change rates (km/hr)'
            flSaveFile(rmax_rate, rmaxRate, header, fmt='%6.2f')

    def _frequency(self, years, indicator):
        Generate a histogram of the annual frequency of events from the input
        self.logger.info('Extracting annual frequency of events')
        minYr = years.min()
        maxYr = years.max()
        genesisYears = years.compress(indicator)
        if minYr == maxYr:
            self.logger.info("First and last year of input data are the same")
            self.logger.info("Cannot generate histogram of frequency")
            frequency = pjoin(self.processPath, 'frequency')
            bins = np.arange(minYr, maxYr + 2, 1)
            n, b = np.histogram(genesisYears, bins)
            header = 'Year,count'
                       np.transpose([bins[:-1], n]),

            self.logger.info("Mean annual frequency: {0}".format(np.mean(n)))
            self.logger.info("Standard deviation: {0}".format(np.std(n)))

    def _juliandays(self, jdays, indicator, years):
        Generate a distribution of the formation day of
        year from observations

        self.logger.info("Calculating annual distribution of observations")

        # Do a bodgy job of addressing 29th of February (there surely
        # must be a recommended way of accounting for leap years)

        for i in range(len(jdays)):
            if (years[i] % 4 == 0) and (jdays[i] >= 60):
                jdays[i] -= 1

        bins = np.arange(1, 367)
        n, b = np.histogram(jdays.compress(indicator), bins)
        header = 'Day,count'
        jday_genesis = pjoin(self.processPath, 'jday_genesis')
        jday_observations = pjoin(self.processPath, 'jday_obs')
        jday = pjoin(self.processPath, 'jdays')
        # Distribution of genesis days (histogram):
                   np.transpose([bins[:-1], n]),
        n, b = np.histogram(jdays, bins)
        # Distribution of all days (histogram):
                   np.transpose([bins[:-1], n]),
        # All days:
Exemple #3
outputPath = config.get("Output", "Path")
processPath = pjoin(outputPath, "process")
plotsPath = pjoin(outputPath, "plots", "stats")
fname = pjoin(processPath, "pressure_rate_stats.nc")
ncobj = ncLoadFile(fname)

lon = ncGetDims(ncobj, 'lon')
lat = ncGetDims(ncobj, 'lat')
xgrid, ygrid = np.meshgrid(lon, lat)

ls = np.zeros(np.shape(xgrid))

for i in range(len(lon)):
    for j in range(len(lat)):
        if landmask.sampleGrid(lon[i], lat[j]) > 0.0:
            ls[j, i] = 1

ij = np.where(ls == 1)

# Set the map keyword arguments that will help draw the basemap.

map_kwargs = dict(llcrnrlon=90.,

ncobj = ncLoadFile(pjoin(processPath, "pressure_stats.nc"))
lon = ncGetDims(ncobj, 'lon')
Exemple #4
class LandfallDecay:
    Description: Calculates the decay rate of a tropical cyclone after
    it has made landfall.  Based on the work of on the model of Vickery
    & Twisdale (1995) and employed in the Florida Hurricane Loss model
    of Powell et al. (2005). The model is tuned for Florida conditions,
    and so may require some further tuning for the region of interest.

    :param str configFile: Configuration file
    :param float dt: time step of the generated cyclone tracks

    dt - time step of the generated cyclone tracks
    landMask - 2D array of 0/1 indicating ocean/land respectively (any
    positive non-zero value can be used to indicate land points)

    onLand - Determine if a cyclone centred at (cLon, cLat) is over land
    or not.
    pChange - If the cyclone centre is over land, then this function
    determines the filling as a function of the time elapsed
    since the storm made landfall.

    def __init__(self, configFile, dt):
        Initialise required fields


        self.configFile = configFile

        config = ConfigParser()

        landMaskFile = config.get('Input', 'LandMask')

        self.landMask = SampleGrid(landMaskFile)
        self.tol = 0  # Time over land
        self.dt = dt

    def onLand(self, cLon, cLat):
        Determine if a cyclone centred at (cLon, cLat) is over land or not.

        :param float cLon: TC longitude
        :param float cLat: TC latitude

        :rtype: boolean
        :return: True if TC is over land, False otherwise


        if self.landMask.sampleGrid(cLon, cLat) > 0.0:
            self.tol += self.dt
            log.debug("Storm centre: %6.2f, %6.2f" % (cLon, cLat))
            log.debug("Time over land: %d hours" % self.tol)
            return True
            self.tol = 0
            return False

    def pChange(self, pCentre, pEnv):
        If the cyclone centre is over land, then this function
        determines the filling as a function of the time elapsed since
        the storm made landfall.  a0 and a1 control the filling rate of
        the cyclone. Larger values increase the filling rate (i.e.
        cyclones decay faster). An additional random perturbation is
        applied to induce some additional variability.
        Original (V&T1995 values) for a0=0.006, a1=0.00046,

        :param float pCentre: TC central pressure (hPa)
        :param float pEnv: TC environmental pressure (hPa)

        :rtype: float
        :return: revised central pressure

        deltaP = pEnv - pCentre
        a0 = 0.008
        a1 = 0.0008
        epsilon = np.random.normal(0.0, 0.001)
        alpha = a0 + a1 * deltaP + epsilon
        deltaPnew = deltaP * np.exp(-alpha * self.tol)
        pCentreNew = pEnv - deltaPnew
        return pCentreNew
Exemple #5
class DataProcess(object):
    Processes the database of historical TCs into suitably formatted
    text files.  Data is written to plain text files for ease of
    access (this may be upgraded in future versions to netCDF files).
    Currently extracts fields containing the value of cyclone
    parameters, but no information on the change of parameters.

    :type  configFile: str
    :param configFile: Configuration file containing simulation settings

    :type  progressbar: :class:`progressbar`
    :param progressbar: :attr:`progressbar` object to print progress to 

    Internal Methods:
    _lonLat(lon, lat, indicator) Extract longitudes and latitudes
    _bearing(bear, indicator) Extract bearings
    _speed(dist, dt, indicator) Extract speeds
    _pressure(pressure, indicator) Extract pressures
    _pressureRate(pressure, dt, indicator) Extract rate of presssure change
    _speedRate(dist, dt, indicator) Extract the acceleration (rate of change of speed)
    _bearingChange(bear, dt, indicator) Extract the rate of change of bearing
    _windSpeed(vmax, indicator) Extract the maximum sustained wind speed

    def __init__(self, configFile, progressbar=None):

        #CalcTD = CalcTrackDomain(configFile)
        #self.domain = CalcTD.calc()
        self.configFile = configFile
        self.progressbar = progressbar
        self.logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
        self.logger.info("Initialising DataProcess")

        config = ConfigParser()

        self.outputPath = config.get('Output', 'Path')
        self.processPath = pjoin(self.outputPath, 'process')

        # Determine TCRM input directory
        tcrm_dir = pathLocator.getRootDirectory()
        self.tcrm_input_dir = pjoin(tcrm_dir, 'input')

        landmask = config.get('Input', 'LandMask')

        self.landmask = SampleGrid(landmask)

        fmt = config.get('Output', 'Format')

        self.ncflag = False
        if fmt.startswith("nc"):
            self.logger.debug("Output format is netcdf")
            self.ncflag = True
            self.data = {}
            #dimensions = {records}
            # variables = {init_index(records),
            #             genesis_index(records),
            #             non_init_index(records),
            #             lon(records), lat(records),
            #             year(records), month(records),
            #             day(records), hour(records),
            #             minute(records), julianday(records),
            #             bearing(records), speed(records),
            #             pressure(records), lsflag(records), }
            # global_attributes = dict(description=
            #                         source_file=,
            #                         source_file_moddate,
            #                         landmask_file=,
            #                         version=,)
        elif fmt.startswith("txt"):
            self.logger.debug("Output format is text")
            self.origin_year = pjoin(self.processPath, 'origin_year')

    def extractTracks(self, index, lon, lat):
        Extract tracks that only *start* within the pre-defined domain.
        The function returns the indices of the tracks that begin within
        the domain.

        :param index: indicator of initial positions of TCs (1 = new TC,
                      0 = continuation of previous TC).
        :param lon: longitudes of TC positions
        :param lat: latitudes of TC positions

        :type index: `numpy.ndarray`
        :type lon: `numpy.ndarray`
        :type lat: `numpy.ndarray`

        :returns: indices corresponding to all points of all tracks that
                  form within the model domain
        :rtype: `numpy.ndarray`
        outIndex = []
        flag = 0
        for i in xrange(len(index)):
            if index[i] == 1:
                # A new track:
                if (stats.between(lon[i], self.domain['xMin'], self.domain['xMax']) &
                        stats.between(lat[i], self.domain['yMin'], self.domain['yMax'])):
                    # We have a track starting within the spatial domain:
                    flag = 1
                    flag = 0
                if flag == 1:

        return outIndex

    def processData(self, restrictToWindfieldDomain=False):
        Process raw data into ASCII files that can be read by the main
        components of the system

        :param bool restrictToWindfieldDomain: if True, only process data
            within the wind field domain, otherwise, process data from
            across the track generation domain.
        config = ConfigParser()

        self.logger.info("Running %s" % flModuleName())

        if config.has_option('DataProcess', 'InputFile'):
            inputFile = config.get('DataProcess', 'InputFile')

        if config.has_option('DataProcess', 'Source'):
            source = config.get('DataProcess', 'Source')
            self.logger.info('Loading %s dataset', source)
            fn = config.get(source, 'filename')
            path = config.get(source, 'path')
            inputFile = pjoin(path, fn)

        # If input file has no path information, default to tcrm input folder
        if len(os.path.dirname(inputFile)) == 0:
            inputFile = pjoin(self.tcrm_input_dir, inputFile)

        self.logger.info("Processing %s" % inputFile)

        self.source = config.get('DataProcess', 'Source')

        inputData = colReadCSV(self.configFile, inputFile, self.source)

        inputSpeedUnits = config.get(self.source, 'SpeedUnits')
        inputPressureUnits = config.get(self.source, 'PressureUnits')
        inputLengthUnits = config.get(self.source, 'LengthUnits')
        startSeason = config.getint('DataProcess', 'StartSeason')

        indicator = loadData.getInitialPositions(inputData)
        lat = np.array(inputData['lat'], 'd')
        lon = np.mod(np.array(inputData['lon'], 'd'), 360)

        if restrictToWindfieldDomain:
            # Filter the input arrays to only retain the tracks that
            # pass through the windfield domain.
            CD = CalcTrackDomain(self.configFile)
            self.domain = CD.calcDomainFromTracks(indicator, lon, lat)
            domainIndex = self.extractTracks(indicator, lon, lat)
            inputData = inputData[domainIndex]
            indicator = indicator[domainIndex]
            lon = lon[domainIndex]
            lat = lat[domainIndex]

        if self.progressbar is not None:

        # Sort date/time information
            dt = np.empty(indicator.size, 'f')
            dt[1:] = np.diff(inputData['age'])
        except (ValueError, KeyError):

                self.logger.info("Filtering input data by season: season > %d"%startSeason)
                # Find indicies that satisfy minimum season filter
                idx = np.where(inputData['season'] >= startSeason)[0]
                # Filter records:
                inputData = inputData[idx]
                indicator = indicator[idx]
                lon = lon[idx]
                lat = lat[idx]
            except (ValueError, KeyError):

            year, month, day, hour, minute, datetimes \
                = loadData.parseDates(inputData, indicator)

            # Time between observations:
            dt = loadData.getTimeDelta(year, month, day, hour, minute)

            # Calculate julian days:
            jdays = loadData.julianDays(year, month, day, hour, minute)

        delta_lon = np.diff(lon)
        delta_lat = np.diff(lat)

        # Split into separate tracks if large jump occurs (delta_lon >
        # 15 degrees or delta_lat > 5 degrees) This avoids two tracks
        # being accidentally combined when seasons and track numbers
        # match but basins are different as occurs in the IBTrACS
        # dataset.  This problem can also be prevented if the
        # 'tcserialno' column is specified.
        indicator[np.where(delta_lon > 15)[0] + 1] = 1
        indicator[np.where(delta_lat > 5)[0] + 1] = 1

        # Save information required for frequency auto-calculation
            origin_seasonOrYear = np.array(
                inputData['season'], 'i').compress(indicator)
            header = 'Season'
        except (ValueError, KeyError):
            origin_seasonOrYear = year.compress(indicator)
            header = 'Year'

        flSaveFile(self.origin_year, np.transpose(origin_seasonOrYear),
                   header, ',', fmt='%d')

        pressure = np.array(inputData['pressure'], 'd')
        novalue_index = np.where(pressure == sys.maxint)
        pressure = metutils.convert(pressure, inputPressureUnits, "hPa")
        pressure[novalue_index] = sys.maxint

        # Convert any non-physical central pressure values to maximum integer
        # This is required because IBTrACS has a mix of missing value codes
        # (i.e. -999, 0, 9999) in the same global dataset.
        pressure = np.where((pressure < 600) | (pressure > 1100),
                            sys.maxint, pressure)

        if self.progressbar is not None:

            vmax = np.array(inputData['vmax'], 'd')
        except (ValueError, KeyError):
            self.logger.warning("No max wind speed data")
            vmax = np.empty(indicator.size, 'f')
            novalue_index = np.where(vmax == sys.maxint)
            vmax = metutils.convert(vmax, inputSpeedUnits, "mps")
            vmax[novalue_index] = sys.maxint

        assert lat.size == indicator.size
        assert lon.size == indicator.size
        assert pressure.size == indicator.size
        #assert vmax.size == indicator.size

            rmax = np.array(inputData['rmax'])
            novalue_index = np.where(rmax == sys.maxint)
            rmax = metutils.convert(rmax, inputLengthUnits, "km")
            rmax[novalue_index] = sys.maxint

            self._rmax(rmax, indicator)
            self._rmaxRate(rmax, dt, indicator)
        except (ValueError, KeyError):
            self.logger.warning("No rmax data available")

        if self.ncflag:
            self.data['index'] = indicator

        # ieast : parameter used in latLon2Azi
        # FIXME: should be a config setting describing the input data.
        ieast = 1

        # Determine the index of initial cyclone observations, excluding
        # those cyclones that have only one observation. This is used
        # for calculating initial bearing and speed
        indicator2 = np.where(indicator > 0, 1, 0)
        initIndex = np.concatenate([np.where(np.diff(indicator2) ==
                                             -1, 1, 0), [0]])

        # Calculate the bearing and distance (km) of every two
        # consecutive records using ll2azi
        bear_, dist_ = maputils.latLon2Azi(lat, lon, ieast, azimuth=0)
        assert bear_.size == indicator.size - 1
        assert dist_.size == indicator.size - 1
        bear = np.empty(indicator.size, 'f')
        bear[1:] = bear_
        dist = np.empty(indicator.size, 'f')
        dist[1:] = dist_

        self._lonLat(lon, lat, indicator, initIndex)
        self._bearing(bear, indicator, initIndex)
        self._bearingRate(bear, dt, indicator)
        if self.progressbar is not None:
        self._speed(dist, dt, indicator, initIndex)
        self._speedRate(dist, dt, indicator)
        self._pressure(pressure, indicator)
        self._pressureRate(pressure, dt, indicator)

            self._frequency(year, indicator)
            self._juliandays(jdays, indicator, year)
        except (ValueError, KeyError):

        self.logger.info("Completed %s" % flModuleName())
        if self.progressbar is not None:

    def _lonLat(self, lon, lat, indicator, initIndex):
        Extract longitudes and latitudes for all obs, initial obs, TC
        origins and determine a land/sea flag indicating if the TC
        position is over land or sea.

        Input: lon - array of TC longitudes
               lat - array of TC latitudes
               indicator - array of ones/zeros representing initial TC
                           observations, including TCs with a single
               initIndex - array of ones/zeros representing initial TC
                           observations, excluding TCs with a single

        Output: None - data is written to file


        self.logger.info('Extracting longitudes and latitudes')
        lsflag = np.zeros(len(lon))
        for i, [x, y] in enumerate(zip(lon, lat)):
            if self.landmask.sampleGrid(x, y) > 0:
                lsflag[i] = 1

        lonOne = lon.compress(indicator)
        latOne = lat.compress(indicator)
        lsflagOne = lsflag.compress(indicator)
        lonInit = lon.compress(initIndex)
        latInit = lat.compress(initIndex)
        lsflagInit = lsflag.compress(initIndex)

        origin_lon_lat = pjoin(self.processPath, 'origin_lon_lat')
        init_lon_lat = pjoin(self.processPath, 'init_lon_lat')
        all_lon_lat = pjoin(self.processPath, 'all_lon_lat')

        # Output the lon & lat of cyclone origins
        self.logger.debug('Outputting data into %s' % init_lon_lat)
        self.logger.debug('Outputting data into %s' % origin_lon_lat)
        self.logger.debug('Outputting data into %s' % all_lon_lat)

        header = 'Longitude, Latitude, LSFlag'
        if self.ncflag:
            self.data['longitude'] = lon
            self.data['latitude'] = lat
            self.data['lsflag'] = lsflag
                       np.transpose([lonOne, latOne, lsflagOne]),
                       header, ',', fmt='%6.2f')
                       np.transpose([lonInit, latInit, lsflagInit]),
                       header, ',', fmt='%6.2f')
                       np.transpose([lon, lat, lsflag]),
                       header, ',', fmt='%6.2f')

            # Output all cyclone positions:
            cyclone_tracks = pjoin(self.processPath, 'cyclone_tracks')
            self.logger.debug('Outputting data into %s' % cyclone_tracks)
            header = 'Cyclone Origin,Longitude,Latitude, LSflag'
                       np.transpose([indicator, lon, lat, lsflag]),
                       header, ',', fmt='%6.2f')

    def _bearing(self, bear, indicator, initIndex):
        Extract bearings for all obs, initial obs and TC origins
        Input: bear - array of bearing of TC observations
               indicator - array of ones/zeros representing initial TC
                           observations (including TCs with a single
               initIndex - array of ones/zeros representing initial TC
                           observations (excluding TCs with a single
        Output: None - data is written to file

        self.logger.info('Extracting bearings')

        # extract all bearings
        np.putmask(bear, indicator, sys.maxint)

        # extract initial bearings
        initBearingIndex = np.flatnonzero(initIndex[:-1]) + 1
        initBearing = bear.take(initBearingIndex)

        # extract non-initial bearings
        indicator_ = indicator.copy()
        indicator_.put(initBearingIndex, 1)
        bearingNoInit = bear.compress(indicator_ == 0)

        if self.ncflag:
            self.data['bearing'] = bear
            self.data['init_bearing'] = initBearing
            self.data['bearing_no_init'] = bearingNoInit
            all_bearing = pjoin(self.processPath, 'all_bearing')
            self.logger.debug('Outputting data into %s' % all_bearing)
            header = 'all cyclone bearing in degrees'
            flSaveFile(all_bearing, bear, header, fmt='%6.2f')

            init_bearing = pjoin(self.processPath, 'init_bearing')
            self.logger.debug('Outputting data into %s' % init_bearing)
            header = 'initial cyclone bearing in degrees'
            flSaveFile(init_bearing, initBearing, header, fmt='%6.2f')
            bearing_no_init = pjoin(self.processPath, 'bearing_no_init')
            self.logger.debug('Outputting data into %s' % bearing_no_init)
            header = 'cyclone bearings without initial ones in degrees'
            flSaveFile(bearing_no_init, bearingNoInit, header, fmt='%6.2f')

    def _speed(self, dist, dt, indicator, initIndex):
        Extract speeds for all obs, initial obs and TC origins
        Input: dist - array of distances between consecutive TC
               dt - array of times between consecutive TC observations
               indicator - array of ones/zeros representing initial TC
                           observations (including TCs with a single
               initIndex - array of ones/zeros representing initial TC
                           observations (excluding TCs with a single
        Output: None - data is written to file
        self.logger.info('Extracting speeds')
        speed = dist / dt
        # Delete speeds less than 0, greated than 200,
        # or where indicator == 1.
        np.putmask(speed, (speed < 0) | (speed > 200) | indicator,
        np.putmask(speed, np.isnan(speed), sys.maxint)

        initSpeedIndex = np.flatnonzero(initIndex[:-1]) + 1
        initSpeed = speed.take(initSpeedIndex)
        indicator_ = indicator.copy()
        indicator_.put(initSpeedIndex, 1)
        speedNoInit = speed.compress(indicator_ == 0)

        if self.ncflag:
            self.data['speed'] = speed
            self.data['init_speed'] = initSpeed
            self.data['speed_no_init'] = speedNoInit
            init_speed = pjoin(self.processPath, 'init_speed')
            all_speed = pjoin(self.processPath, 'all_speed')
            speed_no_init = pjoin(self.processPath, 'speed_no_init')
            # Extract all speeds
            self.logger.debug('Outputting data into %s' % all_speed)
            header = 'all cyclone speed in km/hour'
            flSaveFile(all_speed, speed, header, fmt='%6.2f')

            # Extract initial speeds
            self.logger.debug('Outputting data into %s' % init_speed)
            header = 'initial cyclone speed in km/hour'
            flSaveFile(init_speed, initSpeed, header, fmt='%f')

            # Extract speeds, excluding initial speeds
            self.logger.debug('Outputting data into %s' % speed_no_init)
            header = 'cyclone speed without initial ones in km/hour'
            flSaveFile(speed_no_init, speedNoInit, header, fmt='%6.2f')

    def _pressure(self, pressure, indicator):
        """Extract pressure for all obs, initial obs and TC origins
        Input: pressure - array of central pressure observations for TC
               indicator - array of ones/zeros representing initial TC
                           observations (including TCs with a single
               initIndex - array of ones/zeros representing initial TC
                           observations (excluding TCs with a single
        Output: None - data is written to file
        self.logger.info('Extracting pressures')
        initPressure = pressure.compress(indicator)
        pressureNoInit = pressure.compress(indicator == 0)
        pressureNoInit = pressureNoInit.compress(pressureNoInit < sys.maxint)

        if self.ncflag:
            self.data['pressure'] = pressure
            self.data['init_pressure'] = initPressure
            self.data['pressure_no_init'] = pressureNoInit
            init_pressure = pjoin(self.processPath, 'init_pressure')
            all_pressure = pjoin(self.processPath, 'all_pressure')
            pressure_no_init = pjoin(self.processPath, 'pressure_no_init')
            # Extract all pressure
            self.logger.debug('Outputting data into %s' % all_pressure)
            header = 'all cyclone pressure in hPa'
            flSaveFile(all_pressure, pressure, header, fmt='%7.2f')

            # Extract initial pressures
            self.logger.debug('Outputting data into %s' % init_pressure)
            header = 'initial cyclone pressure in hPa'
            flSaveFile(init_pressure, initPressure, header, fmt='%7.2f')

            # Extract pressures, excluding initial times
            self.logger.debug('Outputting data into %s' % pressure_no_init)
            header = 'cyclone pressure without initial ones in hPa'
            flSaveFile(pressure_no_init, pressureNoInit, header, fmt='%7.2f')

    def _pressureRate(self, pressure, dt, indicator):
        """Extract the rate of pressure change from the pressure values.

        Entries corresponding to initial cyclone reports are set to
        maxint, as the change in pressure from the previous observation
        is undefined. Entries corresponding to records with no pressure
        observation are also set to maxint.
        Input: pressure - array of central pressure observations for TC
               dt - array of times between consecutive TC observations
               indicator - array of ones/zeros representing initial TC
                           observations (including TCs with a single
        Output: None - data is written to file
        self.logger.info('Extracting the rate of pressure change')

        # Change in pressure:
        pressureChange_ = np.diff(pressure)
        pressureChange = np.empty(indicator.size, 'f')
        pressureChange[1:] = pressureChange_

        # Rate of pressure change:
        pressureRate = pressureChange / dt

        # Mask rates corresponding to initial times, times when
        # the pressure is known to be missing, and when the
        # pressure rate is greater than 10 hPa/hour (a sanity check).
        # The highest rate of intensification on record is
        # Typhoon Forrest (Sept 1983) 100 mb in 24 hrs.

        np.putmask(pressureRate, indicator, sys.maxint)
        np.putmask(pressureRate, pressure >= sys.maxint, sys.maxint)
        np.putmask(pressureRate, np.isnan(pressureRate), sys.maxint)
        np.putmask(pressureRate, np.abs(pressureRate) > 10, sys.maxint)

        if self.ncflag:
            self.data['pressureRate'] = pressureRate
            pressure_rate = pjoin(self.processPath, 'pressure_rate')
            self.logger.debug('Outputting data into %s' % pressure_rate)
            header = 'All pressure change rates (hPa/hr)'
            flSaveFile(pressure_rate, pressureRate, header, fmt='%6.2f')

    def _bearingRate(self, bear, dt, indicator):
        """Extract the rate of bearing change for each cyclone:
        Entries corresponding to initial position reports and the
        second observation are set to maxint. The first entry is set
        to maxint as there is no bearing associated with it and the
        second entry is therefore non-sensical.
        Input: bear - array of bearings between consecutive TC
               dt - array of times between consecutive TC observations
               indicator - array of ones/zeros representing initial TC
                           observations (including TCs with a single
        Output: None - data is written to file
        self.logger.info('Extracting the rate of bearing change')

        bearingChange_ = np.diff(bear)
        ii = np.where((bearingChange_ > 180.))
        jj = np.where((bearingChange_ < -180.))
        bearingChange_[ii] -= 360.
        bearingChange_[jj] += 360.
        bearingChange = np.empty(indicator.size, 'd')
        bearingChange[1:] = bearingChange_

        bearingRate = bearingChange / dt

        np.putmask(bearingRate, indicator, sys.maxint)
        np.putmask(bearingRate[1:], indicator[:-1], sys.maxint)
        np.putmask(bearingRate, (bearingRate >= sys.maxint) |
                   (bearingRate <= -sys.maxint),

        np.putmask(bearingRate, np.isnan(bearingRate), sys.maxint)

        if self.ncflag:
            self.data['bearingRate'] = bearingRate
            bearing_rate = pjoin(self.processPath, 'bearing_rate')
            self.logger.debug('Outputting data into %s' % bearing_rate)
            header = 'All bearing change rates (degrees/hr)'
            flSaveFile(bearing_rate, bearingRate, header, fmt='%6.2f')

    def _speedRate(self, dist, dt, indicator):
        """Extract the rate of speed change for each cyclone:
        Note this results in some odd values for the accelerations,
        propagated from odd position reports. Entries corresponding to
        initial position reports and the second observation are set to
        maxint. The first entry is set to maxint as there is no speed
        associated with it and the second is therefore non-sensical.
        Input: dist - array of distances between consecutive TC
               dt - array of times between consecutive TC observations
               indicator - array of ones/zeros representing initial TC
                           observations (including TCs with a single
        Output: None - data is written to file
            'Extracting the rate of speed change for each cyclone')

        speed = dist / dt
        speedChange_ = np.diff(speed)
        speedChange = np.empty(indicator.size, 'd')
        speedChange[1:] = speedChange_

        indicator_ = indicator.copy()
        np.putmask(indicator_, (speed < 0) | (speed > 200), 1)

        speedRate = speedChange / dt

        np.putmask(speedRate, indicator_, sys.maxint)
        np.putmask(speedRate[1:], indicator_[:-1], sys.maxint)
        np.putmask(speedRate, (speedRate >= sys.maxint) |
                   (speedRate <= -sys.maxint), sys.maxint)

        np.putmask(speedRate, np.isnan(speedRate), sys.maxint)

        if self.ncflag:
            self.data['speedRate'] = speedRate
            speed_rate = pjoin(self.processPath, 'speed_rate')
            self.logger.debug('Outputting data into %s' % speed_rate)
            header = 'All speed change rates (km/hr/hr)'
            flSaveFile(speed_rate, speedRate, header, fmt='%6.2f')

    def _windSpeed(self, windSpeed):
        """Extract maximum sustained wind speeds
        Input: windSpeed - array of windspeeds for TC observations

        Output: None - data is written to file
        self.logger.info('Extracting maximum sustained wind speeds')
        np.putmask(windSpeed, windSpeed > 200., sys.maxint)
        if self.ncflag:
            self.data['windspeed'] = windSpeed
            wind_speed = pjoin(self.processPath, 'wind_speed')
            self.logger.debug('Outputting data into %s' % wind_speed)
            header = 'Maximum wind speed (m/s)'
            flSaveFile(wind_speed, windSpeed, header, fmt='%6.2f')

    def _rmax(self, rmax, indicator):
        """Extract radii to maximum wind:
        Input: rmax - array of radii to maximum winds for TC
               indicator - array of ones/zeros representing initial TC
                           observations (including TCs with a single
        Output: None - data is written to file
        self.logger.info("Extracting radii to maximum winds")
        initrmax = rmax.compress(indicator)
        rmaxNoInit = rmax.compress(indicator == 0)
        rmaxNoInit = rmaxNoInit.compress(rmaxNoInit < sys.maxint)
        if self.ncflag:
            self.data['rmax'] = rmax
            self.data['init_rmax'] = initrmax
            self.data['rmax_no_init'] = rmaxNoInit
            init_rmax = pjoin(self.processPath, 'init_rmax')
            all_rmax = pjoin(self.processPath, 'all_rmax')
            rmax_no_init = pjoin(self.processPath, 'rmax_no_init')
            # extract all rmax
            self.logger.debug('Outputting data into %s' % all_rmax)
            header = 'rMax (km)'
            flSaveFile(all_rmax, rmax, header, fmt='%6.2f')

            # extract initial rmax
            self.logger.debug('Outputting data into %s' % init_rmax)
            header = 'initial rmax (km)'
            flSaveFile(init_rmax, initrmax, header, fmt='%6.2f')

            # extract rmax no init
            self.logger.debug('Outputting data into %s' % rmax_no_init)
            header = 'rmax excluding initial ones (km)'
            flSaveFile(rmax_no_init, rmaxNoInit, header, fmt='%6.2f')

    def _rmaxRate(self, rmax, dt, indicator):
        """Extract the rate of size change from the rmax values.

        Entries corresponding to initial cyclone reports are set to
        maxint, as the change in rmax from the previous observation is
        undefined. Entries corresponding to records with no rmax
        observation are also set to maxint.
        Input: rmax - array of radii to maximum winds for TC
               dt - array of times between consecutive TC observations
               indicator - array of ones/zeros representing initial TC
                           observations (including TCs with a single
        Output: None - data is written to file
        self.logger.info('Extracting the rate of size change')

        # Change in rmax:
        rmaxChange_ = np.diff(rmax)
        rmaxChange = np.empty(indicator.size, 'f')
        rmaxChange[1:] = rmaxChange_

        # Rate of rmax change:
        rmaxRate = rmaxChange / dt

        # Mask rates corresponding to initial times and times when
        # the rmax is known to be missing.
        self.logger.debug('Outputting data into %s' %
                          pjoin(self.processPath, 'rmax_rate'))
        np.putmask(rmaxRate, indicator, sys.maxint)
        np.putmask(rmaxRate, rmax >= sys.maxint, sys.maxint)
        np.putmask(rmaxRate, (rmaxRate >= sys.maxint) |
                   (rmaxRate <= -sys.maxint), sys.maxint)
        np.putmask(rmaxRate, np.isnan(rmaxRate), sys.maxint)

        if self.ncflag:
            self.data['rmaxRate'] = rmaxRate
            rmax_rate = pjoin(self.processPath, 'rmax_rate')
            header = 'All rmax change rates (km/hr)'
            flSaveFile(rmax_rate, rmaxRate, header, fmt='%6.2f')

    def _frequency(self, years, indicator):
        Generate a histogram of the annual frequency of events from the input
        self.logger.info('Extracting annual frequency of events')
        minYr = years.min()
        maxYr = years.max()
        genesisYears = years.compress(indicator)
        if minYr == maxYr:
            self.logger.info("First and last year of input data are the same")
            self.logger.info("Cannot generate histogram of frequency")
            frequency = pjoin(self.processPath, 'frequency')
            bins = np.arange(minYr, maxYr + 2, 1)
            n, b = np.histogram(genesisYears, bins)
            header = 'Year,count'
            flSaveFile(frequency, np.transpose([bins[:-1], n]),
                       header, fmt='%6.2f')

            self.logger.info("Mean annual frequency: %5.1f" % np.mean(n))
            self.logger.info("Standard deviation: %5.1f" % np.std(n))

    def _juliandays(self, jdays, indicator, years):
        Generate a distribution of the formation day of
        year from observations

        self.logger.info("Calculating annual distribution of observations")

        # Do a bodgy job of addressing 29th of February (there surely
        # must be a recommended way of accounting for leap years)

        for i in range(len(jdays)):
            if (years[i] % 4 == 0) and (jdays[i] >= 60):
                jdays[i] -= 1

        bins = np.arange(1, 367)
        n, b = np.histogram(jdays.compress(indicator), bins)
        header = 'Day,count'
        jday_genesis = pjoin(self.processPath, 'jday_genesis')
        jday_observations = pjoin(self.processPath, 'jday_obs')
        jday = pjoin(self.processPath, 'jdays')
        # Distribution of genesis days (histogram):
        flSaveFile(jday_genesis, np.transpose([bins[:-1], n]),
                   header, fmt='%d', delimiter=',')
        n, b = np.histogram(jdays, bins)
        # Distribution of all days (histogram):
        flSaveFile(jday_observations, np.transpose([bins[:-1], n]),
                   header, fmt='%d', delimiter=',')
        # All days:
        flSaveFile(jday, np.transpose(jdays.compress(indicator)),
                   header='Day', fmt='%d')