Exemple #1
def apply_model_on_test_set():
    pred_Y = []
    test_Y = []
    base_path = os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, "static/Data/Test Images")
    for f in os.listdir(base_path):
        extracted_numbers = extract_number(
            os.path.join(base_path, f),
            os.path.join(ROOT_DIR, "Model/intermediate/"))
        digits = extracted_numbers
        for idx in range(len(digits)):
            pixels = imageToPixel(digits[idx]).tolist()
            predicted_value = int(predict_value(pixels)[0])

    # Getting to know how our model performed on data from our android app. This is the data the model
    # will actually work with once it goes in production. That's why these metrics are much more important.
        "Metrics of trained model on Images from Android Application (Our actual production data): "
    print("Accuracy of trained model is: ",
          accuracy_score(test_Y, pred_Y) * 100, "%")
    print("Confusion_matrix: ", confusion_matrix(test_Y, pred_Y))
    print("Recall: ", recall_score(test_Y, pred_Y, average='weighted'))
    print("Precision: ", precision_score(test_Y, pred_Y, average='weighted'))
def apicall():
    # Basepath - You need to changes this if you are not following the exact same folder structure.
    # basepath = "/var/www/FlaskApplications/SampleApp/api"

    filename = ""

    # Check if the 'test_image' key is present in the files section of the request.
    # If it is that means that the android application (or whatever client sent this post request)
    # has successfully sent an image file (of the sketch of the digit)
    if 'test_image' in request.files:
        # Get that image file and store it in file variable
        file = request.files['test_image']

        # Also save the filename
        filename = os.path.join(app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'], file.filename)

        # Now save this file on EC2 instance storage

    test_image_path = filename

    # Pass the path of this file which you just saved on EC2 Instance to your image processing function extract_number()
    # It will process it and return the a list of file paths (these filepaths are for images of digits extracted from
    # the original image).
    digits = extract_number(
        app.config['UPLOAD_FOLDER'] + filename.split('/')[-1] + "_")

    predictions = []

    for digitPath in digits:
        # Convert the image of digit present on the filepath (digitPath) to pixel values
        test_X = imageToPixel(digitPath).tolist()

        # Recognizing digit using the trained model
        pred_Y = predict_value(test_X)

    # Return result as response to the application
    return (jsonify({"prediction": predictions[0][0], "filename": filename}))