Exemple #1
	def get_homogeneity_overlapping_domain(self, ov_domain):
		homogeneity for an overlapping domain object
		indices = np.argwhere(ov_domain.map > 0);
		homogeneity = 0;
		N = len(indices);
		##compute correlation between all pairs of grid cells
		for i in range(N):
			ts_a = self.data[:,indices[i][0],indices[i][1]];
			for j in range(i+1, N):
				ts_b = self.data[:,indices[j][0],indices[j][1]];
				corr = lagged_correlation(ts_a, ts_b,tau=0,normed=True);
				homogeneity += corr;

		n_pairs = N*(N-1)/2.;
		homogeneity = homogeneity/n_pairs;
		return homogeneity;
Exemple #2
	def get_homogeneity_union(self, domain_a, domain_b):
		Returns the homogeneity of the union (merging) of two domains
		##get the overlap map
		overlap_map = domain_a.map+domain_b.map;
		##get the indices of the grid cells of both domains
		indices = np.argwhere(overlap_map > 0);
		homogeneity = 0;

		N = len(indices);

		##compute correlation between all pairs of grid cells
		for i in range(N):
			ts_a = self.data[:,indices[i][0],indices[i][1]];
			for j in range(i+1, N):
				ts_b = self.data[:,indices[j][0],indices[j][1]];
				corr = lagged_correlation(ts_a, ts_b,tau=0,normed=True);
				homogeneity += corr;
		n_pairs = N*(N-1)/2.
		homogeneity = homogeneity/n_pairs;
		return homogeneity;
Exemple #3
	def domain_initialization(self):
		##get the locations of the seeds
		seed_locations = np.where(self.seed_positions == 1);
		domains = [];

		for i in range(len(seed_locations[0])): ## 1 domain per seed location
			domain = Domain(i); ##init empty domain
			domain.map = np.zeros((self.data.shape[1], self.data.shape[2]),
									dtype = np.int32); ##init domain map;

			##add to the domain map the seed location
			init_index = np.asarray([seed_locations[0][i],seed_locations[1][i]])
			domain.map[init_index[0], init_index[1]] = 1;

			##get the corresponding lat/lon coordinates
			coord_index = np.where( (self.indices[:,0] == init_index[0]) &
									(self.indices[:,1] == init_index[1])
			init_coords = self.coords[coord_index]; ##corresponding lat,lon of init_index

			##and no go and get the k nearest neighbors and add them as well
			_,k_neighborhood_indices = self.nearest_neighbors.kneighbors(init_coords);
			k_neighborhood_indices = k_neighborhood_indices[0];

			for k_index in k_neighborhood_indices:
				neigh_indices = self.indices[k_index];
				##get the corresponding grid cell
					grid_cell_id = self.pos_to_grid_cell_id[str(neigh_indices[0])+","+str(neigh_indices[1])];
					grid_cell = self.grid_cells[grid_cell_id];
					##add it to the domain
					domain.grid_cells[grid_cell_id] = grid_cell;
					##update domain map
					domain.map[neigh_indices[0], neigh_indices[1]] = 1;
				except KeyError:
					pass; ##grid cell in land

			##final step, initialize the local homogeneity of the domain
			local_homogeneity = 0;
			valid_pairs = 0;
			for i in range(len(k_neighborhood_indices)):
				indices_i = self.indices[k_neighborhood_indices[i]];
				timeseries_i = self.data[:, indices_i[0],indices_i[1]];
				if(np.isnan(timeseries_i[0])): ##in land...
				for j in range(i+1,len(k_neighborhood_indices)):
					indices_j = self.indices[k_neighborhood_indices[j]];
					timeseries_j = self.data[:, indices_j[0],indices_j[1]];
					corr = lagged_correlation(timeseries_i, timeseries_j,tau=0,normed=True);
					local_homogeneity += corr;
					valid_pairs += 1;
			##get the average correlations (local homogeneity)
			if(valid_pairs == 0): ##grid cell inland
				local_homogeneity = np.nan;
				local_homogeneity = local_homogeneity/valid_pairs;
			domain.homogeneity = local_homogeneity;

		return domains;
Exemple #4
	def expand_domain(self, domain):
		Performs one step of domain expansion.
			domain: The expanded domain (if domain could be expanded)
			is_expanded: (boolean) True if domain is expanded False if not
		is_expanded = False;

		##generate a set that will have all grid cell ids that are
		##already inside the domain
		domain_grid_cells = set();
		for grid_cell_id, grid_cell in domain.grid_cells.items():

		##set that will hold all candidate grid cells.
		candidate_grid_cells = set(); ##list with GridCell objects

		##get candidate grid cells for expansion
		for grid_cell_id, grid_cell in domain.grid_cells.items():
			##for each grid cell get its k=8 nearest neighbors
			coords = np.expand_dims(np.asarray([grid_cell.lat,grid_cell.lon]),0);
			_,k_neighborhood_indices = self.nearest_neighbors.kneighbors(coords,n_neighbors=8+1);
			k_neighborhood_indices = k_neighborhood_indices[0];
			##remoove self
			k_neighborhood_indices = k_neighborhood_indices[1:];

			for k_index in k_neighborhood_indices:
				neigh_indices = self.indices[k_index]; ##x,y index of neighboring grid cell
				##get the corresponding grid cell
					##neighboring grid cell id
					neigh_grid_cell_id = self.pos_to_grid_cell_id[str(neigh_indices[0])+","+str(neigh_indices[1])];
					candidate_grid_cell = self.grid_cells[neigh_grid_cell_id];
					if(candidate_grid_cell not in domain_grid_cells): ##grid cell not in domain = grid cell in border
				except KeyError:
					pass; ##grid cell in land

		##compute average  correlation between each candidate
		##grid cell and grid cells inside the domain

		##check number 1. do we have any candidate grid cells
		if(len(candidate_grid_cells) == 0):
			return domain, is_expanded;

		for candidate_grid_cell in candidate_grid_cells:
			candidate_grid_cell_ts = self.data[:,candidate_grid_cell.index[0],candidate_grid_cell.index[1]];
			score = 0.;

			for domain_grid_cell in domain_grid_cells:
				domain_grid_cell_ts = self.data[:,domain_grid_cell.index[0],domain_grid_cell.index[1]];
				correlation = lagged_correlation(candidate_grid_cell_ts, domain_grid_cell_ts,
				score += correlation;
			score = score/len(domain_grid_cells);
			candidate_grid_cell.score = score;

		##sort grid cells by score in descending order.
		candidate_grid_cells = list(candidate_grid_cells);
		candidate_grid_cells.sort(key=lambda x: x.score, reverse=True);

		##get the best candidate
		best_candidate = candidate_grid_cells[0];
		if(best_candidate.score > self.delta): ##then add the grid cell
			##update domain homogeneity
			domain_pairs = len(domain.grid_cells)*(len(domain.grid_cells)-1)/2.
			current_homogeneity = domain.homogeneity*domain_pairs;
			bc_score = best_candidate.score*len(domain.grid_cells);
			domain.homogeneity = (bc_score+current_homogeneity)/(len(domain.grid_cells)*(len(domain.grid_cells)+1)/2.);
			domain.grid_cells[best_candidate.id] = best_candidate;
			##update domain map
			domain.map[best_candidate.index[0], best_candidate.index[1]] = 1;
			is_expanded = True;
			return domain, is_expanded;
		else: ##this domain can not be expanded
			return domain, is_expanded;