Exemple #1
    def __init__(self, name, google_key, locale, units, timezone, time_limit,
                 max_attempts, location, quiet, filter_file, geofence_file,
                 alarm_file, debug):
        # Set the name of the Manager
        self.__name = str(name).lower()
        log.info("----------- Manager '{}' is being created.".format(
        self.__debug = debug

        # Get the Google Maps API
        self.__google_key = None
        self.__loc_service = None
        if str(google_key) != 'none':
            self.__google_key = google_key
            self.__loc_service = LocationService(google_key, locale, units)
                "NO GOOGLE API KEY SET - Reverse Location and Distance Matrix DTS will NOT be detected."

        self.__locale = Locale(locale)  # Setup the language-specific stuff
        self.__units = units  # type of unit used for distances
        self.__timezone = timezone  # timezone for time calculations
        self.__time_limit = time_limit  # Minimum time remaining for stops and pokemon

        # Set up the Location Specific Stuff
        self.__location = None  # Location should be [lat, lng] (or None for no location)
        if str(location).lower() != 'none':
                "NO LOCATION SET - this may cause issues with distance related DTS."

        # Quiet mode
        self.__quiet = quiet

        # Load and Setup the Pokemon Filters
        self.__pokemon_settings, self.__pokestop_settings, self.__gym_settings = {}, {}, {}
        self.__raid_settings, self.__egg_settings = {}, {}
        self.__pokemon_hist, self.__pokestop_hist, self.__gym_hist, self.__raid_hist = {}, {}, {}, {}
        self.__gym_info = {}

        # Create the Geofences to filter with from given file
        self.__geofences = []
        if str(geofence_file).lower() != 'none':
            self.__geofences = load_geofence_file(get_path(geofence_file))
        # Create the alarms to send notifications out with
        self.__alarms = []
        self.load_alarms_file(get_path(alarm_file), int(max_attempts))

        # Initialize the queue and start the process
        self.__queue = multiprocessing.Queue()
        self.__process = None

        log.info("----------- Manager '{}' successfully created.".format(
Exemple #2
    def __init__(self, name, google_key, locale, units, timezone, time_limit,
                 location, quiet, filter_file, geofence_file, alarm_file,
        # Set the name of the Manager
        self.__name = str(name).lower()
        log.info("----------- Manager '{}' is being created.".format(
        self.__debug = debug

        # Get the Google Maps API
        self.__google_key = google_key
        self.__gmaps_client = googlemaps.Client(
            timeout=1) if google_key is not None else None
        self.__api_req = {
            'REVERSE_LOCATION': False,
            'WALK_DIST': False,
            'BIKE_DIST': False,
            'DRIVE_DIST': False

        # Setup the language-specific stuff
        self.__locale = locale
        self.__pokemon_name, self.__move_name, self.__team_name = {}, {}, {}

        self.__units = units  # type of unit used for distances
        self.__timezone = timezone  # timezone for time calculations
        self.__time_limit = time_limit  # Minimum time remaining for stops and pokemon
        self.__latlng = self.get_lat_lng_from_name(
            location)  # Array with Lat, Lng for the Manager
        # Quiet mode
        self.__quiet = quiet

        # Load and Setup the Pokemon Filters
        self.__pokemon_settings, self.__pokestop_settings, self.__gym_settings = {}, {}, {}
        self.__pokemon_hist, self.__pokestop_hist, self.__gym_hist = {}, {}, {}

        # Create the Geofences to filter with from given file
        self.__geofences = []
        if str(geofence_file).lower() != 'none':
        # Create the alarms to send notifications out with
        self.__alarms = []

        # Initialize the queue and start the process
        self.__queue = multiprocessing.Queue()
        self.__process = None

        log.info("----------- Manager '{}' successfully created.".format(
Exemple #3
    def __init__(self, language):
        # Load in English as the default
        with open(os.path.join(get_path('locales'), 'en.json')) as f:
            default = json.loads(f.read())
        # Now load in the actual language we want (unnecessary for English but we don't want to discriminate)
        with open(os.path.join(get_path('locales'),
                               '{}.json'.format(language))) as f:
            info = json.loads(f.read())

        # Pokemon ID -> Name
        self.__pokemon_names = {}
        pokemon = info.get("pokemon", {})
        for id_, val in default["pokemon"].iteritems():
            self.__pokemon_names[int(id_)] = pokemon.get(id_, val)

        # Move ID -> Name
        self.__move_names = {}
        moves = info.get("moves", {})
        for id_, val in default["moves"].iteritems():
            self.__move_names[int(id_)] = moves.get(id_, val)

        # Team ID -> Name
        self.__team_names = {}
        teams = info.get("teams", {})
        for id_, val in default["teams"].iteritems():
            self.__team_names[int(id_)] = teams.get(id_, val)

# Weather ID -> Name
        self.__weather_names = {}
        weather = info.get("weather", {})
        for id_, val in default["weather"].iteritems():
            self.__weather_names[int(id_)] = weather.get(id_, val)

        # Team ID -> Team Leaders
        self.__leader_names = {}
        leaders = info.get("leaders", {})
        for id_, val in default["leaders"].iteritems():
            self.__leader_names[int(id_)] = leaders.get(id_, val)

        # Pokemon ID -> { Form ID -> Form Name)
        self.__form_names = {}
        all_forms = info.get("forms", {})
        for pkmn_id, forms in default["forms"].iteritems():
            self.__form_names[int(pkmn_id)] = {}
            pkmn_forms = all_forms.get(pkmn_id, {})
            for form_id, form_name in forms.iteritems():
                self.__form_names[int(pkmn_id)][int(form_id)] = pkmn_forms.get(
                    form_id, form_name)
        log.debug("Loaded '{}' locale successfully!".format(language))
Exemple #4
 def update(self, opts):
     path = get_path(opts) + '/project.properties'
     if len(path) > 0:
         libs = self.get_projects(path)
         for lib in libs:
             os.system('svn up ' + lib)
         print 'need to specify the path of project.properties'
Exemple #5
 def generate_build(self, opts):
     path = get_path(opts) + '/project.properties'
     if len(path) > 0:
         libs = self.get_projects(path)
         for lib in libs:
             os.system('android update project -p %s -t android-22 -n %s --subprojects'
                       % (lib, lib[lib.rindex('/') + 1:]))
         print 'need to specify the path of project.properties'
Exemple #6
    def __init__(self, name, google_key, filters, geofences, alarms, location, locale, units, time_limit, timezone):

        # Set the name of the Manager
        self.__name = str(name).lower()
        log.info("Setting up {} process.".format(self.__name))

        # Set up the Google API
        self.__google_key = google_key
        self.__gmaps_client = googlemaps.Client(key=self.__google_key, timeout=1) if self.__google_key is not None else None

        # Set up the rules on filtering notifications from given file
        self.__pokemon_filter = None
        self.__pokemon_hist = {}
        self.__pokestop_filter = None
        self.__pokestop_hist = {}
        self.__gym_filter = None
        self.__gym_hist = {}

        # Create the Geofences to filter with from given file
        self.__geofences = []
        self.__geofences_config = geofences if str(geofences).lower() != 'none' else None

        # Create the alarms to send notifications out with
        self.__api_req = {'REVERSE_LOCATION': False, 'WALK_DIST': False, 'BIKE_DIST': False, 'DRIVE_DIST': False}
        self.__alarms = []
        self.__alarms_file = get_path(alarms)

        # Set the location
        self.__latlng = self.get_lat_lng_by_name(location) if location is not None else None

        # Set the locale to use for names and moves
        self.__pokemon_name, self.__move_name, self.__team_name = {}, {}, {}
        self.__locale = locale

        # Set the units to be used
        self.__units = units
Exemple #7
 def update_locales(self):
     locale_path = os.path.join(get_path('locales'), '{}'.format(self.__locale))
     # Update pokemon names
     with open(os.path.join(locale_path, 'pokemon.json'), 'r') as f:
         names = json.loads(f.read())
         for pkmn_id, value in names.iteritems():
             self.__pokemon_name[int(pkmn_id)] = value
     # Update move names
     with open(os.path.join(locale_path, 'moves.json'), 'r') as f:
         moves = json.loads(f.read())
         for move_id, value in moves.iteritems():
             self.__move_name[int(move_id)] = value
     # Update team names
     with open(os.path.join(locale_path, 'teams.json'), 'r') as f:
         teams = json.loads(f.read())
         for team_id, value in teams.iteritems():
             self.__team_name[int(team_id)] = value
Exemple #8
    def intialize_process(self):
        # Update config
        config['TIMEZONE'] = self.__timezone
        config['API_KEY'] = self.__google_key
        config['UNITS'] = self.__units

        # Hush some new loggers

        if config['DEBUG'] is True:

        # Make the Alarms

        if self.__geofences_config is not None:
Exemple #9
    def __init__(self, name, google_key, locale, units, timezone, time_limit,
                 max_attempts, location, quiet, cache_type, filter_file,
                 geofence_file, alarm_file, debug):
        # Set the name of the Manager
        self.__name = str(name).lower()
        log.info("----------- Manager '{}' ".format(self.__name) +
                 " is being created.")
        self.__debug = debug

        # Get the Google Maps API
        self.__google_key = google_key

        self.__loc_service = location_service_factory("GoogleMaps",
                                                      locale, units)

        self.__locale = Locale(locale)  # Setup the language-specific stuff
        self.__units = units  # type of unit used for distances
        self.__timezone = timezone  # timezone for time calculations
        self.__time_limit = time_limit  # Minimum time remaining

        # Location should be [lat, lng] (or None for no location)
        self.__location = None
        if str(location).lower() != 'none':
            log.warning("NO LOCATION SET - " +
                        " this may cause issues with distance related DTS.")

        # Quiet mode
        self.__quiet = quiet

        # Create cache
        self.__cache = cache_factory(cache_type, self.__name)

        # Load and Setup the Pokemon Filters
        self.__mons_enabled, self.__mon_filters = False, OrderedDict()
        self.__stops_enabled, self.__stop_filters = False, OrderedDict()
        self.__gyms_enabled, self.__gym_filters = False, OrderedDict()
        self.__ignore_neutral = False
        self.__eggs_enabled, self.__egg_filters = False, OrderedDict()
        self.__raids_enabled, self.__raid_filters = False, OrderedDict()
        self.__weather_enabled, self.__weather_filters = False, OrderedDict()
        self.__quest_enabled, self.__quest_filters = False, OrderedDict()

        # Create the Geofences to filter with from given file
        self.geofences = None
        if str(geofence_file).lower() != 'none':
            self.geofences = load_geofence_file(get_path(geofence_file))
        # Create the alarms to send notifications out with
        self.__alarms = []
        self.load_alarms_file(get_path(alarm_file), int(max_attempts))

        # Initialize Rules
        self.__mon_rules = {}
        self.__stop_rules = {}
        self.__gym_rules = {}
        self.__egg_rules = {}
        self.__raid_rules = {}
        self.__weather_rules = {}
        self.__quest_rules = {}

        # Initialize the queue and start the process
        self.__queue = Queue()
        self.__event = Event()
        self.__process = None

        log.info("----------- Manager '{}' ".format(self.__name) +
                 " successfully created.")
Exemple #10
    def __init__(self, name, google_key, locale, units, timezone, time_limit,
                 max_attempts, location, cache_type, geofence_file, debug):
        # Set the name of the Manager
        self.name = str(name).lower()
        self._log = self._create_logger(self.name)
        self._rule_log = self.get_child_logger('rules')

        self.__debug = debug

        # Get the Google Maps AP# TODO: Improve error checking
        self._google_key = None
        self._gmaps_service = None
        if str(google_key).lower() != 'none':
            self._google_key = google_key
            self._gmaps_service = GMaps(google_key)
        self._gmaps_reverse_geocode = False
        self._gmaps_distance_matrix = set()

        self._language = locale
        self.__locale = Locale(locale)  # Setup the language-specific stuff
        self.__units = units  # type of unit used for distances
        self.__timezone = timezone  # timezone for time calculations
        self.__time_limit = time_limit  # Minimum time remaining

        # Location should be [lat, lng] (or None for no location)
        self.__location = None
        if str(location).lower() != 'none':
            self._log.warning("NO LOCATION SET - this may cause issues "
                              "with distance related DTS.")

        # Create cache
        self.__cache = cache_factory(self, cache_type)

        # Load and Setup the Pokemon Filters
        self._mons_enabled, self._mon_filters = False, OrderedDict()
        self._stops_enabled, self._stop_filters = False, OrderedDict()
        self._gyms_enabled, self._gym_filters = False, OrderedDict()
        self._ignore_neutral = False
        self._eggs_enabled, self._egg_filters = False, OrderedDict()
        self._raids_enabled, self._raid_filters = False, OrderedDict()
        self._weather_enabled, self._weather_filters = False, OrderedDict()

        # Create the Geofences to filter with from given file
        self.geofences = None
        if str(geofence_file).lower() != 'none':
            self.geofences = load_geofence_file(get_path(geofence_file))
        # Create the alarms to send notifications out with
        self._alarms = {}
        self._max_attempts = int(max_attempts)  # TODO: Move to alarm level

        # Initialize Rules
        self.__mon_rules = {}
        self.__stop_rules = {}
        self.__gym_rules = {}
        self.__egg_rules = {}
        self.__raid_rules = {}
        self.__weather_rules = {}

        # Initialize the queue and start the process
        self.__queue = Queue()
        self.__event = Event()
        self.__process = None
Exemple #11
    def __init__(self, name, google_key, filters, geofences, alarms, location,
                 locale, units, time_limit, timezone):

        # Set the name of the Manager
        self.__name = str(name).lower()
        log.info("Setting up {} process.".format(self.__name))

        # Set up the Google API
        self.__google_key = google_key
        self.__gmaps_client = googlemaps.Client(
            key=self.__google_key) if self.__google_key is not None else None

        # Set up the rules on filtering notifications from given file
        self.__pokemon_filter = None
        self.__pokemon_hist = {}
        self.__pokestop_filter = None
        self.__pokestop_hist = {}
        self.__gym_filter = None
        self.__gym_hist = {}

        # Create the Geofences to filter with from given file
        self.__geofences = []
        self.__geofences_config = geofences if str(
            geofences).lower() != 'none' else None

        # Create the alarms to send notifications out with
        self.__api_req = {
            'REVERSE_LOCATION': False,
            'WALK_DIST': False,
            'BIKE_DIST': False,
            'DRIVE_DIST': False
        self.__alarms = []
        self.__alarms_file = get_path(alarms)

        # Set the location
        self.__latlng = self.get_lat_lng_by_name(
            location) if location is not None else None

        # Set the locale to use for names and moves
        self.__pokemon_name, self.__move_name, self.__team_name = {}, {}, {}
        self.__locale = locale

        # Set the units to be used
        self.__units = units

        # Set the minimum time_limit to send a notification (for pkmn/lures)
        self.__time_limit = time_limit

        # Set the timezone to use
        self.__timezone = timezone

        # Initialize the queue and start the process
        self.__config = config
        self.__threads = []  # Notification threads
        self.__queue = multiprocessing.Queue()
        self.__process = gipc.start_process(target=self.run,
Exemple #12
    def __init__(self, language):
        # Load in English as the default
        with open(os.path.join(get_path('locales'), 'en.json')) as f:
            default = json.loads(f.read())
        # Now load in the actual language we want
        # (unnecessary for English but we don't want to discriminate)
        with open(os.path.join(get_path('locales'),
                               '{}.json'.format(language))) as f:
            info = json.loads(f.read())

        # Pokemon ID -> Name
        self.__pokemon_names = {}
        pokemon = info.get("pokemon", {})
        for id_, val in default["pokemon"].iteritems():
            self.__pokemon_names[int(id_)] = pokemon.get(id_, val)

        # Move ID -> Name
        self.__move_names = {}
        moves = info.get("moves", {})
        for id_, val in default["moves"].iteritems():
            self.__move_names[int(id_)] = moves.get(id_, val)

        # Team ID -> Name
        self.__team_names = {}
        teams = info.get("teams", {})
        for id_, val in default["teams"].iteritems():
            self.__team_names[int(id_)] = teams.get(id_, val)

        # Team ID -> Team Leaders
        self.__leader_names = {}
        leaders = info.get("leaders", {})
        for id_, val in default["leaders"].iteritems():
            self.__leader_names[int(id_)] = leaders.get(id_, val)

        # Weather ID -> Name
        self.__weather_names = {}
        weather = info.get("weather", {})
        for id_, val in default["weather"].iteritems():
            self.__weather_names[int(id_)] = weather.get(id_, val)

        # Size ID -> Size Name
        self.__size_names = {}
        sizes = info.get("sizes", {})
        for id_, val in default["sizes"].iteritems():
            self.__size_names[int(id_)] = sizes.get(id_, val)

        # Type ID -> Type Name
        self.__type_names = {}
        types = info.get("types", {})
        for id_, val in default["types"].iteritems():
            self.__type_names[int(id_)] = types.get(id_, val)

        # Pokemon ID -> { Costume ID -> Costume Name}
        self.__costume_names = {}
        all_costumes = info.get("costumes", {})
        for pkmn_id, costumes in default["costumes"].iteritems():
            self.__costume_names[int(pkmn_id)] = {}
            pkmn_costumes = all_costumes.get(pkmn_id, {})
            for costume_id, costume_name in costumes.iteritems():
                    costume_id)] = pkmn_costumes.get(costume_id, costume_name)

        # Pokemon ID -> { Form ID -> Form Name}
        self.__form_names = {}
        all_forms = info.get("forms", {})
        for pkmn_id, forms in default["forms"].iteritems():
            self.__form_names[int(pkmn_id)] = {}
            pkmn_forms = all_forms.get(pkmn_id, {})
            for form_id, form_name in forms.iteritems():
                self.__form_names[int(pkmn_id)][int(form_id)] = pkmn_forms.get(
                    form_id, form_name)

        # Rarity ID -> Rarity Name
        self.__rarity_names = {}
        rarity_names = info.get("rarity", {})
        for _id, rarity in default["rarity"].iteritems():
            self.__rarity_names[int(_id)] = rarity_names.get(_id, rarity)

        # Severity ID -> Severity Name
        self.__severity_names = {}
        severities = info.get("severity", {})
        for id_, val in default["severity"].iteritems():
            self.__severity_names[int(id_)] = severities.get(id_, val)

        # Day or Night ID -> Day or Night Name
        self.__day_or_night_names = {}
        day_or_night = info.get('day_or_night', {})
        for id_, val in default['day_or_night'].iteritems():
            self.__day_or_night_names[int(id_)] = day_or_night.get(id_, val)

        log.debug("Loaded '{}' locale successfully!".format(language))

        self.__misc = info.get('misc', {})
Exemple #13
    def __init__(self, name, google_key, locale, units, timezone, time_limit,
                 max_attempts, location, cache_type, geofence_file, debug):
        # Set the name of the Manager
        self.name = str(name).lower()
        self._log = self._create_logger(self.name)
        self._rule_log = self.get_child_logger('rules')

        self.__debug = debug

        # Get the Google Maps AP# TODO: Improve error checking
        self._google_key = None
        self._gmaps_service = None
        if str(google_key).lower() != 'none':
            self._google_key = google_key
            self._gmaps_service = GMaps(google_key)
        self._gmaps_reverse_geocode = False
        self._gmaps_distance_matrix = set()

        self._language = locale
        self.__locale = Locale(locale)  # Setup the language-specific stuff
        self.__units = units  # type of unit used for distances
        self.__timezone = timezone  # timezone for time calculations
        self.__time_limit = time_limit  # Minimum time remaining

        # Location should be [lat, lng] (or None for no location)
        self.__location = None
        if str(location).lower() != 'none':
                "NO LOCATION SET - this may cause issues "
                "with distance related DTS.")

        # Create cache
        self.__cache = cache_factory(self, cache_type)

        # Load and Setup the Pokemon Filters
        self._mons_enabled, self._mon_filters = False, OrderedDict()
        self._stops_enabled, self._stop_filters = False, OrderedDict()
        self._gyms_enabled, self._gym_filters = False, OrderedDict()
        self._ignore_neutral = False
        self._eggs_enabled, self._egg_filters = False, OrderedDict()
        self._raids_enabled, self._raid_filters = False, OrderedDict()
        self._weather_enabled, self._weather_filters = False, OrderedDict()

        # Create the Geofences to filter with from given file
        self.geofences = None
        if str(geofence_file).lower() != 'none':
            self.geofences = load_geofence_file(get_path(geofence_file))
        # Create the alarms to send notifications out with
        self._alarms = {}
        self._max_attempts = int(max_attempts)  # TODO: Move to alarm level

        # Initialize Rules
        self.__mon_rules = {}
        self.__stop_rules = {}
        self.__gym_rules = {}
        self.__egg_rules = {}
        self.__raid_rules = {}
        self.__weather_rules = {}

        # Initialize the queue and start the process
        self.__queue = Queue()
        self.__event = Event()
        self.__process = None
Exemple #14
    def __init__(self, language):
        # Load in English as the default
        with open(os.path.join(get_path('locales'), 'en.json')) as f:
            default = json.loads(f.read())
        # Now load in the actual language we want
        # (unnecessary for English but we don't want to discriminate)
        with open(os.path.join(
                get_path('locales'), '{}.json'.format(language))) as f:
            info = json.loads(f.read())

        # Pokemon ID -> Name
        self.__pokemon_names = {}
        pokemon = info.get("pokemon", {})
        for id_, val in default["pokemon"].iteritems():
            self.__pokemon_names[int(id_)] = pokemon.get(id_, val)

        # Move ID -> Name
        self.__move_names = {}
        moves = info.get("moves", {})
        for id_, val in default["moves"].iteritems():
            self.__move_names[int(id_)] = moves.get(id_, val)

        # Team ID -> Name
        self.__team_names = {}
        teams = info.get("teams", {})
        for id_, val in default["teams"].iteritems():
            self.__team_names[int(id_)] = teams.get(id_, val)

        # Team ID -> Team Leaders
        self.__leader_names = {}
        leaders = info.get("leaders", {})
        for id_, val in default["leaders"].iteritems():
            self.__leader_names[int(id_)] = leaders.get(id_, val)

        # Weather ID -> Name
        self.__weather_names = {}
        weather = info.get("weather", {})
        for id_, val in default["weather"].iteritems():
            self.__weather_names[int(id_)] = weather.get(id_, val)

        # Size ID -> Size Name
        self.__size_names = {}
        sizes = info.get("sizes", {})
        for id_, val in default["sizes"].iteritems():
            self.__size_names[int(id_)] = sizes.get(id_, val)

        # Type ID -> Type Name
        self.__type_names = {}
        types = info.get("types", {})
        for id_, val in default["types"].iteritems():
            self.__type_names[int(id_)] = types.get(id_, val)

        # Pokemon ID -> { Costume ID -> Costume Name}
        self.__costume_names = {}
        all_costumes = info.get("costumes", {})
        for pkmn_id, costumes in default["costumes"].iteritems():
            self.__costume_names[int(pkmn_id)] = {}
            pkmn_costumes = all_costumes.get(pkmn_id, {})
            for costume_id, costume_name in costumes.iteritems():
                    costume_id)] = pkmn_costumes.get(costume_id, costume_name)

        # Pokemon ID -> { Form ID -> Form Name}
        self.__form_names = {}
        all_forms = info.get("forms", {})
        for pkmn_id, forms in default["forms"].iteritems():
            self.__form_names[int(pkmn_id)] = {}
            pkmn_forms = all_forms.get(pkmn_id, {})
            for form_id, form_name in forms.iteritems():
                self.__form_names[int(pkmn_id)][int(form_id)] = pkmn_forms.get(
                    form_id, form_name)

        # Rarity ID -> Rarity Name
        self.__rarity_names = {}
        rarity_names = info.get("rarity", {})
        for _id, rarity in default["rarity"].iteritems():
            self.__rarity_names[int(_id)] = rarity_names.get(_id, rarity)

        # Severity ID -> Severity Name
        self.__severity_names = {}
        severities = info.get("severity", {})
        for id_, val in default["severity"].iteritems():
            self.__severity_names[int(id_)] = severities.get(id_, val)

        # Day or Night ID -> Day or Night Name
        self.__day_or_night_names = {}
        day_or_night = info.get('day_or_night', {})
        for id_, val in default['day_or_night'].iteritems():
            self.__day_or_night_names[int(id_)] = day_or_night.get(id_, val)

        log.debug("Loaded '{}' locale successfully!".format(language))

        self.__misc = info.get('misc', {})
Exemple #15
 def clean(opts):
     path = get_path(opts)
     os.system('ant -f %s clean' % path)
Exemple #16
 def release(opts):
     path = get_path(opts)
     os.system('ant -f %s release' % path)